PHP why is continue n slower than using break - php

Please consider the following code:
$start = microtime();
for($i = 2; $i < 100; $i++)
for($y = 2; $y <= sqrt($i); $y++)
if($i%$y != 0)
continue 2;
echo $i.',';
echo "\nFinished in " . (microtime() - $start);
Given that the above code effectively uses continue 2 to break the inner loop and skip any code post the inner loop, why does the following code on average execute faster when it appears to do more:
$start = microtime();
for($i = 2; $i < 100; $i++)
$flag = true;
for($y = 2; $y <= sqrt($i); $y++)
if($i%$y != 0)
$flag = false;
if($flag === true) echo $i.',';
echo "\nFinished in " . (microtime() - $start);
Thanks for any input.
_____ Update ____________
Thanks for the feedback but we seem to have missed the point. Regardless of if this is good programming practice I was trying to understand why the performance difference (which is tiny but consistent) is not within the bias I expected.
The passing of true to microtime seems insignificant as both samples are measured using the same method with the same overhead and the same inaccuracy.
More than one run was tested, as implied by use of the word average.
Just for illustration please consider the following small samples using microtime(true) which shows the same pattern as using microtime().
I know this is a small sample but the pattern is quite clear:
Thanks for looking, and thanks for any further feedback.
______ UPDATE Further investigation ____________
Interestingly if the echo statements are removed from the code the continue performs faster, with the echo statements in place break is faster.
Please consider the following code sample, and consider that the results are in conflict dependant on if the echo statements are removed or not:
$breakStats = array();
$continueStats = array();
for($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++)
$breakStats[] = doBreakTest();
$continueStats[] = doContinueTest();
echo "<br/>Continue Mean " . (array_sum($continueStats) / count($continueStats));
echo "<br/>Break Mean " . (array_sum($breakStats) / count($breakStats));
function doBreakTest()
$start = microtime(true);
for($i = 2; $i < 100; $i++)
$flag = true;
$root = sqrt($i);
for($y = 2; $y <= $root; $y++)
if($i%$y != 0)
$flag = false;
if($flag === true) echo $i . '';
return microtime(true) - $start;
function doContinueTest()
$start = microtime(true);
for($i = 2; $i < 100; $i++)
$root = sqrt($i);
for($y = 2; $y <= $root; $y++)
if($i%$y != 0)
echo $i . '';
continue 2;
return microtime(true) - $start;
Echo statements present :
Continue Mean 0.00014134283065796
Break Mean 0.00012669243812561
Echo statements not present :
Continue Mean 0.00011746988296509
Break Mean 0.00013022310733795
Note that by removing the echo statement from the break and flag test we also remove the ($flag === true) check, so the load should reduce, but continue in this case still wins. W
So in a pure continue n versus break + flag scenario, it appears that continue n is the faster contstruct. But add an equal number of identical echo statements, and the continue n performance flags.
This makes sense to me logically that continue n should be faster, but I would have expected to see the same with the echo statements present.
This is clearly a difference in the generated opcodes, and the position of the echo statement (inner loop vs outer loop) does anyone know a way of seeing the opcodes generated? This I suppose is ultimatley what I need as I am trying to understand what is happening internally.
Thanks :)

Yes, first one is bit faster. It's because it just jumps out on continue 2 and prints $i.
2nd example has more job to do... assign value to $flag variable, jumps out of loop, checks $flag's value, checks $flag's type (compares too) and then prints out $i. It's bit slower (simple logic).
Anyways, has it any purpose?
Some of my results for comparing
0.0011570 < 0.0012173
0.0011540 < 0.0011754
0.0011820 < 0.0012036
0.0011570 < 0.0011693
0.0011970 < 0.0012790
Used: PHP 5.3.5 # Windows (1000 attempts; 100% first was faster)
0.0011570 < 0.0012173
0.0005000 > 0.0003333
0.0005110 > 0.0004159
0.0003900 < 0.0014029
0.0003950 > 0.0003119
0.0003120 > 0.0002370
Used: PHP 5.3.3 # Linux (1000 attempts; 32% first : 68% second was faster)
0.0006700 > 0.0004863
0.0003470 > 0.0002591
0.0005360 > 0.0004027
0.0004720 > 0.0004229
0.0005300 > 0.0004366
Used: PHP 5.2.13 # Linux (1000 attempts; 9% first : 91% second was faster)
Sorry, I don't have any more servers for testing :) Now I think it mostly depends of hardware (and maybe depends of OS too).
Generally: It proves only that Linux server is faster than one run at Windows :)

