Often when I am writing PHP I construct conditionals like this:
if(1 === $var1
and 2 === $var2
or 1 == $var3) {
// do something here maybe
I think it makes them easier and more natural to read. I know this is probably laughable when I am using Yodas though.
The reason I have each condition on its own line prefaced by and or or is because it makes it easier to comment part of the statement out when debugging.
Is there any disadvantage to doing this compared with the "usual" || and &&?
or and and do not have the same operator precedence as || and &&. This means that in for certain values of expressions[a] and [b], [a] and [b] != [a] && [b]. This may create non-obvious bugs.
Note that one is higher precedence than assignment, while the other is not. This is a subtle difference, and even if you understand it, other developers reading your code may not. As a result, I personally recommend using only && and ||
Ruby's operators are similar to PHP's in this regard. Jay Fields published a simple example of the difference.
There's no significant functional difference in PHP between and and &&, nor betweeen or and ||.
The only difference between them is that they are considered as different operators, and have different positions in the order of operator precedence. This can have a big impact on the results of complex operations if you neglect to wrap things in brackets.
For this reason, it is generally a good idea to use one or other style of operators, and stick with it, rather than mixing between the two in the same code base (this is also a good idea for readability). But the choice if which pair of operators to use is fairly immaterial.
Other than that, they are basically the same thing.
See here for the PHP operator precedence: http://php.net/manual/en/language.operators.precedence.php
(note the different positions in the table of the and and or vs && and ||)
This is kind of a ridiculous question...mostly to hopefully prove my old man programmer friend wrong.
I write if statements like this (ones with AND/OR in them), as I have always known...
if($something == $something OR $whatever == $whatever){stuff...}
My old man friend does this...
if(($something == $something) OR ($whatever == $whatever)){stuff...}
I have never seen anyone do it like that before. It does run without error. I told him that is invalid code but he shrugs it off and says it runs. Is it valid? I mean...it does run. Extra characters so mine still wins. Was this an old way of doing it in PHP? I can't find any info on the latter style. Just kind of curios. Thanks.
Both are valid ways, the second one, with the extra parentheses is more readable.
Why use an extra set of parenthesis when using PHP boolean test in an IF()?
Parenthesis are also called grouping operators which are used so that expressions with lower precedence can be evaluated before an expression with higher priority.
Inside if statement expression is needed which is parsed depending upon the precedence of the operators using some algorithm like Shunting Yard.
So it does not matter how many grouping operator you add to some expression which is already guaranteed to be evaluated before other binary operators( OR in your case)
For eg. 4*3 + 5 is same as (4*3) + 5( as * has higher priority and will be evaluated before)
Acc. to shunting yard your postfix expression is
$something $something == $whatever $whatever == OR
and your old friends postfix is also
$something $something == $whatever $whatever == OR
Only difference is yours is micro faster while his one's is probably more readable
The old man's method is not incorrect. It can be written both ways. That is due to the fact that you can evaluate a complex boolean expression all the way down to true or false which is all that is required. If someone said write this expression with as few parenthesis as possible, then your method would be "right".
That is completely valid, and some may argue that parenthesis are better for ease of readability, however there is no right way.
What if you had three... :O
syntactically, something in this format
if ( a == b OR a == c OR a == d )
could be completely different than something in this format
if ( a == b OR ( a == c OR a == d ) )
if ( ( a == b OR a == c ) OR a == d )
I've always came away from stackoverflow answers and any reading I've done that "===" is superior to "==" because uses a more strict comparison, and you do not waste resources converting value types in order to check for a match.
I may be coming at this with the wrong assumption, so I assume part of this question is, "is my assumption true?"
I'm dealing specifically with a situation where I'm getting data from a database in the form of a string "100".
The code I am comparing is this...
if ($this->the_user->group == 100) //admin
else // other
if ( (int) $this->the_user->group === 100) //admin
else // other
or even
if (intval($this->the_user->group) === 100) //admin
else // other
is any integrity (or performance) gained by manually casting or converting simply so you can use the identity ('===') comparison?
In your particular case == is the better option. As you (as can be seen in your code) have probably already found out many database functions will always return strings, even if you fetch an integer. So type strict comparison really only bloats your code.
Furthermore you are adding a potential (let's call it theoretic) security risk. E.g. (int) '100AB2' would yield 100. In your case this probably can't happen, but in others it may.
So: Don't overuse strict comparison, it's not always good. You mainly need it only in ambiguous cases, like the return value of strpos.
