I am outputting the contents of my MySQL Database into a text file using the below code:
$host = 'localhost';
$user = 'myusername';
$pass = 'mypassword';
$db = 'mydbname';
$table = 'mytablename';
$file = 'outputfilename';
$link = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die("Can not connect." . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db($db) or die("Can not connect.");
$result = mysql_query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM ".$table."");
$i = 0;
if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
//$csv_output .= $row['Field']."; ";
$csv_output .= "\n";
$values = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$table."");
while ($rowr = mysql_fetch_row($values)) {
for ($j=0;$j<$i;$j++) {
$csv_output .= $rowr[$j].",";
$csv_output .= "\n";
//echo $csv_output;
$myFile = "output.txt";
$fh = fopen($myFile, 'w') or die("can't open file");
$stringData = $csv_output;
fwrite($fh, $stringData);
However I would like to know how I could replace the occurances of the string ",,," with this: "," before it goes into the text file.
No need for preg_replace().
A simple str_replace will suffice.
$stringData = str_replace(',,,', ',', $csv_output);
problem is in:
$values = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$table."");
if you got ,,,, it means that some columns has no value. Detect those columns, do not include them in SELECT statement.
if you will automatically (preg_replace, str_replace) change multiple commas to one comma, you are on good way to corrupt CSV file.
Use preg_replace(). Something like this (untested):
$pattern = '/\,\,\,/';
$replacement = ',';
echo preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $stringData);
add this code:
while ($csv_output=str_replace(',,', ',', $csv_output)) echo '.';
OR change the for code:
for ( $j=0; $j<$i; $j++) {
$csv_output .= (isset($rowr[$j])) ? $rowr[$j]."," : '';
$stringData = str_replace(',,,', ',', $stringData);
include 'db_connection.php';
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
$file = fopen("quiz3.txt","r") or die("Unable to open file!");
$line = fgets($file);
$sql = "INSERT INTO quiz3 (FromFile) VALUES ('".$line."')";
$result = mysqli_query($conn,$sql);
if (!$result) {
echo mysqli_error($conn);
echo "Your File Has Been Read & Stored In Database Successfully<br>Line Stored = ";
echo $line;
I want to store only first ten words from the line. How Can i do that?
currently it is saving the first line.
function get_words($sentence, $count = 10) {
preg_match("/(?:\w+(?:\W+|$)){0,$count}/", $sentence, $matches);
return $matches[0];
$file = fopen("quiz3.txt","r") or die("Unable to open file!");
$line = fgets($file);
$convertedLine = get_words($line );
$sql = "INSERT INTO quiz3 (FromFile) VALUES ('".$convertedLine ."')";
$result = mysqli_query($conn,$sql);
Not sure if your data contains comma, or other symbols.
This might be quick solution, and it also works with CJK words.
function cut_words($source, $number_take){
$result = "";
$wc = 0;
$source = str_replace(" ", " ", $source); // Simple sanity
$string = explode(" ", $source);
while ($wc < $number_take){
if(isset($string[$wc])){ // Prevent index out of bound.
$result .= $string[$wc];
if($wc < $number_take) {
$result .= " ";
} else {
$result = trim($result);
return $result;
$line = cut_words($line, 10);
I am trying to bug fix a PHP script that should export values from a MySQL database to a CSV file.
The PHP file is returning a blank CSV file & I can't figure out why & I've been stuck on this for quite a while, so any help would be much apprwciated.
