Best practices for static constructors - php

I want to create an instance of a class and call a method on that instance, in a single line of code.
PHP won't allow calling a method on a regular constructor:
new Foo()->set_sth(); // Outputs an error.
So I'm using, if I can call it that, a static constructor:
Here's my question:
Is using static constructors like that considered a good practice and if yes, how would you recommend naming the methods for these static constructors?
I've been hesitating over the following options:

Static constructors (or "named constructors") are only beneficial to prove an intention, as #koen says.
Since 5.4 though, someting called "dereferencing" appeared, which permits you to inline class instantiation directly with a method call.
(new MyClass($arg1))->doSomething(); // works with newer versions of php
So, static constructors are only useful if you have multiple ways to instantiate your objects.
If you have only one (always the same type of arguments and number of args), there is no need for static constructors.
But if you have multiple ways of instantiations, then static constructors are very useful, as it avoids to pollute your main constructor with useless argument checking, weakening languages constraints.
class Duration
private $start;
private $end;
// or public depending if you still want to allow direct instantiation
private function __construct($startTimeStamp = null, $endTimestamp = null)
$this->start = $startTimestamp;
$this->end = $endTimestamp;
public static function fromDateTime(\DateTime $start, \DateTime $end)
return new self($start->format('U'), $end->format('U'));
public static function oneDayStartingToday()
$day = new self;
$day->start = time();
$day->end = (new \DateTimeImmutable)->modify('+1 day')->format('U');
return $day;
As you can see in oneDayStartingToday, the static method can access private fields of the instance! Crazy isn't it ? :)
For a better explanation, see

The naming of any method should be with intention revealing names. I can't tell what 'Foo::factory' does. Try to build to a higher level language:
This would be the same as:
$user = new User();
You could also easily test whether User::with100StartingPoints() is equal to this.

If you don't need a reference to the newly constructed Foo, why don't you simply make set_sth a static function (and have it create a new Foo internally if required)?
If you do need to get hold of the reference, how would you do it? return $this in set_sth? But then set_sth can be made into a factory function anyway.
The only situation I can think of is if you want to call chainable methods (like in a fluent interface) on a newly constructed instance all in one expression. Is that what you are trying to do?
Anyway, you can use a general-purpose factory function for all types of objects, e.g.
function create_new($type) {
return new $type;

It's probably not quite a best practice, but you could use the fact that functions and classes have two different namespaces : you can have a function that have the same name as a class.
This allows one to write this kind of code, for example :
function MyClass() {
return new MyClass();
class MyClass {
public function __construct() {
$this->a = "plop";
public function test() {
echo $this->a;
protected $a;
Note that I have defined a function called MyClass, and a class with the same name.
Then, you can write this :
Which will work perfectly, and not get you any error -- here, you'll get the following output :

Addition to Jon's answer: To allow constructor arguments use the following:
function create($type) {
$args = func_get_args();
$reflect = new ReflectionClass(array_shift($args));
return $reflect->newInstanceArgs($args);
create('Foo', 'some', 'args')->bar();
Documentation: ReflectionClass->newInstanceArgs

These are called creation methods, and I typically name them createXXX() such as createById() or createEmptyCatalog(). Not only do they provide a nice way to reveal the different intentions of an object's constructors, but they enable immediate method chaining in a fluent interface.
echo Html_Img::createStatic('/images/missing-image.jpg')
->setSize(60, 90)
->setTitle('No image for this article')

Propel uses a static method "create". I'd go with that. This method makes the code easier to test rather than just using static methods to perform business logic.
class MyClass
public static function create()
return new MyClass();
public function myMethod()
Besides, you can also pass parameters to the constructor. For instance:
class MyClass
public function __construct($param1, $param2)
//initialization using params
public static function create($param1, $param2)
return new MyClass($param1, $param2); // return new self($param1, $param2); alternative ;)
public function myMethod()
In either case, you'd be able to invoke myMethod right after the create method
// or
MyClass::create($param1, $param2)->myMethod();

