I 'm using this in my code:
call_user_func_array ( array ($controller, $method ), $this->params );
but I found out that the code below does the same thing:
Is there any difference between the two versions?
Adam Ramadhan
They are not the same.
If $method is showAction and $this->params is array(2, 'some-slug'), then the first call would be equivalent to:
$controller->showAction(2, 'some-slug');
Whereas the second would be:
$controller->showAction(array(2, 'some-slug'));
Which one you want to use depends on how the rest of your system works (your controllers in particular). I personally would probably go with the first.
They work alike. The only significant difference is that $controller->$nonexistant() would generate a fatal error. While call_user_func_array fails with just an E_WARNING should $method not exist.
Fun fact. Should your $controller harbor a closure $method, then you would actually have to combine both approaches:
call_user_func_array ( $controller->$method, $this->params );
They are doing the same thing, but the second form is shorter, clearer, and faster. Prefer it.
In this case your function will get an array of params and who know how many of them can be and who know what inside $params[0] can be
function myaction($params){
echo $params[0].$params[1].$params[2];
In another case you can get exactly a variable from array of params
call_user_func_array ( array ($controller, $method ), $this->params );
Prime example
You have URL like
or like that
in both case you will get only what you need to get
call_user_func_array ( array ($controller, myaction ), $this->params );
function myaction($newsid,$newsdate){
echo $newsid; // will be 150
echo $newsdate; // will be 10-20-2018
I call an object that returns an array given certain chained methods:
Songs::duration('>', 2)->artist('Unknown')->genre('Metal')->stars(5)->getAllAsArray();
The problem lies that every time I want to get this array, for example, in another script, I have to chain everything again. Now imagine that in over 10 scripts.
Is there a way to recall the chained methods for later use?
Since you can't cache the result, you could cache the structure of the call chain in an array.
$chain = [
'duration' => ['>', 2],
'artist' => 'Unknown',
'genre' => 'Metal',
'stars' => 5,
'getAllAsArray' => null
You could use that with a function that emulates the chained call using the cached array:
function callChain($object, $chain) {
foreach ($chain as $method => $params) {
$params = is_array($params) ? $params : (array) $params;
$object = call_user_func_array([$object, $method], $params);
return $object;
$result = callChain('Songs', $chain);
If you can not cache your results as suggested, as I commented, here are a couple ideas. If your application allows for mixing of functions (as in you are permitted by standards of your company's development rules) and classes, you can use a function wrapper:
// The function can be as complex as you want
// You can make '>', 2 args too if they are going to be different all the time
function getArtists($array)
return \Songs::duration('>', 2)->artist($array[0])->genre($array[1])->stars($array[2])->getAllAsArray();
If you are only allowed to use classes and __callStatic() is not forbidden in your development and is also available in the version of PHP you are using, you might try that:
// If you have access to the Songs class
public __callStatic($name,$args=false)
// This should explode your method name
// so you have two important elements of your chain
// Unknown_Metal() should produce "Unknown" and "Metal" as key 0 and 1
$settings = explode("_",$name);
// Args should be in an array, so if you have 1 value, should be in key 0
$stars = (isset($args[0]))? $args[0] : 5;
// return the contents
return self::duration('>', 2)->artist($settings[0])->genre($settings[1])->stars($stars)->getAllAsArray();
This should return the same as your chain:
It should be noted that overloading is hard to follow because there is no concrete method called Unknown_Metal so it's harder to debug. Also note I have not tested this particular set-up out locally, but I have notated what should happen where.
If those are not allowed, I would then make a method to shorten that chain:
public function getArtists($array)
// Note, '>', 2 can be args too, I just didn't add them
return self::duration('>', 2)->artist($array[0])->genre($array[1])->stars($array[2])->getAllAsArray();
I wrote a lib doing exactly what you're looking for, implementing the principle suggested by Don't Panic in a high quality way: https://packagist.org/packages/jclaveau/php-deferred-callchain
In your case you would code
$search = DeferredCallChain::new_(Songs::class) // or shorter: later(Songs::class)
->duration('>',2) // static syntax "::" cannot handle chaining sadly
print_r( $search($myFirstDBSongs) );
print_r( $search($mySecondDBSongs) );
Hoping it will match your needs!
I am working on something where I need to be able to pass an indexed array of args to a method, much like how call_user_func_array works. I would use call_user_func_array but it is not an OOP approach, which is undesired, and it requires the method to be static, which breaks the target class's OO.
I have tried to use ReflectionClass but to no avail. You cannot invoke arguments to a method of the class, only the constructor. This is unfortunately, not desireable.
