PHP Proxy that handles both GET and POST without use of cURL - php

I've looked everywhere but can't find what I need so hence why I'm posting this question.
I'm looking for code for a PHP proxy to help me effectively do cross-domain jquery requests but have these requirements:
Must be PHP
Cannot use cURL -- my server config doesn't support it. Presumably this leaves fopen() but I'm open to alternatives.
Must support both GET and POST requests
Support both responses for either XML and JSON
I'e searched high and low for a solution but always find solutions that use cURL or doesn't support POST.
I'm currently using this which doesn't work for POST:
header('Content-type: application/json');
$daurl = $_GET['url'];
$handle = fopen($daurl, "r");
if ($handle) {
while (!feof($handle)) {
$buffer = fgets($handle, 4096);
echo $buffer;

file_get_contents(). See Example #4 at the linked page (PHP online docs) on how to do 'custom' requests using streams for POST and arbitrary HTTP headers.

in other for you to get quick answer, you first need to do some work yourself, then when you get stuck, you can post it here.
The question is too broad to be answered. you are requesting for a complete solution, you won't get it


Send HTTP request from PHP without waiting for response?

I want to have an HTTP GET request sent from PHP. Example:
The idea is to do server-side web-analytics: Instead of sending tracking
information from JavaScript to a server, the server sends tracking
information directly to another server.
The request should take as little time as possible, in order to not
noticeably delay processing of the PHP page.
The response from the does not need to be
checked. As examples, some possible responses from
200: That's fine, but no need to check that.
404: Bad luck, but - again - no need to check that.
301: Although a redirect would be appropriate, it would delay
processing of the PHP page, so don't do that.
In short: All responses can be discarded.
Ideas for solutions:
In a now deleted answer, someone suggested calling command line
curl from PHP in a shell process. This seems like a good idea,
only that I don't know if forking a lot of shell processes under
heavy load is a wise thing to do.
I found php-ga, a package for doing server-side Google
Analytics from PHP. On the project's page, it is
mentioned: "Can be configured to [...] use non-blocking requests."
So far I haven't found the time to investigate what method php-ga
uses internally, but this method could be it!
In a nutshell: What is the best solution to do generic server-side
tracking/analytics from PHP.
Unfortunately PHP by definition is blocking. While this holds true for the majority of functions and operations you will normally be handling, the current scenario is different.
The process which I like to call HTTP-Ping, requires that you only touch a specific URI, forcing the specific server to boot-strap it's internal logic. Some functions allow you to achieve something very similar to this HTTP-ping, by not waiting for a response.
Take note that the process of pinging an url, is a two step process:
Resolve the DNS
Making the request
While making the request should be rather fast once the DNS is resolved and the connection is made, there aren't many ways of making the DNS resolve faster.
Some ways of doing an http-ping are:
cURL, by setting CONNECTION_TIMEOUT to a low value
fsockopen by closing immediately after writing
stream_socket_client (same as fsockopen) and also adding STREAM_CLIENT_ASYNC_CONNECT
While both cURL and fsockopen are both blocking while the DNS is being resolved. I have noticed that fsockopen is significantly faster, even in worst case scenarios.
stream_socket_client on the other hand should fix the problem regarding DNS resolving and should be the optimal solution in this scenario, but I have not managed to get it to work.
One final solution is to start another thread/process that does this for you. Making a system call for this should work, but also forking the current process should do that also. Unfortunately both are not really safe in applications where you can't control the environment on which PHP is running.
System calls are more often than not blocked and pcntl is not enabled by default.
I would call this way:
and in the tracker script:
header("Connection: close");
header("Content-Length: " . ob_get_length());
// from here the response has been sent. you can now wait as long as you want and do some tracking stuff
sleep(5); //wait 5 seconds
I implemented function for fast GET request to url without waiting for response:
function fast_request($url)
$fp = fsockopen($parts['host'],isset($parts['port'])?$parts['port']:80,$errno, $errstr, 30);
$out = "GET ".$parts['path']." HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$out.= "Host: ".$parts['host']."\r\n";
$out.= "Content-Length: 0"."\r\n";
$out.= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";
fwrite($fp, $out);
We were using fsockopen and fwrite combo, then it up and stopped working one day. Or it was kind of intermittent. After a little research and testing, and if you have fopen wrappers enabled, I ended up using file_get_contents and stream_context_create functions with a timeout that is set to 100th of second. The timeout parameter can receive floating values ( I wrapped it in a try...catch block so it would fail silently. It works beautifully for our purposes. You can do logging stuff in the catch if needed. The timeout is the key if you don't want the function to block runtime.
function fetchWithoutResponseURL( $url )
$context = stream_context_create([
"http" => [
"timeout" => .01
try {
file_get_contents($url, 0, $context);
}catch( Exception $e ){
// Fail silently
For those of you working with wordrpess as a backend -
it is as simple as:
wp_remote_get( $url, array(blocking=>false) );
Came here whilst researching a similar problem. If you have a database connection handy, one other possibility is to quickly stuff the request details into a table, and then have a seperate cron-based process that periodically scans that table for new records to process, and makes the tracking request, freeing up your web application from having to make the HTTP request itself.
You can use shell_exec, and command line curl.
For an example, see this question
You can actually do this using CURL directly.
I have both implemented it using a very short timeout (CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS) and/or using curl_multi_exec.
Be advised: eventually i quit this method because not every request was correctly made. This could have been caused by my own server though i haven't been able to rule out the option of curl failing.
I needed to do something similar, just ping a url and discard all responses. I used the proc_open command which lets you end the process right away using proc_close. I'm assuming you have lynx installed on your server:
function ping($url) {
$proc = proc_open("lynx $url",[],$pipes);
// Create a stream
$opts = array(
'header'=>"Accept-language: en"
$context = stream_context_create($opts);
// Open the file using the HTTP headers set above
$file = file_get_contents('', false, $context);