A bit late to the party but I think this might help.
class MyClass
function __construct() {
// constructor initializations here
public static myMethod($set = null) {
// if myclass is not instantiated
if (is_null($set)) {
// return new instance
$d = new MyClass();
return $d->Up('s');
} else {
// myclass is instantiated
// my method code goes here
this can then be used as
$result = MyClass::myMethod();
optional parameters can be passed through either the __constructor or myMethod.
This is my first post and I hope I got the gimmicks right


Calling a Class function without using $this->function_name() -- PHP --

So I have this class:
class A{
public function do_a(){ return 'a_done';};
public function do_b(){ return 'b_done';};
So I require the php file and create an instance of the class:
$System = new A();
require_once("user_calls.php"); //here I import the user file with the function calls.
user_calls.php contents:
echo 'this was the result of '.$System->do_a();
echo 'this was the result of '.$System->do_b();
So, that does work, but I don't want the user to have to use $System->do_a();, but only do_a();.
Any solutions?
EDIT: I also want to limit the functions the user could call in the user_calls.php file, to basic native php functions and those in class A.
DISCLAIMER: While this code works, and does what you requested, that doesn't mean that I advocate coding like this. It's very hard to follow for other developers (and maybe even you in the future...), and it also makes use of eval(), which is almost always A Bad Thing(tm). That said, here you go:
class A {
public function do_a() {
return __METHOD__;
public function do_b() {
return __METHOD__;
$aRef = new ReflectionClass('A');
$aPublicMethods = $aRef->getMethods(ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC);
foreach ($aPublicMethods as $method) {
$php = <<<PHP
function {$method->name}() {
global \$System;
return \$System->{$method->name}();
$System = new A();
echo 'this was the result of ' . do_a();
echo 'this was the result of ' . do_b();
Please also note that if your methods use arguments, things get even more hairy. Also, if you name any of your methods the same as a function in the global namespace (ex. substr()), this will attempt to redefine them, and you'll probably get a Fatal Error.
Methods of a class are either instance methods (they act on a particular instance of a class defined by $this) or they are class methods (They aren't tied to any one particular instance of a class, but provide services that fall within the remit of the class.
An instance method is defined as follows:
public function foo()
whereas a class method is defined with the STATIC keyword.
static public function bar()
In the instance method you can use $this to get access to the state of the instance on which the method was called. This is not available in the class method because it's not tied to any one instance. It can access other members of the class (provided they're not tied to an instance) with the self keyword though.
Instance methods are called as follows:
$a = new ObjType ()
$output = $a -> foo ();
Class methods are called as follows:
$output = ObjType::bar ();
No matter which approach you use you either have to provide an instance (for instance methods) or a class (for class methods) to call the method. Calling just foo() or bar() will not work.
You'll have to use a closure. Note that it's calling directly from the class definition, not the object:
class test {
function method() {
echo 'method was called';
$method = function(){call_user_func('test::method');};
//method was calledmethod was calledmethod was called
To call the method from the object, rather than the class, you'll have to pass the object into the closure:
class test {
var $count = 0;
function method() {
echo $this->count . "|<br />";
$obj = new test;
$obj2 = new test;
$method = function($object){call_user_func(array($object, 'method'));};
But that's not any prettier or simpler, is it?
If you don't want to clutter up your page, just name the object something short:
$pco = new page_controller_object_with_a_long_name_that_is_annoying;
Moving it outside the class as suggested by #LucM sounds the easiest way.

How to do instantiation and call a method in a mouthful in PHP?

I tried these two ways:
(new NewsForm())->getWidgetSchema();
{new NewsForm()}->getWidgetSchema();
With no luck...
PHP does not allow you to do this. Try:
function giveback($class)
return $class;
giveback(new NewsForm())->getWidgetSchema();
It is a rather weird quirk with the language.
You can't an instanciation and a method call in one instruction... But a way to "cheat" is to create a function that returns an instance of the class you're working with -- and, then, call a method on that function which returns an object :
function my_function() {
return new MyClass();
And, in this kind of situation, there is a useful trick : names of classes and names of functions don't belong to the same namespace -- which means you can have a class and a function that have the same name : they won't conflict !
So, you can create a function which has the same name as your class, instanciates it, and returns that instance :
class MyClass {
public function myMethod() {
echo 'glop';
function MyClass() {
return new MyClass();
(Yeah, the name of the function is not that pretty, in this example -- but you see the point ;-) )
If it is a static method you can just do this:
A better option in my opinion would be to use a factory method:
class factory_demo {
public static function factory()
return new self;
public function getWidgetSchema()
{ }
Of course, you get all the benefits of the factory pattern as well. Unfortunately this only works if you have access to the code, and are willing to change it.

