Drupal 6 - Content profile fields within page-user.tpl.php - php

Going a bit mad here... :)
I'm just trying to add CCK fields from a Content Profile content type into page-user.tpl.php (I'm creating a highly-themed user profile page).
There seem to be two methods, both of which have a unique disadvantage that I can't seem to overcome:
'$content profile' method.
$var = $content_profile->get_variables('profile');
print $var['field_last_name'][0]['safe'];
This is great, except I can't seem to pass the currently viewed user into $content_profile, and it therefore always shows the logged in user.
'$content profile load' method.
$account_id = arg(1);
$account = user_load($account_id);
$user_id = $account->uid;
$var = content_profile_load('profile', $user_id);
print $var->field_first_name[0]['value'];
Fine, but now I can't access the full rendered fields, only the plain values (i.e. if the field has paragraphs they won't show up).
How can I have both things at once? In other words how can I show fields relating to the currently viewed user that are also rendered (the 'safe' format in 1)?
I've Googled and Googled and I just end up going round in circles. :(

Your content profile load method seems to be the closest to what you want.
In your example:
$account_id = arg(1);
$account = user_load($account_id);
$user_id = $account->uid;
$var = content_profile_load('profile', $user_id);
print $var->field_first_name[0]['value'];
The $var is just a node object. You can get the "full rendered fields" in a number of ways (assuming you mean your field with a filter applied).
The most important thing to check is that you're field is actually configured properly.
Go to:
admin/content/node-type/[node-type]/fields/field_[field-name] to configure your field and make sure that under text processing that you've got "Filtered text" selected.
If that doesn't fix it,try applying this:
content_view_field(content_fields("field_last_name"), $var, FALSE, FALSE)
(more info on this here: http://www.trevorsimonton.com/blog/cck-field-render-node-formatter-format-output-print-echo )
in place of this:
print $var->field_first_name[0]['value'];
if none of that helps... try out some of the things i've got on my blog about this very problem:

When you're creating a user profile page there is a built in mechanism for it. just create a user template file, user_profile.tpl.php.
When you use the built in mechanism you automatically get access to the $account object of the user you are browsing, including all user profile cck fields. You have the fields you are looking for without having to programmatically load the user.
I have a field called profile_bio and am able to spit out any mark up that is in without ever having to ask for the $account.
<?php if ($account->content[Profile][profile_bio]['#value']) print "<h3>Bio</h3>".$account->content[Profile][profile_bio]['#value']; ?>

I've tried themeing content profiles by displaying profile node fields through the userpage before and it always seems a little "hacky" to me. What I've grown quite fond of is simply going to the content profile settings page for that node type and setting the display to "Display the full content". This is fine and dandy except for the stupid markup like the node type name that content profile injects.
a solution for that is to add a preprocess function for the content profile template. one that will unset the $title and remove the node-type name that appears on the profile normally.
function mymodule_preprocess_content_profile_display_view(&$variables) {
if ($variables['type'] == 'nodetypename') {
A function similar to this should do the trick. Now to theme user profiles you can simply theme your profile nodes as normal.


SilverStripe Display Logic for ListboxField not working

SilverStripe: v4
Module used: https://github.com/unclecheese/silverstripe-display-logic
Hello and good day!
I'm in the Security page (Lists of Members) and was trying to display a ListboxField upon a certain string or value is found on another ListboxField.
With The image above, I wanted to select or input in the Groups field the Sales Representative role, and once the Sales Representative is present in the Groups, that's the moment I shall display another field
Here's my code snippet
$codesList = Member::get()->column('Code');
$codes = ListboxField::create(
'Account Purchases',
$fields->insertAfter('DirectGroups', $codes);
$codes->displayIf("DirectGroups")->contains("Sales Representative");
But the problem is, no matter what I did (1: dev/build?flush=1, 2: refresh the page, 3: restart the app) the desired field named $codes still won't appear.
But if I'm applying it to a normal field like the FirstName (which is a simple TextField), it's working perfectly fine...
$codesList = Member::get()->column('Code');
$codes = ListboxField::create(
'Account Purchases',
$fields->insertAfter('DirectGroups', $codes);
$codes->displayIf("FirstName")->contains("Sales Representative");
Any ideas how to perform my desired output?
For non-standard form fields, you'll need to use the display-logic wrapper. https://github.com/unclecheese/silverstripe-display-logic#dealing-with-non-standard-form-fields
The definition of "non-standard" is a bit hard to find, but in my experience it's anything non-plain-html-input. Listbox is a fancy front-end thing, so it qualifies. The examples in the docs can be confusing, but if you are using SS4 and the latest display-logic, then use Wrapper::create instead of DisplayLogicWrapper::create. If you wrap it, it should work.
$codesList = Member::get()->column('Code');
$codes = Wrapper::create(
ListboxField::create('AccountPurchases','Account Purchases',$codesList);
)->displayIf("DirectGroups")->contains("Sales Representative")->end();
$fields->insertAfter('DirectGroups', $codes);

Wordpress - Get User's image ID from Pods field

I am currently working with the Pods plugin.
I extended the user pod and I added a corporate image field.
On the administration everything is fine, I can change the image of each user.
My problem is that I can not display this image on a front office page..
If i do this : var_dump($pod->field('image_societe'));
It return false, while the field name is correct, and for plain text fields, it works.
But i can do this :
This will return me full of information, but I do not have access to the id of the image, it is not present in the information.
I would like to finally be able to do this:
the_attachment_link( 11923 );
Where 11923 is the image's ID.
To be dynamic according to the user, the documentation says that it must be done like this:
But as pods return me false, it does not work.
Does someone have an idea ?
Thank you !
Usually you can get the image url by querying $pod->field('image_societe.guid'). E.g. :
$items = pods('your_pod', array("limit" => -1));
while($items->fetch()) {
echo $items->field('image_societe.guid');
If $pod->field('image_societe'); doesn't return anything, then something might be wrong with your pod query, or caching kicking in. So more code would be needed to review this.