How to receive a file via HTTP PUT with PHP

This is something that has been bugging me for a while.. I'm building of a RESTful API that has to receive files on some occasions.
When using HTTP POST, we can read data from $_POST and files from $_FILES.
When using HTTP GET, we can read data from $_GET and files from $_FILES.
However, when using HTTP PUT, AFAIK the only way to read data is to use the php://input stream.
All good and well, untill I want to send a file over HTTP PUT. Now the php://input stream doesn't work as expected anymore, since it has a file in there as well.
Here's how I currently read data on a PUT request:
(which works great as long as there are no files posted)
$handle = fopen('php://input', 'r');
$rawData = '';
while ($chunk = fread($handle, 1024)) {
$rawData .= $chunk;
parse_str($rawData, $data);
When I then output rawData, it shows
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="image_01"; filename="lorem-ipsum.png"
Content-Type: image/png; charset=binary
���...etc etc...
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="testkey"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="otherkey"
Does anyone know how to properly receive files over HTTP PUT, or how to parse files out of the php://input stream?
===== UPDATE #1 =====
I have tried only the above method, don't really have a clue as to what I can do else.
I have gotten no errors using this method, besides that I don't get the desired result of the posted data and files.
===== UPDATE #2 =====
I'm sending this test request using Zend_Http_Client, as follows:
(haven't had any problems with Zend_Http_Client so far)
$client = new Zend_Http_Client();
'strict' => false,
'maxredirects' => 0,
'timeout' => 30)
$client->setUri( 'http://...' );
$client->setFileUpload( dirname(__FILE__) . '/files/lorem-ipsum.png', 'image_01');
$client->setParameterPost(array('testkey' => 'testvalue', 'otherkey' => 'othervalue');
'api_key' => '...',
'identity' => '...',
'credential' => '...'
===== SOLUTION =====
Turns out I made some wrong assumptions, mainly that HTTP PUT would be similar to HTTP POST. As you can read below, DaveRandom explained to me that HTTP PUT is not meant for transferring multiple files on the same request.
I have now moved the transferring of formdata from the body to url querystring. The body now holds the contents of a single file.
For more information, read DaveRandom's answer. It's epic.
The data you show does not depict a valid PUT request body (well, it could, but I highly doubt it). What it shows is a multipart/form-data request body - the MIME type used when uploading files via HTTP POST through an HTML form.
PUT requests should exactly compliment the response to a GET request - they send you the file contents in the message body, and nothing else.
Essentially what I'm saying is that it is not your code to receive the file that is wrong, it is the code that is making the request - the client code is incorrect, not the code you show here (although the parse_str() call is a pointless exercise).
If you explain what the client is (a browser, script on other server, etc) then I can help you take this further. As it is, the appropriate request method for the request body that you depict is POST, not PUT.
Let's take a step back from the problem, and look at the HTTP protocol in general - specifically the client request side - hopefully this will help you understand how all of this is supposed to work. First, a little history (if you're not interested in this, feel free to skip this section).
HTTP was originally designed as a mechanism for retrieving HTML documents from remote servers. At first it effectively supported only the GET method, whereby the client would request a document by name and the server would return it to the client. The first public specification for HTTP, labelled as HTTP 0.9, appeared in 1991 - and if you're interested, you can read it here.
The HTTP 1.0 specification (formalised in 1996 with RFC 1945) expanded the capabilities of the protocol considerably, adding the HEAD and POST methods. It was not backwards compatible with HTTP 0.9, due to a change in the format of the response - a response code was added, as well as the ability to include metadata for the returned document in the form of MIME format headers - key/value data pairs. HTTP 1.0 also abstracted the protocol from HTML, allowing for the transfer of files and data in other formats.
HTTP 1.1, the form of the protocol that is almost exclusively in use today is built on top of HTTP 1.0 and was designed to be backwards compatible with HTTP 1.0 implementations. It was standardised in 1999 with RFC 2616. If you are a developer working with HTTP, get to know this document - it is your bible. Understanding it fully will give you a considerable advantage over your peers who do not.
Get to the point already
HTTP works on a request-response architecture - the client sends a request message to the server, the server returns a response message to the client.
A request message includes a METHOD, a URI and optionally, a number of HEADERS. The request METHOD is what this question relates to, so it is what I will cover in the most depth here - but first it is important to understand exactly what we mean when we talk about the request URI.
The URI is the location on the server of the resource we are requesting. In general, this consists of a path component, and optionally a query string. There are circumstances where other components may be present as well, but for the purposes of simplicity we shall ignore them for now.
Let's imagine you type http://server.domain.tld/path/to/document.ext?key=value into the address bar of your browser. The browser dismantles this string, and determines that it needs to connect to an HTTP server at server.domain.tld, and ask for the document at /path/to/document.ext?key=value.
The generated HTTP 1.1 request will look (at a minimum) like this:
GET /path/to/document.ext?key=value HTTP/1.1
Host: server.domain.tld