Code below:
$period = $_GET['pid'];
$psql = "SELECT month, year FROM survey_period WHERE sid = " . $period;
$pres = mysql_query($psql, $dcon);
$prow = mysql_fetch_array($pres);
$pmonth = $prow['month'];
$pyear = $prow['year'];
cz_stove AS km_stove,
happy_with_cz_stove AS happy_with_km_stove,
cz_stove_in_use AS km_stove_in_use,
FROM survey_usage WHERE period = " . $_GET['pid'];
$result = mysql_query($query, $dcon);
//header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=export.csv');
$filename = 'usage-'.$pid.'-'.$pmonth.'-'.$pyear;
header('Content-Type: text/csv');
header("Content-disposition: csv" . date("Y-m-d") . ".csv");
header( "Content-disposition: filename=".$filename.".csv");
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
if ($row) {
echo "\r\n";
while ($row) {
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
function echocsv($fields)
$separator = '';
foreach ($fields as $field) {
if (preg_match('/\\r|\\n|,|"/', $field)) {
$field = '"' . str_replace('"', '""', $field) . '"';
echo $separator . $field;
$separator = ',';
echo "\r\n";
hey i have a code you can use it like this
// Define database connection variable dynamically
$DB_Server = "localhost"; //MySQL Server
$DB_Username = "root"; //MySQL Username
$DB_Password = ""; //MySQL Password
$DB_DBName = "test1"; //MySQL Database Name
$DB_TBLName = "tabletest"; //MySQL Table Name
$filename = "excelfilename"; //File Name
//create MySQL connection
$sql = "Select * from csvtable";
$Connect = #mysqli_connect($DB_Server, $DB_Username, $DB_Password) or die("Couldn't connect to MySQL:<br>" . mysqli_error() );
//select database
$Db = #mysqli_select_db( $Connect,$DB_DBName) or die("Couldn't select database:<br>" . mysqli_error() );
//execute query
$result = #mysqli_query( $Connect,$sql) or die("Couldn't execute query:<br>" . mysqli_error() );
function cleanData(&$str)
if ($str == 't')
$str = 'TRUE';
if ($str == 'f')
$str = 'FALSE';
if (preg_match("/^0/", $str) || preg_match("/^\+?\d{8,}$/", $str) || preg_match("/^\d{4}.\d{1,2}.\d{1,2}/", $str)) {
$str = "'$str";
if (strstr($str, '"'))
$str = '"' . str_replace('"', '""', $str) . '"';
// filename for download
$filename = "file_" . date('Ymd') . ".csv";
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$filename\"");
header("Content-Type: text/csv;");
$out = fopen("php://output", 'w');
$flag = false;
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result))
if (!$flag)
// display field/column names as first row
fputcsv($out, array_keys($row), ',', '"'); $flag = true;
array_walk($row, 'cleanData');
// insert data into database from here
fputcsv($out, array_values($row), ',', '"');
The issue is that you are not writing anything to the csv file before opening it.
Use this code
$fp = fopen($filename, 'w');
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num_fields = mysql_num_fields($result);
$headers = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_fields; $i++) {
$headers[] = mysql_field_name($result , $i);
fputcsv($fp, $headers);
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
fputcsv($fp, $row);
header('Content-Type: text/csv');
header( "Content-disposition: filename=".$filename);
Thanks to everyone for your suggestions, problem now solved, turned out to be a simple comma in the wrong place - "know_how_to_use," changed to " know_how_to_use" solved the problem. Thanks #Tintu C Raju for pointing me in the right direction
below is my codes for my excel. its functioning except for one thing. i don't see if my file is already save to excel.. can you help me how to automatically open my file after i download it.. i think something is missing or wrong in my codes.. so please. help . thanks.
$conn = mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die (mysql_error());
//$fp = fopen($filename,"w+");
$filename = 'attachment'. date('Y-m-d') .'.csv';
$fp = fopen($filename,"w+");
$sql = mysql_query("select * from user") or die (mysql_error());
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($sql);
if($num_rows >= 1)
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql);
$fp = fopen($filename,"w+");
$seperator = "";
$comma = "";
foreach($row as $name => $value)
$seperator .= $comma .'' . str_replace('','""',$name);
$comma = ",";
$seperator .= "\n";
//echo $seperator;
mysql_data_seek($sql, 0);
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql))
$seperator = "";
$comma = "";
foreach($row as $name => $value)
$seperator .= $comma .'' . str_replace('','""',$value);
$comma = ",";
$seperator .= "\n";
echo 'No records in the database!';
You can't force the browser/computer to open a file after download. The user must make that decision.
Although, since you are trying to make a CSV file, I will at least make a suggestion to help you out instead of crushing your dreams by telling you you can't do this:
Try fputcsv() instead of trying to make the string yourself:
I'm really cool! Click me!
I'm looking to export 11 Database tables' data as XML. I've easily managed to export one table, without issue. But I am looking to export more than one really.
