I am having a problem with a gd library issue. When I use the following code
<script type="text/javascript">
$.fn.infiniteCarousel = function () {
function repeat(str, num) {
return new Array( num + 1 ).join( str );
return this.each(function () {
var $wrapper = $('> div', this).css('overflow', 'hidden'),
$slider = $wrapper.find('> ul'),
$items = $slider.find('> li'),
$single = $items.filter(':first'),
singleWidth = $single.outerWidth(),
visible = Math.ceil($wrapper.innerWidth() / singleWidth), // note: doesn't include padding or border
currentPage = 1,
pages = Math.ceil($items.length / visible);
// 1. Pad so that 'visible' number will always be seen, otherwise create empty items
if (($items.length % visible) != 0) {
$slider.append(repeat('<li class="empty" />', visible - ($items.length % visible)));
$items = $slider.find('> li');
// 2. Top and tail the list with 'visible' number of items, top has the last section, and tail has the first
$items.filter(':first').before($items.slice(- visible).clone().addClass('cloned'));
$items.filter(':last').after($items.slice(0, visible).clone().addClass('cloned'));
$items = $slider.find('> li'); // reselect
// 3. Set the left position to the first 'real' item
$wrapper.scrollLeft(singleWidth * visible);
// 4. paging function
function gotoPage(page) {
var dir = page < currentPage ? -1 : 1,
n = Math.abs(currentPage - page),
left = singleWidth * dir * visible * n;
scrollLeft : '+=' + left
}, 500, function () {
if (page == 0) {
$wrapper.scrollLeft(singleWidth * visible * pages);
page = pages;
} else if (page > pages) {
$wrapper.scrollLeft(singleWidth * visible);
// reset back to start position
page = 1;
currentPage = page;
return false;
$wrapper.after('<a class="arrow back"><</a><a class="arrow forward">></a>');
// 5. Bind to the forward and back buttons
$('a.back', this).click(function () {
return gotoPage(currentPage - 1);
$('a.forward', this).click(function () {
return gotoPage(currentPage + 1);
// create a public interface to move to a specific page
$(this).bind('goto', function (event, page) {
$(document).ready(function () {
'autoScale' : true,
'autoDimension' : true,
'transitionIn' : 'elastic',
'transitionOut' : 'elastic',
'speedIn' : 300,
'speedOut' : 200,
'hideOnOverlayClick' : true,
'hideOnContentClick': false
With this as the image generator, the only thing that comes out is what looks like programming code instead of an image. This script worked with a different scroller, but since I put this new scroller script (seen above), I am having problems with it generating an image (IE it just shows the loading icon), FireFox actually shows the programming code.
Here is the code that is making the call to the GD function:
<div class="infiniteCarousel">
<div class="wrapper">
do { ?>
<li><a class="pictureThumb" href="picture.php?imgID=<?php $pieces = explode('_', $row_rsPictures['PictureFile']); echo $pieces[0]."_".$pieces[1]."_".$pieces[2]; if ($pieces[3] == "NN"){ echo "_NN_".$pieces[4]."_".$pieces[5];; } else { echo "_".$pieces[3]."_".$pieces[4]; } ?>&thumb=Y" title="<a href='addToCart.php?T=Pic?ID=<?php echo $row_rsPictures['PictureID']; ?>' target='_parent' style='color:#fe6d00' >Add This Image To Your Shopping Cart</a><br><?php echo $row_rsPictures['BoatName'];if($row_rsPictures['BoatNumber'] != "") {
echo " #".$row_rsPictures['BoatNumber'];
} ?><br>driven by: <?php echo $row_rsPictures['DriverName']; ?> at the <?php
$AssocName_array = explode('_', $row_rsPictures['Acronym']);
$AssocName = $AssocName_array[0];
if ($AssocName == "Various") {
$AssocName = "";
if ($row_rsPictures['DateTo'] != ""){
$EventYear = date("Y", strtotime($row_rsPictures['DateTo']));
else { $EventYear = "";
echo $EventYear." ".$AssocName." ".$row_rsPictures['EventName'];?><br>Picture Viewed (<?php echo $row_rsPictures['Views']; ?>) since posted on <?php echo date("n-j-Y", strtotime($row_rsPictures['DatePosted'])); ?>" rel="group">
<img src="../images/gallery/<?php $raceYear = explode('_', $row_rsPictures['EventOverlay']); echo $raceYear[0]; ?>/<?php echo $row_rsPictures['EventOverlay']; ?>/thumb/<?php echo $row_rsPictures['PictureFile']; ?>.jpg" alt="FileName: <?php echo $row_rsPictures['PictureFile'];?>"></a></li>
} while ($row_rsPictures = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsPictures));
mysql_data_seek($rsPictures, 0);
and the separate php file that generates the image.
