I noticed something odd when I switch themes. In garland, I can see the view & 'edit panel' tab buttons; but when I switch back to my custom theme, it disappears.
I already have the tabs line:
<?php if ($tabs): print '<ul class="tabs primary">'. $tabs .'</ul></div>'; endif; ?>
But it's just not appearing. Why is that?
Here is some of the code for page.tpl.php:
<div class="main-container">
<div class="mcontent">
<div id="content-header">
<?php if ($mission): print '<div id="mission">'. $mission .'</div>'; endif; ?>
<?php if ($tabs): print '<div id="tabs-wrapper" class="clear-block">'; endif; ?>
<?php if ($title): print '<h2'. ($tabs ? ' class="with-tabs"' : '') .'>'. $title .'</h2>'; endif; ?>
<?php if ($tabs): print '<ul class="tabs primary">'. $tabs .'</ul></div>'; endif; ?>
<?php if ($tabs2): print '<ul class="tabs secondary">'. $tabs2 .'</ul>'; endif; ?>
<?php if ($show_messages && $messages): print $messages; endif; ?>
<?php print $help; ?>
</div> <!-- /#content-header -->
<?php print $content; ?>
I've used that code in quite a few custom themes without any issues so far.
It's hard to know without seeing the site/your code, but a couple of possibilities:
clearing your cache (Performance > Clear site cache)
making sure the $tabs variable is in page.tpl.php, not node.tpl.php etc.
Other things it could be (but maybe not if other themes are working):
your user doesn't have permissions to use that input format (PHP code, Full HTML etc)
the session isn't working or you've been logged out while on those pages (of course you will see this right away if, for example, your admin menu shows up. I've seen it happen on some setups, though)
Usually, either the code is in the wrong place, it's being hidden/obscured (by CSS/page formatting), or the person doesn't have the permissions to view it.
If none of the above work, you may want to rebuild permissions (in Drupal 6, Content Management > Post Settings > Rebuild Permissions), or play with enabling existing permissions to see if that's the culprit.
I hired someone to fix the issue, here is what is done:
* Override of theme_menu_local_tasks().
* Add argument to allow primary/secondary local tasks to be printed
* separately. Use theme_links() markup to consolidate.
function kidstoria_menu_local_tasks($type = '') {
if (module_exists('ctools')) {
if ($primary = ctools_menu_primary_local_tasks()) {
$primary = $primary;
if ($secondary = ctools_menu_secondary_local_tasks()) {
$secondary = $secondary;
if ($primary = menu_primary_local_tasks()) {
$primary = $primary;
if ($secondary = menu_secondary_local_tasks()) {
$secondary = $secondary;
switch ($type) {
case 'primary':
return $primary;
case 'secondary':
return $secondary;
return $primary . $secondary;
I'm using the below funky bit of code in my functions.php to enable the execution of PHP in my sidebar:
// 12. Execute/Parse PHP in Sidebar Content
// =============================================================================
function execute_php($html){
return $html;
I'm then using this code in my sidebar to reference a list of custom fields (related articles) that I want to list in the sidebar:
<?php $post_objects = get_field( 'related_article_list'); ?>
<?php if ( $post_objects) { ?>
<?php foreach( $post_objects as $post): ?>
<?php setup_postdata($post); ?>
<?php the_title(); ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php wp_reset_postdata(); ?>
<?php } ?>
Now this code works fine in my page template and correctly lists the three related articles that I have set in each post, but in the sidebar it just generates the current post title three times.
Any ideas much appreciated!
It is generally not good practice to place PHP code directly in a sidebar textfield then parsing/executing its content is leaves open to many potential problem.
Instead you should place the code inside a shortcode and then place that shortcode tag inside the Widget in question. [my_related_article_list]
function my_related_article_list_func(){
$post_objects = get_field( 'related_article_list');
$html = '';
if ( $post_objects) {
$html = '<ul>';
foreach( $post_objects as $post):
$html .= '<li>'.get_the_title($post).'</li>';
$html .= '</ul>';
return $html;
Concerning the fact that you see the current post three time in the sidebar has todo with the loop not have been properly set and 3 times because you probably also pulled the revisions.(i suppose)
Maybe executing the code in a shortcode could help improve your predicament in solving parts of the problem or even the whole problem.
Edit: Using the setup_postdata is unecessary since calling get_* functions which returns data instead of outputting it straight based on the current loop data set by setup_postdata. Therefor calling the get_* with the $post argument will return the appropriate context.
