Trying to skew an image with PHP's GD Library - php

I've been looking everywhere to try and find a function to skew an image with php using the GD library. I've read threads where ImageMagick has been suggested but I unfortunately don't have access to that library on my server so I'm forced to use GD.
I'm looking for something where I can specify the source image and destination image and then 4 sets of X and Y coordinates for each corner of the image. So something like this would be ideal:
bool skewImage(resource $src_im, resource $dst_im, int $x1, int $y1, int $x2, int $y2, int $x3, int $y3, int $x4, int $y4)
If anyone has or knows of a function like this or similar that would be awesome, thanks!

The PHP manual is an amazing place. This comment pretty much covers a lot of scenarios. Use the 'Perspective' section. Below example is slightly modified to use the width and height from the image.
$image = new imagick( "grid.jpg" );
$points = array(
0,0, 80,120, # top left
$image->width,0, 300,10, # top right
0,$image->height, 5,400, # bottom left
$image->width,$image->height, 380,390 # bottum right
$image->setImageVirtualPixelMethod( imagick::VIRTUALPIXELMETHOD_BACKGROUND );
$image->distortImage( Imagick::DISTORTION_PERSPECTIVE, $points, TRUE );
header( "Content-Type: image/jpeg" );
echo $image;


How to make pdf exact 10CM width with DOMPDF and Laravel?

I am creating a PDF with DOMPDF and laravel.
The pdf is being printed with a special printer that only accepts files with 10CM width and 20CM height.
I have tried this:
$customPaper = array(0,0,720,1440);
$pdf = PDF::loadView('pdf.retourlabel',compact('retour','barcode'))->setPaper($customPaper);
Since 11X17 is
"11x17" => array(0, 0, 792.00, 1224.00),
I figured 10X20 was 0,0720,1440
But it's not working.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance
How i fixed this:
change the custom paper.
Download the PDF open in Acrobat Reader move your mouse to the left corner now you can see the width and height of the document, and i changed the custom paper accordingly.
The end result was:
10CM X 20CM =
$customPaper = array(0,0,567.00,283.80);
$pdf = PDF::loadView('pdf.retourlabel', compact('retour','barcode'))->setPaper($customPaper, 'landscape');
Very circuitous work but i did get the Job done..
Setting the paper size in PHP requires knowing the point (pt) measurement, points being the native PDF unit. The PDF resolution (with Dompdf) is 72pt/inch. So 10cm x 20cm is roughly equivalent to 283 X 566 (as you noted in your answer).
1 inch = 72 point
1 inch = 2.54 cm
10 cm = 10/2.54*72 = 283.464566929
20 cm = 10/2.54*72 = 566.929133858
landscape is mean opposite. So, we can set it like : array(0, 0, 566.929133858, 283.464566929 ) which same as the answer but in more precise value
You can, however, allow Dompdf to calculate the appropriate point size by specifying your page dimensions in CSS. This is available starting with Dompdf 0.6.2.
#page { size: 10cm 20cm landscape; }
Trivia: the PDF spec does not provide for a method of indicating paper orientation (though there is a method of indicating a rotation). Dompdf just flips the width/height when landscape orientation is specified.
I think the issue is with orientation, since the setPaper uses 'A4' orientation as default so this might be the reason that your code is not working.
* Set the paper size (default A4)
* #param string $paper
* #param string $orientation
* #return $this
public function setPaper($paper, $orientation = 'portrait'){
$this->paper = $paper;
$this->orientation = $orientation;
$this->dompdf->setPaper($paper, $orientation);
return $this;
Try using :
$customPaper = array(0,0,720,1440);
$pdf = PDF::loadView('pdf.retourlabel',compact('retour','barcode'))->setPaper($customPaper,'portrait');
Hope that helps or try other options too instead of portrait.

