How to find urls in images - php

I am trying to extract urls from a large number of google search results. Getting them from the source code is proving to be quite challenging as the delimiters are not clear and not all of the urls are in the code. Is there a tool that can extract urls from a certain area of an image? If so that may be a better solution.
Any help would be much appreciated.

Try using the JSON/Atom Custom Search API instead: It gives you 100 api calls per day, something you can increase to 10000 per day, if you pay.

Use this excellent lib:
// Grab the source code
$html = file_get_html('');
// Find all anchors, returns a array of element objects
$ret = $html->find('a');
// Get a attribute ( If the attribute is non-value attribute (eg. checked, selected...), it will returns true or false)
$value = $ret->href;
EDit :
All "natural" search urls are in the #res div it seems.. With simplehtmldom find first #res, than all url inside of it. Don't remember exactly the syntax but it must be this way :
$ret = $html->find('div[id=res]')->find('a');
or maybe
$html->find('div[id=res] a');


Dealing with online newspaper headline link in PHP

I have seen on most online newspaper websites that when i click on a headline link, e.g. two thieves caught red handed, it normally opens a url like this:
How do I deal with this url in php code, so that I can only pick the last part in the url. e.g. two-thieves-caught-red-handed. After that I want to work with this string.
I know how to deal with GET parameters like " thieves caught red handed".
But I do not want to do it that way. Could you show me another way.
You can use the combination of explode and end functions for that
for example:
$url = "";
$url = explode('/', $url);
$end = end($url);
echo "$end";
The code will result
You have several options in php to get the current url. For a detailed overview look here.
One would be to use $_SERVER[REQUEST_URI] and the use a string manipulation function for extraction of the parts you need.
Maybe this thread will help you too.

Extract keywords from referrer URL

It seems Google's URLs are structured differently these days. So it is harder to extract the referring keyword from them. Here is an example:,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=bdeb326aa44b07c5&biw=1280&bih=875
The search I performed was actually "jquery post output php not running", so the first 'q=' does not contain the full search. The second one does. I'd like to write a script that always extracts the last 'q=', but I'm not sure if Google's URL's always have the full search last. Anyone had any experience with this.
You can accomplish this using parse_url(), parse_str(), and urldecode(), where $str is the refer string:
$fragment = parse_url($str, PHP_URL_FRAGMENT);
parse_str($fragment, $arr);
$query = urldecode($arr['q']); // jquery post output php not running

PHP Summarize any URL

How can I, in PHP, get a summary of any URL? By summary, I mean something similar to the URL descriptions in Google web search results.
Is this possible? Is there already some kind of tool I can plug in to so I don't have to generate my own summaries?
I don't want to use metadata descriptions if possible.
What displays in Google is (generally) the META description tag. If you don't want to use that, you could use the page title instead though.
If you don't want to use metadata descriptions (btw, this is exactly what they are for), you have a lot of research and work to do. Essentially, you have to guess which part of the page is content and which is just navigation/fluff. Indeed, Google has exactly that; note however, that extracting valuable information from useless fluff is their #1 competency and they've been researching and improving that for a decade.
You can, of course, make an educated guess (e.g. "look for an element with ID or class maincontent" and get the first paragraph from it) and maybe it will be OK. The real question is, how good do you want the results to be? (Facebook has something similar for linking to websites, sometimes the summary just insists that an ad is the main content).
The following will allow you to to parse the contents of a page's title tag. Note: php must be configured to allow file_get_contents to retrieve URLs. Otherwise you'll have to use curl to retrieve the page HTML.
$title_open = '<title>';
$title_close = '</title>';
$page = file_get_contents( '' );
$n = stripos( $page, $title_open ) + strlen( $title_open );
$m = stripos( $page, $title_close);
$title = substr( $page, n, m-n );
While i hate promoting a service i have found this:
It has an API, that returns a JSON with all the data you need.
But i am still searching for a free/opensource library to do the same thing.