So I took to the man pages and looked at ReflectionFunction but there is no way to instantiate the class, point it to a method, and then invokeArgs with it.
Example using ReflectionFunction ( remember, this question is tagged PHP 5.4, hence the syntax):
$call = new \ReflectionFunction( "(ExampleClass())->exampleMethod" );
$call->invokeArgs( ["argument1", "argument2"] );
This fails with:
Function (Index())->Index() does not exist
Example using ReflectionMethod
$call = new \ReflectionMethod( "ExampleClass", "exampleMethod" );
$call->invokeArgs( new ExampleClass(), ["argument1", "argument2"] );
print_r( $call );
This fails with:
ReflectionMethod Object
[name] => Index
[class] => Index
The arguments are never passed to the method.
The desired results are:
class ExampleClass() {
public function exampleMethod( $exampleArg1, $exampleArg2 ){
// do something here
echo "Argument 1: {$exampleArg1}\n";
echo "Argument 2: {$exampleArg2}\n";
$array = [ 'exampleArg1Value', 'exampleArg2Value' ];
If I passed $array to an instance of ExampleClass->exampleMethod(), I would only have one argument, which would be an array. Instead, I need to be able to pull the individual arguments.
I was thinking that if there was a way to call ReflectorFunction on a ReflectorClass I would in in ship-shape and on my way, but it doesn't look like that is possible.
Does anyone have anything they have used to accomplish this previously?
AFAIK, the following should work:
$call = new \ReflectionMethod( "ExampleClass", "exampleMethod" );
$call->invokeArgs( new ExampleClass(), ["argument1", "argument2"] );
print_r( $call );
What minor version is PHP? Are you on 5.4.7?
I have written my own dependency injector, and I also construct classes with the parameters dynamicly. Here is some code that should get your going:
$type = 'ExampleClass';
$reflector = new \ReflectionClass( $type );
if ( !$reflector->isInstantiable() )
throw new \Exception( "Resolution target [$type] is not instantiable." );
$constructor = $reflector->getConstructor();
$parameters = $constructor->getParameters();
At this point you have a array of parameters, needed for construction. You can now substitute the parameters with the values and construct the class.
For some reason, something got stuck, somewhere.
$call = new \ReflectionMethod( "ExampleClass", "exampleMethod" );
$call->invokeArgs( new ExampleClass(), ["argument1", "argument2"] );
Now returns
Argument 1: argument1
Argument 2: argument2
I am going to try to reproduce the issue. It is on a fresh php 5.4.7 install with php-cli and fpm.
I know it is possible to use optional arguments as follows:
function doSomething($do, $something = "something") {
doSomething("do", "nothing");
But suppose you have the following situation:
function doSomething($do, $something = "something", $or = "or", $nothing = "nothing") {
doSomething("do", $or=>"and", $nothing=>"something");
So in the above line it would default $something to "something", even though I am setting values for everything else. I know this is possible in .net - I use it all the time. But I need to do this in PHP if possible.
Can anyone tell me if this is possible? I am altering the Omnistar Affiliate program which I have integrated into Interspire Shopping Cart - so I want to keep a function working as normal for any places where I dont change the call to the function, but in one place (which I am extending) I want to specify additional parameters. I dont want to create another function unless I absolutely have to.
No, in PHP that is not possible as of writing. Use array arguments:
function doSomething($arguments = array()) {
// set defaults
$arguments = array_merge(array(
"argument" => "default value",
), $arguments);
Example usage:
doSomething(); // with all defaults, or:
doSomething(array("argument" => "other value"));
When changing an existing method:
//function doSomething($bar, $baz) {
function doSomething($bar, $baz, $arguments = array()) {
// $bar and $baz remain in place, old code works
Have a look at func_get_args: http://au2.php.net/manual/en/function.func-get-args.php
Named arguments are not currently available in PHP (5.3).
To get around this, you commonly see a function receiving an argument array() and then using extract() to use the supplied arguments in local variables or array_merge() to default them.
Your original example would look something like:
$args = array('do' => 'do', 'or' => 'not', 'nothing' => 'something');
PHP has no named parameters. You'll have to decide on one workaround.
Most commonly an array parameter is used. But another clever method is using URL parameters, if you only need literal values:
function with_options($any) {
parse_str($any); // or extract() for array params
Combine this approach with default parameters as it suits your particular use case.
Being new to PHP, and with a lot riding on this "function wrapper", I thought I'd get a few opinions and a little feedback. I'd like to get about five comments, if possible.