Transparency with GifCreator php class not working

I try to use the Gifcreator php class to create an animated GIF image from 10 PNG images.
The animated image is created but transparency of original images is lost. I have a black bakground.
The documentation says that the transparency is determinated by first loaded image. The 10 images have a transparent background. I loaded htem in Paint whicj says that it is based on white.
Has anoyone a solution to this ?
The class is here :
My script here :
The first image here :
The code :
// Include the class
// Instanciate the class (uses default options with the addition of width/height specified)
$gif = new GifCreator(0, 2, array(0, 0, 0),550,550);
// Add each frame to the animation
$gif->addFrame(file_get_contents('images/image9.png'), 100, true);
$gif->addFrame(file_get_contents('images/image8.png'), 100, true);
$gif->addFrame(file_get_contents('images/image7.png'), 100, true);
$gif->addFrame(file_get_contents('images/image6.png'), 100, true);
$gif->addFrame(file_get_contents('images/image5.png'), 100, true);
$gif->addFrame(file_get_contents('images/image4.png'), 100, true);
$gif->addFrame(file_get_contents('images/image3.png'), 100, true);
$gif->addFrame(file_get_contents('images/image2.png'), 100, true);
$gif->addFrame(file_get_contents('images/image1.png'), 100, true);
$gif->addFrame(file_get_contents('images/image0.png'), 500, true);
// Output the animated gif
header('Content-type: image/gif');
echo $gif->getAnimation();
I found an answer to my own question, and it might help some others using the same library or other libraries based on the same original work by László Zsidi.
In the class, you have to replace the following part that appears in one or another place in 2 lines :
$Locals_ext = "!\xF9\x04" . chr ( ( $this->DIS << 2 ) + 0 ) .
by this one
$Locals_ext = "!\xF9\x04" . chr ((( $this->DIS << 2 )) | 1 + 0 ) .
That solved my problem and transparency works now OK. i tried in 3 differents classes i've found are all based on the same work.
I hope this can help.

phpImageWorkshop: Removing a layer after saving

In the phpImageWorkshop documentation ( it says:
...after saving, you'll be able to continue to use your document and
to perform some actions on its sublayers, really convenient !
However, after calling save() I'm unable to remove the watermark layer.
I start by loading the photo and watermark and resize the photo:
$photo = PHPImageWorkshop\ImageWorkshop::initFromPath($tmp_name);
$mark = PHPImageWorkshop\ImageWorkshop::initFromPath($watermark);
$photo->resizeInPixel(960, null, true);
And then I add the watermark, save the photo, then remove the watermark (so I can make other sizes without a watermark without creating a new object):
$photo->addLayer(1, $mark, 0, 0, 'LB');
$photo->save($path, $filename, false, null, 80); // file correctly has watermark
$photo->resizeInPixel(550, null, true);
$photo->save($path, $filename, false, null, 80); // file has watermark, not correct
This does not delete the watermark layer. However, if I call remove() before save() it will remove the watermark:
$photo->addLayer(1, $mark, 0, 0, 'LB');
$photo->remove(1); // calling remove() before save removes watermark
$photo->save($path, $filename, false, null, 80); // file does not have watermark
I cannot understand why this is happening, since the documentation clearly says calling save() does not change the layers.
I've confirmed that the watermark layer is being put on layer level 1, and it works OK if I do not call save().
Despite the documentation saying you'll be able to continue to use your document, the fact is that the save() function calls getResult() which returns a merged resource image (this is in ImageWorkshopLayer.php)
However, if you create a 'base layer' and add the photo and watermark on top of it, the save() function appears to merge to the base layer - leaving the photo and mark untouched, so you can remove the mark and re-save (which causes the photo to be re-merged onto the base layer) i.e.
$baseimg = PHPImageWorkshop\ImageWorkshop::initVirginLayer(1024,800);
$photo = PHPImageWorkshop\ImageWorkshop::initFromPath("test.png");
$mark = PHPImageWorkshop\ImageWorkshop::initFromPath("test2.png");
$iphoto= $baseimg->addLayerOnTop($photo, 0, 0, 'LB');
$imark= $baseimg->addLayerOnTop($mark, 0, 0, 'LB');
$baseimg->resizeInPixel(960, null, true);
// file correctly has watermark
$baseimg->save(__DIR__, "test_out.png", false, null, 80);
// file correctly has no watermark
$baseimg->save(__DIR__, "test_out2.png", false, null, 80);
Note that I use the return value from addLayerOnTop() to determine the 'id' pf the layer to remove.
EDIT: although the above works, it is not ideal because you really need the resulting image to be the size of the re-sized photo. Also I found that once the photo is made a layer, you have to resize that layer (not the original photo) so...
// load photo and mark
$photo = PHPImageWorkshop\ImageWorkshop::initFromPath("test.png");
$mark = PHPImageWorkshop\ImageWorkshop::initFromPath("test2.png");
// resize the photo 1st time
$photo->resizeInPixel(960,null, true);
$width= $photo->getWidth();
$height= $photo->getHeight();
// make empty base image same size as photo
$baseimg = PHPImageWorkshop\ImageWorkshop::initVirginLayer($width,$height);
// add photo and mark onto base image
$iphoto= $baseimg->addLayerOnTop($photo, 0, 0, 'LT');
$imark= $baseimg->addLayerOnTop($mark, 0, 0, 'LT');
$photoid= $iphoto['id']; // get layer id's
$markid= $imark['id'];
// file correctly has watermark
$baseimg->save(__DIR__, "test_out.png", false, null, 80);
// remove mark layer
// resize photo again
// - photo is now a layer in baseimg
$baseimg->layers[$photoid]->resizeInPixel(550,null, true);
$width= $baseimg->layers[$photoid]->getWidth();
$height= $baseimg->layers[$photoid]->getHeight();
// crop baseimg to match photo size
// file correctly has no watermark
$baseimg->save(__DIR__, "test_out2.png", false, null, 80);
That seems to work fine now.

