How can I search and find, for a given target value, the closest value in an array?
Let's say I have this exemplary array:
array(0, 5, 10, 11, 12, 20)
For example, when I search with the target value 0, the function shall return 0; when I search with 3, it shall return 5; when I search with 14, it shall return 12.
Pass in the number you're searching for as the first parameter and the array of numbers to the second:
function getClosest($search, $arr) {
$closest = null;
foreach ($arr as $item) {
if ($closest === null || abs($search - $closest) > abs($item - $search)) {
$closest = $item;
return $closest;
A particular lazy approach is having PHP sort the array by the distance to the searched number:
$num = 3;
$array = array(0, 5, 10, 11, 12, 20);
$smallest = [];
foreach ($array as $i) {
$smallest[$i] = abs($i - $num);
print key($smallest);
This is high-performance function I wrote for sorted big arrays
Tested, main loop needs only ~20 iterations for an array with 20000 elements.
Please mind array has to be sorted (ascending)!
* Finds nearest value in numeric array. Can be used in loops.
* Array needs to be non-assocative and sorted.
* #param array $array
* #param int $value
* #return int
function array_numeric_sorted_nearest($array, $value, $method = ARRAY_NEAREST_DEFAULT) {
$count = count($array);
if($count == 0) {
return null;
$div_step = 2;
$index = ceil($count / $div_step);
$best_index = null;
$best_score = null;
$direction = null;
$indexes_checked = Array();
while(true) {
if(isset($indexes_checked[$index])) {
break ;
$curr_key = $array[$index];
if($curr_key === null) {
break ;
$indexes_checked[$index] = true;
// perfect match, nothing else to do
if($curr_key == $value) {
return $curr_key;
$prev_key = $array[$index - 1];
$next_key = $array[$index + 1];
switch($method) {
$curr_score = abs($curr_key - $value);
$prev_score = $prev_key !== null ? abs($prev_key - $value) : null;
$next_score = $next_key !== null ? abs($next_key - $value) : null;
if($prev_score === null) {
$direction = 1;
}else if ($next_score === null) {
break 2;
$direction = $next_score < $prev_score ? 1 : -1;
$curr_score = $curr_key - $value;
if($curr_score > 0) {
$curr_score = null;
$curr_score = abs($curr_score);
if($curr_score === null) {
$direction = -1;
$direction = 1;
$curr_score = $curr_key - $value;
if($curr_score < 0) {
$curr_score = null;
if($curr_score === null) {
$direction = 1;
$direction = -1;
if(($curr_score !== null) && ($curr_score < $best_score) || ($best_score === null)) {
$best_index = $index;
$best_score = $curr_score;
$div_step *= 2;
$index += $direction * ceil($count / $div_step);
return $array[$best_index];
ARRAY_NEAREST_DEFAULT finds nearest element
ARRAY_NEAREST_LOWER finds nearest element which is LOWER
ARRAY_NEAREST_HIGHER finds nearest element which is HIGHER
$test = Array(5,2,8,3,9,12,20,...,52100,52460,62000);
// sort an array and use array_numeric_sorted_nearest
// for multiple searches.
// for every iteration it start from half of chunk where
// first chunk is whole array
// function doesn't work with unosrted arrays, and it's much
// faster than other solutions here for sorted arrays
$nearest = array_numeric_sorted_nearest($test, 8256);
$nearest = array_numeric_sorted_nearest($test, 3433);
$nearest = array_numeric_sorted_nearest($test, 1100);
$nearest = array_numeric_sorted_nearest($test, 700);
$arr = array(0, 5, 10, 11, 12, 20);
function getNearest($arr,$var){
usort($arr, function($a,$b) use ($var){
return abs($a - $var) - abs($b - $var);
return array_shift($arr);
Tim's implementation will cut it most of the time. Nevertheless, for the performance cautious, you can sort the list prior to the iteration and break the search when the next difference is greater than the last.
