Imagick::resizeImage vs Imagick::scaleImage - php

What are the differences between resizeImage and scaleImage?
I need to resize an image if its size is > $myLimit
Example (pseudocode):
$myLimit = 1MB
user uplaod an image of 1000x1000 of 2MB
2MB > $myLimit
while( $imagefilesize > $myLimit ) {
resizeImageBy 0.9%;
//> output 900x900 image of 900 kB
In the while block, which of the two methods should I use?
Edit: I found something that could help: But could someone simplify that?

The difference between the two seems to be that scaleImage does a raw, pixel based resize, while resizeImage can use an interpolation filter:
that is likely to produce better results.
More on the various interpolation methods on Wikipedia.

Brilliant, their own documentation is awful... But ok: It looks to me like resizeImage is more powerful, and therefore the better choice... This link shows the usage along with some measurements for different filters.

According to my finding, when you want to scale down an image, use resizeImage. Because It gives you control over image quality and type of filter you want to use. But in the same case, scaleImage is also a good choice because when you have to scale down an image to let's say by factor of 10 and you are using resizeImage, then your resulting image will have many graphical errors.
In second case, when you have to scale up and image, then resizeImage will definetely have graphical error like while marks and lines and other stuff. In that case, scaleImage will come to rescue.


How to create png from array of pixel color data in PHP?

Lets say I have an arrays of pixels. Basically an array of this data {x,y,r,g,b,a} for each pixel.
How would I go about converting all this data into an actual image file (png preferably)?
Could not find a solution. Any help would be very appreciated.
I had some time to code up a little example. You should be able to see and note that:
the red component increases towards the bottom of the image
the green component increases towards the right of the image
the blue component is absent
the alpha channel is random and between 0 (opaque) and 127 (fully transparent)
// Define width and height
// Create truecolour image so we can have infinitely many colours rather than a limited palette
// Iterate over all pixels
$r = round(255*$y/$h);
$g = round(255*$x/$w);
$b = 0;
$alpha = rand(0,127);
$color = imagecolorallocatealpha($img,$r,$g,$b,$alpha);
// Save result
I'll admit I haven't actually used this API, but looks like PHP has what you're looking for.
You create an image identifier with imagecreate or one of the related functions, then color in each pixel with imagesetpixel, using a color identifier created with imagecolorallocatealpha. From there you should be able to output as a PNG with imagepng.
It's worth noting that this image library seems to support drawing lines and shapes and other structures higher than the per-pixel level, so I'd also look into whether your code necessarily needs to build a big pixel array, rather than drawing the image some other way.

PECL Imagick adaptiveSharpenImage not working?

I'm trying to sharpen my images using this function, but it's not working. Whatever values I pass in for radius and sigma I get an identical image (same file size even) out.
It returns a 1 suggesting no error. What might be going wrong here?
$photo = new Imagick(PHOTOS_DIR.$sFilename);
$photo->adaptiveSharpenImage(2,1); //4,2 ... 0,10, 0.5,0.5 - all give identical results
$guid = md5(uniqid(rand(),true));
I tried passing in imagick::CHANNEL_BLUE for the optional third parameter, it made no difference.
CentOS 6.5
PHP 5.5.12
pecl-imagick 3.1.2
imagemagick 6.5.4
The adaptiveImageSharpen function is really subtle in some circumstances. The images below are the source and then the sharpened one produced by:
$radius = 10;
$sigma = 2;
$imagick->adaptiveSharpenImage($radius, $sigma);
Source image
Sharpened image
Even at those relatively large values, the image is definitely sharpened but the effect is only noticeable when compared to the source image. The radius you choose will depend on the size of your source image, but ought to be at least a couple of pixels across. Alternatively you can set a radius of zero, and ImageMagick should choose an appropriate value for the image.
Depending on what you're trying to achieve with the sharpening you may be better off with and old fashioned unsharpMaskImage if adaptiveSharpenImage is always too subtle an effect for you.
Or it could just be broken on the very old version of ImageMagick you're using - can you try with the sample image and settings above.