Solved by #Musk using the following shortcode:
function my_related_article_list_func(){
$post_objects = get_field( 'related_article_list');
$html = '';
if ( $post_objects) {
$html = '<ul>';
foreach( $post_objects as $post):
$html .= '<li>'.get_the_title($post).'</li>';
$html .= '</ul>';
return $html;
I'm finishing up my new portfolio and am trying to figure out a way to get a 'next' and 'prev' URLs for the child pages of the parent, which is called 'Work'.
The reason I want URLs is because the actual clickable link is an SVG at larger viewport sizes and I want to maintain all of my css access to the SVGs.
I'm including an image of how the navigation looks (looks like an aside, but it's actually a outside of the ).
I know that pages in worpress 'aren't meant to be paginated' but this is the same thing as creating a new post type and using the pagination there, except im doing some other things where I want access to templates. I tried using this plugin:
Which works, but I can't get my SVGs in there as opposed to text. If anyone has a way to replace the text in those strings with my SVG paths, that's an acceptable fix too. Here's a code snippet of what that looks like using that plugin:
<nav role="navigation" class="project-pagination">
<a href="/work">
<?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/images/_svgs/nav_gallery.svg'); ?>
$nextPage = next_page_not_post('Next Page', 'true', 'sort_column=post_date&sort_order=desc');
$prevPage = previous_page_not_post('Previous Page', 'true', 'sort_column=post_date&sort_order=desc');
if (!empty($nextPage) || !empty($prevPage)) {
if (!empty($nextPage)) echo $nextPage;
if (!empty($prevPage)) echo $prevPage;
Thanks all!
I found the answer here: Magic Town
<nav role="navigation" class="project-pagination">
<a href="/work" aria-label="View All Projects" alt="View All Projects">
<?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/images/_svgs/nav_gallery.svg'); ?><span>View All Projects</span>
$pagelist = get_pages("child_of=".$post->post_parent."&parent=".$post->post_parent."&sort_column=menu_order&sort_order=asc");
$pages = array();
foreach ($pagelist as $page) {
$pages[] += $page->ID;
$current = array_search($post->ID, $pages);
$prevID = $pages[$current-1];
$nextID = $pages[$current+1];
<?php if (!empty($nextID)) { ?>
<?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/images/_svgs/nav_next.svg'); ?><span>Next Project</span>
<?php }
if (!empty($prevID)) { ?>
<?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/images/_svgs/nav_prev.svg'); ?><span>Previous Project</span>
<?php } ?>
Why does this if statement have each of its conditionals wrapped in PHP tags?
<?php if(!is_null($sel_subject)) { //subject selected? ?>
<h2><?php echo $sel_subject["menu_name"]; ?></h2>
<?php } elseif (!is_null($sel_page)) { //page selected? ?>
<h2><?php echo $sel_page["menu_name"]; ?></h2>
<?php } else { // nothing selected ?>
<h2>Select a subject or a page to edit</h2>
<?php } ?>
Because there is html used. Jumping between PHP and HTML is called escaping.
But I recommend you not to use PHP and HTML like this. May have a look to some template-systems e.g. Smarty or Frameworks with build-in template-systems like e.g. Symfony using twig.
Sometimes its ok if you have a file with much HTML and need to pass a PHP variable.
<?php $title="sample"; ?>
<title><?php echo $title; ?></title>
This is not much html but a sample how it could look like.
That sample you provided us should more look like....
{ //subject selected?
$content = $sel_subject["menu_name"];
else if (!is_null($sel_page))
{ //page selected?
$content = $sel_page["menu_name"];
{ // nothing selected
$content = "Select a subject or a page to edit";
echo "<h2>{$content}</h2>";
You could echo each line of course. I prefer to store this in a variable so I can easy prevent the output by editing one line in the end and not each line where I have added a echo.
According to some comments i did a approvement to the source :)
Because the <h2> tags are not PHP and will display an error if the PHP Tags are removed.
This code will display one line of text wrapped in <h2> tags.
This is called escaping.
Because you cannot just type html between your php tags.
However, I would rather use the following syntax because it is easier to read. But that depends on the programmers opinion.
{ //subject selected?
echo "<h2>" . $sel_subject["menu_name"] . "</h2>";
elseif (!is_null($sel_page))
{ //page selected?
ehco "<h2>" . $sel_page["menu_name"] . "</h2>";
{ // nothing selected
echo "<h2>Select a subject or a page to edit</h2>";
Because inside the if-statement there is an HTML code, which you can put it by closing PHP tags and open it again like this:
<?php if(/*condition*/){ ?> <html></html> <?php } ?>
<?php if(/*condition*/){ echo '<html></html>' ; }
That is because in this snippet we see html and php code. The code <?php changes from html-mode to php-mode and the code ?> changes back to html-mode.
