codeigniter url suffix .html + hashtag - php

I want to build an url with hashtag on codeigniter. Example:
The url_config in my config.php is this:
$config['url_suffix'] = ".html";
And I used the following code to build the anchor:
anchor('blog/post/'.url_title($post->title, 'dash', TRUE).'#comments', 'comments', 'title="'.$post->title.'"');
If you know any solution please let me know it. Thanks

How about this?
It returns an url like this:

If you want to use hash tags without having to pass 'site_url()' to the anchor method you can extend the CodeIgniter Config library class fairly easily.
The CodeIgniter Config library class has a method called site_url that runs when you use the anchor method. site_url, by default, adds the url_suffix after any uri you pass to it without any care or knowledge of hash tags. Fortunately, you can simply extend the Config library class to modify site_url to check for hash tags and add them to the end of the URI after the url_suffix is added.
If you feel so compelled, copy the code below and save it under '/system/application/libraries/MY_Config.php'. You may have to open up '/system/application/config/autoload.php' and add 'My_Config.php' to the autoload library array.
class MY_Config extends CI_Config {
function site_url($uri = '')
if (is_array($uri))
$uri = implode('/', $uri);
if ($uri == '')
return $this->slash_item('base_url').$this->item('index_page');
$suffix = ($this->item('url_suffix') == FALSE) ? '' : $this->item('url_suffix');
$hash = '';
if(substr_count($uri,'#') == 1)
list($uri,$hash) = explode('#',$uri);
$hash = '#'.$hash;
return $this->slash_item('base_url').$this->slash_item('index_page').trim($uri, '/').$suffix.$hash;
The new site_url method sets $hash to an empty string. If a hash tag is found in the link you pass in, the link is split into an array and passed into variables. site_url will now return the link with the hash tag appended at the end (if hash code is present) after the url_suffix.


How to extend anchor() function to anchor_admin() in CodeIgniter?

I would like to create my own function called anchor_admin() based on anchor() function in CodeIgniter.
I was thinking like:
I have defined admin path in config.php file e.g. like this:
$config['base_url'] = '';
$config['base_url_admin'] = 'my-custom-admin-folder';
and then
I need somehow create a new anchor_admin() function that extends anchor() function.
so instead of typing:
<?php echo anchor('my-custom-admin-folder/gallery', 'Gallery', 'class="admin-link"'); ?>
I would type only:
<?php echo anchor_admin('gallery', 'Gallery', 'class="admin-link"'); ?>
But the output wold be always:
Basically I only need to ad the config variable $this->config->item('base_url_admin') at the end of the url generated by the core anchor() function.
How to do that?
Which files do I nned to create and where to put?
I guess creating a helper is not the way to go.
Should I create a library or could it be put as a function within my MY_Controller file in core folder of my application that I already have created and I am using it to load some stuff already?
In CodeIgniter you can 'extend' helpers ('extend' being a catch all term in this case as they're not actually classes). This allows you to add your own helper functions that will be loaded with the standard ones (in your case, the URL Helper).
It's explained in the CodeIgniter docs here -
In your case you would want to do the following:
1- Create the file MY_url_helper.php in application/helpers/
2- Create your anchor_admin() function as below:
function anchor_admin($uri = '', $title = '', $attributes = '') {
// Get the admin folder from your config
$CI =& get_instance();
$admin_folder = $CI->config->item('base_url_admin');
$title = (string) $title;
if ( ! is_array($uri)) {
// Add the admin folder on to the start of the uri string
$site_url = site_url($admin_folder.'/'.$uri);
} else {
// Add the admin folder on to the start of the uri array
array_unshift($uri, $admin_folder);
$site_url = site_url($uri);
if ($title == '') {
$title = $site_url;
if ($attributes != '') {
$attributes = _parse_attributes($attributes);
return '<a href="'.$site_url.'"'.$attributes.'>'.$title.'</a>';
3- Use the helper and function how you normally would:
echo anchor_admin('controller/method/param', 'This is an Admin link', array('id' => 'admin_link'));
Hope that helps!

