Push / pop current database - php

I have a simple PHP / MySql application which will generally pick one of several databases (let's say one per customer) to manipulate. However, there are frequent calls to utility functions which access a common database.
I don't want to sprinkle USE clauses throughout my code, so it looks like I ought to push the current database at the start of each utility function and pop it again at the end. Something like this (from the top of my head, so prolly won't work, but will give an idea).
function ConnectToDatabase($db)
global $current_database;
$current_database = $db;
odb_exec('USE ' . $db); // etc. Error handling omitted for clarity
function UtilityFunction()
odb_exec('USE common_db'); // etc. Error handling omitted for clarity
// do some work here
global $current_database;
Maybe I can make it prettier by combining global $current_database; ConnectToDatabase($current_database); into a PopCurrentDb function, but you get the picture.
is this better done in PHP? Is there a MySql solution (but later I want to be ODBC compliant, so maybe PHP is better). How do others do it?
Update: in the end I just decided to always fully qualify access,
e.g. SELECT * from $database . '.' . $table

Why dont you just make some kind of database manager class and just push that around? Centralize all you dbname/connection storage in a single entity. that way you have a clear api to access it and you can just use the db by name.
class MultiDb
* Array of PDO DB objects or PDO DSN strings indexed by a connection/dbname name
* #var array
protected $connections = array();
* The connection name currently in use
* #var string
protected $currentConnection;
* The Defualt connection name
* #var string
protected $defaultConncetion;
* #param array $connections Any array DSN or PDO objects
public function __construct(array $connections);
public function getConnection($name);
// i would set this up to intelligently return registered connections
// if the argument matches one
public function __get($name)
// same with __set as with __get
public function __set($name, $value);
// proxy to the current connection automagically
// if current isnt set yet then use default so things
// running through this would actually result in
// call_user_func_array(array(PDO $object, $method), $args);
public function __call($method, $args);
So usage might look like
// at the beginning of the app
$db = new MultiDb(array(
'util' => array('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=util;', 'user', 'pass');
'default' => array('odbc:DSN=MYDSN;UID=user;PWD=pass;');
// some where else in the app we want to get some ids of some entities and then
// we want to delete the associated logs in our shared utility DB
// fetch the ids from the default db
$ids = $db->default->query('SELECT c.name, c.id FROM some_table c')
// assume we have written a method
// to help us create WHERE IN clauses and other things
$in = $db->createQueryPart($ids, MultiDb::Q_WHERE_IN);
// prepare our delete from the utility DB
$stmt = $db->util->prepare(
'DELETE FROM log_table WHERE id IN('.$in['placeholder'].')',
// execute our deletion

So you want to create a function to push (insert) and pop (select & remove)?
You could create a stored procedure to handle this or you can write multiple query executions in php.


PHPUnit How to test against different variable every time?