$filename = explode("_", $_GET['imgID']);
$folder = $filename[0];
$subFolder = $filename[0]."_".$filename[1]."_".$filename[2];
if($filename[3] == "NN") {
$subFolder = $subFolder."_NN";
$shot = "../images/gallery/".$folder."/".$subFolder."/".$_GET['imgID'].".jpg";
$watermark = "../images/gallery/watermark.png";
header("Content-type: image/jpg");
$photoImage = ImageCreateFromJPEG($shot);
ImageAlphaBlending($photoImage, true);
$logoImage2 = ImageCreateFromPNG($watermark);
$im = imagecreatetruecolor(800, 16);
$im2 = imagecreatetruecolor(800, 10);
$white = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255);
//imagefilledrectangle($photoImage, 0, 0, 796, 15, $white);
$grey = imagecolorallocate($im2, 128, 128, 128);
$red = imagecolorallocate($im2, 255, 0, 0);
//$im = imagecreatetruecolor(796, 25);
$text = $_GET['imgID'];
//$black = imagecolorallocate($photoImage, 0, 0, 0);
imagestring($im, 2, 10, 1, $text, $white);
imagestring($im, 2, 440, 1, $text2, $white);
imagestring($im2, 1, 290, 1, $text3, $white);
ImageCopy($photoImage, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, 800, 16);
ImageCopy($photoImage, $im2, 0, 17, 0, 0, 800, 10);
ImageCopy($photoImage, $logoImage2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 800, 525);
ImageJPEG($photoImage); // output to browser
Somewhere there is a conflict that is causing the problem and I can't find it.
Any help is appreciated.
The actual page can be found at http://randykrohn.com/gallery/pictures_test.php?BoatID=881
It appears you're outputting the raw image data (the bytes in the .jpg) file into the gallery popup, with an innappropriate header so that the imgae is being interpreted as text and not an image.
If that last chunk of code under "... the call to GD function" is all in one file, that would explain why. You're outputting a chunk of html, followed by the raw image data, which then gets inserted into the gallery popup. The Content-type header cannot take effect as you've already output some html. If you check your error logs (and/or actually enable errors/warnings), you'd no doubt see the usual "cannot modify headers, output started at line XXX" warnings from PHP.
Try to set php memory limit to 96M (128M - recommended) in php.ini file. If you have no access to that file simply add ini_set('memory_limit', '128M'); to your php file. It must help to solve the issue.
Didn't help, but figured it out on my own. Needed to tell FancyBox to open the link explicitly as an image (ie: fancybox({'type' : 'image'}); Alls well now! Thanks for you help guys!
I'm using QRCode from Google API and I put this code in the function.
Now I want to show two images, for example: Two images with different sizes or datas!
It does not matter if you use class or function, I just want to get different output on the page.
This is code:
function CreateQRCode($data, $size, $logo) {
header('Content-type: image/png');
// Get QR Code image from Google Chart API
// http://code.google.com/apis/chart/infographics/docs/qr_codes.html
$QR = imagecreatefrompng('https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?cht=qr&chld=H|1&chs='.$size.'&chl='.urlencode($data));
if($logo !== FALSE){
$logo = imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($logo));
$QR_width = imagesx($QR);
$QR_height = imagesy($QR);
$logo_width = imagesx($logo);
$logo_height = imagesy($logo);
// Scale logo to fit in the QR Code
$logo_qr_width = $QR_width/3;
$scale = $logo_width/$logo_qr_width;
$logo_qr_height = $logo_height/$scale;
imagecopyresampled($QR, $logo, $QR_width/3, $QR_height/3, 0, 0, $logo_qr_width, $logo_qr_height, $logo_width, $logo_height);
CreateQRCode('http://google.com', '200x200', FALSE);
Like this:
example 2
example 1
I have one board.php file that displays a board on my web page. This file includes once a boardEngine.php file which has every variables and matrix initialized, plus every function needed for computing.
