RSA Decrypted Data Corrupt - php

My script uses openssl_private_decrypt() to decrypt a string encrypted with RSA in another program. Currently it writes to a file. But when I try to open it up in a text editor, it says it can't detect the encoding. If I try to echo it, nothing appears. If I output it's length, I get 256, instead of the correct 3.
I know the decryption is done right because using the cat terminal command on the output file gives the correct data.
$ cat decrypted.txt
It looks like this is a character encoding problem, a problem I hear can give a lot of pain in PHP. I even tried utf8_encode(). What might the problem be?
Here's the code:
$results = '';
// load private key
echo $results;

The fact that you're getting decrypted data exactly the length of a single block instead of the length of your expected data is really, really pointing towards a padding problem.
Make sure you're using the same padding flag on both sides.

I'm not familiar with openssl_private_decrypt, but it seems logical to me that you would provide base64_encode()'d data to openssl_private_encrypt().
In such case, you're mangling your data by running in the wrong order on decrypt.
Seems like you would want to decrypt the string first, then run base64_decode() on the unencrypted string.


LibSodium functions return unreadable characters

I am following along with a tutorial on encryption: In working with the Sodium extension I'm just baffled by a few things. Googling is returning frustratingly little help. (Most of the results are just duplications of the
1. In various articles I'm reading, the result of sodium_crypto_*_encrypt() is something familiar:
// ex. DEx9ATXEg/eRq8GWD3NT5BatB3m31WED
Whenever I echo it out myself I get something like:
// ex. 𫦢�2(*���3�CV��Wu��R~�u���H��
which I'm certain won't store correctly on a database. Nowhere in the articles or documentation does it mention anything about charset weirdness. I can throw a header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1') in there, but I still get weird characters I'm not certain are right since I'm not finding any threads talking about this:
// ex. ÑAÁ5eŠ…n#±'ýÞÃ1è9ÜÈ̳¬"CžãÚ0ÿÛ
2. I can't find any information about the best practice for storing keys or nonces.
I just figured this obvious-to-security-folks-but-not-to-others bit of information would be a regularly discussed part of articles on keygens and nonces and such. Seeing as both my keygen and nonce functions (at least in the Sodium library) seem to return non-UTF-8 gibberish, what do I do with it? fwrite it out to a file to be referenced later? Pass it directly to my database? Copy/pasting certainly doesn't work right with it being wingdings.
Other than these things, everything else in the encryption/decryption process makes complete sense to me. I'm far from new to PHP development, I just can't figure this out.
Came across answering "PHP random_bytes returns unreadable characters"
random_bytes generates an arbitrary length string of cryptographic random bytes...
And suggests to use bin2hex to get readable characters. So amending my usages:
// Generate $ciphertext
$message = 'This is a secret message';
$key = sodium_crypto_*_keygen();
$nonce = random_bytes(SODIUM_CRYPTO_*BYTES);
$ciphertext = sodium_crypto_*_encrypt($message, '', $nonce, $key);
// Store hexadecimal versions of binary output
$nonce_hex = bin2hex($nonce);
$key_hex = bin2hex($key);
$ciphertext_hex = bin2hex($ciphertext);
// When ready to decrypt, convert hexadecimal values back to binary
$ciphertext_bin = hex2bin($ciphertext_hex);
$nonce_bin = hex2bin($nonce_hex);
$key_bin = hex2bin($key_hex);
$decrypted = sodium_crypto_*_decrypt($ciphertext_bin, '', $nonce_bin, $key_bin);
// "This is a secret message"
So making lots of use of bin2hex and hex2bin, but this now makes sense. Effectively solved, though not confident this is the proper way to work with it. I still have no idea why this isn't pointed out anywhere in nor in any of the articles/comments I've been perusing.

php openssl - RSA_padding_check_PKCS1_type_2 and RSA_EAY_PRIVATE_DECRYPT:padding check failed:rsa_eay.c:602:

I´m having a hard time understanding what is my problem here, so i was hopping someone could help me. So, i have a xml file which was build respecting W3C recomendationsand because of this, there are specific tags which were encrypted with my public key, and now i need to decrypt them using my private key, so for example this chunck of code:
<AuthenticatedPrivate Id="ID_AuthenticatedPrivate">
<enc:EncryptedKey xmlns:enc="">
<enc:EncryptionMethod Algorithm="" />
<enc:EncryptedKey xmlns:enc="">
<enc:EncryptionMethod Algorithm="" />
I need to decrypt that, so what i have done was:
Parsed the xml, and got the tag i need (CipherValue).And actually putted that inside a file, cypher.xml
cat cypher.xml| base64 -D > rawFile
openssl rsautl -decrypt -in rawFile -out plaintext -inkey private.pem
and the result was:
4476804716:error:0407109F:rsa routines:RSA_padding_check_PKCS1_type_2:pkcs decoding error:rsa_pk1.c:273:
4476804716:error:04065072:rsa routines:RSA_EAY_PRIVATE_DECRYPT:padding check failed:rsa_eay.c:602:
What am i missing here? i´m losing too much time on this, i saw something about using the padding, but i did that directly on my php app using:
openssl_private_decrypt($tag, $decrypted, $privkey, OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING);
but with NO! luck at all.
Thanks for your time, regards
The code sequence i´m using is this:
$xmlFile = file_get_contents(path_to_my_xml_file);
$privkey = openssl_pkey_get_private(path_to_my_private_key);
$arrCplContent = XmlToArray::convert($xmlFile);
$tag = $arrCplContent['AuthenticatedPrivate']['enc:EncryptedKey'][0]['enc:CipherData']['enc:CipherValue'];
$b64Dec = base64_decode($tag);
$result = openssl_private_decrypt($b64Dec, $decrypted, $privkey, OPENSSL_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING);
when i log this, the result is:
error:04099079:rsa routines:RSA_padding_check_PKCS1_OAEP_mgf1:oaep decoding error
Is this the proper way of doing things, considering this ?.
First of all, it seems you are using PKCS#1 v1.5 padding instead of OAEP padding when performing the decryption. You can see OPENSSL_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING listed for openssl_private_decrypt.
Note the line in the XML document containing the OAEP padding indication:
<enc:EncryptionMethod Algorithm="" />
There are two CipherValue elements in there. Usually that means that the ciphertext was created using two different key pairs and thus two separate private keys. You may just need to decrypt the other EncryptedKey.
To solve this in general: XML encryption or XML enc is a full standard, and you need to either implement the standard or - what's commonly recommended - use a library to decrypt it.
Disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with the shown library, and I don't have any opinion on it's security.

PHP encrypt - and decrypt otherthan base64 encode

In one of our web application ( in PHP, MySQL ) we are saving user's mobile number as encrypted value and decrypt it when we send SMS to them. The application was pretty working well. But
now GoDaddy removed the option base64_encode and decode. So that we cant send SMS to users. So we revert back the mobile numbers to its normal state running it locally.
My question is which is the easiest and safe way to encrypt and decrypt a string using a key.
Something like
Normal string : 9876543210 -> After encrypt with a key -> AASASOOPFPOEROP45664654456
Encrypted string : AASASOOPFPOEROP45664654456 -> on decrypt -> 9876543210
My current code
function encodeString($str){
for($i=0; $i<5;$i++)
$str=strrev(base64_encode($str)); //apply base64 first and then reverse the string
return $str;
function decodeString($str){
for($i=0; $i<5;$i++)
$str=base64_decode(strrev($str)); //apply base64 first and then reverse the string}
return $str;
Please help me . Thanks in advance
Well if you were using base64 encode/decode you weren't encrypting the data, just obfuscating.
I don't know what php extensions godaddy has enabled, so I would suggest going with something like phpSecLib
It is a standalone implementation you can include into your scripts, and will provide actual encryption of your data. AES or Rijndael should work find for your application
Basically it will encrypt the string with a key, even if your database is compromised, the data can't be decrypted without the key it was encrypted with (which you would hard coded into your script). This is unlike simply encoding it, in which case if someone got ahold of the database, they could decode it by running the first string through a variety of different encoding methods until they find one that works. And then run the rest through the same decoding method
here i am giving you one simple example with our own secret key you can use as below
// Secret key to encrypt/decrypt with
$key='mysecretkey'; // 8-32 characters without spaces
// String to encrypt
$string1='your sample key, that is the question';
// EnCrypt string
// DeCrypt back
// Test output
echo '<span style="font-family:Courier">';
echo 'Key: '.$key.'<br>'."\n";
echo $string1.'<br>'."\n";
echo $string2.'<br>'."\n";
echo $string3.'<br>'."\n";
echo '</span>'."\n";
Key: mysecretkey
your sample key, that is the question
your sample key, that is the question
Let me know i can help you more.