PHP isset($this) and using the same object method in a static and object context

I'm working on a class which needs to be accessible via static function calls as well as object methods. One thing I have found is that I'm duplicating logic across multiple functions.
Simplified example:
class Configurable{
protected $configurations = array();
protected static $static_configurations = array();
public function configure($name, $value){
// ...lots of validation logic...
$this->configurations[$name] = $value;
public static function static_configure($name, $value){
// ...lots of validation logic (repeated)...
self::$static_configurations[$name] = $value;
I've found a solution to this, but it feels really dirty:
class Configurable{
protected $configurations = array();
protected static $static_configurations = array();
public function configure($name, $value){
// ...lots of validation logic...
if (isset($this)){
$this->configurations[$name] = $value;
self::$static_configurations[$name] = $value;
I need the static function as well so that I can set configurations throughout the application. Also, the nice thing with this technique is that I can use the same method names in both scopes.
Are there any problems with testing scope like this? Performance issues, forward compatibility issues, etc. It all works for me on PHP 5.2, and I don't need to support <5.
The issue with the second method is that it will result in an error when error reporting is set to E_STRICT. For example:
Strict standards: Non-static method Foo::bar() should not be called statically in /home/yacoby/dev/php/test.php on line 10
A point with PHP6 is that the E_STRICT errors are moved to E_ALL. In other words E_ALL will cover all errors including not allowing you to call non static methods statically.
An alternative method may be to move the validation logic to a static function. That way the non static function and the static function can call the validation logic.
Static methods would require a different number of arguments than their objective counterpart - the additional argument would be an execution context. If there's no execution context, then it only makes sense to call it statically.
My preferred approach given that I'm building a library with multiple interfaces like this, is to create a static class and a dynamic class. Have one proxy the calls to the other. For example:
class DynamicClass {
protected $foo;
protected $bar;
public function baz($arg1) {
return StaticClass::bar($this->foo, $arg1);
public function zop($arg1, $arg2) {
return StaticClass::zop($this->foo, $this->bar, $arg1, $arg2);
// Context-less helper function
public function womp($arg1) {
return StaticClass::womp($arg1);
class StaticClass {
public static function baz(&$fooContext, $arg1) { ... }
public static function zop(&$fooContext, &$barContext, $arg1, $arg2) { ... }
public static function womp($arg1) { ... }
It's up to you exactly how you pass context to the static class - you'll have to do whatever makes sense for you. The work done in most functions should be pretty minor (if you're doing a lot, then you probably should be breaking the work up into smaller functions as a rule), and so should only require a handful of context arguments. Or you could create a full context array and pass that around everywhere (either populating it in DynamicClass just before each call, or else track all DynamicClass properties in that array so you can quickly & easily pass it around.
Though actually it looks like you might benefit from a Singleton design pattern. From what I can see, you're trying to create a global Configurable, and also have the option to create individual local Configurables. With the singleton design pattern, you create a globally accessible version of a class that you can guarantee you only have one of (without breaking OOP design principles and having to rely on $_GLOBALS etc). For example:
class DynamicClass {
protected $foo;
protected $bar;
public function baz($arg1) { ... }
public function zop($arg1, $arg2) { ... }
public static function getSingleton() {
static $instance = null;
if ($instance === null) $instance = new DynamicClass();
return $instance;
No matter where in your code you are, you can get access to the same instance with DynamicClass::getSingleton(). You also have the option of creating one-off non-singleton versions. You essentially get the best of both worlds while only having to write all your methods with dynamic access in mind exclusively.
I don't find it so absurd to allow calling a method on an instance and statically as well. My case:
TestRecord::generateForm(); // Generate an empty form.
$test = new TestRecord( $primaryKey );
$test->generateForm(); // Generate an edit form with actual $test values.
Static side of my class deals with blank/new logics,
while instance side means live data are used.
PHP 5.3 allows to achieve this by using __call, __callStatic and static:: :
public function __call( $name, $args )
if ( $name == 'generateForm' ) {
$this->fields = static::createFields(); // Action 1 : static.
$this->fillFields(); // Action 2 : instance.
static::renderForm( $this->fields ); // Action 3 : static.
public static function __callStatic( $name, $args )
if ( $name == 'generateForm' ) {
$fields = static::createFields(); // Action 1 : static.
// Action 2 : none.
static::renderForm( $fields ); // Action 3 : static.
Note: The static:: late binding qualifier is used because my 3 action methods (createFields, fillFields and rendreForm) are implemented as protected in the subclasses of this one, which is abstract. This is possible because PHP let protected members be accessed in both directions: from base to subclass, but from subclass to superclass as well. Which is different from other OO languages, as far as I know.
as in core php we use index.php?var=, so to do the same thing in oop php what should we use.