Detect JPEG image quality

I allow users to upload images. However, I want to keep JPEG quality not more than 90%. What I plan to do is to detect the current quality:
- If less than 90% do nothing
- If more than 90%, than use Image Magick to recompress the image to 90%
Is it possible to do that? I prefer PHP but any language will help.
paddy is correct that this setting is not always stored in the JPEG file. If it is, then you can use identify from Imagemagick to read the quality. For example:
$ identify -format '%Q' tornado_ok.jpg
Update: Based on the answer to this question I
find out that apparently the identify command can still determine
the quality by reverse engineering the quantization tables even if all
the image EXIF / other meta data is lost. By the way, the title of
your question as it stands now is a possible duplicate of that
question I linked to.
But to me your question has merit on its own because in your
question's text you explain what you are trying to do, which is more
than simply detecting jpeg quality. Nevertheless, you should perhaps
update the title if you want to reflect that you are trying to solve a
more specific problem than just reading JPEG image quality.
Unless you are archiving original images, for web use even 90% is excessive. 75% used to be the default in the old days (degradation was visible only under close inspection between side-by-side images), and now in the days of high bandwidth 85% is a very high quality option. The 5% quality difference between 90% and 85% is virtually invisible, but will save you over 30% in file size typically. The JPEG algorithm is designed to begin by eliminating information that is invisible to human perception at its first compression stages (above 80% or so).
Update/note: The compression quality settings I am talking about are
from tests with libjpeg, a very widely used JPEG library. Photoshop's
compression percentages and other software's quality settings are all
independent and do not necessarily mean the same thing as the settings
of libjpeg.
paddy's idea of using image height and image width to calculate an acceptable file size is reasonable:
You can get the image height/width like this:
list($originalWidth, $originalHeight) = getimagesize($imageFile);
My own high-quality photos posted online, like this one:
are typically saved at a ratio of about 200 KB per megapixel.
So, for example, you can multiply width times height and divide by 1000000 to calculate the megapixels in the image. Divide the file size by 1024 to calculate the KB. Then divide the resulting KB by the megapixels. If the result is under 200 or whatever value you decide upon, then you don't need to re-compress it. Otherwise, you can re-compress it with a quality of 85% or whatever quality you decide on.
Since the OP stated he prefers php, I offer the following:
$img = new Imagick($filename);
$quality = $img->getImageCompressionQuality();
whats up? I was facing the same problem with an app I'm developing... My problem is that, I extract several images from a random site and each item have several images, i would like to show a single image for each item, and bring to the user the best quality image.
I came out with this idea, its pretty simple, and will work for any language and any type of compression:
//Parameters you will need to retrieve from image
$width = 0;
$height = 0;
$filesize = 0;
//Quality answer for your image
$quality = (101-(($width*$height)*3)/$filesize);
I ran this algorithm against the mentioned above and here are the results:
Filename Width Height Pixels BitmapBytes FileBytes Quality
estq-baseline.png 400 300 120000 360000 163250 98,79
estq-90.jpg 400 300 120000 360000 34839 90,67
estq-80.jpg 400 300 120000 360000 24460 86,28
estq-70.jpg 400 300 120000 360000 19882 82,89
estq-25.jpg 400 300 120000 360000 10300 66,05
The basic idea behind this algorithm is compare the size that an image could reach if written in a bitmap way (without any compression, 3 bytes per pixel, 3 bytes for RGB) to the size that this image is currently using. The smaller is the image size, the higher is the compression, independently of the compression method used, rather its a JPG, a PNG or whatever, and that will lead us into having a bigger gap or smaller gap between uncompressed and compressed image.
It is also important to mention, that this is a mathematical solution for comparison purposes, this method will not return the actually quality of the image, it will answer the distance percentage between uncompressed and compressed sizes!
if you need more details, you can send me an email:
You cannot guarantee that the quality setting is stored in the JPEG's metadata. This is an encoder setting, not an image attribute.
Read more here about estimating JPEG quality
It might make more sense to simply define a maximum file size. At the end of the day, restricting image quality is all about saving bandwidth. So setting a ratio between image dimensions and file size is more appropriate.
If your jpeg was created using a straight scaling of the standard image quantization tables and the 0-100 quality was used based on the Independent JPEG Group's formula, then, assuming you have the luminance quantization tables in an array called quantization (such as Python's PIL module provides in image.quantization[0]), then the original value can be obtained via:
if quantization[58] <= 100:
originalQuality = int(100 - quantization[58] / 2)
originalQuality = int(5000.0 / 2.5 / quantization[15])
Basically, the default luminance quantization value #15 is 40 and #58 is 100, so these make handy values to extract the results from. IJG scales values about 50 via 5000 / Q and below 50 via 200 - 2 * Q. If the quality setting is less than 8, this won't give decent results (if quantization[5] == 255) -- in that case, perhaps use quantization table position #5
For those who are using GraphicsMagick instead of ImageMagick, you can get the JPEG quality with the following command:
gm identify -format '%[JPEG-Quality]' path_to/image_file.jpg
and according to the documentation
Please note that JPEG has no notion of "quality" and that the quality metric used by, and estimated by the software is based on the quality metric established by IJG JPEG 6b. Other encoders (e.g. that used by Adobe Photoshop) use different encoding metrics.
Here is a PHP function that tries all available methods of getting quality (that I know of):
/* Try to detect quality of jpeg.
If not possible, nothing is returned (null). Otherwise quality is returned (int)
function detectQualityOfJpg($filename)
// Try Imagick extension
if (extension_loaded('imagick') && class_exists('Imagick')) {
$img = new Imagick($filename);
// The required function is available as from PECL imagick v2.2.2
if (method_exists($img, 'getImageCompressionQuality')) {
return $img->getImageCompressionQuality();
if (function_exists('shell_exec')) {
// Try Imagick
$quality = shell_exec("identify -format '%Q' " . $filename);
if ($quality) {
return intval($quality);
// Try GraphicsMagick
$quality = shell_exec("gm identify -format '%Q' " . $filename);
if ($quality) {
return intval($quality);