The continue 2 version is slightly faster for me. But these aren't the types of things you generally need to concern yourself with. Consider:
for($y = 2; $y <= sqrt($i); $y++)
Here you are calculating the sqrt on every iteration. Just changing that to:
$sqrt = sqrt($i);
for($y = 2; $y <= $sqrt; $y++)
will give you a much better improvement than switching between two nearly identical loop styles.
The continue 2 should be used if you find that it's easier for you to understand. The computer doesn't really care.
To address your update regarding looking at opcodes, see:
php -d -d vld.execute=0 -f foo.php


Timing attack with PHP

I'm trying to produce a timing attack in PHP and am using PHP 7.1 with the following script:
$find = "hello";
$length = array_combine(range(1, 10), array_fill(1, 10, 0));
for ($i = 0; $i < 1000000; $i++) {
for ($j = 1; $j <= 10; $j++) {
$testValue = str_repeat('a', $j);
$start = microtime(true);
if ($find === $testValue) {
// Do nothing
$end = microtime(true);
$length[$j] += $end - $start;
$length = key($length);
var_dump($length . " found");
$found = '';
$alphabet = array_combine(range('a', 'z'), array_fill(1, 26, 0));
for ($len = 0; $len < $length; $len++) {
$currentIteration = $alphabet;
$filler = str_repeat('a', $length - $len - 1);
for ($i = 0; $i < 1000000; $i++) {
foreach ($currentIteration as $letter => $time) {
$testValue = $found . $letter . $filler;
$start = microtime(true);
if ($find === $testValue) {
// Do nothing
$end = microtime(true);
$currentIteration[$letter] += $end - $start;
$found .= key($currentIteration);
This is searching for a word with the following constraints
a-z only
up to 10 characters
The script finds the length of the word without any issue, but the value of the word never comes back as expected with a timing attack.
Is there something I am doing wrong?
The script loops though lengths, correctly identifies the length. It then loops though each letter (a-z) and checks the speed on these. In theory, 'haaaa' should be slightly slower than 'aaaaa' due to the first letter being a h. It then carries on for each of the five letters.
Running gives something like 'brhas' which is clearly wrong (it's different each time, but always wrong).
Is there something I am doing wrong?
I don't think so. I tried your code and I too, like you and the other people who tried in the comments, get completely random results for the second loop. The first one (the length) is mostly reliable, though not 100% of the times. By the way, the $argv[1] trick suggested didn't really improve the consistency of the results, and honestly I don't really see why it should.
Since I was curious I had a look at the PHP 7.1 source code. The string identity function (zend_is_identical) looks like this:
return (Z_STR_P(op1) == Z_STR_P(op2) ||
(Z_STRLEN_P(op1) == Z_STRLEN_P(op2) &&
memcmp(Z_STRVAL_P(op1), Z_STRVAL_P(op2), Z_STRLEN_P(op1)) == 0));
Now it's easy to see why the first timing attack on the length works great. If the length is different then memcmp is never called and therefore it returns a lot faster. The difference is easily noticeable, even without too many iterations.
Once you have the length figured out, in your second loop you are basically trying to attack the underlying memcmp. The problem is that the difference in timing highly depends on:
the implementation of memcmp
the current load and interfering processes
the architecture of the machine.
I recommend this article titled "Benchmarking memcmp for timing attacks" for more detailed explanations. They did a much more precise benchmark and still were not able to get a clear noticeable difference in timing. I'm simply going to quote the conclusion of the article:
In conclusion, it highly depends on the circumstances if a memcmp() is subject to a timing attack.