Manage URL routes in own php framework

I'm creating a PHP Framework and I have some doubts...
The framework takes the url in this way:
It takes the first parameter to load controller (site) and then loads the specific action (index).
If you've installed the framework in a base URL works ok, but if you install it in a subfolder like this:
My script parses it as controller = mysubfolder and action = controller.
If you have more subfolders the results will be worst.
This is my Route code:
Class Route
private $_htaccess = TRUE;
private $_suffix = ".jsp";
public function params()
//nombre del directorio actual del script ejecutandose.
if($this->_htaccess !== FALSE):
//no está funcionando bien si está en un subdirectorio web, por ej
// muestra el "subdir" como primer parámetro
if(isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && !empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])):
$url = str_replace("?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], '',$url);
$url = $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'];
$url = explode('/',preg_replace('/^(\/)/','',$url));
Thanks for any help you can give.
You are missing a base path. The routing script must now where to start when detecting a pattern or route detected.
Pseudo code:
//set the base URI
$base_uri = '/base';
//remove the base URI from the original uri. You can also REGEX or string match against it if you want
$route_uri = str_replace($base_uri,'',$uri);
//perform route matching $route_uri, in your code a simple explode
$url = explode('/',preg_replace('/^(\/)/','',$route_uri));
You can use this with or without RewriteBase for your .htaccess so long as they use the same harness - index.php.
Additionally, you can improve your route match procedure using Regular Expressions function like preg_match and preg_match_all. They let you define a pattern to match against and results to an array of matching strings - see
Even if you are creating your own framework, there is no reason not to reuse robust, well tested and documented components, like this Routing component.
Just use Composer, which has become the standard for dependency management in PHP, and you'll be fine. Add as many components as you want to your stack.
And here you have a must read guide on how to make your own framework.
Yes, I think I know how to fix that.
(Disclaimer: I know that you know most of this but I am going to explain everything for others who may not know some of the gotchas)
Using PATH_INFO and .htaccess
There is a trick in php where if you go to a path like:
you will get "/controller/action" in the $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] variable
Now what you need to do is take a .htaccess file (or equivalent) and make it tell your php script the current folder depth.
To do this, put the .htaccess file into the "mysubfolder"
.htaccess should contain:
RewriteEngine on
# if a directory or a file exists, use it directly
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
# otherwise forward it to index.php
RewriteRule (.*) index.php/$1
(I used the yii framework manual as reference, I also recommend using the html5 boilerplate)
Basically you set it up to redirect everything to index.php at a specific point in the url.
Now if you visit:
Now you can get the right path "/controller/action" from $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']
Except it's not going to have any value if you visit because the .htaccess file will ignore the rewrite because the path requests the mysubfolder/index.php which actually exists and gets denied thank yo RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f.
ifsetor function
For this you can use this super handy function called ifsetor (I don't remember where I got it)
function ifsetor(&$variable, $default = null) {
return isset($variable)? $variable: $default;
What it does is take a reference to a variable that might or might not exist and provide a default if it does not exist without throwing any notices or errors
Now you can use it to take the PATH_INFO variable safely like so
In your index.php
function ifsetor(&$variable, $default = null) {
return isset($variable)? $variable: $default;
$path = ifsetor($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'],'/');
php 5.4 also has this new shorter ternary format which you can use if you don't care about notices (I do)
$path = $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']?:'/';
Handling the QUERY_STRING
Now tecnically you are not getting a URL, it is merely its path part and will not contain the query_string, for example when visiting
you will only get '/test' in the $path variable, to get the query string use the $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] variable
function ifsetor(&$variable, $default = null) {
return isset($variable)? $variable: $default;
$path = ifsetor($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'],'/');
$fullpath = ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])? $path.'?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']:$path;
But that might depend on your needs
Also keep in mind that the $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] variable is different from the $_GET and $_REQUEST variables because it keeps duplicate parameters from the query string, for example:
Visiting this page
if going to give you a $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] that looks like
While the $_GET variable is going to be an array like this:
If you don't have .htaccess
You can try using the SCRIPT_NAME to your advantage
list($url) = explode('?',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
list($basepath) = explode('index.php',$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
$url = substr($url,strlen($basepath));
If you like to blow up stuff like me :)
Your case
Class Route
private $_htaccess = TRUE;
private $_suffix = ".jsp";
public function params()
//nombre del directorio actual del script ejecutandose.
if($this->_htaccess !== FALSE):
//no está funcionando bien si está en un subdirectorio web, por ej
// muestra el "subdir" como primer parámetro
list($url) = explode('?',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$basepath = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
$basepath = ($basepath==='/')? $basepath: $basepath.'/';
$url = substr($url,strlen($basepath));
$url = $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'];
$url = preg_replace('|^/|','',$url);
$url = explode('/',$url);
I hope this helps
P.S. Sorry for the late reply :(