Imagemagick resizing control quality and extension

I am trying to learn Imagemagick, docs are terrible T_T, and I cannot seem to find any answers to my questions. I am wanting to allow people to upload images then resize them and lose EXIF data.
Heres what I have currently.
$thumbnail = new Imagick("");
$thumbnail->thumbnailImage( 100, 100, true );
$thumbnail->writeImage( "avatar/thumbnail.jpg" );
Now how do I control the image file that it is being saved as? Lets say the user submits a gif/png/jpg how would I go about taking that image then saving it as the same input format or changing them all to .png?
This IMO produces the best results for imagick thumbnails;
Load the picture
$img = new imagick( $_FILES['Picture']['tmp_name'] );
Trim an excess off the picture
Create the thumbnail, in this case, I'm using 'cropThumbnailImage'
$img->cropThumbnailImage( 180, 180 );
Set the format so all pics can now be the same standard format
$img->setImageFormat( 'jpeg' );
Set the Image compression to that of a jpg
Set the quality to be 100
The resulting thumbnail is then a little bit blury IMO, so I add a slight sharpening effect to make it 'sharper'. . play around with these settings, but I like..
$img->unsharpMaskImage(0.5 , 1 , 1 , 0.05);
I agree, the docs are not very helpful. I've found that it's easiest to find how to do things using commands, then match the commands up with the PHP methods. I'm a little late replying so you might have figured it out by now, but if not, or for the benefit of anyone else:
If you want to change the image format before saving, add this before your writeImage line:
Then change the extension in your writeImage line to match, e.g. thumbnail.png
To change the quality, write:
$thumbnail->setImageCompressionQuality(40); // Adjust the number 40
In some cases you might also want to set the compression type by writing:
You can find the COMPRESSION constants here:
Note: These are just examples. This compression would not actually work with a png file.

Pixel Drawing Algorithm

I need an example algorithm that will draw pixels one at a time on a grid based (x,y) system, and also color them based on an rbg value based on binary data that is provided in some form. I am looking for anything written in php or a php like language such as C, but that does not use any sort of library or graphics card api, as i am coding in php.
Here is something that i wrote in php, that uses random color values but it takes 15 seconds to render in an html canvas:
$r_max = 240;
$c_max = 320;
$row = -1;//-1 to offset while
while ($row<$r_max){
for($column=0; $column<=$c_max; ++$column)
echo 'ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(', rand()%255, ',', rand()%255, ',', rand()%255, ')";';
echo 'ctx.fillRect(', $column, ',', $row, ',1,1);';
Not really sure i quite understand your question but .. PHP has GD functions that include image allocate and setpixel calls, line drawing etc .. check here
oh and yes imagemagick also for more exotic uses
It seem you are trying to output JavaScript commands for drawing on a <canvas> tag. A faster way to draw the pixels might be to use moveTo and lineTo. Btw, why isn't you outer loop a for loop as well?
for($row=0; $row<=$r_max; ++$row) {
for($column=0; $column<=$c_max; ++$column) {
# draw pixel
seem more natural?
The issue is that you're generating code for each pixel. Instead, why not have the code write the pixel info to your favorite image format, then display that in the page? That's the most reasonable (to me) algorithmic solution... I'm not sure if it'll fit into what you're trying to do.
I cant use an image format, because it is not efficient for my usage. I am looking for some example code where an image might be displayed based on data, just so I can get an idea of how to do what I am doing at a rate faster then 15 seconds per render. The nested loops I included above are way to slow.