I put a form in my board.php so that I can enter my next move on the board. board.php code goes like this:
<!doctype html>
<div id='board'>
if (isset($_GET['move'] )) {
checkMove($_POST['queryMove']); // checkMove is from boardEngine.php
printBoard(); // function from boardEngine.php
<form id="moveForm" action="board.php?move" method="post" >
<input type="text" name="queryMove" placeholder="form: 'e2f3' (e2 to f3)" required> </p>
<input type="submit" value=">move!<" >
The problem is that when I submit the move, board.php is reloaded with a set $_GET['move']. Since it is reloaded, it seems like boardEngine.php gets included again, and every positions in the matrix are initialized.
As I understand the thing so far, the move is submitted, board.php is reloaded, boardEngine.php is included another time with every position being reset, then because the $_GET['move'] variable has been set through the form, one move will be computed. Once a new move is submitted, the board will be reset and the last move will be considered, and so on.
Am I wrong? How can I solve this problem?
Edit 1: Here is the look of my boardEngine.php code:
define("PAWN", 10);
define("KNIGHT", 20);
define("BISHOP", 30);
define("ROOK", 40);
define("QUEEN", 50);
define("KING", 100);
define("B_PAWN", -10);
define("B_KNIGHT", -20);
define("B_BISHOP", -30);
define("B_ROOK", -40);
define("B_QUEEN", -50);
define("B_KING", -100);
$board = array(
array("", 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h'),
array(3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
array(4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
array(5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
array(6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
function checkMove($query) {
global $board;
if(strlen($query) != 4) {
return "Wrong query!";
// Next modfy the $board positions according to rules
function printBoard() {
// ...
http is a stateless protocol, which means that the script will run all over again for each request. And posting a form creates a new request.
You're gonna have to persist your game's state somehow. $_SESSION is a good idea, as Barmar suggested too.
EDIT: Since you posted your board engine, and just to get started, do the following:
1) Add a session_start(); at the beginning of your code
2) Replace the $board=.... part with `
3) Replace every occurence of $board in your code with $_SESSION['board']
How does BoardEngine.php look?
Why not make it a Class? Something like this:
class BoardEngine {
//You can remove the construct function below, if you don't need it
function __construct(argument)
//Constructor code here if needed
public function printBoard()
# function code here...
public function checkMove($var)
# function code here...
public function yetanotherone()
# function code here...
You can then put all your "engine" logic in there.
And in your board.php:
$boardEngine = New BoardEngine();
if (isset($_GET['move'] )) {
$boardEngine->checkMove($_POST['queryMove']); // checkMove is from boardEngine.php
$boardEngine->printBoard(); // function from boardEngine.php
<div id='board'>
<form id="moveForm" action="board.php?move" method="post" >
<input type="text" name="queryMove" placeholder="form: 'e2f3' (e2 to f3)" required> </p>
<input type="submit" value=">move!<" >
To save moves on each reload, I would also suggest using $_SESSION.
Or in your BoardEngine class:
private $lastmove;
public function setLastMove($value)
$this->lastmove = $value;
public function getLastMove($value)
return $this->lastmove;
Now in your board.php you can set the last move with:
get it last move with:
EDIT: To clerify:
To save last move as a $_SESSION and echo it out:
$_SESSION['lastmove'] = $boardEngine->getLastmove();
echo $_SESSION['lastmove'];
Firstly, don't say
board.php?move in the action. It is better to specify get variables with values.
Change it to board.php?move=yes
if(isset($_GET['move'])) if($_GET['move']==="yes") include_once('boardEngine.php');
I've been struggling with the header and footer data for quite some time now and thought it was time to ask it here on the forum.
What I'm trying to do is decide that if a page is added if the header / footer should be added or not. so code-wise I want to set the header/footer to on or off when adding a page.