How to revert a function in PHP?

I am building a little game and got stuck in developing the leveling system. I created a function that will exponentially increase the experience required for the next level. However, I am not sure how to turn it around so that I can put in the amount of experience a user has gained and get the corresponding level.
PHP function
function experience($level, $curve = 300) {
// Preset value to prevent notices
$a = 0;
// Calculate level cap
for ($x = 1; $x < $level; $x++) {
$a += floor($x+$curve*pow(2, ($x/7)));
// Return amount of experience
return floor($a/4);
The issue
I am wondering how I can reverse engineer this function in order to return the correct level for a certain amount of experience.
Using the above function, my code would output the following:
Level 1: 0
Level 2: 83
Level 3: 174
Level 4: 276
Level 5: 388
Level 6: 512
Level 7: 650
Level 8: 801
Level 9: 969
Level 10: 1154
What I am looking for is a way to invert this function so that I can input a certain amount and it will return the corresponding level.
A 1000 experience should return level 9 for example.
Plugging the values into excel and creating a trend line, I got the following equation:
y = 1.17E-09x^3 - 4.93E-06x^2 + 1.19E-02x + 6.43E-02
So your reverse engineered equation would be
function level($xp) {
$a = 1.17e-9;
$b = -4.93e-6;
$c = 0.0119;
$d = 0.0643
return round($a*pow($xp, 3) + $b*pow($xp,2) + $c * $xp + $d);
Results are accurate to within 1dp, but if your $curve changes, you'd need to recalculate. I also haven't extended higher than level 10.
Other options include caching the results of the lookup:
$levelXpAmounts = array()
function populateLevelArray($curve=300) {
$levelXpAmounts[$curve] = array();
for($level = $minlevel; $level <= $maxLevel; $level++) {
$levelXpAmounts[$curve][$level] = experience($level);
//at game load:
Then, your reverse lookup would be
function level($xp, $curve=300) {
if (!array_key_exists($levelXpAmounts, curve)
for($level = $minlevel; $ level <= $maxLevel; $level++) {
if ($xp < $levelXpAmounts[$curve][$level]) {
return $level - 1;
That way, the iteration through all the levels is only done once for each different value of $curve. You can also replace your old experience() function with a (quite likely faster) lookup.
Note: it's been a while since I've written any php, so my syntax may be a little rusty. I apologize in advance for any errors in that regard.
You can do another function called level which uses the experience function to find the level:
function level($experience)
for ($level = 1; $level <= 10; $level++) {
if ($experience <= experience($level)) {
return $level;
function experience($level, $curve = 300)
$a = 0;
for ($x = 1; $x < $level; $x++) {
$a += floor($x+$curve*pow(2, ($x/7)));
return floor($a/4);
You can clearly work the math here and find a reverse formula. Not sure whether it will be a nice and easy formula, so I would suggest you an alternative approach which is easy to implement.
Precalculate the results for all the levels you realistically want your person to achieve (I highly doubt that you need more than 200 levels, because based on my estimation you will need tens of billions exp points).
Store all these levels in the array: $arr = [0, 83, 174, 276, 388, 512, 650, ...];. Now your array is sorted and you need to find a position where your level should fit.
If you are looking for 400 exp points, you see that it should be inserted after 5-th position - so it is 5-th level. Even a simple loop will suffice, but you can also write a binary search.
This task could be solved in other way. This is method of partial sums.
Let's assume, you have a class , which stores an array of exponential values calculated by function:
function formula($level, $curve){ return floor($level+$curve*pow(2, ($level/7)));}
$MAX_LEVEL = 90;
function calculateCurve($curve){
$array = [];
for($i =0; $i< $MAX_LEVEL; $i++) $array.push(formula($i, $curve));
return $array;
Now we can calculate experience, needed for a level:
$curve = calculateCurve(300);
function getExperienceForLevel($level, $curve){
$S = 0;
for($i =0; $i < level; $i++) $S += $curve[$i];
And calculate level for experience:
function getLevelForExperience($exp, $curve){
for($i =0; $i < $MAX_LEVEL; $i++){
$exp -= $curve[$i];
if($exp < 0) return $i-1;
return $MAX_LEVEL;
I assume there could index problems - I didn't tested the code, but I suppose that main idea is clearly explained.
Code cleaner, There no magic numbers and interpolation coeficients.
You can easy change your learning curve.
Possibility to improve and make calculating functions as O(1);
There is an $curve array to store, or calculate somewhere.
Also. you could make even more advanced version of this:
function calculateCurve($curve){
$array = [];
$exp = 0;
for($i =0; $i< $MAX_LEVEL; $i++) {
$exp += formula($i, $curve);
return $array;
Now calculating experience have O(1) complexity;
function getExperienceForLevel($level, $curve){
return $curve[min($MAX_LEVEL, $level)];
Perhaps not the best way, but it's working.
function level($experience, $curve = 300)
$minLevel = 1;
$maxLevel = 10;
for($level = $minLevel; $level <= $maxLevel; $level++)
if(experience($level, $curve) <= $experience && $experience < experience($level + 1, $curve))
return $level;
return $maxLevel;