OOP/PHP5: Calling Class A from Class B - or, Making the horse jump

Say you have two classes, A and B. Is it possible to instantiate both classes once and then let class B call methods in class A, and vice versa?
It can be done using double colon (::) ... ... but then the method becomes static - is that a disadvantage? (see example below)
Can it be done in other ways? With interfaces?
This code shows what I try to do:
class A {
function horse() {
echo "horse";
class B {
function jump() {
// $A = new A; ... don't want to add this in each method.
$A->horse(); // Fails - $A is out of scope ($A = new A;).
// A::horse(); // Old code style - works.
// $this->horse(); // Works if you extend A - not self-documenting.
// $this->A->horse(); // Fails - out of scope.
$A = new A;
$B = new B; // Better to use "$B = new B($A);" ?
$B->jump(); // fails - the horse is sleeping.
Well, I am building a MVC-framework and I want to re-use code from other classes.
Some real-world examples:
a database object that is being passed across classes.
a "url" class that creates/manipulates URLs - used by other classes.
... and a code example:
class url {
function anchor($url,$name) {
return "{$name}";
class someclass {
function text($str,$url) {
return "{$str}. " . $url->anchor($url,"Read more...");
I think what you are asking for is multiple inheritance where you could extend both A and B like this
class C extends A,B {
This however is not possible in PHP for good reasons(it actually is creating more problems than it's trying to solve).
Now you might ask yourself if there is any alternative to multiple inheritance and the answer is: Yes, there is! Have a look at the strategy pattern(as Benjamin Ortuzar also has pointed out).
I just read your question a second time and figured that you might be looking for the singleton pattern, which lets you instantiate an instance of an class only once like this:
class A
protected static $_instance;
protected function __construct() //prohibit creating instances from outside
{ }
public static function getInstance()
if( self::$_instance === NULL ) {
self::$_instance = new self();
return self::$_instance;
$instance = A::getInstance();
Now A::getInstance() always returns the same instance of A which you can use in B and you can have both the advantages of dynamic functions and the accessibility of static functions.
Your database belongs into a registry if you can have more than one db-connection. If you're absolutely certain that you will always need only one db-connection you could as well make it a singleton.
For the URL helper I'd suggest writing a static class if you can and if you really need it to be dynamic make it a singleton, as mentioned before.
I think that this should work:
$B = new B();
But you should read/refer to
Of course you should import the class if you're accessing it from a different php file. And if you're in the object you're calling the method of you should use
I would suggest reading about the factory and strategy pattern. You can read more about this from chapter one of this fantastic book. link text
I would recomend you reading the whole book.
Maybe (just guessing) you're looking for something like aggregation in COM:
Aggregation is the object reuse mechanism in which the outer object exposes interfaces from the inner object as if they were implemented on the outer object itself.
You can build something like that with the "magic method" __call. Each time a method is called that isn't callable in the object's context this method is invoked and your code can decide what to do with this call. E.g. it can test if another object that is stored as a property of the "outer" object exposes a method with that name and than call that inner object's method.
class Foo {
protected $inner = null;
public function __construct($inner=null) {
if ( is_null($inner) && !is_object($inner) ) {
throw new Exception('...');
$this->inner = $inner;
public function __call($name, $arguments) {
// also check
if ( !is_null($this->inner) && method_exists($this->inner, $name) ) {
return call_user_func_array( array($this->inner, $name), $arguments);
else {
// add some error handler here
throw new Exception('...');
function jump() {
echo " jumps";
class Bar {
function horse() {
echo "horse";
$foo = new Foo(new Bar);
This works. But I'd recommend something like that only for quite specific circumstances. The most obvious reason beeing that it's hard to tell from the outside what this object $foo really can and cannot do.

