I'm wondering how $this->load->vars() works in CodeIgniter. The documentation is fairly vague about it.
I have the following code:
$init = $this->init->set();
$this->load->view('include/header', $init);
$dates = $this->planner_model->create_date_list();
$this->load->view('planner/dates_content', $dates);
$detail = $this->planner_model->create_detail_list();
$this->load->view('planner/detail_content', $detail);
However, I also need the $datesarray in my detail_content view. I was trying to load it with $this->load->vars() and hoping it would append to the $detail array, because the CI documentation states as follows:
You can have multiple calls to this function. The data get cached and merged into one array for conversion to variables.
Would it work if I do $detail['dates'] = $dates; ? Will it append the $dates array to $detail['dates'] then?
Thanks in advance.
$this->load->vars() is perfect for this purpose. Try this:
$init = $this->init->set();// Won't be passed to the next 2 views
$this->load->view('include/header', $init);
$dates = $this->planner_model->create_date_list();
$detail = $this->planner_model->create_detail_list();
What looks strange to me is that normally you pass an associative array as data, like $data['my_var_name'] = $var_value, so I assume your model calls are returning the data already structured with the variable names (array keys) that you'll use in your view which I do find odd, but then I know nothing of your application.
Here's a more "conventional" version:
$data['dates'] = $this->planner_model->create_date_list();
$this->load->view('planner/dates_content', $data);
$data['detail'] = $this->planner_model->create_detail_list();
// receives both dates and detail
$this->load->view('planner/detail_content', $data);
Have you tried just just building an array that you pass to the different views? I find $this->load->vars() behaves unexpectedly.
As is stated in other answers, and in the user guide, using $this->load->vars() is the same as including the second argument in $this->load->view().
But from the user guide:
The reason you might want to use this function independently is if you would like to set some global variables in the constructor of your controller and have them become available in any view file loaded from any function.
This to me, is the only reason you'd use $this->load->vars(). As #madmartigan says, it's more convenient to use the view loader with the second argument.
So, I have the following code:
$homepage = Homepage::first();
if (!$homepage) {
$homepage = new Homepage;
$homepage->first_presta_title = $request->first_presta_title;
$homepage->first_presta_content = $request->first_presta_content;
$homepage->second_presta_title = $request->second_presta_title;
$homepage->second_presta_content = $request->second_presta_content;
$homepage->third_presta_title = $request->third_presta_title;
$homepage->third_presta_content = $request->third_presta_content;
$homepage->shiatsu_text = $request->shiatsu_text;
$homepage->shiatsu_image = $request->shiatsu_image;
$homepage->doin_text = $request->doin_text;
$homepage->doin_image = $request->doin_image;
Everything works, but I wanted to see if there weren't any better way to save datas without asigning every single element to its column, then I found out someone answering to a question by using the following code:
So I tried it by myself, but nothing happened: no error, but also nothing saved in my database.
So, is there any fastest way to save datas ? Is it possible to use a loop to save everything?
Thank you in advance
When you use save(), you are actually using Mass assignment. So, either you explicitly define all the fields in your model to be mass assignable or you could use create() instead.
However, in your particular case, the whole method could be cleaned up to just one line:
return Homepage::updateOrCreate($request->all());
If you want the model to autofill based on a given array you need to create a new model entity Like this
$homepage = HomePage::create($request->all());
If you give an array to save() it expects the options for saving not for values to assign
laravel api docs for model/save()
laravel api docs for model::create()
I have a piece of data I want passed to every view. I am using CodeIgniter 3 and have PHP 7 available to me. The current way I do it is using something like this in every function.
$data['foobar'] = $this->general_model->foobar();
// More code
$this->load->view('homepage', $data);
I'd prefer not to have to call $data['foobar'] = $this->general_model->foobar(); on every single function.
I've tried many approaches to fix this without resorting to anything that makes the code too goofy. I've tried constructors, autoload, and hooks. The problem in each case boils down to the fact that $data is local to each function. The best I've gotten is usually something like this.
$data['foobar'] = $this->foobar;
// More code
$this->load->view('homepage', $data);
This is slightly nicer, but it still results in me placing this line in every function.
I'd like my functions to in someway inherit $data with the index foobar already set. I'd prefer to avoid a solution that requires every function receiving $data as a parameter. How can I accomplish this?
Option 1:
Not sure if you have tried this but you could set $data as a property of your class
protected $data = [];
Then in your constructor set it.
