PHP (local wamp) - how to print without print dialogue - php

Trying to find a good way to print without the print dialogue on my LOCAL wamp installation, in other words the printer is connected to the server.
The best (theoretical) way I have found so far seems to be using PHP's exec function, by either running a .bat that will use notepad to open and print the file or by running notepad and printing form there.
$exe_tmp = exec('E:\WebServer\www\testprint.bat');
$exe_tmp = exec('c:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c "E:\WebServer\www\MOSys\ePos\testprint.bat"');
NOTEPAD /P E:\WebServer\www\current_reciept.txt
Running either of these form cmd.exe works perfectly but when trying to run it using PHP's exec, when $exe_tmp is echoed, I get seemingly nothing and an output of:
E:\WebServer\www>NOTEPAD /P E:\WebServer\www\current_reciept.txt
If anyone knows why the above don't work when called from exec(); that would be very good, or if anyone knows of another way to bypass the print dialogue that would be excellent.

I think the answer lies here:
It would result in something like this:
$exe_tmp = exec('c:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c "print /d:\\SERVER\printer e:\WebServer\www\current_reciept.txt"');
I din't test it but according to the microsoft site it sends it directly to the queue


Using PHP to call Virtualenv’ed Python Script

Last night I spent 5.5 hours trying make PHP execute and receive the output of Virtualenv’ed Python script. Nothing worked; except for scripts that were not Virtualenv’ed.
What I am trying to do:
I am trying to make PHP call a virtualenv’d install of the Newspaper lib output text when I call it.
What I have now:
PHP: (updated)
$output = exec('newspaper2/bin/python3 /var/www/html/components/python/ 2>&1', $output2);
echo $output2;
echo $output;
…this works when using a non-virtualenv script
Python: (updated)
from newspaper import Article
url = ''
article = Article(url)
string = article.text
What the issue is:
I can run the script that PHP is running from the command line and it outputs just fine.
What I have tried:
With PHP, (I have tried all the “exec” calls for PHP) it cannot seem to open the virtual environment and returns nothing.
Before the script I have called “python3” and a few other things to no avail.
Yes, I have chmoded it to be executable…
I feel like this should be so simple.
I have tried suggestions on other posts and all over the web to no avail.
Did I set up the virtualenv wrong?
At the top of the Python script, instead of the “#!/usr/bin/env python3” should I call something else?
If so, where do I find it? Should I start from scratch and will that
Thank you for your help;
PS: I am running Ubuntu16, PHP7 and I need to use Python3
In the virtualenv'ed scripts (i.e. installed via the setuptools' entry-points), you should not touch the shebang (#!... first line). It is populated by the virtualenv & setuptools & related tools.
If you specify your own shebang, then it is not virtualenv'ed script. In that case, call python directly:
exec('/path/to/venv/bin/python3 /var/www/html/components/python/');
Alternatively, you can put the absolute path to the virtualenv's python binary to the py-script, but this does not look a good idea.
Also, remember that virtualenvs are non-relocatable. So they should stay in the path where they were created.
Also note that exec() returns only the last line of the output. You probably want shell_exec() or exec('...', $output) to get the whole output.
Also, it is unclear what happens with your script, and what is being printed on stderr. Try this command to see what is the error:
exec('/path/to/script 2>&1', $output)
exec('/path/to/venv/bin/python3 /path/to/script 2>&1', $output)
OK, I finally figured it out and learned a lot in the process. The newspaper lib that I am using by default tries to write to the base of the users home directory. In this case, it was attempting to write to www-data, /var/www.
To fix this:
Go to the file in the newspaper library.
Edit the variable DATA_DIRECTORY = '.newspaper_scraper' and change it to DATA_DIRECTORY = '.path/to/writable/directory'
Save the file and you should be good to go.
I have no idea why it was not returning the errors that would have explained this sooner.
Hope this helps anyone else.
Thank you so much Sergey Vasilyev for your help. I appreciate it greatly.

How to execute a batch script from PHP

Server Specs
Windows 2008Rc2
PHP 5.3
I have a batch file that does a mysql dump and then zips up the contents and makes it available for download in a public folder. Now i know this scripts works because it runs fine every-time i run it manually, but i can't seem to get it to work through php.
Basically I would like to just be able to call a php page that will run this batch file.
I know that exec is enabled as im able to use shell_exec to ping, and i can get the output back.
I've tried with just system() and exec(), but still nothing. In some cases it looks like the page is working, but it just sits on the loading prompt.
I've searched high and low trying a million different combinations of commands, but none of them seem to work for me.
I've been reduce to trying this simple command, as i can get ping to work from this. Although when the page is called it only displays the echo statements.
echo "Starting...";
echo shell_exec("C:\inetpub\wwwroot\DBZIP2");
echo "Success!";
I've also tried this, but the page just hangs on a loading screen and doesn't display the echo commands.
echo "Starting...<br><br>";
system("cmd /c START C:\inetpub\wwwroot\DBZIP2");
echo "Success!";
Not really sure where to go from here. I've tried pathing the cmd.exe file, but that made no difference. Is there an easier way to do this? Another programming Language perhaps? Any help is appreciated.
Try executing using "shell_exec" with a full path to CMD.exe
echo "Starting...<br><br>";
shell_exec("c:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c START C:\inetpub\wwwroot\DBZIP2");
echo "Success!";