PHP code is taking very much time in executing when handling large number

This is a simple program to find prime numbers which check for the division of a number at later stage.
I tried to short it by initially taking the integer square root of the number to break down the complexity. But still it is taking very much time in executing the script. What other changes I can implement in my code to decrease the execution time( I already set the max execution time to 5 min)
$num = 600851475143;
//$sqrt_num = (int)sqrt($num);
for( $j = 2; $j <= $num; $j++ )
for( $k = 2; $k < $j; $k++ )
if( $j % $k == 0 )
if( $k == $j )
//echo "Prime Number : ", $j, "<br>";
if( $num % $j == 0 )
echo "Prime number : ", $j, "<br>";
EDIT Just commented the line for sqrt as this seems to be in correct..but still the loop is taking much time.
One way to improve execution time of your code would be this:
$num = 1000;
for($j = 2; $j <= $num; $j++)
$cond = sqrt($j);
for($k = 2; $k <= $cond; $k++)
if($j % $k == 0)
if($k > $cond)
echo 'Prime number: ' . $j . '<br>';
But there is no need to calculate prime numbers from the begining each time. You can remember every 30 seconds or so where you were, save the result to a database, file, or an array, and then restart the script, which should the continue from where it stopped.
The best way to reduce this code execution time is by removing it.
It's unnecessary to calculate every prime number each time you run this- they are not going to be changing any time soon.
Run it once, write it to a file or database and use that when you need it.
I'd personally put it in an array for later use.
Here's the basic algorithm for factoring by trial division; I don't know PHP, so I'll just give pseudocode:
function factors(n)
f, fs := 2, []
while f * f <= n
while n % f == 0
append f to fs
n := n / f
f := f + 1
if n > 1 append n to fs
return fs
There are better ways than that to find the factors of a number, but even that simple method should be sufficient for the Project Euler problem you are trying to solve; you should have a soluion in less than a second. When you're ready for more programming with prime numbers, I modestly recommend this essay at my blog.