function getIndexOfClosestValue ($needle, $haystack) {
if (count($haystack) === 1) {
return $haystack[0];
$closest_value_index = 0;
$last_closest_value_index = null;
foreach ($haystack as $i => $item) {
if (abs($needle - $haystack[$closest_value_index]) > abs($item - $needle)) {
$closest_value_index = $i;
if ($closest_value_index === $last_closest_value_index) {
return $closest_value_index;
function getClosestValue ($needle, $haystack) {
return $haystack[getIndexOfClosestValue($needle, $haystack)];
// Test
$needles = [0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 19, 20];
$haystack = [0, 5, 10, 11, 12, 20];
$expectation = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 3, 5, 5];
foreach ($needles as $i => $needle) {
var_dump( getIndexOfClosestValue($needle, $haystack) === $expectation[$i] );
To search the nearest value into an array of objects you can use this adapted code from Tim Cooper's answer.
// create array of ten objects with random values
$images = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++)
$images[ $i ] = (object)array(
'width' => rand(100, 1000)
// print array
// adapted function from Tim Copper's solution
function closest($array, $member, $number) {
$arr = array();
foreach ($array as $key => $value)
$arr[$key] = $value->$member;
$closest = null;
foreach ($arr as $item)
if ($closest === null || abs($number - $closest) > abs($item - $number))
$closest = $item;
$key = array_search($closest, $arr);
return $array[$key];
// object needed
$needed_object = closest($images, 'width', 320);
// print result
Best method I've found based on Piyush Dholariya's answer:
$array = [4, 9, 15, 6, 2];
$goal = 7;
$closest = array_reduce($array, function($carry, $item) use($goal) {
return (abs($item - $goal) < abs($carry - $goal) ? $item : $carry);
}, reset($array)); // Returns 6
This is the same approach as Mario's answer, but I use array_search() and min() instead of sorting. The performance is the same, so it just comes down to the matter of preference.
function findClosest(array $values, $match)
$map = [];
foreach ($values as $v) {
$map[$v] = abs($match - $v);
return array_search(min($map), $map);
You can simply use array_search for that, it returns one single key, if there are many instances of your search found within the array, it would return the first one it finds.
Quote from PHP:
If needle is found in haystack more than once, the first matching key is returned. To return the keys for all matching values, use array_keys() with the optional search_value parameter instead.
Example Usage:
if(false !== ($index = array_search(12,array(0, 5, 10, 11, 12, 20))))
echo $index; //5
function findNearest($number,$Array)
//First check if we have an exact number
if(false !== ($exact = array_search($number,$Array)))
return $Array[$exact];
//Sort the array
//make sure our search is greater then the smallest value
if ($number < $Array[0] )
return $Array[0];
$closest = $Array[0]; //Set the closest to the lowest number to start
foreach($Array as $value)
if(abs($number - $closest) > abs($value - $number))
$closest = $value;
return $closest;
Considering that the input array is sorted in ascending order asort() for example, you'll be far faster to search using a dichotomic search.
Here's a quick and dirty adaptation of some code I'm using to insert a new event in an Iterable event list sorted by DateTime objects…
Thus this code will return the nearest point at the left (before / smaller).
If you'd like to find the mathematically nearest point: consider comparing the distance of the search value with the return value and the point immediately at the right (next) of the return value (if it exists).
