Enable debug mode interactively in symfony - php

I'm using symfony 1.4 with Doctrine.
I'm trying to find a way to enable debug mode only if the current sfUser has a special debugger credential.
I already created a filter that deactivates the symfony debug bar if the sfUser has not this credential (the web_debug is set to true in my settings.yml file):
class checkWebDebugFilter extends sfFilter
public function execute($filterChain)
sfConfig::set('sf_web_debug', false);
The code of my index.php file is:
$configuration = ProjectConfiguration::getApplicationConfiguration('frontend', 'prod', false));
The problem is, as the debug mode is hardcoded to false in my index.php, it is also disabled for debuggers; therefore the Web debug bar does not show Doctrine statements nor timing indications.
Is there a way to enable debug mode only if the current sfUser has a precise credential?
I tried to add sfConfig::set('sf_debug', true); to my checkWebDebugFilter::execute() method but as the filter is executed after Doctrine statements, they are not recorded.
I also tried to add session_start(); in my index.php file, then browsing through the $_SESSION variable to check whether the current user has the debugger credential, but it did not work (and it was not in the spirit of symfony either).
Thanks in advance for your answers.

When you pass the debug parameter in the index.php file, it actually is passed down to the sfApplicationConfiguration class of your application. In your case it can be found in the /apps/frontend/config/frontendConfiguration.class.php file. frontendConfiguration class extends sfApplicationConfiguration, and here you can add your code.
Debug parameter is stored in a protected variable of this class, so you wont be able to change it from filter, but you can create a function for example:
setDebug($mode) {
$this->debug = $mode;
And call it in your filter:
You also could override isDebug() function in frontendConfiguration class, because that is used in the initConfiguration() function to initialize timing indicators and other debugging stuff.
if ($this->isDebug() && !sfWebDebugPanelTimer::isStarted())
But you won't be able to check user permissions here, as sfUser class won't be initialized in this stage yet. But you can check $_COOKIES or $_SESSION global variables for a value that you can set when user is logging in. Or you can call sfWebDebugPanelTimer::startTime() in your Filter, but will miss a few microseconds.
I have not tested this, but that's how I would do it.

Try this
if you want to enable web_debug panel (dev) mode then
write in your index.php 'frontend','dev',true.
$configuration = ProjectConfiguration::getApplicationConfiguration('frontend', 'dev', true));


Testing Laravel Service Providers

I'm (we're) creating a package that acts as a core component for our future CMS and of course that package needs some unit tests.
When the package registeres, the first thing it does is set the back/frontend context like this:
class FoundationServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
// ... stuff ...
public function register()
// Switch the context.
// Url's containing '/admin' will get the backend context
// all other urls will get the frontend context.
$this->app['build.context'] = request()->segment(1) === 'admin'
? Context::BACKEND
: Context::FRONTEND;
So when I visit the /admin url, the app('build.context') variable will be set to backend otherwise it will be set to `frontend.
To test this I've created the following test:
class ServiceProviderTest extends \TestCase
public function test_that_we_get_the_backend_context()
$this->assertEquals(Context::BACKEND, app('build.context'));
When I'm running the code in the browser (navigating to /admin) the context will get picked up and calling app('build.context') will return backend, but when running this test, I always get 'frontend'.
Is there something I did not notice or some incorrect code while using phpunit?
Thanks in advance
Well, this is a tricky situation. As I understand it, laravel initiates two instances of the framework when running tests - one that is running the tests and another that is being manipulated through instructions. You can see it in tests/TestCase.php file.
So in your case you are manipulating one instance, but checking the context of another (the one that did not visit /admin and is just running the tests). I don't know if there's a way to access the manipulated instance directly - there's nothing helpful in documentation on this issue.
One workaround would be to create a route just for testing purposes, something like /admin/test_context, which would output the current context, and the check it with
Not too elegant, but that should work. Otherwise, look around in laravel, maybe you will find some undocumented feature.