How to implement imagecopy (GD) function by Imagick?

I'm working with imagick and face some problem. I want to composite two images: image01 and image02,image01 is background image,a part of image02 composite on image01. the function just like GD's imagecopy function.
bool imagecopy( resource dst_im, resource src_im, int dst_x, int dst_y,
int src_x, int src_y,int src_w, int src_h )
Copy a part of src_im onto dst_im starting at the x,y coordinates
src_x, src_y with a width of src_w and a height of src_h. The portion
defined will be copied onto the x,y coordinates, dst_x and dst_y.
the question is: how to implement imagecopy function by Imagick?
thanks for your help.
This should do it:
//load files from source
$background = new Imagick(image01_src);
$overlay = new Imagick(image02_src);
//Crop the overlay to the required size
$overlay->cropImage ($new_width,$new_height,$x_offset,$y_offset);
//composite overlay on background
$background->compositeImage($overlay, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, $margin_x, $margin_y);
//save result
//clean up
Use composite, for example:
$large_image->compositeImage($small_image, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, $margin_x, $margin_y);
If you show me the source and final pictures, I can give you the exact code.

Drop shadow on text

I am looking to add drop shadow to text on an image using PHP.
I am aware on how to add text to images and how some libraries allow you to add block shadowing, but I cannot see any which allow you to add a faded drop shadow.
Is this possible?
What you want is Imagick::shadowImage ( float $opacity , float $sigma , int $x , int $y )
Here's an example where I put a drop shadow on some text and then superimpose that on a background image...
$background_layer = new Imagick('poster_pic_01.jpg'); # background image
$text_layer = new Imagick('transparent400.png'); # empty transparent png of the same size
$text_layer->annotateImage( $ImagickDraw, $pad_left, $pad_top, 0, "Your text here" );
/* create drop shadow on it's own layer */
$shadow_layer = $text_layer->clone();
$shadow_layer->setImageBackgroundColor( new ImagickPixel( 'black' ) );
$shadow_layer->shadowImage( 75, 5, 5, 5 );
/* composite original text_layer onto shadow_layer */
$shadow_layer->compositeImage( $text_layer, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, 0, 0 );
/* composite shadow_layer (which now has text AND the shadow) onto image_layer */
$background_layer->compositeImage( $shadow_layer, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, 0, 0 );
Hope this helps,
GD can't do this out of the box. If you can, use ImageMagick. Examples on how to do shaped shadows here.