Now before you ask, I have many reasons for wanting to wrap other (WordPress) functions, the primary being hassle-free upgrading. It was also important for me to be able to set a custom name for each function definition, hence the $wrap array.
But I digress, does this look acceptable and relatively bulletproof?
function core_oo( $function )
$args = array_slice( func_get_args(), 1 );
$wrap = array
'comment' => 'the_comment',
'comments' => 'have_comments',
'post' => 'the_post',
'posts' => 'have_posts'
return call_user_func_array( $wrap[ $function ], $args );
... and the function will be called like...
core_oo( 'post', 'arg1', 'arg2' );
Many thanks!
Per chaos's sugeestion below, is this the right way to declare $wrap as static?
static $wrap = array
( ...
Well, your fundamental aim seems like madness, but with your fundamental aim taken as a given, yes, that function looks like a fine way to accomplish it.
You should declare $wrap as static to ensure that you're not pointlessly regenerating the array every time the function is called, though.
And this:
trigger_error('No underlying function known for ' . $function, E_USER_ERROR);
would probably be smart too.
Seeking suggestions from PHP architects!
I'm not terribly familiar with PHP but have taken over maintenance of a large analytics package written in the language. The architecture is designed to read reported data into large key/value arrays, which are passed through various parsing modules to extract those report parameters known to each of those modules. Known parameters are removed from the master array, and any leftovers which were not recognized by any of the modules, are dumped into a kind of catch-all report showing the "unknown" data points.
There are a few different methods being used to call these parser modules, and I would like to know which if any are considered to be "proper" PHP structure. Some are using pass-by-reference, others pass-by-value, some are functions, some are objects. All of them modify the input parameter in some way.
A super-simplified example follows:
$values = Array("a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>3, "d"=>4 );
class ParserA {
private $a = null;
public function __construct(&$myvalues) {
$this->a = $myvalues["a"];
public function toString() { return $this->a; }
// pass-by-value
function parse_b($myvalues) {
$b = $myvalues["b"];
return Array($b, $myvalues);
// pass-by-reference
function parse_c(&$myvalues) {
echo "c=".$myvalues["c"]."\n";
// Show beginning state
// will echo "1" and remove "a" from $values
$a = new ParserA($values);
echo "a=".$a->toString()."\n";
// w ill echo "2" and remove "b" from $values
list($b, $values) = parse_b($values);
echo "b=".$b."\n";
// will echo "3" and remove "c" from $values
The output will be:
[a] => 1
[b] => 2
[c] => 3
[d] => 4
[b] => 2
[c] => 3
[d] => 4
[c] => 3
[d] => 4
[d] => 4
I'm really uncomfortable having so many different call methods in use, some of which have hidden effects on the call function parameters using "&pointer"-style functions, some requiring the main body to write their output, and some writing their output independently.
I would prefer to choose a single methodology and stick with it. In order to do so, I would also like to know which is most efficient; my reading of the PHP documentation indicates that since it uses copy-on-write, there shouldn't be much performance difference between using pointers to vs passing the object directly and re-reading a return value. I would also prefer to use the object-oriented structure, but am uncomfortable with the hidden changes being made to the input parameter on the constructor.
Of the three calling methods, ParserA(), parse_b(), and parse_c(), which if any is the most appropriate style?
I'm not really an expert in PHP but from my experience passing by value is better. This way code won't have side effects and that mean it will be easier to understand and maintain and do all sorts of crazy things on it, like using it as callback for map function. So I'm all for parse_b way of doing things.
FYI: In PHP, objects are always passed by reference, no matter what. Also if you have an array with objects and scalar values in it, the scalar values are passed by value, but the objects by reference.
As a general rule in PHP, do not use references unless you really have to.
references in PHP are also not what most people expect them to be:
"References in PHP are a means to access the same variable content by different names. They are not like C pointers; instead, they are symbol table aliases.""
see also: php.net: What References Are
So in short:
The proper way of handling this PHP is using creating an object that passes the variables around by value or manipulating the array with array_map (array_map allows you to apply a callback function to the elements an array.)
I would vote against the methods proposed in general, but of them, I think parse_b has the best idea.
I think it would be better design to wrap the "data" array in a class that could let you "pop" a key out of it easily. So the parser ends up looking like:
class ParserA {
private $a = null;
public function __construct(My_Data_Class $data) {
$this->a = $data->popValue("a");
public function toString() { return $this->a; }
And a sample implementation
class My_Data_Class {
protected $_data;
public function __construct(array $data) {
$this->_data = $data;
public function popValue($key) {
if (isset($this->_data[$key])) {
$value = $this->_data[$key];
return $value;