The first part of the request is the word GET - this is the request METHOD. The next part is the path to the file we are requesting - this is the request URI. At the end of this first line is an identifier indicating the protocol version in use. On the following line you can see a header in MIME format, called Host. HTTP 1.1 mandates that the Host: header be included with every request. This is the only header of which this is true.
The request URI is broken into two parts - everything to the left of the question mark ? is the path, everything to the right of it is the query string.
Request Methods
RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) defines 8 request methods.
The OPTIONS method is rarely used. It is intended as a mechanism for determining what kind of functionality the server supports before attempting to consume a service the server may provide.
Off the top of my head, the only place in fairly common usage that I can think of where this is used is when opening documents in Microsoft office directly over HTTP from Internet Explorer - Office will send an OPTIONS request to the server to determine if it supports the PUT method for the specific URI, and if it does it will open the document in a way that allows the user to save their changes to the document directly back to the remote server. This functionality is tightly integrated within these specific Microsoft applications.
This is by far and away the most common method in every day usage. Every time you load a regular document in your web browser it will be a GET request.
The GET method requests that the server return a specific document. The only data that should be transmitted to the server is information that the server requires to determine which document should be returned. This can include information that the server can use to dynamically generate the document, which is sent in the form of headers and/or query string in the request URI. While we're on the subject - Cookies are sent in the request headers.
This method is identical to the GET method, with one difference - the server will not return the requested document, if will only return the headers that would be included in the response. This is useful for determining, for example, if a particular document exists without having to transfer and process the entire document.
This is the second most commonly used method, and arguably the most complex. POST method requests are almost exclusively used to invoke some actions on the server that may change its state.
A POST request, unlike GET and HEAD, can (and usually does) include some data in the body of the request message. This data can be in any format, but most commonly it is a query string (in the same format as it would appear in the request URI) or a multipart message that can communicate key/value pairs along with file attachments.
Many HTML forms use the POST method. In order to upload files from a browser, you would need to use the POST method for your form.
The POST method is semantically incompatible with RESTful APIs because it is not idempotent. That is to say, a second identical POST request may result in a further change to the state of the server. This contradicts the "stateless" constraint of REST.
This directly complements GET. Where a GET requests indicates that the server should return the document at the location specified by the request URI in the response body, the PUT method indicates that the server should store the data in the request body at the location specified by the request URI.
This indicates that the server should destroy the document at the location indicated by the request URI. Very few internet facing HTTP server implementations will perform any action when they receive a DELETE request, for fairly obvious reasons.
This provides an application-layer level mechanism to allow clients to inspect the request it has sent as it looks by the time it reaches the destination server. This is mostly useful for determining the effect that any proxy servers between the client and the destination server may be having on the request message.
HTTP 1.1 reserves the name for a CONNECT method, but does not define its usage, or even its purpose. Some proxy server implementations have since used the CONNECT method to facilitate HTTP tunnelling.
I've never tried using PUT (GET POST and FILES were sufficient for my needs) but this example is from the php docs so it might help you (
/* PUT data comes in on the stdin stream */
$putdata = fopen("php://input", "r");
/* Open a file for writing */
$fp = fopen("myputfile.ext", "w");
/* Read the data 1 KB at a time
and write to the file */
while ($data = fread($putdata, 1024))
fwrite($fp, $data);
/* Close the streams */
Here is the solution that I found to be the most useful.
$put = array();
parse_str(file_get_contents('php://input'), $put);
$put will be an array, just like you are used to seeing in $_POST, except now you can follow true REST HTTP protocol.
Use POST and include an X- header to indicate the actual method (PUT in this case). Usually this is how one works around a firewall which does not allow methods other than GET and POST. Simply declare PHP buggy (since it refuses to handle multipart PUT payloads, it IS buggy), and treat it as you would an outdated/draconian firewall.
The opinions as to what PUT means in relation to GET are just that, opinions. The HTTP makes no such requirement. It simply states 'equivalent' .. it is up to the designer to determine what 'equivalent' means. If your design can accept a multi-file upload PUT and produce an 'equivalent' representation for a subsequent GET for the same resource, that's just fine and dandy, both technically and philosophically, with the HTTP specifications.
Just follow what it says in the DOC:
/* PUT data comes in on the stdin stream */
$putdata = fopen("php://input", "r");
/* Open a file for writing */
$fp = fopen("myputfile.ext", "w");
/* Read the data 1 KB at a time
and write to the file */
while ($data = fread($putdata, 1024))
fwrite($fp, $data);
/* Close the streams */
This should read the whole file that is on the PUT stream and save it locally, then you could do what you want with it.