At some point you will have to check the $_SERVER ['HTTP_HOST'] and a config var defined by the programmer/user wich indicates the subfolder(s) where the app is located, and remove the portion you are not interested in from the rest of the URL.
You can check this forum post on the codeigniter formus for some hints.
CodeIgniter uses another different way to route the controller/method internally.
You do the routing by the $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] value. You use the urls like this: .
To avoid showing index.php on the uri you must rely on an Apache rewrite rule, but even with that I think that the CI one is a nice solution, once you have your index file location, you can avoid all the hassle of parsing the URL.
If I am understanding what you are after correctly, then one solution may be to carry on doing what you are doing, but also get the path of the main routing script (using realpath() for example).
If the last folder (or folder before that etc) matches the beginning URL item (or another section), you ignore it and go for the next one.
Just my 2 cents :-).
Within the application configuration script place a variable which will be set to the path the application runs at.
An alternative is to dynamically set that path.
Before the part
$url = explode('/',preg_replace('/^(\/)/','',$url));
strip the location (sub-folder) path out of the $url string using the predefined application path.
This is how i implemented loader.php
/*#author arun ak
auto load controller class and function from url*/
class loader
private $request;
private $className;
private $funcName;
function __construct($folder = array())
$parse_res = parse_url($this->createUrl());
if(!empty($folder) && trim($folder['path'],DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)!='')
$temp_path = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,trim($parse_res['path'],DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR));
$folder_path = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,trim($folder['path'],DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR));
$temp_path = array_diff($temp_path,$folder_path);
$temp_path = '';
$temp_path = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,trim($parse_res['path'],DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR));
$temp_path ='';
if(count($temp_path) ==1)
foreach($temp_path as $pathname)
$this->request .= $pathname.':';
else $this->request = 'index'.':'.'index';
private function createUrl()
$pageURL = (#$_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") ? "https://" : "http://";
return $pageURL;
public function autolLoad()
$parsedPath = explode(':',rtrim($this->request,':'));
$class = $parsedPath[0].'_controller';
$obj = new $class();
//$config = new config('localhost','Winkstore','nCdyQyEdqDbBFpay','mawinkcms');
//$connect = connectdb::getinstance();
//$connection_obj = $connect->connect();
//$db = $connect->getconnection();//mysql link object
$method = $parsedPath[1];
if(method_exists ($obj ,$parsedPath[1] ))
}else die('class method '.$method.' not defined');
}else die('class '.$parsedPath[0]. ' has not been defined' );
} else die('controller not found plz define one b4 u proceed'.APPLICATION_PATH.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'controllers'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$parsedPath[0].'.php');
}else{ die('oops request not set,i know tis is not the correct way to error :)'); }
Now in my index file
I haven't used the concept of modules.only controller action and view are rendered.
Are you sure you have your htaccess correctly?
I guess if you're placing your framework on subfolder, then you have to change your RewriteBase in htaccess file from / to /subfolder/. it would be something like this:
# on root
RewriteBase /
#on subfolder
RewriteBase /subfolder/
that's only thing I could wonder of that in your case ...
I don't use OOP, but could show you some snippets of how I do things to dynamically detect if I'm in a subdirectory. Too keep it short and to the point I'll only describe parts of it instead of posting all the code.
So I start out with a .htaccess that send every request to redirect.php in which I splice up the $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] variable. I use regex to decide what parts should be keys and what should be values (I do this by assigning anything beginning with 0-9 as a value, and anything beginning with a-z as key) and build the array $GET[].
I then check the path to redirect.php and compare that to my $GET array, to decide where the actual URL begins - or in your case, which key is the controller. Would look something like this for you:
$controller = keyname($GET, count(explode('/', dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']))));
And that's it, I have the first part of the URL. The keyname() function looks like this:
* get key name from array position
function keyname ($arr, $pos)
if ( ($pos < 0) || ( $pos >= count($arr) ) )
return ""; // set this any way you like
for($i = 0;$i < $pos; $i++) next($arr);
return key($arr);
To get the links pointing right I use a function called fixpath() like this:
print 'link';
And this is how that function looks:
* relative to absolute path
function fixpath ($path)
$root = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
if ($root == "\\" || $root == ".") {
$root = "";
$newpath = explode('/', $path);
$newpath[0] .= $root;
return implode('/', $newpath);
I hope that helps and can give you some inspiration.
Forget about "reinventing the wheel is wrong" claims. They don't have to use our wheels. I walked on the same road a while ago and i'm totally grateful what i get... i hope you will too
When it comes to the answer to your specific problem -which if faced too- there is a very easy solution. it's a new line in .htaccess at root folder...
Just add line below to your root .htaccess file ; (if your subfoler is "subfolder" )
RewriteRule subfolder/ - [L]
This will leave apart this folder from rewriting directives
By using this way you can install as many instances of your framework as you wish. But if you want this to be framework driven then you have to create/change .htaccess within your framework.
Create /myBaseDirectory/public directory and put your files there - like index.php.
This works because Apache sees this directory like base directory.
basically grab the url string after your first slash, and then explode it into an array (i use '/' as a delimiter).
then carefully array_shift off your elements and store them as variables
item 0: controller
item 1: the action / method in that controller
item 2 thru n: the remaining array is your params

