i need imap function to do a login test, so i can perform a single sign on/single log in like this stackoverflow do with email accounts. when i try the imap_open functions in windows, i got Fatal error:undefined function, but in ubuntu, i don't get anything. any codes bellow the function is not working, but there is no error. can anyone help me?
in ubuntu, i've installed php5-imap,
in windows. i've removed the ";" in front of the extension=imap.dll, i guess thats the thing..
thanks before,,
I've found my mistakes.
I restarted my apache in a wrong way after installing PHP IMAP in ubuntu and removing the ';' in Windows.
thanks for reading.
I have problem witch SQLAnywhere client libraries.
They no longer know what to do. I searched on the internet but to no avail.
The client is installed, the bible libdbcapi.so exists in the directory /opt/sqlanywhere12/lib64/.
Ubuntu 16.04
PHP 5.6
Thank you
Make sure that your web server executes the /opt/sqlanywhere12/bin64/sa_config.sh script as part of its initialization. That sets the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable mentioned in the error message.
I came to fix it.
After all, even the client updated to version 17.
Was enough only to add:
env[PATH] = /opt/sqlanywhere17/lib64
Then rebooting: php5.6-fpm.service
And ready to work :)
Thank you for help :)
I hope it will help others.
Is anyone know the Yaf Framework ?
I tried to run their sample code from the site and I got the error
Fatal error: Class 'Yaf_Application' not found.
I used the version 2.2.9 , I downloaded the binaries php_yaf-2.2.9-x86-5.4.x-nts-nodebug.dll
as extension of my PHP 5.4.3 and activated the extension.
I put , as suggested, yaf.use_namespace = 0 without success.
Thank you for your help
I have also faced same problem, after some google, I am able to fix this issue.
If you ae using wamp and Win32 means, in php.ini add the following line after extension=php_yaf.dll
I found that my dll does not run on 64bit operating system
I'm trying to run my facebook php application on my apache server, on a new machine with Windows 64bit. As mentioned in the title, the error given is Facebook needs the CURL PHP extension. I have uncommented the line extension=php_curl.dll in php.ini and there is no problem in SublimeText, however when I try accessing my localhost, the error is thrown.
I've been looking a bit in base_facebook.php, where the error is thrown:
if (!function_exists('curl_init')) {
throw new Exception('Facebook needs the CURL PHP extension.');
I've been looking on the internet and tried a lot of sites, including a topic with the same problem on stackoverflow:Facebook needs the CURL PHP extension.
There is a comment about this problem with WAMP 64bit, and I tried the link with the fix, but nothing useful- seems like it has changed since.
Does anyone have the same issue? Any idea how to solve this, please?
Download and replace php_curl.dll with http://www.mediafire.com/?3ay381k3cq59cm2 had the same issue today lol
p.s: To the one who gave me a -1 I took the download link directly from http://www.anindya.com/php-5-4-3-and-php-5-3-13-x64-64-bit-for-windows/
Please read what I have mentioned : HAD THIS ISSUE TODAY!!! and it worked.
This tutorial worked for me. Very straight forward too.
I use MAMP 2.1.1 (not MAMP Pro) on my Mac OS X. I want to write some php code to send out html emails.
I've installed mail, mail_mime, and net_smtp. When I tried the example found on http://pear.php.net/manual/en/package.mail.mail.send.php, I always get "500 Internal Server Error". I checked php_error.log, it says "PHP Fatal error: Class 'Mail' not found". And I tried
var_dump(class_exists('Mail', false));
it returns bool(false) bool(false)
I checked all files and paths, everything seems fine. And I tried the same codes on a ubuntu server, everything is fine.
Could anyone tell me how can I fix this problem?
I clean installed Mountain Lion this year, and I am using built-in apache, php and mysql instead of MAMP right now. However I found this problem still exists in my current environment.
But I have an imperfect solution can make the code work. I put this line before calling require/require_once:
ini_set('include_path', ini_get('include_path') . ':/usr/lib/php/pear');
then the mail function can work.
Without this line, the include path on my machine is .:/usr/local/php5/lib/php. You can see that the problem is caused by the incorrect path. Due to some reason, PEAR was installed in a different path and the php.ini is not set correctly.
You can try this solution on your machine. First find out your pear installing path, then change that line accordingly and put it in your code.
Hope this solution can give you a little hint. And if you can share a better solution, I would appreciate it!
i want to parse the email headers and attachments from the dummy email ( i have text files collections). My hosting account is in Bluehost.com. I used pecl mail parse function to parse the header. When i upload the file and execute it is saying
Fatal error: Call to undefined function mailparse_msg_create()...
I asked bluehost guy they are saying pecl is already enabled on server.
How can i solve this issue. Please help me. My English is not good, hope you all will help me.
Just because you have PECL installed doesn't mean you have the correct extension installed.
Answer: You need to install the Mailparse PECL extension. See http://pecl.php.net/package/mailparse