function dichotomicSearch($search, $haystack, $position=false)
// Set a cursor between two values
if($position === false)
{ $position=(object) array(
'min' => 0,
'cur' => round(count($haystack)/2, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_ODD),
'max' => count($haystack)
// Return insertion point (to push using array_splice something at the right spot in a sorted array)
if(is_numeric($position)){return $position;}
// Return the index of the value when found
if($search == $haystack[$position->cur]){return $position->cur;}
// Searched value is smaller (go left)
if($search <= $haystack[$position->cur])
// Not found (closest value would be $position->min || $position->min+1)
if($position->cur == $position->min){return $position->min;}
// Resetting the interval from [min,max[ to [min,cur[
// Resetting cursor to the new middle of the interval
$position->cur=round($position->cur/2, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN);
return dichotomicSearch($search, $haystack, $position);
// Search value is greater (go right)
// Not found (closest value would be $position->max-1 || $position->max)
if($position->cur < $position->min or $position->cur >= $position->max){return $position->max;}
// Resetting the interval from [min,max[ to [cur,max[
$position->min = $position->cur;
// Resetting cursor to the new middle of the interval
$position->cur = $position->min + round(($position->max-$position->min)/2, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
if($position->cur >= $position->max){return $position->max;}
return dichotomicSearch($search, $haystack, $position);
Binary search to find closest value (array must be sorted):
function findClosest($sortedArr, $val)
$low = 0;
$high = count($sortedArr) - 1;
while ($low <= $high) {
if ($high - $low <= 1) {
if (abs($sortedArr[$low] - $val) < abs($sortedArr[$high] - $val)) {
return $sortedArr[$low];
} else {
return $sortedArr[$high];
$mid = (int)(($high + $low) / 2);
if ($val < $sortedArr[$mid]) {
$high = $mid;
} else {
$low = $mid;
// Empty array
return false;
function closestnumber($number, $candidates) {
$last = null;
foreach ($candidates as $cand) {
if ($cand < $number) {
$last = $cand;
} elseif ($cand == $number) {
return $number;
} elseif ($cand > $number) {
return $last;
return $last;
I'll provide a late answer that endeavors to avoid needless iterations and excessive function calls by maintaining two temporary variables and implementing an early return.
An elegant solution should not require a time complexity greater than n -- in other words, the big O should be O(n) and the little o should be o(1). The big O only gets worse by pre-sorting the haystack, then iterating the haystack again. To get achieve o(1), you will need an early return when an identical match is encountered -- there is no need to search further.
My snippet will arbitrarily return the first occurring value with the lowest distance (in case multiple values have the same distance). Any other behavior is not specified by the OP.
A trivial performance improvement over some other answers is that abs() is the lone function call within the loop and it is called a maximum of 1 time per iteration. Some previous answers recalculate the distance of the current value as well as the current closest match on each iteration -- this is more work than is necessary.
Code: (Demo)
$haystack = [-6, 0, 5, 10, 11, 12, 20];
$needles = [0, 3, 14, -3];
function getNearest($needle, $haystack) {
if (!$haystack) {
throw new Exception('empty haystack');
$bestDistance = PHP_INT_MAX;
foreach ($haystack as $value) {
if ($value === $needle) {
return $needle;
$distance = abs($value - $needle);
if ($distance < $bestDistance) {
$bestDistance = $distance;
$keep = $value;
return $keep ?? $value; // coalesce to silence potential IDE complaint
foreach ($needles as $needle) { // each test case
echo "$needle -> " . getNearest($needle, $haystack) . "\n";
0 -> 0
3 -> 5
14 -> 12
-3 -> -6
You're given a list of n integers arr[0..(n-1)]. You must compute a list output[0..(n-1)] such that, for each index i (between 0 and n-1, inclusive), output[i] is equal to the product of the three largest elements out of arr[0..i] (or equal to -1 if i < 2, as arr[0..i] then includes fewer than three elements). Note that the three largest elements used to form any product may have the same values as one another, but they must be at different indices in arr.
Test example:
var arr_2 = [2, 4, 7, 1, 5, 3];
var expected_2 = [-1, -1, 56, 56, 140, 140];
I solved the LPT problem using heaps in PHP. But I'm wondering if there's any way to further optimize this?
I'm creating a min heap of 3 and then pulling the top if it is less than the new element.
function findMaxProductWithHeap($arr): array
$out = [];
$product = 1;
$largest = new SplMinHeap();
foreach($arr as $index => $elem)
if($index <= 2){
$product = $elem*$product;
$out[] = $index < 2 ? -1 : $product;
} else {
if($nums->top() < $elem){
$product = $elem*$product/$nums->top();
$out[] = $product;
return $out;
I also solved this without heaps, just an array of 3 which is sorted on every iteration.
function findMaxProduct($arr) {
$out = [];
$product = 1;
$largest = [];
foreach($arr as $index => $elem)
if($index <= 2){
$largest[] = $elem;
$product = $elem*$product;
$out[] = $index < 2 ? -1 : $product;
} else {
if($largest[0] < $elem){
$product = $elem*$product/$largest[0];
$largest[0] = $elem;
$out[] = $product;
return $out;
No conditions, natsort, flexible optional params, works with primitive structures.