I've tried to manipulate the function AddPage by setting an extra argument $setFooterHeader which default is set to true. And then trying to set this argument to false whenever I do an addPage('','',false); but it ignores it for some reason and I can't figure out why.
If I set the default value of the argument to false in the function itself it works like a charm, but when I try to do it in my script and set it as an argument, it totally ignores it.
Here's a code snippet of the fpdf.php file (function addPage)
function AddPage($orientation='', $size='', $setHeaderFooter=true)
// Start a new page
$family = $this->FontFamily;
$style = $this->FontStyle.($this->underline ? 'U' : '');
$fontsize = $this->FontSizePt;
$lw = $this->LineWidth;
$dc = $this->DrawColor;
$fc = $this->FillColor;
$tc = $this->TextColor;
$cf = $this->ColorFlag;
// Page footer
if ($setHeaderFooter == true)
$this->InFooter = true;
$this->InFooter = false;
// Close page
// Start new page
// Set line cap style to square
$this->_out('2 J');
// Set line width
$this->LineWidth = $lw;
$this->_out(sprintf('%.2F w',$lw*$this->k));
// Set font
// Set colors
$this->DrawColor = $dc;
if($dc!='0 G')
$this->FillColor = $fc;
if($fc!='0 g')
$this->TextColor = $tc;
$this->ColorFlag = $cf;
// Page header
if ($setHeaderFooter == true)
$this->InHeader = true;
$this->InHeader = false;
// Restore line width
$this->LineWidth = $lw;
$this->_out(sprintf('%.2F w',$lw*$this->k));
// Restore font
// Restore colors
$this->DrawColor = $dc;
$this->FillColor = $fc;
$this->TextColor = $tc;
$this->ColorFlag = $cf;
Below is a code snippet of my PHP script which uses FPDF
/** PHP FPDF */
require_once 'classes/FPDF/fpdf.php';
require_once 'classes/FPDI/fpdi.php';
class PDF extends FPDI
function Header()
$this->SetFont( 'Arial', 'B', 18 ); //set font to Arial, Bold, and 16 Size
//create heading with params
//0 - 100% width
//9 height
//"Page Heading" - With this text
//1 - border around it, and center aligned
//1 - Move pionter to new line after writing this heading
//'C' - center aligned
$this->Cell( 0, 9, 'Page Heading', 1, 1, 'C' );
$this->ln( 5 );
function Footer()
//move pionter at the bottom of the page
$this->SetY( -15 );
//set font to Arial, Bold, size 10
$this->SetFont( 'Arial', 'B', 10 );
//set font color to blue
$this->SetTextColor( 52, 98, 185 );
$this->Cell( 0, 10, 'Footer Text', 0, 0, 'L' );
//set font color to gray
$this->SetTextColor( 150, 150, 150 );
//write Page No
$this->Cell( 0, 10, 'Page No: ' . $this->PageNo(), 0, 0, 'R' );
// Create new PDF object
$pdf = new PDF('P','mm','A4');
// Output pdf file
Your help is greatly appreciated!!
I have solved this issue by setting a flag outside the class and use this flag in the header and footer function
The fix is in the page section, not in the addPage function
Just before doing an $pdf->addPage You set the flag as addPage automatically calls the header and footer function.
Here's the correct code (snippet of PHP script which uses FPDF)
/** PHP FPDF */
require_once 'classes/FPDF/fpdf.php';
require_once 'classes/FPDI/fpdi.php';
class PDF extends FPDI
function Header()
if ($this->header == 1)
$this->SetFont( 'Arial', 'B', 18 ); //set font to Arial, Bold, and 16 Size
//create heading with params
//0 - 100% width
//9 height
//"Page Heading" - With this text
//1 - border around it, and center aligned
//1 - Move pionter to new line after writing this heading
//'C' - center aligned
$this->Cell( 0, 9, 'Page Heading', 1, 1, 'C' );
$this->ln( 5 );
function Footer()
if ($this->footer == 1)
//move pionter at the bottom of the page
$this->SetY( -15 );
//set font to Arial, Bold, size 10
$this->SetFont( 'Arial', 'B', 10 );
//set font color to blue
$this->SetTextColor( 52, 98, 185 );
$this->Cell( 0, 10, 'Footer Text', 0, 0, 'L' );
//set font color to gray
$this->SetTextColor( 150, 150, 150 );
//write Page No
$this->Cell( 0, 10, 'Page No: ' . $this->PageNo(), 0, 0, 'R' );
// Create new PDF object
$pdf = new PDF('P','mm','A4');
$pdf->header = 0;
$pdf->footer = 0;
// Output pdf file
I know you found out the awnser already for yourself, but as one of the commenters pointed out this didn't work for me with the footer.