How to Turn off Debugging Logs with Monolog

I'm using Monolog in a project, it's not Symfony, just my own application that uses the stand-alone Monolog composer package.
What I'd like to do is programmatically turn off debugging logs. I'm writing to a log file and I'm using the Monolog::StreamHandler. I'm controlling whether the application is in debug mode or not with a Configuration class that gets the debug value from a configuration file. So when someone changes that value to debugging is false, debug logging should turn off.
I felt like the easiest way to do this would be to extend StreamHandler and override StreamHandler's write method like this.
class DurpLogger extends StreamHandler {
protected function write(array $record) {
if ($this->getLevel() == Durp::Debug && !Configuration::debug()) {
So if a log request comes in and the log level for the handler is set to DEBUG and the application's Configuration::debug() is FALSE then just return without writing the log message. Otherwise, StreamHandler will do its thing.
I'm wondering if this is the best way to use Monolog or if there's perhaps a cleaner way to do this.
I envision there being a handler in my application for DEBUG, INFO, ERROR and whatever levels I might need for my application. Perhaps it makes sense to not rely on a Configuration::debug() that can only be TRUE or FALSE, but rather a Configuration::logLevel() that will allow me to more granularly control logging output.
But even still, does extending StreamHandler make the most sense when controlling Monolog at the application level?
Now, I'm thinking something like this, that uses level rather than just boolean debug.
class DurpLogger extends StreamHandler {
public function __construct() {
parent::__construct(Configuration::logFile(), Configuration::logLevel());
protected function write(array $record) {
if (!($this->getLevel() >= Configuration::logLevel())) {
Then I'd use it in the application like this.
class Durp {
private $logger;
public function __construct() {
$this->logger = new Logger('durp-service');
$this->logger->pushHandler(new DurpLogger());
$this->logger->addDebug('Debugging enabled');
$this->logger->addInfo('Starting Durp');
I figured the StreamHandler handles the file writing stuff, so that's why I'm extending it. And if I turn up the log level in Configuration to Logger::INFO, the "Debugging enabled" message doesn't get logged.
Open to suggestions to make this better.
A common alternative would be to use the NullHandler instead of the StreamHandler.
Maybe switch between them depending on your condition like follows:
if (!Configuration::debug()) {
$logger->pushHandler(new \Monolog\Handler\NullHandler());
I would like to give you an example that is more adapted to your usage,
but I need to see some code in order to know how you use it.
For the question about default format, the empty [] at end represent the extra data that can be added with log entries.
From #Seldaek (Monolog's owner) :
The default format of the LineFormatter is:
"[%datetime%] %channel%.%level_name%: %message% %context% %extra%\n". the username/age is the context, and extra that is typically empty results in this empty array [].
If you use processors to attach data to log records they typically write it to the extra key to avoid conflicts with context info. If it really is an issue for you you can change the default format and omit %extra%.
Edit: As of Monolog 1.11 the LineFormatter has a $ignoreEmptyContextAndExtra parameter in the constructor that lets you remove these, so you can use this:
// the last "true" here tells it to remove empty []'s
$formatter = new LineFormatter(null, null, false, true);
See How not to show last bracket in a monolog log line? and Symfony2 : use Processors while logging in different files about the processors which #Seldaek is talking about.

Preventing error pages caching when using Zend_Cache_Backend_Static

We're currently running an app that caches pages to static html files using Zend_Cache_Backend_Static. This works really well, except that our cache is getting filled with hundreds of empty files and folders when incorrect urls are requested. Is there any way to prevent a page being cached if an Exception is being thrown? I was surprised to discover that this wasn't standard behaviour.
I've done a little digging and the ZF code that actually deals with saving out the static html pages is as follows in Zend_Cache_Frontend_Capture:
public function _flush($data) {
$id = array_pop($this->_idStack);
if ($id === null) {
Zend_Cache::throwException('use of _flush() without a start()');
if ($this->_extension) {
$this->save(serialize(array($data, $this->_extension)), $id, $this->_tags);
} else {
$this->save($data, $id, $this->_tags);
return $data;
This function is the output_callback for ob_start. I've tried getting hold of the response object to test for status but it doesn't seem to work inside _flush.
$response = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getResponse();
if($response->getStatus() == '200') {
// do the save as normal
else {
// do nothing
return false;
My only other thought was to test the length of $data, only caching if strlen($data) > 0 seems to work but it doesn't feel robust enough.
Unfortunately by the time we hit the ErrorController the static page has already been written to the cache, so disabling the cache at that point won't work. However it is possible to remove the page based on $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], which is what is used as an id when the page is first written. This line can be added to the start of errorAction in the ErrorController:
$this->_helper->cache->removePage($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], true);
It works nicely, but I'd prefer not to write the page in the first place!
From further experimentation the problem is not down to standard Zend Framework exceptions that cause 404s (ie. Zend_Controller_Plugin_ErrorHandler::EXCEPTION_NO_ROUTE, Zend_Controller_Plugin_ErrorHandler::EXCEPTION_NO_CONTROLLER, Zend_Controller_Plugin_ErrorHandler::EXCEPTION_NO_ACTION) but to my custom exceptions. This is now really obvious now that I think about it, as Zend_Cache_Backend_Static needs to be initialised in the init method of an action controller. Any situation where there is no route, controller or action it won't ever be initialised anyway.
I'm throwing exceptions in existing actions where a user may be querying for a non-existent article. Therefore caching has been enabled in init and the page has been written by the time we hit postDispatch in a Front Controller Plugin (still not sure why this is the case it just is) so I can't cancel at that point. One solution then is to cancel the cache at the point of throwing the exception. The standard method of managing static page caching is using the Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Cache action helper. I've extended this to add a cancel method like so:
class Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_PageCache extends Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Cache {
public function cancel() {
$cache = $this->getCache(Zend_Cache_Manager::PAGECACHE);
$cache->setOption('caching', false);
$cache->getBackend('disable_caching', true);
My action controller now looks like this:
class IndexController extends Zend_Controller_Action {
private $_model;
public function init() {
$this->_model = new Model();
// using extended pageCache rather than $this->_helper->cache:
$this->_helper->pageCache(array('index'), array('indexaction'));
public function indexAction() {
$alias = $this->_request->getParam('article');
$article = $this->_model->getArticleByAlias($alias);
if(!$article) {
// new cancel method will disable caching
throw new Zend_Controller_Action_Exception('Invalid article alias', 404);
$this->view->article = $article;
You should alter your .htaccess file RewriteRules to check for filesizes with option -s
This way if an error should occur when a page is being cached (thus producing a 0 byte file) it won't permanently be stored in the cache.
If you are using the standard ErrorController to handle 404, 500, and unhandled exceptions, and you can get a reference to your cache object from there, you could disable caching from the error handler.
In your error controller (or wherever you would like to cancel caching from), try:
$cache->setOption('caching', false);
When the save() metod of Zend_Cache_Core is called by Zend_Cache_Frontend_Capture::_flush(), it will see the caching option is set to false and it will not actually save the data to the cache and return true.