function solution($array, $heap_size = 3, $default = -1)
$result = [];
while ($array)
$heap[] = array_shift($array);
rsort($heap, SORT_NATURAL);
$heap = array_slice($heap, 0, $heap_size);
$result[] = array_product($heap);
$replacement = array_fill(0, min(count($result), $heap_size - 1), $default);
return $replacement + $result;
The question I'm working on is:
You are given an array representing the number of 0s, 1s, 2s, ..., 9s you have. The function will look like:
can_build([#0s, #1s, #2s, ..., #9s], [num1, num2, ...])
Write a function that returns true if you can build the following
numbers using only the digits you have.
canBuild([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3]) ➞ false
I basically wrote:
function canBuild($digits, $arr) {
if(array_unique($digits) === 0 && $arr === []) {
return true;
} elseif ($arr === [] && array_unique($digits) !== 0) {
return false;
$result = [];
$test = [];
for($i = 0; $i < count($arr); $i++) {
$test[$i] = str_split($arr[$i]);
$digit = array_unique($digits);
$results = [];
foreach($test as $k => $v) {
for($j = 0; $j < count($test[$k]); $j++) {
if(in_array($v[$j], $digit)) {
array_push($results, "true");
} else {
array_push($results, "false");
if(array_unique($results) === "true") {
return true;
} else {
return false;
canBuild([1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [1, 80, 0]); // false
But for some reason I keep getting: "CanBuildNumbersUsingDigits tests FAILED: Failed asserting that false is true."" Can anyone see something wrong with my code? Thanks.
Looking at your code:
array_unique($results) === "true"
array_unique($digits) !== 0
are semantically incorrect. array_unique() would return a value of type array which can never be equal to any scalar value or string since you are doing a strict comparison.
Moreover, your code doesn't account for count of digits but rather checks if count of a digit is present in the array.
To solve this problem, you just have to loop over the $arr array of numbers, str_split them into individual characters(like you did) and keep decrementing these string digits from actual count of each digit given in $digits. If any digit count happens to be less than zero, meaning we don't have that much count of that digit, we return false since we can't form that number. If all is well, we return true in the end.
function canBuild($digits, $arr) {
foreach($arr as $num){
$chars = str_split($num);
foreach($chars as $char){
if($digits[intval($char)] < 0) return false;
return true;
Given an array a that contains only numbers in the range from 1 to a.length, find the first duplicate number for which the second occurrence has the minimal index. In other words, if there are more than 1 duplicated numbers, return the number for which the second occurrence has a smaller index than the second occurrence of the other number does. If there are no such elements, return -1.
My code:
function firstDuplicate($a) {
$unique = array_unique($a);
foreach ($a as $key => $val) {
if ($unique[$key] !== $val){
return $key;
return -1;
The code above will be OK when the input is [2, 4, 3, 5, 1] but if the input is [2, 1, 3, 5, 3, 2] the output is wrong. The second duplicate occurrence has a smaller index. The expected output should be 3.
How can I fix my code to output the correct result?
$arr = array(2,1,3,5,3,2);
function firstDuplicate($a) {
$res = -1;
for ($i = count($a); $i >= 1; --$i) {
for ($j = 0; $j < $i; ++$j) {
if ($a[$j] === $a[$i]) {
$res = $a[$j];
return $res;
By traversing the array backwards, you will overwrite any previous duplicates with the new, lower-indexed one.
Note: this returns the value (not index), unless no duplicate is found. In that case, it returns -1.
// Return index of first found duplicate value in array
function firstDuplicate($a) {
$c_array = array_count_values($a);
foreach($c_array as $value=>$times)
return array_search($value, $array);
return -1;
array_count_values() will count the duplicate values in the array for you then you just iterate over that until you find the first result with more then 1 and search for the first key in the original array matching that value.
