What is the maximum file upload size in PHP 5? - php

Whta is the maximum file upload size in PHP 5? I am uploading a file of 6MB and get error 1. Thanks.

It's determined by upload_max_filesize in your php.ini.

check your php.ini:upload_max_filesize
That might help you :-)

The default is 2 MB, but you can change the upload_max_filesize in the php.ini

The above missed one setting: post_max_size in php.ini .From php doc:
"To upload large files, this value [*post_max_size*] must be larger than upload_max_filesize.
If memory limit is enabled by your configure script, *memory_limit* also affects file uploading. Generally speaking, memory_limit should be larger than post_max_size. "

If you need to see what it is set to on your specific server, create a new file with this:
<?php echo phpinfo();
Then access it using your browser.


Can't upload large images on server

I'm using GD to resize/upload images.
On my local machine it works fine. Now on my server only small images can be uploaded, anything over 500kb returns a server error 500.
I don't know where to start, I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction as to where to start looking for a solution.
check your php.ini for upload_max_filesize, this should work.
Have you tried looking in your server's php.ini file? If you have access to it then you can change the accepted upload file size.
; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
upload_max_filesize = 700M
Check your php.ini file, specifically the settings for post_max_size and upload_max_filesize and set them to the largest size you want the server to accept.

Making sure File-upload is working! max_upload and what else?

i wanna make really sure, that a user can upload large files to my server.
which php settings do i have to consider in my php.ini file that make sure a file-upload doesn't fail?
i've now set those tow lines in my php.ini file:
upload_max_filesize = 500M ;
post_max_size = 500M ;
is there anything else i need to consider?
thank you for your advice.
You should check out the value of "memory_limit" as well.
Excerpt from the PHP Doc.
If memory limit is enabled by your configure script, memory_limit also affects file uploading. Generally speaking, memory_limit should be larger than post_max_size.

how to dynamically change the max upload file limit in php?

I want to change the max upload file limit dynamically. means by not changing the php.ini file on server.
Whenever user had uploaded more then 2 mb then my upload limit should be change.
I want to do all this through php.
Thanks in advance.
The limits enforces by upload_max_filesize are enforced before the php script is run, so the setting cannot be changed dynamically with ini_set.
For more information on the file upload ini settings and where they can be changed, see:
- http://php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.sect.file-uploads
- http://php.net/manual/en/configuration.changes.modes.php
Assuming by "user" you mean a visitor to your site, there are really only two methods you can enforce such a limit without the file reaching its final destination:
1) Before the upload has occurred: On the client side. You could definitely do this using a java-based uploader. Whether you can get the filesize of the selected file using javascript, I don't know.
2) After the file is uploaded to the server, but before you move it to the final destination (before you run move_uploaded_file)
Try this:
ini_set('upload_max_filesize', your_value_here);
Make sure also that you have specified the correct acceptable settings for:
If you can't modify your php.ini, you might be able to do it with a .htaccess file:
php_value upload_max_filesize 50M
php_value post_max_size 50M

image upload in PHP

I can upload small size files with no problem,
but fail when the size is more than 1M.
What's the matter?
You probably need to configure the upload_max_filesize directive, in your php.ini file : PHP will not accept an upload of a file that is bigger than what this directive defines.
And note that you might also need to adjust post_max_size -- which defines the total size of data that can be POSTed (And files upload are sent via POST).
You can also take a look at the Handling file uploads section of the manual, which can give you a couple of useful informations about files upload.
Are you sure you have upload_max_filesize set correctly in php.ini?
Edit you php.ini file to allow for larger uploads.
HERE's some info
You can call echo phpinfo() and then verify your upload_max_filesize and other php environment settings. Its very possible that your script is dying because one of the max limits is being exceeded.
Depending on your environment you can either use ini_set() to change the necessary values at run-time or you can simply edit your php.ini file to set the value permanently. Please note that not all php.ini settings can be changed at run time and if you do edit php.ini, you will need to restart Apache.
As said by others check your php.in for upload_max_filesize and post_max_size settings. If they are okay and if you are using a 3rd party script for uploading, make sure the script is not limiting the max file size by doing something like:
if( $_FILES["file"]["size"] > (1024 * 1024) ) // disallow uploads > 1MB
// max size exceeded.

Can file uploads time out in PHP?

Hi im quite new to PHP, i have created a form for very large csv files to be uploaded to my server. Some one mentioned to me that the browser can time out due to the uploading file being to big, is this true? and if so, can it be prevented?
Thanks for your help!
You need a proper value for the following php.ini settings:
max_input_time (not max_execution_time!)
and maybe
There are some configuration directives that can cause large uploads to fail if their values are too small:
max_input_time   Maximum time in seconds a script is allowed to parse input data, like POST, GET and file uploads
upload_max_filesize   Maximum size of an uploaded file.
post_max_size   Maximum size of post data allowed.
TimeOut   Amount of time the server will wait for certain events before failing a request
LimitRequestBody   Restricts the total size of the HTTP request body sent from the client
There are probably some more than this.
A good way to work around the poor handling of large file uploads in php, is to use an uploader like JUpload which will split the file into chunks before sending them. This also has the benefit for your users that they get a proper progress feedback while uploading, and they can upload multiple files in one go.
I was able solve this problem using the following settings, you could use different values but you get the idea:
For my server, I put these lines in a ".user.ini" file inside the script directory, your server may look for a different file, if you do a phpinfo('user_ini.filename') on the server it will spit out the file you need to put your values in
max_execution_time = 1800
max_input_time = -1
post_max_size = 100M
upload_max_filesize = 100M
memory_limit = 256M
When uploading very large files, you have to change 4 configuration variables:
Time limit may be increased at runtime with set_time_limit().
A script is allowed to run, by default, for something like 30 seconds. You can use the set_time_limit() function to alter this. Also, if your user will need to upload large files, you'll need to change the post_max_size and/or the upload_max_filesize values in your php.ini file.
Also, if you want to just extend your timeout limit globally, you can change max-execution-time in php.ini.
Yes it is true. File upload is done through a POST request and requests in general are subject to timeout. You should be able to reconfigure your environment for a longer request timeout.
It's not just timeouts that can cause problems. There are some limits on the maximum size of file that can be uploaded. These limits can be changed in the php.ini file:
Check out http://uk.php.net/ini.core for details.
My answer is not directly related to your original question, but if you have a reverse proxy load balancer in front of your PHP script, the load balancer can timeout or block large uploads. Always check your load balancer's configuration if you support file uploads. Just like PHP, most load balancers default settings for uploads are pretty small.
If changing any of the above parameters doesn't seem to make any difference, it can be that a html form somewhere contains the name MAX_FILE_SIZE as a hidden field.
<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="10000000">
In the example above, any file over 10MB will not be uploaded.