Creating canonical URLs with custom route-classes

I'm trying to implement canonical URLs and combine it with custom route-classes.
The URL-scheme is something like this:
I create a custom route-class extending Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Regex and checks that the article 123 exists and that the URL includes the correct category-name. If article 123 belongs in category-x and the user is accessing category-y I want to redirect to the correct URL.
But the routes does not have any obvious possibility to do this directly. What's the best practice approach here?
I often do this in my action controller. Something like this...
// assuming GET /category-y/article/123
// $article->url is generated, and contains /category-x/article/123
if (this->_request->getRequestUri() != $article->url) {
return $this->_helper->redirector->goToUrl($article->url);
In this example, $article->url would need to be generated from your database data. I often use this to verify a correct slug, when I also pull in the object id.
You could also potentially move this to your routing class, if you wanted to use a custom one instead of using Regex (you could subclass it).
I ended up with this solution:
The custom route-class creates the canonical URL in its match()-method like this:
public function match($path, $partial = false) {
$match = parent::match($path, $partial);
if (!empty($match)) {
$article = $this->backend->getArticle($match['articleId']);
if (!$article) {
throw new Zend_Controller_Router_Exception('Article does not exist', 404);
$match['canonicalUrl'] = $this->assemble(array(
'title' => $article->getTitle(),
'articleId' => $article->getId()
return $match;
$article is populated inside match() if the parent::match() returns array.
I've created a front controller plugin which hooks on the routeShutdown() like this:
public function routeShutdown(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request) {
if ($request->has('canonicalUrl')){
$canonicalUrl = $request->getBaseUrl() . '/' . $request->get('canonicalUrl');
if ($canonicalUrl != $request->getRequestUri()) {
$this->getResponse()->setRedirect($canonicalUrl, 301);
It simply checks if the route(custom or native Zend) created a canonical URL and if the requested URL does not match, redirect to the correct canonical URL.