PHP exec() with CUDA

exec("fun.exe input/input.txt ");
I want to run an CUDA program in PHP,
the task is:
load data from an input.txt. (argument)
write an output.txt.
and PHP read ouput.txt to do next task.
In server1(Apache ,Windows XP), it can run perfectly,
but in server2,3(Apache, Windows 7),the output is wrong.
The program doesn't crash and there's no any error message in the page,
it seems like something wrong during the execution.
Next I try exec the All CPU-side version (same calculation),server2,3 can run correctly.
If I exec the fun.exe(CUDA version) in server2,3 directly(double click or in command line),the program also run perfectly.
Any idea on why server2,3 can't run the program? Thanks.
First, try using the full path to the executable. Then the full path to the input file too.
If that doesn't work, then try modifying the file permissions (try with full 777 permissions, if that works then you know where your problem lies).
Try to use the entire path (windows version using backslash).

Why isn't this shell command giving the desired result?

I am using the wkhtmtoimage library on my server, and I have managed to get the output for the following command when I am running in PuTTY:
wkhtmltoimage test.jpg
But, when I use the following shell command I don't get the output, and I don't know why.
$filnename = "test.jpg";
$url = "";
shell_exec("wkhtmltoimage $url $filename");
Even I tried with this variation instead, but still without getting the desired result:
shell_exec("/usr/local/bin/wkhtmltoimage $url $filename");
What am I doing wrong?
I downloaded the Linux binary and put it into the folder then I ran it.Whether I need to restart the server the changes affected?
shell_exec command is allowed because we used it for ffmpeg(already installed one)
I cannot give an exact solution but if you can try out what I write I might be of help. I will list more solutions if the one I am providing does not work.
Solution proposal 1:
Use quotes around url and filename
shell_exec("wkhtmltoimage \"$url\" \"$filename\"");
Solution proposal 2:
Try redirecting streams to files and type the contents.
shell_exec("wkhtmltoimage \"$url\" \"$filename\" > output.txt 2> error.txt");
May be user under which PHP (or Apache) runs have no permissions to run this tool. Try printing output of this command or just use passthru() to directly print output of command.
Another solution is to pass output to files as #Cem_Kalyoncu wrote.

How do I escape a PHP script to an external editor and return afterwards?

Specifically I have a PHP command-line script that at a certain point requires input from the user. I would like to be able to execute an external editor (such as vi), and wait for the editor to finish execution before resuming the script.
My basic idea was to use a temporary file to do the editing in, and to retrieve the contents of the file afterwards. Something along the lines of:
$filename = '/tmp/script_' . time() . '.tmp';
get_user_input ($filename);
$input = file_get_contents ($filename);
unlink ($filename);
I suspect that this isn't possible from a PHP command-line script, however I'm hoping that there's some sort of shell scripting trick that can be employed to achieve the same effect.
Suggestions for how this can be achieved in other scripting languages are also more than welcome.
You can redirect the editor's output to the terminal:
system("vim > `tty`");
I just tried this and it works fine in windows, so you can probably replicate with vi or whatever app you want on Linux.
The key is that exec() hangs the php process while notepad (in this case) is running.
exec('notepad c:\test');
echo file_get_contents('c:\test');
$ php -r test.php
Edit: As your attempt shows and bstark pointed out, my notepad test fires up a new window so all is fine, but any editor that runs in console mode fails because it has no terminal to attach to.
That being said, I tried on a Linux box with exec('nano test'); echo file_get_contents('test'); and it doesn't fail as badly as vi, it just runs without displaying anything. I could type some stuff, press "ctrl-X, y" to close and save the file, and then the php script continued and displayed what I had written. Anyway.. I found the proper solution, so new answer coming in.
I don't know if it's at all possible to connect vi to the terminal php is running on, but the quick and easy solution is not to use a screen editor on the same terminal.
You can either use a line editor such as ed (you probably don't want that) or open a new window, like system("xterm -e vi") (replace xterm with the name of your terminal app).
Edited to add: In perl, system("vi") just works, because perl doesn't do the kind of fancy pipelining/buffering php does.
So it seems your idea of writing a file lead us to try crazy things while there is an easy solution :)
$out = fopen('php://stdout', 'w+');
$in = fopen('php://stdin', 'r+');
fwrite($out, "foo?\n");
$var = fread($in, 1024);
echo strtoupper($var);
The fread() call will hang the php process until it receives something (1024 bytes or end of line I think), producing this :
$ php test.php
bar <= my input