Python3 Solution:
def firstDuplicate(a):
mySet = set()
for i in range(len(a)):
if a[i] in mySet:
return a[i]
return -1
function firstDuplicate($a) {
foreach($a as $index => $value) {
$detector[] = $value;
$counter = 0;
foreach($detector as $item) {
if($item == $value) {
if($counter >= 2) {
return $value;
return -1;
It's easy to just get the first number that will be checked as duplicated, but unfortunately, this function exceeded 4 seconds with a large array of data, so please using it with a small scale of array data.
I have new own code fixes execution time for large array data
function firstDuplicate($a) {
$b = [];
$counts = array_count_values($a);
foreach($counts as $num => $duplication) {
if($duplication > 1) {
$b[] = $num;
foreach($a as $value) {
if(in_array($value, $b)) {
$detector[] = $value;
$counter = 0;
foreach($detector as $item) {
if($item == $value) {
if($counter >= 2) {
return $value;
return -1;
The new code target the current numbers having a reputation only by using array_count_values()
function firstDuplicate($a) {
$indexNumber = -1;
for($i = count($a); $i >= 1 ; --$i){
for($k = 0; $k < $i; $k++){
if(isset($a[$i]) && ($a[$i] === $a[$k]) ){
$indexNumber = $a[$k];
return $indexNumber;
Remove error from undefined index array.
Using string functions and a whole lot of if-else turns this into a real mess?
Converting strings to hex array might be another way?
It seems regex might have something do do with it?
Maybe one of the experts here can direct me to something that makes sense?
Possible $min and $max are always similar.
$min is a stored variable. $max is a client input.
Could be any character(s) [a-z, 0-9, A-Z]
Character(s) pair(s) seperated by single space.
Example: 'p1', '1 1', 'p1 h11', 'P3 h2'...
Result desired: ANY $max >= ANY $min
$minA = 'p1 p2 h3'; $maxA = 'h2'; // false h2<=h3
$minB = '1 2 3'; $maxB = '4'; // true 4>=3
$minC = 'P2 p3'; $maxC = 'p2'; // true p2>=P2
$minD = 'p2 H33'; $max = 'p1 H34 y2'; // true H34>=H33
Here's how it worked out --- THANKS for the help
$min = 'p1 h3 t3';
$max = 'p1 h2';
echo ratingCheck($max, $min);
function ratingCheck($max, $min)
$minRank = strConv($min);
$maxRanks =strConv($max);
foreach ($maxRanks as $letter => $value)
echo ($value >= $minRank[$letter]) ? ' true ' : ' false ';
function strConv($str)
$exploded = explode(' ', $str);
foreach ($exploded as $rating)
preg_match('`([a-z]+)(\d+)`', $rating, $m);var_dump($m);
list(, $rating_letter, $rating_rank) = $m;
if (!isset($ratings[$rating_letter]))
$ratings[$rating_letter] = $rating_rank;
// for $min you should keep the highest value : max()
// for $max you should keep the lowest value : min()
$ratings[$rating_letter] = max($ratings[$rating_letter], $rating_rank);
return $ratings;
So based on what I understood.
You don't care about case, start with putting everything in lower / upper case.
Split each $min and $max on 'space character'.
explode(' ', 'p1 p2 h3') == array('p1', 'p2', 'h3);
Store the lowest / higest rating for each letter in an array.
$ratings = array();
foreach ($exploded as $rating)
preg_match('`([a-z]+)(\d+)`', $rating, $m);
list(, $rating_letter, $rating_rank) = $m;
if (!isset($ratings[$rating_letter]))
$ratings[$rating_letter] = $rating_rank;
// for $min you should keep the highest value : max()
// for $max you should keep the lowest value : min()
$ratings[$rating_letter] = max($ratings[$rating_letter], $rating_rank);
Recap at this point:
// If you had
$min = 'p1 p2 h3';
// Then you end up with an array like this:
$minRanks = array(
'p' => 2,
'h' => 3,
// If you had
$max = 'h2';
// Then you end up with an array like this:
$maxRanks = array(
'h' => 2,
4- You then need to loop over $max to check if any rating is higher than any $min
foreach ($maxRanks as $letter => $value)
if ($value >= $minRank[$letter])
return true;
$array= array(array(141,151,161),2,3,array(101,202,array(303,606)));
output :606
What you need is to recursively go through your array ; which means the max function, which is not recursive, will not be "enough".