Vtiger custom link with $current_user variable

I am trying to add a custom link to a custom page using the vtiger_link table, with 2 parameters; 1 is the trouble ticket id which works fine:
This is in the URL field in the database:
and 2 is the id of the logged in user ($current_user) but it doesn't work:
It shows the page just as it should, but the variable $user gets the value '$current_user':
I wanted to post a picture of the table, but I don't have enough reputation for that.
I have tried many things, but I am clearly doing something wrong.
Any help would be much appreciated.
I did not need to put the variable in the URL,
the reason I could not use the $current_user variable is because it didn't exist in "detailview.php" which is where the link ends up.
I used:
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
to view all globals, there I found the authenticated_user_id
Knowing I could use this I was able to access the global from my file without the URL:
$current_user = $_SESSION["authenticated_user_id"];
I would like to thank STT LCU for his advice, as he was the only one who helped me through this problem, which took me a full week in total.

Creating configurable product programmatically

I'm trying to create configurable products programmatically in Magento 1.5.1.
I understand I need first to create simple related products, what I did. Now I manage to associate these simple products to make a configurable one.
Here is the critical part...
I keep the ids and some of the attributes values in an array, so I can later make my configurable product, but some of them are missing, I don't know which method to call.
I found this entry in Magento Wiki, that helped me and seems to fit my needs.
However, at the end the author is setting two things :
and the values in the arrays have been taken in the admin page source using Firebug....and then translated into PHP arrays (array example for the first call) :
"I’ve harcoded the values for my associated products and attribute
data. You can get attribute data by viewing the source through the
admin interface and using Firebug for Firefox."
$data = array('5791'=>array('0'=>array('attribute_id'=>'491', // I already got this
'label'=>'vhs', // this too
'value_index'=>'5', // but what is value_index ?
My question is : is there a way to retrieve these values without using Firebug (which in my script won't help me a lot !), but programmatically. I already found a way to retrieve attribute values, labels, etc... using its code, but one field I don't know is value_index.
I guess this may be the option position in an option list, but not sure.
Also if someone knows a good/better way to create a configurable product in Magento, please tell me.
Any help is welcome thank you.
It seems you're asking where to retrieve the value_index value where you already have the label. Here's what I had: I didn't test this on 1.5x.
function get_attribute_id($option, $type) {
$attributeId = Mage::getResourceModel('eav/entity_attribute')->getIdByCode('catalog_product', $type);
$attribute = Mage::getModel('catalog/resource_eav_attribute')->load($attributeId);
$attributeOptions = $attribute->getSource()->getAllOptions();
foreach ($attributeOptions as $opts_arr) {
if (strtoupper($opts_arr['label']) == strtoupper($option)) {
return $opts_arr['value'];
return FALSE;
$value_index = get_attribute_id('vhs', 'media_format');
No one else seemed to mention the easiest way to figure out what the value_index of vhs is: In the backend, under
Catalog > Manage > media_format > Manage Label/Options
Inspect the source of the individual form inputs. Where you have 'vhs' you should have an input named option[value][6]
As far as I understand your question, there are two options: a) create simple products by script, put the generated id's in an array and create the configurables using the ids or b) read the id's from the admin and put them in your script. Since programming is about automation I'd definately go for option a.

How do I remove unnecessary options from a select field in a Drupal form?

I'm using the better_exposed_filters module to create a set of exposed filters for a view. One of the filters is being displayed as a select field, and I would like the field to only display options that are actually associated with content in the database.
Currently, I am doing this using the hook_form_alter() method. For simplification, in the following example the field is called 'foo' and the content type with that field is called 'bar':
function my_module_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
// Get all the values of foo that matter
$resource = db_query('select distinct field_foo_value from {content_type_bar}');
$foo = array();
while($row = db_fetch_object($resource)) {
$foo[$row->field_foo_value] = $row->field_foo_value;
$form['foo']['#options'] = $foo;
This works great -- the form displays only the options I want to display. Unfortunately, the view doesn't actually display anything initially and I also get the following error message:
An illegal choice has been detected. Please contact the site administrator.
After I filter options with the form once, everything seems to work fine.
Does anyone know how I can solve this problem? I'm open to an entirely different way of weeding out filter options, if need be, or a way that I can figure out how to address that error.
Under your view argument there should be a section called "Validator options" with ""Action to take if argument does not validate under it. Depending on what you want shown, you should be able to display all values or display an empty page.
I found a solution that works, but it's somewhat hackish. I force the form to think that it's validated, and it doesn't complain anymore, with the following line at the bottom of the function:
$form['foo']['#validated'] = true;