I am writing a Product Class, the job of the Class is to take in a product id and to output the corresponding product name.
For e.g.:
$Product = new Product;
$Product->id = "ff62";
echo $Product->name;
// returns a string with at least 5 characters.
My PHPUnit test method looks like:
$Product = new Product;
$Product->id = "ff62"; // needs to be a variable
$this->assertEquals(gettype($Product->name), 'string');
However, my aim is to check for a different product ID each time instead of ff62 which may or may not exist in database.
Ideally one should be able to define the id variable during testing.
What is the best way to test for dynamic variables as such?
Faker is one way to do it, but I would hesitate to say it is the "best way."
Your requirements are:
1. Test a set of different variables.
2. Those variables may or may not exist in the database.
But you have several problems with how you have designed this test:
You are using gettype() and comparing it to string. This is a bad idea. If product 54 is "foo", and your test is returning "bar" for 54, it will pass. This is Programming by Coincidence. I.e., it works, but not on purpose.
The way you're setting this up does not really deal with the problem. While Faker can create fake data, it cannot automatically create known good and known bad data for your specific system and business cases. I would assume that you want to test known good data + expected results as well as known bad data + expected exceptions.
The proper way to structure this test is using #dataProvider and database fixtures / testing.
Here's what that would look like:
namespace Foo\Bar;
use PHPUnit\DbUnit\TestCaseTrait;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use \PDO;
USE \Exception;
class ProductTest extends TestCase
use TestCaseTrait;
// only instantiate pdo once for test clean-up/fixture load
static private $pdo = null;
// only instantiate PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_DB_IDatabaseConnection once per test
private $conn = null;
final public function getConnection()
if ($this->conn === null) {
if (self::$pdo == null) {
$this->conn = $this->createDefaultDBConnection(self::$pdo, $GLOBALS['DB_DBNAME']);
return $this->conn;
public function getDataSet()
return $this->createMySQLXMLDataSet('tests/unit/testdata/sampleproductdata.xml');
* Tests products against known good data in the database fixture.
* #param $id
* #param $expectedName
* #dataProvider providerTestProduct
public function testProduct($id, $expectedName) {
$Product = new Product;
$Product->id = $id;
$this->assertSame($expectedName, $Product->name);
* Provides data that should appear in the database.
* #return array
public function providerTestProduct() {
// id , expectedName
return [ [ "ff62" , "fooproduct"]
, [ "dd83" , "barproduct"]
, [ "ls98" , "bazproduct"]
* Tests products against known-bad data to ensure proper exceptions are thrown.
* #param $id
* #param $expectedName
public function testProductExceptions($id, $expectedName) {
$Product = new Product;
$Product->id = $id;
* Provides test data that when queried against the database should produce an error.
* #return array
public function providerTestProductExceptions() {
// id , expectedName
return [ [ "badtype" , "fooproduct"] //Wrong id type
, [ "aaaa" , "barproduct"] //Does not exist
, [ null , "bazproduct"] //null is a no-no.
Here's a breakdown:
Use namespaces. Because it's 2018, and it's the right thing to do.
Use use to declare what classes you're using in the test.
Use TestCaseTrait to properly setup your TestCase
The private $pdo variable will hold your database connection for your class / test.
getConnection() is required. This will use the database, username, and password you have configured in your phpunit.xml file. Reference
getDataSet() goes and reads your datasource (fixture), then, truncates your database on your workstation / dev box, imports all the data from the fixture to put the database in a known state. (Be sure to backup your data before you do this. It's lossy on purpose. Never execute on production).
Next, you have two pairs of methods for the test cases: a test and a data provider.
The data provider in each case provides an ID you want to test, and the expected result. In the case of testProduct and providerTestProduct, we are providing ID that should exist in the database (as ensured by the fixture above). We can then check that Product::readId() is not only returning a string, but is actually returning the correct string.
In the second case, testProductException() and providerTestProductException(), we are intentionally sending bad values to the class to trigger exceptions, and then checking to make sure those bad values actually produces the desired behavior: failure / thrown exceptions.
You can randomise your dataset using random number generation.
$value = dechex(random_int(0, 255)).dechex(random_int(0, 255));
$Product = new Product;
$Product->id = $value;
$this->assertEquals('string', gettype($Product->name));
$this->assertEquals($value, $Product->name);
One usually puts the expected value to the left, and the actual one to the right.
I found out the best way to do this is to use Faker.
While I was trying to test against different instances of a Product, I could definitely use Faker to randomly generate a product and test if the Product was being retrieved properly from the database.
Although majorly used in Laravel, Symfony, etc. It's quite easy to use even in custom PHP frameworks.

Different type of object for admin and user

I am building an intranet application and i want to be able to have 2 different types of users a regular user and an admin user. I am trying to figure out what would be the best way to go about doing this. Either to have one object for admin type stuff and then one object for user type stuff. Or combine both of that into one object. But i keep getting stuck and not sure how to go about doing that, or if that is even the best way.
Lets say I have the following situations:
1. query the db to get all tasks for all projects that are active.
Admin Query
2. query the db to get all tasks for all projects that are due today and active.
Admin Query
3. Query the db to get all tasks for a specific project that are active.
Admin Query
User Query
4. Query the db to get all tasks for a specific project that are active and due today.
Admin Query
User Query
5. Query the db to get all tasks for a specific project.
Admin Query
User Query
6. Query the db to get all tasks for a specific project, with different status specified.
Admin Query
7. Any one of those queries has an optional parameter to either get the count or the data.
I started the following object but now im a little stuck as which route to go:
public function getTasks($status, $project, $type = "count", $duetoday = NULL)
if($duetoday != NULL){
$today = date("Y-m-d");
$stmt = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE status=:status
AND $project=:project AND duedate BETWEEN :duedate
AND :duedate");
$stmt = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE status=:status
AND $project=:project");
if($stmt->rowCount() > 0)
if($type == "count"){
return $stmt->rowCount();
return $tasks;
return false;
catch(PDOException $e)
echo $e->getMessage();
I will start with some words about the single responsibility principle. Basically, this means that an object and it's behaviors should have one responsibility. Here, I think your getTasks method is a good opportunity to refactor some code into better object oriented code.
There are actually many things it is doing:
Generate sql
Execute a query
Control the flow of the program
The method generating sql should not have to worry about it's execution, and the method executing it should not have to worry about getting it. This, as a side effect, will also reduce the nesting in a single method.
There is a lot of code to write, which I'll let you do, but if you create classes that implements those interfaces and a controller to use them, you should be able to get through this and write easier to maintain / refactor code:
interface SqlGenerating {
* #param array $params
* #return string
public function makeSql(array $params);
* #param array $params
* #return array
public function makeValues(array $params);
interface DBAccessing {
public function __construct(\PDO $pdo);
* #param string $sql
* #param array $values
* #return PDOStatement
public function getStmt($sql, array $values = []);
class Controller {
public function __construct(SqlGenerating $sqlGenerator, DBAccessing $dbAccess) {
// associate to private properties
public function getTasks($status, $project, $type = "count", $duetoday = null) {
// this function will use the sqlGenerator and the dbAccess to query the db
// this function knows to return the count or the actual rows
If you haven't already, this is a good time to learn about type-hinting in functions. This requires your function to be passed an object (or an array) to be assured of the behavior of the function. Also, you will notice that I type-hinted the interfaces into the controller. This is to actually be able to switch classes if ever you need a different one to manage sql and db access.