How to chain method on a newly created object?

I would like to know whether there's a way to chain methods on a newly created object in PHP?
Something like:
class Foo {
public function xyz() { ... return $this; }
$my_foo = new Foo()->xyz();
Anyone know of a way to achieve this?
In PHP 5.4+, the parser's been modified so you can do something like this
(new Foo())->xyz();
Wrap the instantiation in parenthesis, and chain away.
Prior to PHP 5.4, when you're using the
new Classname();
syntax, you can't chain a method call off the instantiation. It's a limitation of PHP 5.3's syntax. Once an object is instantiated, you can chain away.
One method I've seen used to get around this is a static instantiation method of some kind.
class Foo
public function xyz()
echo "Called","\n";
return $this;
static public function instantiate()
return new self();
$a = Foo::instantiate()->xyz();
By wrapping the call to new in a static method, you can instantiate a class with method call, and you're then free to chain off that.
Define a global function like this:
function with($object){ return $object; }
You will then be able to call:
with(new Foo)->xyz();
In PHP 5.4 you can chain off a newly instantiated object:
For older versions of PHP, you can use Alan Storm's solution.
This answer is outdated - therefore want to correct it.
In PHP 5.4.x you can chain a method to a new-call. Let's take this class as example:
<?php class a {
public function __construct() { echo "Constructed\n"; }
public function foo() { echo "Foobar'd!\n"; }
Now, we can use this: $b = (new a())->foo();
And the output is:
Further information may be found on the manual:
Well, this may be an old question but as with a lot of things in programming - eventually the answer changes.
Regarding PHP 5.3, no, you can't chain directly from the constructor. To expand on the accepted answer however, in order to properly accommodate for inheritance, you can do:
abstract class Foo
public static function create()
return new static;
class Bar extends Foo
public function chain1()
return $this;
public function chain2()
return $this;
$bar = Bar::create()->chain1()->chain2();
That will work just fine and will return you a new Bar() instance.
In PHP 5.4, however, you can simply do:
$bar = (new Bar)->chain1()->chain2();
Hopefully this helps someone stumbling across the question like I have!
It would be really helpful if they 'fix this' in a future release. I really appreciate the ability to chain (especially when populating collections):
I added a method to the base class of my framework called create() that can be chained off of. Should work with all descendant classes automatically.
class baseClass
public final static function create()
$class = new \ReflectionClass(get_called_class());
return $class->newInstance(func_get_args());
public function __call($method, $args)
$matches = array();
if (preg_match('/^(?:Add|Set)(?<prop>.+)/', $method, $matches) > 0)
// Magic chaining method
if (property_exists($this, $matches['prop']) && count($args) > 0)
$this->$matches['prop'] = $args[0];
return $this;
Just for the sake of completeness (and for the fun of it...), since nobody seems to have mentioned the solution with the shortest (and least sophisticated) code.
For frequently used short-lived objects, especially when writing test cases, where you typically do lots of object creation, you may want to optimize for typing convenience (rather than purity), and sorta' combine Alan Storm's Foo::instantiate() factory method and Kenaniah's with() global function technique.
Simply make the factory method a global function with the same name as the class!. ;-o (Either add it as a convenience wrapper around the proper static Foo::instantiate() or just move it out there while nobody is looking.)
class Foo
public function xyz()
echo "Called","\n";
return $this;
function Foo()
return new Foo();
$a = Foo()->xyz();
I WOULDN'T DO THIS on production code. While kinda' sexy, this is an abuse on basic coding principles (like "principle of least surprise" (although this is actually rather intuitive syntax), or "don't repeat yourself", esp. if wrapping a real factory method with some parameters, which itself, BTW, is already an abuse of DRY...), plus PHP may change in he future to break code like this in funny ways.