Codeigniter Dynamic Routing

Hi i wont to make something like that.
http:// - Main Controller
http:// - Main Controller where content get from database, but if not exist
return 404 page. (It's ok, isn't problem.)
But if i have subfolder in application/controlles/rules/
I want to redirect it to Main Contorller at Rules folder.
This follow code can solve problem, but i don't know how it right realise.
At routes.php:
$route['default_controller'] = "main";
$route['404_override'] = '';
$dirtest = $route['(:any)'];
if (is_dir(APPPATH.'controllers/'.$dirtest)) {
$route['(:any)'] = $dirtest.'/$1';
} else {
$route['(:any)'] = 'main/index/$1';
Ok, what I have:
class Main extends CI_Controller {
public function __construct()
public function index($method = null)
if (is_dir(APPPATH.'controllers/'.$method)) {
// Need re-rout to the application/controllers/$method/
} else {
if ($query = $this->main_model->get_content($method)) {
$data['content'] = $query[0]->text;
// it shows at views/main.php
} else {
$data['main_content'] = 'main';
$this->load->view('includes/template', $data);
Updated Again (routes.php):
So, seem's like what i search (work example):
$route['default_controller'] = "main";
$route['404_override'] = '';
$subfolders = glob(APPPATH.'controllers/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR);
foreach ($subfolders as $folder) {
$folder = preg_replace('/application\/controllers\//', '', $folder);
$route[$folder] = $folder.'/main/index/';
$route[$folder.'/(:any)'] = $folder.'/main/$1';
$route['(:any)'] = 'main/index/$1';
But, in perfectly need some like this:
Folder "controllers" has subfolder "1"?
YES: Folder "1" has subfolder "2"?
NO: Folder "1" has controller "2.php"?
NO: Controller "controllers/1/main.php" has function "2"?
YES: redirect to http:// - where 3,4,5 - parameters..
It is realy nice, when you have structure like: - recent blog's posts - recent from 2007 year blog's posts - same with month number - same with day number - recent blog's post's about web design - blog' posts about web design from 2007 years. - current post
Same interesting i find
I didn't thoroughly read your question, but this immediately caught my attention:
if (is_dir($path . '/' . $folder)) {
echo "$route['$folder/(:any)'] = '$folder/index/$1';"; //<---- why echo ???
Honestly I'm not sure why this didn't cause serious issues for you in addition to not working.
You don't want to echo the route here, that will just try to print the string to screen, it's not even interpreted as PHP this way. There are also some issues with quotes that need to be remedied so the variables can be read as variables, not strings. Try this instead:
if (is_dir($path . '/' . $folder)) {
$route[$folder.'/(:any)'] = $folder.'/index/$1';
Aside: I'd like to offer some additional resources that are not directly related to your problem, but should help you nonetheless with a solution:
Preferred way to remap calls to controllers:
Easier way to scan directories:
It's hard to say why the registering of your routes fails. From your code I can see that you're not registering the routes (you just echo them), additionally I see that the usage of variables in strings are used inconsistently. Probably you mixed this a bit, the codeigniter documentation about routes is not precise on it either (in some minor points, their code examples are not really syntactically correct, but overall it's good).
I suggest you first move the logic to register your dynamic routes into a function of it's own. This will keep things a bit more modular and you can more easily change things and you don't pollute the global namespace with variables.
Based on this, I've refactored your code a bit. It does not mean that this works (not tested), however it might make things more clear when you read it:
function register_dynamic_routes($path, array &$route)
$nodes = scandir($path);
if (false === $nodes)
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Path parameter invalid. scandir("$path") failed.', $path));
foreach ($nodes as $node)
if ($node === '.' or $node === '..')
if (!is_dir("{$path}/{$node}")
$routeDef = "{$folder}/(:any)";
$routeResolve = "{$folder}/index/\$1";
$route[$routeDef] = $routeResolve;
# FIXME debug output
echo "\$route['{$routeDef}'] = '{$routeResolve}';";
$path = APPPATH.'controllers/';
register_dynamic_routes($path, $route);
$route['(:any)'] = 'main/index/$1';
Next to this you probably might not want to shift everything onto the index action, but a dynamic action instead. Furthermore, you might want to have a base controller that is delegating everything into the sub-controllers instead of adding the routes per controller. But that's up to you. The example above is based on the directory approach you outlined in your question.
Edit: Additional information is available in the Controllers section next to the URI Routing section
All this seems kind of complicated.
Plus, if you have hundreds (or thousands or more?) of possible routes in a database you may not want to load all of them into the "$routes" array every time any page loads in your application.
Instead, why not just do this?
last line of routes.php:
$route['404_override'] = 'vanity';
Controller file: Vanity.php:
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
class Vanity extends MY_Controller {
* Vanity Page controller.
public function __construct() {
public function index()
$url = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
$url = str_replace("/index.php/", "", $url);
// you could check here if $url is valid. If not, then load 404 via:
// show_404();
// or, if it is valid then load the appropriate view, redirect, or
// whatever else it is you needed to do!
echo "Hello from page " . $url;