Using PHP PCRE to fetch div content

I'm trying to fetch data from a div (based on his id), using PHP's PCRE. The goal is to fetch div's contents based on his id, and using recursivity / depth to get everything inside it. The main problem here is to get other divs inside the "main div", because regex would stop once it gets the next </div> it finds after the initial <div id="test">.
I've tryed so many different approaches to the subject, and none of it worked. The best solution, in my oppinion, is to use the R parameter (Recursion), but never got it to work properly.
Any Ideais?
Thanks in advance :D
You'd be much better off using some form of DOM parser - regex really isn't suited to this problem. If all you want is basic HTML dom parsing, something like simplehtmldom would be right up your alley. It's trivial to install (just include a single PHP file) and trivial to use (2-3 lines will do what you need).
$dom = str_get_html($bunchofhtmlcode);
$testdiv = $dom->find('div#test',0); // 0 for the first occurrence
$testdiv_contents = $testdiv->innertext;

Extract data from website via PHP

I am trying to create a simple alert app for some friends.
Basically i want to be able to extract data "price" and "stock availability" from a webpage like the folowing two:
I have made the alert via e-mail and sms part but now i want to be able to get the quantity and price out of the webpages (those 2 or any other ones) so that i can compare the price and quantity available and alert us to make an order if a product is between some thresholds.
I have tried some regex (found on some tutorials, but i an way too n00b for this) but haven't managed to get this working, any good tips or examples?
$content = file_get_contents('');
preg_match('#<tr><th>(.*)</th> <td><b>price</b></td></tr>#', $content, $match);
$price = $match[1];
preg_match('#<input type="hidden" name="quantity_on_hand" value="(.*?)">#', $content, $match);
$in_stock = $match[1];
echo "Price: $price - Availability: $in_stock\n";
It's called screen scraping, in case you need to google for it.
I would suggest that you use a dom parser and xpath expressions instead. Feed the HTML through HtmlTidy first, to ensure that it's valid markup.
For example:
$html = file_get_contents("");
$html = tidy_repair_string($html);
$doc = new DomDocument();
$xpath = new DomXPath($doc);
// Now query the document:
foreach ($xpath->query('//table[#class="pricing"]/th') as $node) {
echo $node, "\n";
What ever you do: Don't use regular expressions to parse HTML or bad things will happen. Use a parser instead.
1st, asking this question goes too into details. 2nd, extracting data from a website might not be legitimate. However, I have hints:
Use Firebug or Chrome/Safari Inspector to explore the HTML content and pattern of interesting information
Test your RegEx to see if the match. You may need do it many times (multi-pass parsing/extraction)
Write a client via cURL or even much simpler, use file_get_contents (NOTE that some hosting disable loading URLs with file_get_contents)
For me, I'd better use Tidy to convert to valid XHTML and then use XPath to extract data, instead of RegEx. Why? Because XHTML is not regular and XPath is very flexible. You can learn XSLT to transform.
Good luck!
You are probably best off loading the HTML code into a DOM parser like this one and searching for the "pricing" table. However, any kind of scraping you do can break whenever they change their page layout, and is probably illegal without their consent.
The best way, though, would be to talk to the people who run the site, and see whether they have alternative, more reliable forms of data delivery (Web services, RSS, or database exports come to mind).
The simplest method to extract data from Website. I've analysed that my all data is covered within <h3> tag only, so I've prepared this one.
// Create DOM from URL, paste your destined web url in $page
$page = ‘’;
$html = new simple_html_dom();
//Within $html your webpage will be loaded for further operation
// Find all links
$links = array();
//Within find() function, I have written h3 so it will simply fetch the content from <h3> tag only. Change as per your requirement.
foreach($html->find(‘h3′) as $element)
$links[] = $element;
//$out will be having each of HTML element content you searching for, within that web page
foreach ($links as $out)
echo $out;