Turn on /off the debug mode for particular controller in cakephp

I want to turn on the debug mode for particualr controller in cakephp . Now I am doing this in config/core.php ,it working fine . But it is easy to enable /disable in controller ,we can avoid probelms with working in live sites ,otherwise the log will messed up users
its actually security critical to do anything wild like that in the core.php, it has to be and stay always 0 for ALL user frontend sites.
If you want to enable it for some admin backend action, you can do that inside the action at the very beginning with
Configure::write('debug', 2);
I'm late to the party on this one but just in case anyone else needs this
$skdebug = 0;
if ($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]== '') $skdebug = 2;
Configure::write('debug', $skdebug);
I work offsite so I'm the only user on the IP, can be a pain to have to keep updating the IP when the router decides to bounce but it's a small price to pay.
It does mean debug is on for all controllers but that's not a problem.
It work for me in cakephp 3.4.
Use the below code in top of your controller in cakephp 3+:
use Cake\Core\Configure;
Then your beforeFilter() code should be something like below:
public function beforeFilter(\Cake\Event\Event $event){
// allow the function to public access
$actions = [
// change the debug mode for a particular action
if (in_array($this->request->params['action'], $actions)) {
Configure::write('debug', false); // off debug mode

Hooking into the Error processing cycle

I'm building a monitoring solution for logging PHP errors, uncaught exceptions and anything else the user wants to log to a database table. Kind of a replacement for the Monitoring solution in the commercial Zend Server.
I've written a Monitor class which extends Zend_Log and can handle all the mentioned cases.
My aim is to reduce configuration to one place, which would be the Bootstrap. At the moment I'm initializing the monitor like this:
protected function _initMonitor()
$config = Zend_Registry::get('config');
$monitorDb = Zend_Db::factory($config->resources->db->adapter, $config->resources->db->params);
$monitor = new Survey_Monitor(new Zend_Log_Writer_Db($monitorDb, 'logEntries'), $config->projectName);
The registerErrorHandler() method enables php error logging to the DB, the logExceptions() method is an extension and just sets a protected flag.
In the ErrorController errorAction I add the following lines:
//use the monitor to log exceptions, if enabled
$monitor = Zend_Registry::get('monitor');
if (TRUE == $monitor->loggingExceptions)
I would like to avoid adding code to the ErrorController though, I'd rather register a plugin dynamically. That would make integration into existing projects easier for the user.
Question: Can I register a controller plugin that uses the postDispatch hook and achieve the same effect? I don't understand what events trigger the errorAction, if there are multiple events at multiple stages of the circuit, would I need to use several hooks?
Register your plugin with stack index 101. Check for exceptions in response object on routeShutdown and postDispatch.
$response = $this->getResponse();
if ($response->isException()) {
$exceptions = $response->getException();
to check if exception was thrown inside error handler loop you must place dispatch() in a try-catch block
The accepted answer by Xerkus got me on the right track. I would like to add some more information about my solution, though.
I wrote a Controller Plugin which looks like that:
class Survey_Controller_Plugin_MonitorExceptions extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract
public function postDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
$response = $this->getResponse();
$monitor = Zend_Registry::get('monitor');
if ($response->isException())
Note that you get an Array of Zend_Exception instances if you use $response->getException(). After I had understood that, I simply added a foreach loop to my logger method that writes each Exception to log separately.
Now almost everything works as expected. At the moment I still get two identical exceptions logged, which is not what I would expect. I'll have to look into that via another question on SO.
