I ave several JS functions that call different php files with $.ajax jquery method... yesterday everything was fine, but after cleaning up my code, i don't know what i did, but now the ajax response is like "[space]data" instead of "data"..
i could use a trim function in Js but i want to fix the source of the problem...
all my php files have the missing last ?> in order to avoid that, and before <?php i'm sure, just checked, there is no space...
how come did I introduce this error? is the server? the browser?
The funny thing is that yesterday i cleaned my code with JSLINT..! bad idea..
When I had the same problem it was just a carriage return or space after the closing PHP tag, a surprisingly easy thing to introduce by accident.
Make sure you open the PHP tag at the start of the first line of your script, close it at the end and delete everything after the closed tag (should be easy to spot in a good editor).
I can see no reason why not closing your PHP tag wouldn't just be really annoying.. but thats just me!
I know I'm late this this thread, found it because I had the same issue. I was able to confirm that the although you may clear all the spacing in your callback function it is still possible to get these white-space/carriage returns in your response text (you can even see this in chrome developer tools under the "Network" tab).
So I tested and found that if you put ob_clean(); at the top of your callback function then it clears any of those spaces. I don't know much about this function just that it was mentioned in the codex (http://codex.wordpress.org/AJAX_in_Plugins#Debugging). Hope that helps anyone else that find there way here because of the same issue
If your response from the server includes the extra space, then the php code is the cause. If your response does not include the extra space, then the problem must be in javascript.
Use Fiddler to examine the actual response from the server to see if it really has the space in it. You'll then know for sure if the problem is with PHP or JS. Then you can post the relevant code.
This is probably not constructive at all, and I'm asking more of curiosity than anything else, because I know how to overcome this issue by modifying the code.
Anyway, having this PHP line:
strip_tags(preg_replace('#<br\s*/?>#i', "\n", $nameXML));
Is there any way to comment out this line? (without any modifications to it!)
I have already tried using //,/**/, and # and in every case PHP has thrown a syntax error.
EDIT #1: I assume a commented line will not produce ANY output - if it does than it's not really commented out, is it?
EDIT #2: Please don't try too hard answering this question. It's not a real issue.
The reason why you are getting a strange output is because of the particular ?> in your regex. In this case, PHP is interpreting that as the end of the script, because the rest of the code is commented out. To answer your question directly, in this case, you cannot comment out that particular line of code without editing it. You would have to remove the ?> portion of the regex in order for the script to continue to run normally.
Additionally, it would work if you encapsulated the comment in /* */ according to this post. However, because the regex has */ it is prematurely ending the block style comment, thus still breaking out of PHP mode and returning to HTML mode.
Like many others out there i have had my fair share of issues trying to download an Excel file output by PHPExcel.
What happened in my case was whenever I wanted to download a file using
i always used to get garbled text in my excel file with a warning saying my file was corrupt. Eventually i resolved the issue. The problem being i had a
at the top of my php script. I just replaced that with whatever was there inside dbcon.php and it worked fine again.
Though the problem is solved i would really like to know what caused the problem. It would be great if anyone out there could help me out with this one.
If you get that error - you should follow the advice we always give in that situation: you use a text editor to look in the generated file for leading or trailing whitespace, or plaintext error messages - and then in your own scripts for anything that might generate that such as echo statements, blank lines outside ?> <?php, etc.
Another way of testing for this is to save to the filesystem rather than php://output and see if you get the same problem: if that works, then the problem is always something that your own script is sending to php://output as well.
Clearly you had a problem along those lines in your dbcon.php file. This can be as simple as a trailing newline after a closing ?> in the file...
In situations like your's, there can be couple of reasons for broken output:
in file dbcon.php can be a whitespace before opening or ending php
tag, so that produce some chars to output and can make file broken
(this is reason for using only opening tag in php 5.3+);
maybe file dbcon.php wasn't found by require, so you got error message in otput;
any other errors or notices or warnings in dbcon.php, because presence of global vars from current file..
I want to create a PHP script that grabs the content of a website. So let's say it grabs all the source code for that website and I say which lines of code I need.
Is there a function in PHP that allows you too do this or is it impossible?
Disclaimer: I'm not going to use this for any illegal purposes at all and not asking you too write any code, just tell me if its possible and if you can how I'd go about doing it. Also I'm just asking in general, not for any specific reason. Thanks! :)
file('http://the.url.com') returns an array of lines from a url.
so for the 24th line do this:
$lines = file('http://www.whatever.com');
echo $lines[23];
This sounds like a horrible idea, but here we go:
Use file_get_contents() to get the file. You cannot get the source if the web server first processes it, so you may need to use an extension like .txt. Unless you password protect the file, obviously anybody can get it.
Use explode() with the \n delimiter to split the source code into lines.
