In a PHP webpage, Im opening a file in write mode, reading and than deleting the first line and closing the file. (The file has 1000's of lines)
Now, what the problem is, if there are like 100 users connected to that page, all will be opening that file in write mode and than try to write it after deleting the first line.
Will there be any deadlocks in this situation?
For your information, we are using Windows server with IIS server and PHP5.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Use flock to grant access to file only for one user at a time.
But don't forget release your file lock by fclose
Update. Consider this code:
$start = time();
echo 'Started at '.$start.'<br />';
$filename = 'D:\Kindle\books\';
$fp = fopen($filename, 'w+') or die('have no access to '.$filename);
if (flock($fp, LOCK_EX)) {
echo 'File was locked at '.time().'. Granted exclusive access to write<br />';
else {
echo 'File is locked by other user<br />';
flock($fp, LOCK_UN);
echo 'File lock was released at '.time().'<br />';
$end = time();
echo 'Finished at '.$end.'<br />';
echo 'Proccessing time '.($end - $start).'<br />';
Run this code twice (it locks file for 3 seconds, so let's consider our manual script run as asynchronous). You will see something like this:
First instance:
File was locked at 1302788738. Granted exclusive access to write
File lock was released at 1302788741
File was locked at 1302788741. Granted exclusive access to write
File lock was released at 1302788744
Notice, that second instance waited for first to release file lock.
If it does not comply your requirements, well... try to invent other solution like:
user can read file, then he edit one line and save it as temporary, other user saves his temporary file and so on and once you have all users released file lock, you compose new file as patch of all temporary files on each other (use save files mtime to define which file should stratify other one)... Something like this.... maybe... I'm not the expert in this kind of tasks, unfortunately - just my assumption on how you can get this done.
Use file locking, or a database that allows concurrent access. You will get in trouble otherwise.
I'd like to allow 1 access at a time to a .txt file until the script finishes, so that it shows the message "Busy" when I open the same PHP again.
I have tried this:
$file = fopen('file.txt', 'w+');
if (flock($file, LOCK_EX)) {sleep(60); flock($file, LOCK_UN);}
else {echo 'Busy';}
However it never shows the "Busy" message. Every new tab I open is in "sleep" mode. What am I doing wrong?
The documentation for flock is extremely poor.
As stated in the top comment:
If the file has been locked with LOCK_EX in another process, the CALL WILL BLOCK UNTIL ALL OTHER LOCKS have been released.
The result of this is, you will always be blocking on the call to flock. Your else clause would only execute if there is some error that prevents the file lock from being created - not when the file is already locked.
I have a text file which multiple users will be simultaneously editing (limited to an individual line per edit, per user). I have already found a solution for the "line editing" part of the required functionality right here on, specifically, the 4th solution (for large files) offered by #Gnarf in the following question:
how to replace a particular line in a text file using php?
It basically rewrites the entire file contents to a new temporary file (with the user's edit included) and then renames the temporary file to the original file once finished. It's great!
To avoid one user's edit causing a conflict with another user's edit if they are both attempting an edit at the same time, I have introduced flock() functionality, as can be seen in my variation on the code here:
$reading = fopen($file, 'r');
$writing = fopen($temp, 'w');
$replaced = false;
if ((flock($reading, LOCK_EX)) and (flock($writing, LOCK_EX))) {
echo 'Lock acquired.<br>';
while (!feof($reading)) {
$line = fgets($reading);
$values = explode("|",$line);
if ($values[0] == $id) {
$line = $id."|comment edited!".PHP_EOL;
$replaced = true;
fputs($writing, $line);
flock($reading, LOCK_UN);
flock($writing, LOCK_UN);
} else {
echo 'Lock not acquired.<br>';
I've made sure the $temp file always has a unique filename. Full code here:
I understand that flock() will force any other execution of the script to wait in a queue until the first execution has finished and the flock() has been released. So far so good.
However, the problem starts at the end of the script, when the time has come to rename() the temporary file to replace the original file.
if ($replaced) {
rename($temp, $file);
} else {
From what I have seen, rename() will fail if the original file still has a flock(), so I need to release the flock() before this point. However, I also need it to remain locked, or rename() will fail when another user running the same script immediately opens a new flock() as soon as the previous flock() is released. When this happens, it will return:
Warning: rename(temporary.txt,original.txt): Access is denied. (code: 5)
tl;dr: I seem to be in a bit of a Catch-22. It looks like rename() won't work on a locked file, but unlocking the file will allow another user to immediately lock it again before the rename() can take place.
Any ideas?
update: After some extensive research into how flock() works, (in layman's terms, there is no guarantee that another script will respect the "lock", and therefore it is not really a "lock" at all as one would assume from the literal meaning of the word) I have opted for this solution instead which works like a charm:
"Good lock" on your locking adventures.
I came across this link while trying to learn how to lock files to prevent a script reading from a file as another is writing, or two scripts writing to the same file simultaneously.
I created two scripts, readandwritelock.php and readlock.php, the first script to retrieve the file with file_get_contents, append it and then write back to the same file with file_put_contents($file, $data, LOCK_EX), and the second that just retrieves the file with file_get_contents after flock($file, LOCK_SH).