There is a performance difference between == and === - latter will be even twice as fast, see Equal vs identical comparison operator.
The difference, however is too small to be bothered with - unless the code is executed millions of times.
That's a really tiny optimization you're doing there. Personally, I don't think it's really worth it.
Any boost you gain from not casting the value when using === is lost when you explicitly cast the value. In your case, since the type is not important to you, you should just do == and be done with it.
My recommendation would be to keep === for when you need to check type as well - e.g. 0 evaluating to false and so on.
Any performance gains will be microscopically small, unless you're performing literally billions and trillions of these comparisons for days/months/years on-end. The strict comparison does have its uses, but it also is somewhat of anomally in PHP. PHP's a weakly typed language, and (usually) does the right thing for auto-converting/casting values to be the right thing. Most times, it's not necessary to do a strict comparison, as PHP will do the right thing.
But there are cases, such as when using strpos, where the auto-conversion will fail. strpos will return '0' if the needle you're searching is right at the start of the haystack, which would get treated as FALSE, which is wrong. The only way to handle this is via the strict comparison.
PHP has some WTF loose comparisons that return TRUE like:
array() == NULL
0 == 'Non-numeric string'
Always use strict comparison between a variable and a string
$var === 'string'
Let's say I have a variable that will always be a string.
Now take the code below:
if($myVar === "teststring")
Note: $myVar will always be a string, so my questions is
Which is quicker/best, using === (indentity) or the == (equality)?
Testing for identity is always faster, because PHP does not have to Type Juggle to evaluate the comparison. However, I'd say the speed difference is in the realms of nanoseconds and totally neglectable.
Related reading:
PHP type comparison tables
Type Juggling
=== will be slightly faster, but more importantly, It enforces that $myVar will be a string so you don't have to worry about the possible effects of it being some other type.
In general when I code, I use == over ===, however, using the identity is more precise, and also, slightly faster (difference is minimal).
The difference between the two is likely irrelevant for whatever you need.
Summarized, I made a loop with a few iterations to check the efficiency of each test:
$iterations = 99999999;
$var = null;
isset comparasion
if ( isset( $var ) )
'===' comparasion
if ( $var === null )
And i have this log, in microseconds:
'isset()': 1.4792940616608
'===': 1.9428749084473
For me, this is a little curious. Why isset() function is faster than one comparison operator as ===?
The === comparison is a strict check, meaning that the two objects you're comparing have to be of the same type. When you break it down in plain English, it's actually not that weird that === needs some more time. Consider the parser to do this:
if (isset($var)) {
// Do I have something called $var stored in memory?
// Why yes, I do.. good, return true!
if ($var === null) {
// Do I have something called $var stored in memory?
// Why yes, I do.. good! But is it a NULL type?
// Yes, it is! Good, return true!
As you can see, the === operator needs to do an additional check before it can determine if the variable matches the condition, so it's not that strange that it is a little bit slower.
Isset is not a function: it is a language built-in. Using isset is faster than using a function.
The other thing is that isset is used all over the place, so it makes sense that it's been profiled to death, whereas === maybe hasn't received as much love.
Other than that, you'd have to dig in the PHP source with a profiler to see exactly what's going on.
I'm not sure I would call 100 million "a few iterations". You appear to have accumulated about a half-second difference, divide that by 100 million and you get a whopping 5 nanosecond difference per iteration if my math is correct. With the difference being so small it may simply come down to the fact that isset only has one operand in this context and === has two.
It's impossible to even discuss the Zend engine's implementation details of the two examples without specifying a specific PHP version; source code is a moving target. Even minute changes to the implementations are going to effect the results over that many passes. I would not be surprised if you found the opposite to be the case on some versions of PHP and/or in a different context.
isset itself is covered by three different op-codes in the VM depending upon the context:
"Simple" Compiled Variables like your example: ZEND_ISSET_ISEMPTY_VAR
Arrays: ZEND_ISSET_ISEMPTY_DIM_OBJ (requires 2 operands, the var and the index)
Object properties: ZEND_ISSET_ISEMPTY_PROP_OBJ (also 2 operands, var and prop name)
It's an interesting question for curiosity's sake but we're in hair splitting territory and it's probably not a real-world optimization strategy.