But, if you take a look at the users's notes on the manual page of max, you'll find this note from tim, who proposes this recursive function (quoting) :
function multimax( $array ) {
// use foreach to iterate over our input array.
foreach( $array as $value ) {
// check if $value is an array...
if( is_array($value) ) {
// ... $value is an array so recursively pass it into multimax() to
// determine it's highest value.
$subvalue = multimax($value);
// if the returned $subvalue is greater than our current highest value,
// set it as our $return value.
if( $subvalue > $return ) {
$return = $subvalue;
} elseif($value > $return) {
// ... $value is not an array so set the return variable if it's greater
// than our highest value so far.
$return = $value;
// return (what should be) the highest value from any dimension.
return $return;
Using it on your array :
$arr= array(array(141,151,161),2,3,array(101,202,array(303,404)));
$max = multimax($arr);
Gives :
int 404
Of course, this will require a bit more testing -- but it should at least be a start.
(Going through the users' notes on manual pages is always a good idea : if you're having a problem, chances are someone else has already had that problem ;-) )
Same idea as Pascal's solution, only shorter thanks to the Standard PHP Library
$arr= array(array(141,151,161),2,3,array(101,202,array(303,404)));
echo rmax($arr);
function rmax(array $arr) {
$it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($arr));
// initialize $max
$it->next(); $max = $it->current();
// "iterate" over all values
foreach($it as $v) {
if ( $v > $max ) {
$max = $v;
return $max;
function recursive_array_max($a) {
foreach ($a as $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$value = recursive_array_max($value);
if (!(isset($max))) {
$max = $value;
} else {
$max = $value > $max ? $value : $max;
return $max;
$dimensional = array(
array(3, 5),
array(5, 4, 7, array(3, 4, 6), 6),
array(5, 4, 3)
$max = recursive_array_max($dimensional);
$arr = array(array(141,151,161), 2, 3, array(101, 202, array(303,404)));
$callback = function ($value, $key) use (&$maximo) {
if( $value > $maximo){
$maximo = $value;
array_walk_recursive($arr, $callback);
echo '<pre>'; print_r($maximo);``
A more elegant solution:
function MaxArray($arr)
function findMax($currentValue, $currentKey)
global $maxValue;
$maxValue = ($currentValue > $maxValue ? $currentValue : $maxValue);
array_walk_recursive($arr, 'findMax');
return $GLOBALS['maxValue'];
It's very simple
$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($arr));
$max = max(iterator_to_array($iterator, false));
Finding the max avoiding too much recursion :
function array_max(array $array) {
$context = func_get_args();
$max = -INF;
while (!empty($context)) {
$array = array_pop($context);
while (!empty($array)) {
$value = array_pop($array);
if (is_array($value)) {
array_push($context, $value);
elseif ($max < $value) {
$max = $value;
return $max;
A more general method avoiding too much recursion :
function array_reduce_recursive($default, array $array, $callback = null) {
$context = func_get_args();
$count = func_num_args();
if (is_callable(func_get_arg($count - 1))) {
$callback = array_pop($context);
else {
$callback = create_function('$x, $y', 'return $x < $y ? $y : $x;');
$reduced = array_shift($context);
while (!empty($context)) {
$array = array_pop($context);
while (!empty($array)) {
$value = array_pop($array);
if (is_array($value)) {
array_push($context, $value);
else {
$reduced = $callback($reduced, $value);
return $reduced;
function array_max_recursive() {
$args = func_get_args();
$callback = create_function('$x, $y', 'return $x < $y ? $y : $x;');
return array_reduce_recursive(-INF, $args, $callback);
By this way you can specify the callback method if you are looking for something else than the biggest number. Also this method takes several arrays.
The end way is less efficient of course.
With this you have a full compatibility with lot of PHP version.
function MaxArray($arr) {
$maximum = 0;
foreach ($arr as $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$tmaximum = MaxArray($value);
if($tmaximum > $maximum){
$maximum = $tmaximum;
//echo $value.'\n';
if($value > $maximum){
$maximum = $value;
return $maximum;