There are several possibilites to rewrite this code to make it more readable. I'd suggest the following:
//subject selected?
if (!is_null($sel_subject)) {
echo "<h2>" . $sel_subject["menu_name"] . "</h2>";
//page selected?
} elseif (!is_null($sel_page)) {
echo "<h2>" . $sel_page["menu_name"] . "</h2>";
// nothing selected
} else {
echo "<h2>Select a subject or a page to edit</h2>";
using the echo-command to output html, you don't need to change from php-mode to html-mode and you can reduce the php-tag down to only one.
I'm using the basic way to doing the hover image as the CSS method doesn't work for me. Current I'm using the if/else statement to do so. If the contain the URL like abc.com it will hover the image.
But now I only can hover the group url but if there is sub categories in groups I won't able to hover, how can I do it all the activity inside the group, the image will hover?
How to doing if the URL contain the words or path. For example abc.com/groups/* it will hover the groups. Similar like we doing searching in MySQL the words/variable as using "%".
$request_url = apache_getenv("HTTP_HOST") . apache_getenv("REQUEST_URI");
$e = 'abc.com/dev/';
$f = 'abc.com/dev/groups/';
$g = 'abc.com/dev/user/';
<div class="submenu">
if ($request_url == $e) {
echo '<div class="icon-home active"></div>';
} else {
echo '<div class = "icon-home"></div>';
if ($request_url == $f) {
echo '<div class="icon-groups active"></div>';
} else {
echo '<div class = "icon-groups"></div>';
I propose a javascript way to do so, with jQuery
BTW, it is NOT a good idea to wrap a div into a a tag.
I have a very long and pretty complicated function.
It looks almost like this one:
function hello() {
echo 'My Function!' ?>
<li> Blablabla </li>
<?php } ?>
The HUGE problem here is that I'm UNABLE to echo anything.
My function HAVE to return it's contents instead of echoing or direct outputting (it has to be that way, it's a Wordpress shortcode and when I echo - the contents are getting displayed at the top of the page - ALWAYS, not in the place where I want them):
function hello() {
$output .= 'My Function!';
$output .= '<ul>';
$output .='<li> Blablabla </li>';
$output .='<ul>';
return $output;
} ?>
I hope it's easy till now.
Now, the real problems are:
I have tons of direct input code like:
Adding $output everywhere kills the nice paragraphs/whitespace and code is getting VERY HARD to read and understand (and all HTML elements are parts of variable now, so even my php editor is not treating them well and coloring them as PHP elements).
And another thing, I have tons of lines like this one:
<a href="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/includes/php/timthumb.php?src=<?php echo $url; ?>&h=<?php if($items=="one") echo 320; elseif($items=="two") echo 230; elseif($items=="three") echo 180; elseif($items=="four") echo 130; ?>&w=<?php if($items=="one") echo 600; elseif($items=="two") echo 420; elseif($items=="three") echo 277; elseif($items=="four") echo 203; ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>" class="link">
(yes, this is a single line)
And I have absolutely no idea how to add such lines to $output.
$output .= '<a href="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/includes/php/timthumb.php?src=<?php echo $url; ?>&h=<?php if($items=="one") echo 320; elseif($items=="two") echo 230; elseif($items=="three") echo 180; elseif($items=="four") echo 130; ?>&w=<?php if($items=="one") echo 600; elseif($items=="two") echo 420; elseif($items=="three") echo 277; elseif($items=="four") echo 203; ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>" class="link"> ';
Doesn't work of course (even with \'s before ' and ").
I believe there MUST be an easier way to attach all the code to return, but how?
I've tried with ob_start(); before code and return ob_get_clean(); after, but it outputs shortcode name instead of contents.
Its very hard to imagine what the problem you are trying to solve here is - although I'm not familiar with wordpress. Can't you just call the function where the output is supposed to go?
You could use output buffering - use echo/print as usual but...
But that doesn't solve the problem that you still need to send to the browser at the right place in the page - and if you can do:
print $output;
in the right place, then you can surely do:
in the same place.
I agree with symcbean, but this might be a more practical approach at integrating with Wordpress: if you now have a single function called hello( ) which displays HTML, you might want to consider renaming that function to hello_content( ) (or something similar) and replace the hello( ) function with the suggestion symcbean gave you:
function hello_content( ) {
echo "foo";
function hello( ) {
ob_start( );
hello_content( );
return ob_get_clean( );
That should fix your immediate issue.
PHP Heredoc syntax will keep things looking neat and tidy and you can return the output to a variable. As long as you don't require any constants it will work fine.
You use it in this fashion:
function bar() {
$var = <<<EOV
anything here
anything there
return $var;