$myfile = fopen('15-11-2018.txt', 'r+');
if (flock($myfile, LOCK_SH)) {
echo "Gotten lock<br>";
$current = file_get_contents('15-11-2018.txt');
/*I commented this on my second test to see if file_put_contents will work.
After uncommenting and third test, it does not work anymore.
if (flock($myfile, LOCK_UN)) {
echo "Unlocked<br>";
$current .= "appending";
if (file_put_contents('15-11-2018.txt', $current, LOCK_EX)) {
echo "Success";
else {
echo "Failed";
//browser loads indefinitely so this does not run
The problem I am facing is that the first try I was able to file_get_contents after getting the lock, and then releasing the lock and proceed to append and file_put_contents($file, $data, LOCK_EX). However on the second try I decided to comment the releasing of the LOCK_SH lock to test and see what would happen. The script file loads indefinitely (Waiting for localhost...) on my browser, so I reverted back the changes for my third try, but this time the script file still loads indefinitely. It's as if the LOCK_SH was never released.
I must be doing something wrong, but I do not know what exactly it is. Could someone explain?
This was tested on XAMPP and macOS High Sierra and Chrome.
//works as normal
$myfile = fopen('15-11-2018.txt', 'r');
if (flock($myfile, LOCK_SH)) {
echo "Gotten lock<br>";
$current = file_get_contents('15-11-2018.txt');
echo $current;
if (flock($myfile, LOCK_UN)) {
echo "<br>Unlocked";
The reason why your browser seems to load indefinitely is because your PHP file never finishes.
First you get a LOCK_SH (a shared or read lock) for your file, which is fine while you are reading the content.
The problem is that you also try to get a LOCK_EX (an exclusive lock) on the same file in the file_put_contents function. Therefore the file_put_contents functions blocks until all other locks (shared AND exclusive ones) are unlocked, which can't work (this is a deadlock).
For your code to work properly, you can either try to get an exlusive lock in the first place
if( flock($myfile, LOCK_EX) ) {
// ...
or you unlock the shared lock before you write
flock($myfile, LOCK_UN);
if ( file_put_contents('15-11-2018.txt', $current, LOCK_EX) ) {
// ...
In general it is a good idea to keep a locks life as short as possible. If you plan to make extensive manipulations to your data between reading and writing, I would recommend to unlock the file right after reading and lock it again right for writing.
I wanted to wait for all processes reading a certain file in PHP by obtaining an exclusive lock on that file, and after that delete (unlink) the file. This concerns files like profile pictures which a user can delete or change. The name of the file will be something like the user ID.
My code:
//Obtain lock
$file = fopen("path/to/file", "r"); //(I'm not sure which mode to use here btw)
flock($file, LOCK_EX);
//Delete file
Line 3 waits for all locks to be released, which is good, but the unlink function throws an error: Warning: unlink(path/to/file): Resource temporarily unavailable in path/to/script on line xx
To prevent this I could release the lock before calling unlink, but this means another process could lock on the file again, which would cause the same error.
My questions are:
Is it possible to delete a file in PHP without releasing the lock? That is, without the risk of other processes trying to use the file at the same time.
If not:
Is this possible in Windows at all? How about Unix?
Should I involve my database for this matter and lock on rows in the database instead, or is there a better way?
Another option I can see is repeating this piece of code, including a release of the lock before calling unlink, until unlink succeeds, but this seems a bit messy, right?
Hey I'm struggling with this too, 2 years later. Kind of seems dumb you can't acquire an exclusive lock on a file when trying to rename or unlink it, or at least the documentation isn't there for doing this.
One solution is open the file for writing, acquire an exclusive lock, clear contents of the file using ftruncate, close it, and then unlink it. When you're reading from the file, you can check the size to make sure the file has contents.
When deleting (untested code):
$fh = fopen('yourfile.txt', 'c'); // 'w' mode truncates file, you don't want to do that yet!
flock($fh, LOCK_EX); // blocking, but you can use LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB for nonblocking and a loop + sleep(1) for a timeout
ftruncate($fh, 0); // truncate file to 0 length
When reading (untested code):
if (!file_exists('yourfile.txt') || filesize('yourfile.txt') <= 0) {
print 'nah.jpg, must be dELeTeD :O';
I have a cache file that is updated every hour or so. The file size ranges from 100KB to 1MB. The way the cache is updated is with the file_put_contents() method.
Only the server writes to the file. However, there is continuous access to the file. The file is accessed by users by a script that performs a one time read through readfile() to echo it to the user.
If the file is being read by the caching script, and the server runs the user reading script, or the other way around, would there be a problem? Or is this handled automatically by PHP>
Basically, you should lock the file while writing or reading. At least, it guarantees that there is no problem. It is the way of good programming!. The example is shown below.
$fp = fopen("/tmp/lock.txt", "w+");
if (flock($fp, LOCK_EX)) { // do an exclusive lock
fwrite($fp, "Write something here\n");
flock($fp, LOCK_UN); // release the lock
} else {
echo "Couldn't lock the file !";
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