How to convert torrent info hash for scrape?

I have a torrent hash from the magnet link. For example: fda164e7af470f83ea699a529845a9353cc26576
When I try to get information about leechers and peers I should request:
How should I convert info hash for this request? Is it url encoding or becoding? how? In PHP.
It's a raw hexadecimal representation. Use pack() with H to convert it. Then URL encode it.
Got this python snippet from a colleague,
r = ''
s = 'fda164e7af470f83ea699a529845a9353cc26576'
for n in range(0, len(s), 2):
r += '%%%s' % s[n:n+2].upper()
print r
Output: %FD%A1%64%E7%AF%47%0F%83%EA%69%9A%52%98%45%A9%35%3C%C2%65%76
Works like a charm.
Edit: Works like a charm for getting the tracker to give back status 200 (ok) but still doesn't work for retrieving the torrent details...
In case someone is having trouble and comes across this thread in the future: the trick to this whole issue is to use the bool $raw_output argument of the PHP: sha1 function, setting it to "true".
The BDecode/DEncode classes can be found HERE. This project, called Trackon, also includes many other helpful classes to interact with torrent trackers and files.
So, in PHP, something like this will work to obtain the correct info hash for scraping the tracker for details:
function getHash($torFile){
$tfile = BDecode(file_get_contents($torFile));
$infohash = sha1(BEncode($tfile["info"]), TRUE);
return urlencode($infohash);
Then merely call it like so:
$hash = getHash('./path/to/.torrent');
Hope this helps someone out there. I was still scratching my head after reading many posts about how to obtain the correct info hash. I understand why this wasn't mentioned anywhere now though, this argument was added in PHP 5. If you're not running PHP 5, you will have to convert the sha1 hash to raw binary after you calculate it.

How to encrypt a string in Python and decrypt that same string in PHP?

I have a string that I would like to encrypt in Python, store it as a cookie, then in a PHP file I'd like to retrieve that cookie, and decrypt it in PHP. How would I go about doing this?
I appreciate the fast responses.
All cookie talk aside, lets just say I want to encrypt a string in Python and then decrypt a string in PHP.
Are there any examples you can point me to?
Use a standard encryption scheme. The implementation is going to be equivalent in either language.
RSA is available (via third party libraries) in both languages, if you need asymmetric key crypto. So is AES, if you need symmetric keys.
There is a good example here:
Other links that may help:
If you're not talking about encryption but encoding to make sure the contents make it through safely regardless of quoting issues, special characters, and line breaks, I think base64 encoding is your best bet. PHP has base64_encode / decode() out of the box, and I'm sure Python has, too.
Note that base64 encoding obviously does nothing to encrypt your data (i.e. to make it unreadable to outsiders), and base64 encoded data grows by 33%.
Well, my first thought would be to use a web server that uses SSL and set the cookie's secure property to true, meaning that it will only be served over SSL connections.
However, I'm aware that this probably isn't what you're looking for.
Although a bit late. Find sample code below using the Fernet library
#Python Code - fernet 1.0 library
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
key = b"Gm3wFh9OiQHcVc8rcAMm8IOqKOJtk7CbrGRKVhrvXhg="
f = Fernet(key)
token = f.encrypt(b'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy hare')
//PHP - kelvinmo/fernet-php v1.0.1 A
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Fernet\Fernet;
$key = "Gm3wFh9OiQHcVc8rcAMm8IOqKOJtk7CbrGRKVhrvXhg=" ;
$fernet = new Fernet($key);
$token = "gAAAAABiMWVPsStLo42ExcmIqcGvRvCCmnhB5B6dc2JsOm4w-VsE9oJOuk_qYuZvHv5quQR4t_6ZjNJzAdCiDPOtESNzCreJZLwc2X-_apbqKKnBwc3KhmqL-K5X7t1uR1WXuyUEYUtW";
echo $fernet->decode($token);