I'm sure theres a way and obviously output the data as seperate table entitys. Any help is much appreciated on this one, As I'm finding it a little tricky.
My code is as follows
$host = "localhost";
$user = "root";
$pass = "";
$database = "db_etch";
$table = "keywords";
$SQL_query = "SELECT * FROM $table";
$DB_link = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die("Could not connect to host.");
mysql_select_db($database, $DB_link) or die ("Could not find or access the database.");
$result = mysql_query ($SQL_query, $DB_link) or die ("Data not found. Your SQL query didn't work... ");
// produce XML
header("Content-type: text/xml");
$XML = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n";
// root node
$XML .= "<result>\n";
// rows
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
$XML .= "\t<$table>\n";
$i = 0;
// cells
foreach ($row as $cell) {
$cell = str_replace("&", "&", $cell);
$cell = str_replace("<", "<", $cell);
$cell = str_replace(">", ">", $cell);
$cell = str_replace("\"", """, $cell);
$col_name = mysql_field_name($result,$i);
$XML .= "\t\t<" . $col_name . ">" . $cell . "</" . $col_name . ">\n";
$XML .= "\t</$table>\n";
$XML .= "</result>\n";
// output the whole XML string
echo $XML;
// Write $sql to file
$File = "keywords.xml";
$fh = fopen($File, 'w') or die("can't open file");
$stringData = $XML;
fwrite($fh, $stringData);
I changed some of your code, assuming some little extra what you wanted:
Changed str_replace() to htmlspecialchars()
Moved xml start to the beginning.
Added a new root node.
That's about it. If you want to output all tables from a certain db, you should use "show tables;" -query to find out the tables that the db consist of.
$host = "localhost";
$user = "root";
$pass = "";
$database = "db_etch";
$table = "keywords";
$tables_to_output_array = array('keywords', 'othertable1', 'othertable2');
$DB_link = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die("Could not connect to host.");
mysql_select_db($database, $DB_link) or die ("Could not find or access the database.");
// produce XML
header("Content-type: text/xml");
$XML = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n";
// root node
$XML .= "<tables>\n";
while (list(, $table) = each($tables_to_output_array)) {
$SQL_query = "SELECT * FROM $table";
$result = mysql_query ($SQL_query, $DB_link) or die ("Data not found. Your SQL query didn't work... ");
// tables
$XML .= "\t<$table>\n";
// rows
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
$XML .= "\t\t<row>\n";
$i = 0;
// cells
foreach ($row as $cell) {
$col_name = mysql_field_name($result,$i);
$XML .= "\t\t\t<" . $col_name . ">" . htmlspecialchars($cell) . "</" . $col_name . ">\n";
$XML .= "\t\t</row>\n";
$XML .= "\t</$table>\n";
$XML .= "</tables>\n";
// output the whole XML string
echo $XML;
// Write $sql to file
$File = "keywords.xml";
$fh = fopen($File, 'w') or die("can't open file");
$stringData = $XML;
fwrite($fh, $stringData);
Could any one explain me how to create a text file using php where the records should be from mysql
1) open a file in write mode:
$myFile = "testFile.txt";
$fo = fopen($myFile, 'w') or die("can't open file");
2) Write mysql query and fetch its data
$data_query=mysql_query("SELECT name,age from table");
$stringData.="Name: ".$data['name']." Age:".$data['age']."\n";
3) Write data into the file
fwrite($fo, $stringData);
4) Close file
$fh = fopen('games_set_88.php',"w");//php path
$extend_q = mysql_query('SELECT * from mod_games_set');
$row_count = mysql_num_rows($extend_q);
$col_count = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query('describe mod_games_set'));
$data_str = "<?php \n"." $"."mod_extend_type = array(\n";
$startout = 1;
$startin = 1;
foreach($row as $key =>$value){
if( $startin<$col_count){
if($startin == 1){
$data_str .= " '".$value."'=>array('".$key."'=>'".$value."',";
if($startin < $col_count-1)
$data_str .= "'".$key."'=>'".$value."',";
$data_str .= "'".$key."'=>'".$value."')";
if($startout < $row_count) $data_str .= ",";
$data_str .= "\n";
$data_str .=" );\n?>";