PHP accessing Incoming PUT Data

Is PUT similar to POST?
I'm getting some inbound requests (apache) with this:
I've never worked with this request method before. So I have to ask if I'm supposed to process it differently.
The people sending me data are claiming to be sending xml. So my script has this:
if(isset($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA)) {
mail("","some title i want", print_r($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA, true));
die("not post data");
I'm stuck here now. If there's a PUT request, do I replace $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA with something else?
According to the php docs, PUT data can be read using the php://input stream (which is preferred over $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA).
$putdata = fopen("php://input", "r");
$str = stream_get_contents($putdata);

Start the PHP script after headers, but before body is received

With PHP and Apache, is it possible to start the PHP script after the headers are received, but before the body is sent ?
I mean kind of this:
PUT /sync/testStream.php HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
User-Agent: test
Content-Length: 500
Content-Type: text/plain
<start the script here>
this is a test
The objective is to lock a file during the script (during its upload actually).
I tried to read from php://input, with no success: the script is started only when the whole body is received.
Here is my script:
echo "Hello. Start sending data.";
$file = fopen('php://input', 'r');
if ($file === false) {
die("Could not open php://input");
while (($line = fgets($file)) !== false) {
echo $line;
echo "Bye";
Any hint is welcome !
I have seen this question on here before (can't find it right now, but I have) and after much discussion/debate, that conclusion was that No, you can't.
This is because the file upload process and receiving of the body of the request is handled by the overlying web server, and PHP is not fired up until after the request has been fully received/parsed/validated.
One point here is that your script appears to be attempting to establish full-duplex communication over HTTP, which is not possible. HTTP is by it's very nature a half-duplex protocol - it has a request-response architecture and you cannot start sending a response before you have completely received the request, it would be a protocol violation.
If you explain exactly what you are trying to do/why you want to lock a file during upload, maybe we can find an alternative solution.
Actually, it's not possible because of PHP isn't aware of any request before the HTTP request is completed. In other words, PHP receives the query after the upload is completed.
PHP is executed after whole request.
To achieve this functionality you could write custom apache module.

PHP connecting to MediaWiki API and retrieve data

I noticed there was a question somewhat similar to mine, only with c#:link text.
Let me explain: I'm very new to the whole web-services implementation and so I'm experiencing some difficulty understanding (especially due to the vague MediaWiki API manual).
I want to retrieve the entire page as a string in PHP (XML file) and then process it in PHP (I'm pretty sure there are other more sophisticated ways to parse XML files but whatever):
Main Page wikipedia.
I tried doing $fp = fopen($url,'r');. It outputs: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request. The API does not require a key to connect to it.
Can you describe in detail how to connect to the API and get the page as a string?
The URL is $url=' Page';. I simply want to read the entire content of the file into a string to use it.
Connecting to that API is as simple as retrieving the file,
$url = '';
$fp = fopen($url, 'r');
while (!feof($fp)) {
$c .= fread($fp, 8192);
echo $c;
$url = '';
$c = file_get_contents($url);
echo $c;
The above two can only be used if your server has the fopen wrappers enabled.
Otherwise if your server has cURL installed you can use that,
$url = '';
$ch = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$c = curl_exec($ch);
echo $c;
You probably need to urlencode the parameters that you are passing in the query string ; here, at least the "Main Page" requires encoding -- without this encoding, I get a 400 error too.
If you try this, it should work better (note the space is replaced by %20) :
$str = file_get_contents($url);
With this, I'm getting the content of the page.
A solution is to use urlencode, so you don't have to encode yourself :
$url='' . urlencode('Main Page');
$str = file_get_contents($url);
According to the MediaWiki API docs, if you don't specify a User-Agent in your PHP request, WikiMedia will refuse the connection with a 4xx HTTP response code:
You might try updating your code to add that request header, or change the default setting in php.ini if you have edit access to that.