The good news is you can do without setting the external flags. You can use $this->PageNo() to determine whether to include the header and footer or not.
For instance if you'd want to exclude the header and footer on the first page, like I did:
function Footer() {
if($this->PageNo() != 1){
// footer code
If you'd want to let's say exclude them on several pages and not write an endless if statement you should just put the page numbers to exclude in an array and check with in_array() whether the header and/or footer should be included.
You can define multiple different types of headers and footers by calling functions outside the class:
class PDF extends FPDF {
function Header(){
function Footer(){
$pdf = new PDF('P');
$pdf->Cell(50,6,'Headerless & Footerless page');
$pdf->enableheader = 'header1';
$pdf->enablefooter = 'footer1';
$pdf->enableheader = 'header2';
$pdf->enablefooter = 'footer2';
function header1($pdf){
$pdf->Cell(50,6,'Header type 1',1,0,'L');
function footer1($pdf){
$pdf->Cell(50,6,'Footer type 1',1,0,'L');
$pdf->Cell(0,6,"Page: {$pdf->PageNo()} of {nb}",1,0,'R');
function header2($pdf){
$pdf->Cell(50,6,'Header type 2',1,0,'L');
function footer2($pdf){
$pdf->Cell(50,6,'Footer type 2',1,0,'L');
$pdf->Cell(0,6,"Page: {$pdf->PageNo()} of {nb}",1,0,'R');
The trick to footers is that the footer is added when the next page is created, with the last footer being added when the output is closed.
Therefore, you have to define the header before the page is added, and the footer afterwards but before the next page.
I'm using a php class, mpdf, which generates PDF's very nicely. I'm trying to get the file to automatically print (i.e., open the print dialog) when rendered. I've extended the core functioning with the code below to add javascript to the pdf. The pdf is rendered but without auto-printing. Any help would be great. Thanks!
class PDF_JavaScript extends mPDF {
var $javascript;
var $n_js;
function IncludeJS($script) {
function _putjavascript() {
$this->_out('/Names [(EmbeddedJS) '.($this->n+1).' 0 R]');
$this->_out('/S /JavaScript');
$this->_out('/JS '.$this->_textstring($this->javascript));
function _putresources() {
if (!empty($this->javascript)) {
function _putcatalog() {
if (!empty($this->javascript)) {
$this->_out('/Names <</JavaScript '.($this->n_js).' 0 R>>');
class PDF_AutoPrint extends PDF_Javascript {
function AutoPrint($dialog=false) { //Embed some JavaScript to show the print dialog or start printing immediately
$param=($dialog ? 'true' : 'false');
$this->IncludeJS($script); } }
$mpdf = new PDF_AutoPrint('', 'Letter', 0, '', 12.7, 12.7, 14, 12.7, 8, 8);
$stylesheet = file_get_contents('eabill.css');
This works for me to print generated PDF file, i used it to print website page contents without menus, banners etc just content with own header and footer
$header = 'Document header';
$html = 'Your document content goes here';
$footer = 'Print date: ' . date('d.m.Y H:i:s') . '<br />Page {PAGENO} of {nb}';
$mpdf = new mPDF('utf-8', 'A4', 0, '', 12, 12, 25, 15, 12, 12);
Have you tried (snippet):
class PDF_AutoPrint extends PDF_Javascript {
function AutoPrint($dialog=false) {
//Embed some JavaScript to show the print dialog or start printing immediately
if( $dialog ){
Credit: Create an Auto-Print PDF
Or, taking the code from the second example in that article:
class PDF_AutoPrint extends PDF_Javascript {
function AutoPrint( $dialog=false ){
if( $dialog ){
# Not sure whether this line is spot on, may need tweaking
$this->_out('/OpenAction '.($this->n+2).' 0 R/Type/Catalog/Pages 1 0 R/PageMode/UseNone/PageLayout/OneColumn');
$mpdf = new PDF_AutoPrint('', 'Letter', 0, '', 12.7, 12.7, 14, 12.7, 8, 8);
$stylesheet = file_get_contents('eabill.css');
I use DTukans way + added false as a parameter.