I have an if statement with two conditions (separated by an OR operator), one of the conditions covers +70% of situations and takes far less time to process/execute than the second condition, so in the interests of speed I only want the second condition to be processed if the first condition evaluates to false.
if I order the conditions so that the first condition (the quicker one) appears in the if statement first - on the occasions where this condition is met and evaluates true is the second condition even processed?
if ( (condition1) | (condition2) ){
// do this
or would I need to nest two if statements to only check the second condition if the first evaluates to false?
if (condition1){
// do this
}else if (condition2){
// do this
I am working in PHP, however, I assume that this may be language-agnostic.
For C, C++, C#, Java and other .NET languages boolean expressions are optimised so that as soon as enough is known nothing else is evaluated.
An old trick for doing obfuscated code was to use this to create if statements, such as:
a || b();
if "a" is true, "b()" would never be evaluated, so we can rewrite it into:
and similarly:
a && b();
would become
Please note that this is only valid for the || and && operator. The two operators | and & is bitwise or, and and, respectively, and are therefore not "optimised".
As mentioned by others, trying to optimise code using short circuit logic is very rarely well spent time.
First go for clarity, both because it is easier to read and understand. Also, if you try to be too clever a simple reordering of the terms could lead to wildly different behaviour without any apparent reason.
Second, go for optimisation, but only after timing and profiling. Way too many developer do premature optimisation without profiling. Most of the time it's completely useless.
Pretty much every language does a short circuit evaluation. Meaning the second condition is only evaluated if it's aboslutely necessary to. For this to work, most languages use the double pipe, ||, not the single one, |.
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Short-circuit_evaluation
In C, C++ and Java, the statement:
if (condition1 | condition2) {
will evaluate both conditions every time and only be true if the entire expression is true.
The statement:
if (condition1 || condition2) {
will evaluate condition2 only if condition1 is false. The difference is significant if condition2 is a function or another expression with a side-effect.
There is, however, no difference between the || case and the if/else case.
I've seen a lot of these types of questions lately--optimization to the nth degree.
I think it makes sense in certain circumstances:
Computing condition 2 is not a constant time operation
You are asking strictly for educational purposes--you want to know how the language works, not to save 3us.
In other cases, worrying about the "fastest" way to iterate or check a conditional is silly. Instead of writing tests which require millions of trials to see any recordable (but insignificant) difference, focus on clarity.
When someone else (could be you!) picks up this code in a month or a year, what's going to be most important is clarity.
In this case, your first example is shorter, clearer and doesn't require you to repeat yourself.
According to this article PHP does short circuit evaluation, which means that if the first condition is met the second is not even evaluated.
It's quite easy to test also (from the article):
/* ch06ex07 – shows no output because of short circuit evaluation */
if (true || $intVal = 5) // short circuits after true
echo $intVal; // will be empty because the assignment never took place
The short-circuiting is not for optimization. It's main purpose is to avoid calling code that will not work, yet result in a readable test. Example:
if (i < array.size() && array[i]==foo) ...
Note that array[i] may very well get an access violation if i is out of range and crash the program. Thus this program is certainly depending on short-circuiting the evaluation!
I believe this is the reason for writing expressions this way far more often than optimization concerns.
While using short-circuiting for the purposes of optimization is often overkill, there are certainly other compelling reasons to use it. One such example (in C++) is the following:
if( pObj != NULL && *pObj == "username" ) {
// Do something...
Here, short-circuiting is being relied upon to ensure that pObj has been allocated prior to dereferencing it. This is far more concise than having nested if statements.
Since this is tagged language agnostic I'll chime in. For Perl at least, the first option is sufficient, I'm not familiar with PHP. It evaluates left to right and drops out as soon as the condition is met.
In most languages with decent optimization the former will work just fine.
The | is a bitwise operator in PHP. It does not mean $a OR $b, exactly. You'll want to use the double-pipe. And yes, as mentioned, PHP does short-circuit evaluation. In similar fashion, if the first condition of an && clause evaluates to false, PHP does not evaluate the rest of the clause, either.
VB.net has two wonderful expression called "OrElse" and "AndAlso"
OrElse will short circuit itself the first time it reaches a True evaluation and execute the code you desire.
If FirstName = "Luke" OrElse FirstName = "Darth" Then
Console.Writeline "Greetings Exalted One!"
End If
AndAlso will short circuit itself the first time it a False evaluation and not evaluate the code within the block.
If FirstName = "Luke" AndAlso LastName = "Skywalker" Then
Console.Writeline "You are the one and only."
End If
I find both of these helpful.