Run A PHP function only 30% of Time

I need help creating PHP code to echo and run a function only 30% of the time.
Currently I have code below but it doesn't seem to work.
if (mt_rand(1, 3) == 2)
echo '';
Are you trying to echo what the function returns? That would be
if(mt_rand(1,100) <= 30)
echo function();
What you currently have echoes a blank statement, then executes a function. I also changed the random statement. Since this is only pseudo-random and not true randomness, more options will give you a better chance of hitting it 30% of the time.
If you intended to echo a blank statement, then execute a function,
if(mt_rand(1,100) <= 30)
echo '';
would be correct. Once again, I've changed the if-statement to make it more evenly distributed. To help insure a more even distribution, you could even do
if(mt_rand(1,10000) <= 3000)
since we aren't dealing with true randomness here. It's entirely possible that the algorithm is choosing one number more than others. As was mentioned in the comments of this question, since the algorithm is random, it could be choosing the same number over, and over, and over again. However, in practice, having more numbers to choose from will most likely result in an even distribution. Having only 3 numbers to choose from can skew the results.
Since you are using rand you can't guarantee it will be called 30% of the time. Where you could instead use modulus which will effectively give you 1/3 of the time, not sure how important this is for you but...
$max = 27;
for($i = 1; $i < $max; $i++){
if($i % 3 == 0){
Since modulus does not work with floats you can use fmod, this code should be fairly close you can substitute the total iterations and percent...
$total = 50;
$percent = 0.50;
$calls = $total * $percent;
$interval = $total / $calls;
$called = 0;
$notcalled = 0;
for($i = 0; $i <= $total; $i++){
if(fmod($i, $interval) < 1){
echo "Called" . "\n";
echo "Not Called" . "\n";
echo "Called: " . $called . "\n";
echo "Not Called: " . $notcalled . "\n";

Which is faster: in_array() or a bunch of expressions in PHP?