Works in FireFox and IE - did not work for chrome :(
I wrote this as an external file and requested a print via javascript.
post_to_url("pdf.export.php", {htmlForPdf:pdf})
For example Page 1 of 5.
There's an example online of how to get teh Page 1 part but not the of 5 part. This is it:
.pagenum:before { content: "Page " counter(page); }
I'm using version 0.6 and $PAGE_NUM and $PAGE_COUNT does not work.
For people coming here using a new version of DomPdf
Since dompdf 0.7.0, the dompdf_config.inc.php file has been removed (and is no longer referenced): all dompdf options should be set at run time.
This means you have to create a new instance of Options class
$domPdfOptions = new Options();
And then you may enable PHP inline using the following line
$domPdfOptions->set("isPhpEnabled", true);
The rest of the codes are correct and will show a page number and page count
<script type="text/php">
if (isset($pdf))
$x = 72;
$y = 18;
$text = "{PAGE_NUM} of {PAGE_COUNT}";
$font = $fontMetrics->get_font("helvetica", "bold");
$size = 6;
$color = array(255,0,0);
$word_space = 0.0; // default
$char_space = 0.0; // default
$angle = 0.0; // default
$pdf->page_text($x, $y, $text, $font, $size, $color, $word_space, $char_space, $angle);
As pointed out by #london-smith, this also works for DomPDF 0.8.1
By default, inline PHP is disabled for security reasons, you need to enable it yourself in dompdf_config.custom.inc.php. See here.
For now, total page count is not supported with the CSS you are using, we are planning to make it work in 0.6 final though.
Check you have enabled inline_pdf in dompdf.
Use this code, you can put where you like, it gets the height and width of the document and puts the page/total_pages at the bottom right.
<script type = "text/php">
if ( isset($pdf) ) {
if ($PAGE_COUNT > 1) {
$font = Font_Metrics::get_font("Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif", "normal");
$size = 12;
$pageText = $PAGE_NUM . "/" . $PAGE_COUNT;
$y = $pdf->get_height() - 24;
$x = $pdf->get_width() - 15 - Font_Metrics::get_text_width($pageText, $font, $size);
$pdf->text($x, $y, $pageText, $font, $size);
Seen at the end of this page
See the attachment named issue121.php on this bug report. Worked for me. As I understand it you can't echo the page num but you can draw it somewhere.
Hi this is mi full code... after all the HTML put this..
$dompdf = new DOMPDF();
$canvas = $dompdf->get_canvas();
$font = Font_Metrics::get_font("helvetica", "bold");
$canvas->page_text(512, 10, "Página: {PAGE_NUM} de {PAGE_COUNT}",$font, 8, array(0,0,0));
$filename = "yourNameConvention".date("Y-m-d").'.pdf';
Test with a simple file, then put all the relevant code with querys, etc.. etc..
I dont know which kind of content you want to render.
I got a bunch of pictures and a maximal Pictures per Site constant.
So a function gives me the site number (total/max) and then I got everything I need to start creating the pdf.
#for ($i = 1;$i <= $pages; $i++)
#if ($i !== 1)
<div style="page-break-before: always;"></div>
#Code for each Site
Thats how I seperate my Sites and their I also got $pages as a blade variable.
<div class="info_footer">
Page <span class="pagenum"></span> / {{$pages}}
With Stylesheet:
.pagenum:before { content: counter(page); }
In php, you can access dompdf variables:
$PAGE_NUM the current page number
$PAGE_COUNT the total number of pages in the document
more info http://code.google.com/p/dompdf/wiki/Usage
$PAGE_COUNT is the total number of pages.
<script type="text/php">
if (isset($pdf) ) {
If you are using an old version where this is not supported, upgrade. Otherwise, you may be out of luck.