Use array_slice() to get the lines you need.
eval() the code.
Note: if you just want the HTML output, then ignore the bit about the source in step 1 and obviously you can skip the whole eval() thing.
Hey there, I have an Arabic contact script that uses Ajax to retrieve a response from the server after filling the form.
On some apache servers, jQuery.parseJSON() throws an invalid json excepion for the same json it parses perfectly on other servers. This exception is thrown only on chrome and IE.
The json content gets encoded using php's json_encode() function. I tried sending the correct header with the json data and setting the unicode to utf-8, but that didn't help.
This is one of the json responses I try to parse (removed the second part of if because it's long):
{"pageTitle":"\u062e\u0637\u0623 \u0639\u0646\u062f \u0627\u0644\u0625\u0631\u0633\u0627\u0644 !"}
Note: This language of this data is Arabic, that's why it looks like this after being parsed with php's json_encode().
You can try to make a request in the examples given down and look at the full response data using firebug or webkit developer tools. The response passes jsonlint!
Finally, I have two urls using the same version of the script, try to browse them using chrome or IE to see the error in the broken example.
The working example : http://namodg.com/n/
The broken example: http://www.mt-is.co.cc/my/call-me/
Updated: To clarify more, I would like to note that I manged to fix this by using the old eval() to parse the content, I released another version with this fix, it was like this:
// Parse the JSON data
// Use jquery's default parser
data = $.parseJSON(data);
* Fix a bug where strange unicode chars in the json data makes the jQuery
* parseJSON() throw an error (only on some servers), by using the old eval() - slower though!
data = eval( "(" + data + ")" );
I still want to know if this is a bug in jquery's parseJSON() method, so that I can report it to them.
Found the problem! It was very hard to notice, but I saw something funny about that opening brace... there seemed to be a couple of little dots near it. I used this JavaScript bookmarklet to find out what it was:
I got the results page. Guess what the problem is! There is an invisible character, repeated twice actually, at the beginning of your output. The zero width non-breaking space is also called the Unicode byte order mark (BOM). It is the reason why jQuery is rejecting your otherwise valid JSON and why pasting the JSON into JSONLint mysteriously works (depending on how you do it).
One way to get this unwanted character into your output is to save your PHP files using Windows Notepad in UTF-8 mode! If this is what you are doing, get another text editor such as Notepad++. Resave all your PHP files without the BOM to fix your problem.
Step 1: Set up Notepad++ to encode files in UTF-8 without BOM by default.
Step 2: Open each existing PHP file, change the Encoding setting, and resave it.
You should try using json2.js (it's on https://github.com/douglascrockford/JSON-js)
Even John Resig (creator of jQuery) says you should:
This version of JSON.js is highly recommended. If you're still using the old version, please please upgrade (this one, undoubtedly, cause less issues than the previous one).
I don't see anything related to parseJSON()
The only difference I see is that in the working example a session-cookie is set(guess it is needed for the "captcha", the mathematical calculation), in the other example no session-cookie is set. So maybe the comparision of the calculation-result fails without the session-cookie.
I hope everyone's holidays are going well.
Another PHP related question here. I am using output buffers in my script, for what I have recently learned is an invalid reason (so I can pass headers later in the script). I now realize that I should be storing all output in a variable or some other sort of storage until I am ready to output at the end of the script instead of using output buffers. Unfortunately, I have already coding these functions and the spontaneous output of html into my pages already. I was hoping to be able to fix this problem in version 2 of the script, as I have strict deadlines to meet with this version.
To the question at hand. I was planning to do this, but apparently die() and exit() functions do not work so well with output buffers? I have exit() after all of my error messages, and instead of ending the execution at that point, it seems the script keeps going due to the output buffer. I have tested this hypothesis by removing the output buffers and the exit() functions work as expected.
Is there a way I change this behaviour, or should I go back to the drawing board and begin replacing my older pages? Also, can someone please explain to me why we should keep output till the end? I'm always interested in learning.
Thanks in advance everyone! Enjoy the last few days of 2010!
While I'll leave the headier and more abstract questions to more intelligent minds than I, I would recommend that you create a wrapper exit() function to simplify the code when you have errors.
trigger_error('bleh', E_USER_WARNING);
function errorExit()
And replace all your exits with that function call and that way the buffer is flushed and the program will exit at the proper time.
Difference between header and the actual page content is basically only the position where they occur.
As the name suggests, header is in the beginning of the output. After that two carriage/returns (enter symbols) are sent and everything after that is presumed to be content.
Therefore, if you echo something and then want to change the header, it cannot be done. The content part already closed header part. What you would send as new header would now display as plain text (should PHP interpreter not stop you, which it does).
As for the other part of the question, ob_flush is a good solution as noted by Patrick.