Is it faster to do the following:
if ($var != 'test1' && $var != 'test2' && $var != 'test3' && $var != 'test4') { ... }
if (!in_array($var, array('test1', 'test2', 'test3', 'test4') { ... }
Is there a number of values at which point it's faster to do one or the other?
(In this case, the array used in the second option doesn't alreay exist.)
i'd strongly suggest just using in_array(), any speed difference would be negligible, but the readability of testing each variable separately is horrible.
just for fun here's a test i ran:
$array = array('test1', 'test2', 'test3', 'test4');
$var = 'test';
$iterations = 1000000;
$start = microtime(true);
for($i = 0; $i < $iterations; ++$i) {
if ($var != 'test1' && $var != 'test2' && $var != 'test3' && $var != 'test4') {}
$end = microtime(true);
print "Time1: ". ($end - $start)."<br />";
$start2 = microtime(true);
for($i = 0; $i < $iterations; ++$i) {
if (!in_array($var, $array) ) {}
$end2 = microtime(true);
print "Time2: ".($end2 - $start2)."<br />";
// Time1: 1.12536692619
// Time2: 1.57462596893
slightly trivial note to watch for, if $var is not set, method 1 takes much longer (depending on how many conditions you test)
Update for newer PHP versions:
Martijn: I'ved extended the array to five elements, and look for test3, as sort of an average case.
Time1: 0.20484399795532
Time2: 0.29854393005371
Time1: 0.064045906066895
Time2: 0.056781053543091
Time1: 0.048759937286377
Time2: 0.049691915512085
Time1: 0.045055150985718
Time2: 0.049431085586548
Conclusion: The original test wasnt the best test, and also: In php7+ is has become a matter of preference.
Note that if you're looking to replace a bunch of !== statements, you should pass the third parameter to in_array as true, which enforces type checking on the items in the array.
Ordinary != doesn't require this, obviously.
The first will be faster - the second has a lot of overhead: creating the array, calling a function, searching the array...
However, as I said in a question a couple of answers down, premature optimization is the root of all evil. You should write your code to be readable, then if it needs to be optimized profile it, then optimize.
My timings with #Owen's code (PHP 5.2.6 / windows):
Time1: 1.33601498604
Time2: 4.9349629879
Moving the array(...) inside the loop, as in the question:
Time1: 1.34736609459
Time2: 6.29464697838
Here is an live update of this bench with another case
The results for PHP 7.3:
multiple comparisons: 0.057507991790771
in_array: 0.02568507194519
array_flip() outside loop measured + isset(): 0.014678001403809
array_flip() outside loop not measured + isset(): 0.015650033950806
foreach and comparison: 0.062782049179077
Hi I just took this case to extremes and pointed out that with increasing number of values plain comparison is not the most performant way.
Here is my code:
$var = 'test';
$num_values = 1000;
$iterations = 1000000;
print "\nComparison performance test with ".$num_values." values and ".$iterations." loop iterations";
print "\n";
$start = microtime(true);
for($i = 0; $i < $iterations; ++$i) {
if ($var != 'test0' &&
$var != 'test1' &&
// ...
// yes I really have 1000 lines in my file
// ...
$var != 'test999') {}
print "\nCase 1: plain comparison";
print "\nTime 1: ". (microtime(true) - $start);
print "\n";
$start = microtime(true);
$array = array();
for($i=0; $i<$num_values; $i++) {
$array1[] = 'test'.$i;
for($i = 0; $i < $iterations; ++$i) {
if (!in_array($var, $array1) ) {}
print "\nCase 2: in_array comparison";
print "\nTime 2: ".(microtime(true) - $start);
print "\n";
$start = microtime(true);
$array = array();
for($i=0; $i<$num_values; $i++) {
$array2['test'.$i] = 1;
for($i = 0; $i < $iterations; ++$i) {
if (!isset($array2[$var])) {}
print "\nCase 3: values as keys, isset comparison";
print "\nTime 3: ".(microtime(true) - $start);
print "\n";
$start = microtime(true);
$array = array();
for($i=0; $i<$num_values; $i++) {
$array3['test'.$i] = 1;
for($i = 0; $i < $iterations; ++$i) {
if (!array_key_exists($var, $array3)) {}
print "\nCase 4: values as keys, array_key_exists comparison";
print "\nTime 4: ".(microtime(true) - $start);
print "\n";
My Results (PHP 5.5.9):
Case 1: plain comparison
Time 1: 31.616894006729
Case 2: in_array comparison
Time 2: 23.226133823395
Case 3: values as keys, isset comparison
Time 3: 0.050863981246948
Case 4: values as keys, array_key_exists comparison
Time 4: 0.13700890541077
I agree, thats a little extreme but it shows the big picture and the great potential in the hash-table-like associative arrays of PHP, you just have to use it
in_array will be faster for large numbers of items. "large" being very subjective based on a lot of factors related to the data and your computer. Since you are asking, I assume you are not dealing with a trivial number of items. For longer lists, heed this information, and measure performance with a flipped array so that php can utilize hash lookups instead of a linear search. For a "static" array that tweak may not improve performance, but it also may.