Current URI Segment in CodeIgniter

What would be the best way to check for the current URI segment in a CodeIgniter view? What I am trying to do is use the current URI segment [i.e. $this->uri->segment(1)] in order to highlight the current page on the navigation bar.
The best that I have figured out is to do
$data['current_uri'] = $this->uri->segment(1);
$this->load->view('header', $data);
in each of my controllers and then in the header.php file, I check the $current_uri variable to determine which part of the navigation should be highlighted. As you know, this is a very tedious way of doing it, but I'm at a loss of a better way to do this.
It may even be possible to extend the default Controller class to pass the current URI segment, but I'm not sure if this would work, or even how to go about doing it.
I myself use an extra function similar to anchor(). I call it active_anchor(), and it takes all the same parameters plus another (the uri). The function then adds the class 'active' if the uri string passed matches the active_anchor() url paramter.
Then the function returns using the anchor function (all that the function did was determine if the link needed the class 'active' or not.
I just put this code in a file called 'MY_url_helper.php'. That way, when the url helper is loaded (I actually auto load that one since pretty much all of my views use it anyway.) This is just some quick code too, pretty sure it would work. Basically it takes the same arguments as the anchor() function, but also the $key variable. It appends a class of "active" to the anchor tag if the key and url match.
<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
if ( ! function_exists('active_anchor'))
function active_anchor($url = NULL, $title = NULL, $key = NULL, $params = array())
if ($url && $key)
if($key == $url)
if (array_key_exists ('class' , $params))
$params['class'] .= ' active';
$params['class'] = 'active';
return anchor($url, $title, $params);
Simple way to check the uri segment in view,
Add some code if matches found.
<li class="<?php echo (strcmp($this->uri->segment(2),'test')==0)?'active':''; ?>"><li>
<li class="<?php echo (strcmp($this->uri->segment(2),'test1')==0)?'active':''; ?>"><li>
<li class="<?php echo (strcmp($this->uri->segment(2),'test2')==0)?'active':''; ?>"><li>
I also had the same problem when I was building a customer website in Cakephp, passing those strings for every menu item from controller to view, then checking again in view for implementing the highlighting to tedious to say the least.
For some of my projects now, I have been implementing the same by storing the page information for each of the navigation menu pages in database, things like page name, url, title, position in navigation menu etc.
Then at the start of controller, I store all this data in an array say $pageinfo.
I handle the navigation functionality via a single controller that checks the URI segment and loads the content based on that.
The highlighting part is left to an if statement when generating the view, where I compare each page name to the information I dumped in $pageinfo.
Something like this...
foreach ($navi_menu as $links) {
if ( $links['title'] == $pageinfo['title'] ) {
// Highlight here
else {
// No highlight
This way I don't need to pass the string constants (uri segments in your case) to the view. This CMS-kinda-approach allows me to flexible in adding further items to my menu, without adding more code.
I remember getting this from a codeigniter wiki, can't find the link to it right now.
this simple way and running well for me..
<li class="<?=($this->uri->segment(2)==='test')?'current-menu-item':''?>"><?php echo anchor ('home/index','HOME'); ?></li>
<li class="<?=($this->uri->segment(2)==='blog')?'current-menu-item':''?>"><?php echo anchor ('home/blog','BLOG'); ?></li>
<li class="<?=($this->uri->segment(2)==='bla..bla')?'current-menu-item':''?>"><?php echo anchor ('home/blog','bla..bla'); ?></li>
uri_segment(2) that mean function in ur controller.
but have a weakness, i have trouble if i put view in index controller, so im not use function index ( toruble in uri segment, make 2 current page in same time... read this
I'll probably get flamed for suggesting a client-side approach, but this is something I've used in the past to mark the current page as highlighted:
var path = location.pathname.substring(1);
if ( path )
$('#navigation a[href$="' + path + '"]').parents('li').attr('class', 'current');
In every CodeIgniter project I gather some basic information about the request in MY_Controller.
I extend the core controller and put in some initialization logic that needs to happen on every page. This includes getting the information about the controller and method, which is passed to the view. As a short example:
class MY_Controller extends CI_Controller
protected $_response_type = 'html';
protected $_secure;
protected $_dir;
protected $_controller;
protected $_method;
protected $_template;
protected $_view;
protected $_user;
public function __construct()
// Gather info about the request
$this->_secure = ! empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']);
$this->_dir = $this->router->fetch_directory();
$this->_controller = $this->router->fetch_class();
$this->_method = $this->router->fetch_method();
// set the default template and view
$this->_template = 'default';
$this->_view = $this->_dir . $this->_controller . '/' . $this->_method;
* Performs operations right before data is displayed.
* #access public
* #return void
public function _pre_display()
if ($this->_response_type === 'html') {
'user' => $this->_user
elseif ($this->_response_type === 'json') {
$this->_template = 'json';
$this->_view = NULL;
else {
show_error('Invalid response type.');
'is_secure' => $this->_secure,
'controller' => $this->_controller,
'method' => $this->_method
Now in a view such as the navigation you can use that information like this:
<a href="<?php echo site_url('products') ?>"<?php echo ($controller === 'products') ? ' class="selected"' : ''; ?>>Products</a>
I like it because with routes or rewrites you may access controllers and methods from different URLs. This way you set whether the link is active based on the controller/method that is serving up the content and not based on the URL.
Also, this information can be reused within your controllers or views for any reason and you are not continually asking the router or uri to calculate the information (which not only is inefficient, but is cumbersome to write over and over).