$this->data['foobar'] = $this->general_model->foobar();
This would mean your $data becomes accessible to all your methods in your controller and you would need to refer to them as $this->data['data_name'] and use it in a view like
$this->load->view('homepage', $this->data);
Option 2:
A second way is to create a method like render() which is common to all your methods that load views and replaces your existing view calls.
So you would have something like...
public function one_of_my_methods(){
$data['content'] = 'This is content 1';
$this->render('test_view',$data); // Call the new view handler
// All methods using views now call this to load the final view
public function render($view,$data){
$data['foobar'] = 'I am common'; // DRY
$this->load->view($view, $data);
I have a Laravel app where I am using a bit of code which feels really unintuitive.
In the code I return a list of objects ($occupied) which all have the the column 'property'. I then go on to create an array of the list of objects 'property's ($occupiedproperty) just to use it in a whereNotIn call.
if ($occupied = Residency::currentResidents()){
// Here is the pointless part //////
$occupiedproperty = array();
foreach ($occupied as $occ) {
array_push($occupiedproperty, $occ->property);
return Property::whereNotIn('id', $occupiedproperty)->get();
This code works fine to do the job but creating a new array when I already have a list of objects seems lazy. I tried looking at eloquent's documentation but I couldn't figure this out.
I need to be able to access the 'property' column of $occupied so I can run something like whereNotIn('id', $occupied->property)
Thank you
Can't test it right now, but this should work (it should work even without casting to array the $occupied collection):
$occupiedProperties = array_pluck((array)$occupied, 'property');
It uses the array_pluck() helper method: http://laravel.com/docs/4.2/helpers#arrays
I am starting in zend framework 1.11. How do we pass different $data value in view from controller to view like in codeigniter we pass like this.
$data['pass_one_thing'] = $this->model1->pass_all_mangoes();
$data['pass_another_thing'] = $this->model2->pass_all_oranges();
$this->load->view('viewfile', $data);
then in views we get values of $pass_one_thing and $pass_another_thing with foreach loops in same view file.
how do i pass from different model function in a same view ?
How do we get such thing in zend ? I am new to zend and bit confused.
You set it in your controller as:
$this->view->myVar = "something";
And then access it from the view:
echo $this->myVar;
Or using assign like Wesley said.
That can be done pretty much the same:
$this->view->data = $data;
Or use the assign function:
$this->view->assign('data', $data);
How do I pass from different model function in a same view
Not exactly sure but taking your exact example:
$this->view->data['pass_one_thing'] = $this->model1->pass_all_mangoes();
$this->view->data['pass_another_thing'] = $this->model2->pass_all_oranges();
$this->load->view('viewfile', $data);
Then in your view you would access these trough:
A submitted form on my site returns an array of request data that is accessible with
$data = $this->getRequest();
This happens in the controller which gathers the data and then passes this array to my model for placing/updating into the database.
Here is the problem. What if I want to manipulate one of the values in that array? Previously I would extract each value, assigning them to a new array, so I could work on the one I needed. Like so:
$data = $this->getRequest();
$foo['site_id'] = $data->getParam('site_id');
$foo['story'] = htmlentities($data->getParam('story'));
and then I would pass the $foo array to the model for placing/updating into the database.
All I am doing is manipulating that one value (the 'story' param) so it seems like a waste to extract each one and reassign it just so I can do this. Additionally it is less flexible as I have to explicitly access each value by name. It's nicer to just pass the whole request to the model and then go through getting rid of anything not needed for the database.
How would you do this?
Edit again: Looking some more at your question what I am talking about here all goes on in the controller. Where your form`s action will land.
Well you have a couple of options.
First of all $_GET is still there in ZF so you could just access it.
Second there is:
$myArray = $this->_request->getParams();
$myArray = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
Wich would return all the params in an array instead of one by one.
Thirdly if the form is posted you have:
$myArray = $this->_request()->getPost();
Wich works with $this->_request->isPost() wich returns true if some form was posted.
About accessing all that in your view you could always just in controller:
$this->view->myArray = $this->_request->getParams();
edit: right I taught you meant the view not the model. I guess I do not understand that part of the question.
If you want to deal with the post data inside your model just:
$MyModel = new Model_Mymodels();
$data = $this->_request->getParams();
$data['story'] = htmlentities($data['story']);
And then inside your model you create the SetItAll() function (with a better name) and deal with it there.
Edit: oh wait! I get it. You hate sanytising your input one by one with your technique. Well then what I showed you about how to access that data should simplify your life a lot.
There is always the Zend_Form route if the parameters are really coming from a form. You could create code to interface it with your model and abstract all this from the controller. But at the end of the day if you need to do something special to one of your inputs then you have to code it somewhere.