Using Owen's test code, with a flipped array and more iterations for more consistent results:
$array2 = array_flip($array);
$iterations = 10000000;
$start = microtime(true);
for($i = 0; $i < $iterations; ++$i) {
if (!isset($array2[$var])) {}
$end = microtime(true);
print "Time3: ".($end - $start)."<br />";
Time1: 12.875
Time2: 13.7037701607
Time3: 3.70514011383
Note that as RoBorg pointed out, there's overhead in creating the array so it should be moved inside the iteration loop. For this reason, Sparr's post is also a little misleading as there's overhead with the array_flip function.
Here's another example with all 5 variations:
$array = array('test1', 'test2', 'test3', 'test4');
$var = 'test';
$iterations = 1000000;
$start = microtime(true);
for($i = 0; $i < $iterations; ++$i) {
if ($var != 'test1' && $var != 'test2' && $var != 'test3' && $var != 'test4') {}
print "Time1: ". (microtime(true) - $start);
$start = microtime(true);
for($i = 0; $i < $iterations; ++$i) {
if (!in_array($var, $array) ) {}
print "Time2: ".(microtime(true) - $start);
$start = microtime(true);
for($i = 0; $i < $iterations; ++$i) {
if (!in_array($var, array('test1', 'test2', 'test3', 'test4')) ) {}
print "Time2a: ".(microtime(true) - $start);
$array2 = array_flip($array);
$start = microtime(true);
for($i = 0; $i < $iterations; ++$i) {
if (!isset($array2[$var])) {}
print "Time3: ".(microtime(true) - $start);
$start = microtime(true);
for($i = 0; $i < $iterations; ++$i) {
$array2 = array_flip($array);
if (!isset($array2[$var])) {}
print "Time3a: ".(microtime(true) - $start);
My results:
Time1 : 0.59490108493 // straight comparison
Time2 : 0.83790588378 // array() outside loop - not accurate
Time2a: 2.16737604141 // array() inside loop
Time3 : 0.16908097267 // array_flip outside loop - not accurate
Time3a: 1.57209014893 // array_flip inside loop
In summary, using array_flip (with isset) is faster than inarray but not as fast as a straight comparison.
When speaking of PHP, and asking whether:
a set of "if"s and "else ifs" ,
an "if" with a set of "or"ed conditions (as in the original post details) , or
use of "in_array" with an on-the-fly constructed array ,
is better,
one should keep in mind that the PHP language "switch" statement is an alternative designed for such situations and may be a better answer. (Although the poster's example leads us to just comparing two solutions, the actual question heading asks to consider in_array versus PHP statements, so I think this is fair game).
In the poster's example, then, I would instead recommend:
switch ($var)
{ case 'test1': case 'test2': case 'test3': case 'test4':
echo "We have a good value"; break;
echo "We do not have a good value";
I wish PHP allowed for a couple of non-primitive constructs in the cases, such as a comma for "or". But the above is what the designers of PHP considered to be the clearest way of handling this. And it appears to be more efficient at execution time than the other two alternatives, as well.
As long as I'm talking about a wishlist, the "IN" found in SQL would be even clearer for the poster's example situation.
This thinking is probably what leads to people wanting to use "in_array", for such situations, but it is kind of unfortunate to have to build a data structure and then use a predicate designed for that data structure, rather than having a way to just say it without that overhead happening.
I know this question is nearly 10 years old, but there are other ways to do this. I used method B from Nick's page with thousands of entries. It was incredibly fast.
foreach(array_values($haystack) as $v)
$new_haystack[$v] = 1;
// So haystack becomes:
$arr[“String1”] = 1;
$arr[“String2”] = 1;
$arr[“String3”] = 1;
// Then check for the key:
if (isset($haystack[$needle])) {
echo("needle ".$needle." found in haystack");
My Testing
$array = array('test1', 'test2', 'test3', 'test4');
$var = 'test';
$iterations = 1000000;
$start = microtime(true);
for($i = 0; $i < $iterations; ++$i) {
if ($var != 'test1' && $var != 'test2' && $var != 'test3' && $var != 'test4') {}
$end = microtime(true);
print "Time1: ". ($end - $start)."<br />";
$start2 = microtime(true);
for($i = 0; $i < $iterations; ++$i) {
if (!in_array($var, $array) ) {}
$end2 = microtime(true);
print "Time2: ".($end2 - $start2)."<br />";
$array_flip = array_flip($array);
$start = microtime(true);
for($i = 0; $i < $iterations; ++$i) {
if (!isset($array_flip[$var])) {}
$end = microtime(true);
print "Time3: ".($end - $start)."<br />";
$start = microtime(true);
for($i = 0; $i < $iterations; ++$i) {
if (!isset($array[$var])) {}
$end = microtime(true);
print "Time4: ". ($end - $start)."<br />";
Time1: 0.20001101493835
Time2: 0.32601881027222
Time3: 0.072004079818726
Time4: 0.070003986358643