SQL object - How to use it properly

I've made this class to handle all of my sql-queries. But I'm unsure of how to use it properly.
The class looks something like this (this is a VERY simple version of it):
class sql {
private $conn;
private $data;
function __construct() {
//makes connection to DB and sets $conn and $data
public function select($variables, $table, $criterias) {
//returns an array with all the info from DB
function __destruct() {
//closes the sql-connection
The question now is: Is this going to overload the DB, if I use it multiple times on every page-load? (refered to as Example #1)
$dbInfo = (new sql)->select($var,$tab,$cri);
$moreInfo = (new sql)->select($var2,$tab2,$cri2);
$evenMoreInfo = (new sql)->select($var3,$tab3,$cri3);
Would it be beneficial to make my sql class's methods static?
Or should I not create a new instance of a sql object every time I want to make a query (like the example below - refered to as Example #2)?
$sql = new sql();
$dbInfo = $sql->select($var,$tab,$cri);
$moreInfo = $sql->select($var2,$tab2,$cri2);
$evenMoreInfo = $sql->select($var3,$tab3,$cri3);
How and when is Example #1 the better choice over Example #2, and vice versa?
If I assume that Example #1 is going to take the most resources from the DB, when would you pick Example #1 over Example #2?
Your example 2 is more common to see, however the SQL object is usually a static/singleton. So it connects to the database once per server request.
Your base SQL object should handle connecting to a database and then handle basic input/output, such as executing a string of SQL and returning the results.
You can then add new objects on top of that for each object/table than then interfaces with this SQL singleton. These classes will handle constructing their custom SQL based on their table, joins, field names/types, etc.
A very basic 'table' object looks like this
class SomeTableObject
m_TableName = 'SomeTable'; // Table to get Data from
function GetSelectSQL()
return "SELECT * FROM ".$this->m_TableName;
function Select($where)
$sql = $this->GetSelectSQL().$where;
return SqlSingleton::Execute($sql);
function GetByID($id)
$where = " WHERE FieldNameForID=$id";
return $this->Select($where);
These objects work better if they extend a base class that has those basic GetSelectSQL, TableName, Select, etc functions. The GetByIDs (and other gets, updates, inserts) will vary from table to table.

Which database patterns (ORM, DAO, Active Record, etc.) to use for small/medium projects?

I writing real estate web site
with basic function for choosing and ordering realty.
It is small/simple project, but I want to write it in way,
so in future I, or other developers, can turn it into medium business app without rewriting it
from scratch.
So what kind of patterns could you advice me to use for dealing with database?
For now I have this:
class db_DBConnection
// basic singleton pattern here...
// primary class to be extende by other table DAOs
abstract class db_Table
protected $table;
protected $order_by;
* Executes specified query with prepared statements
* returns statement object, which can fetch data.
* #param $sql - SQL query to execute
* #param $params - bind values to markers through associative arrays
protected function executeQuery($sql, $params = null)
$dbh = db_DBConnection::getConnection();
$stmt = $dbh->prepare($sql);
// binds values to markers and executes query
return $stmt;
* #param id - id of row to retrieve from database
* It sends SQL query and id to executeQuery
* function returns associative array, representing
* database row.
public function find($id)
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->table . ' WHERE id=:id LIMIT 1';
// bind id
$params = array( ':id' => $id );
// execute and return associative array
return $this->executeQuery($sql, $params)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
public function findAll($quantity, $where)
// Returns array of
// associative arrays of table rows :)
// TODO: write this function
abstract protected function insert();
abstract protected function update();
abstract protected function delete();
// ...
The best way would be to use an ORM, like Doctrine. It might seem a little too much for smaller type project, but it pays off in a long run.
It is better to use standard ways of doing things, instead of reinventing your own.
Here is a list of ORMS from Wikipedia.
Also you need to evaluate your project, creating project freestyle might not be a very good idea. Other developers will have to learn your code and understand how it works, etc... It is better to use well know frameworks like Zend Framework, Symfony or CakePHP. You can also look into expandable CMS systems like Joomla and Drupal.

How to create a multi-key dictionary in PHP?

I use a static function to create a PDO object.
It accepts 2 params:
a string and an object which contains the connection settings (dns, user, pass).
in order to prevent unnecessarily creating duplicate PDO connections with the same name, I tried to create a multi-key dictionary to cache the PDO object in.
Here is what I did:
class PDOManager
private static $connections; // array of connections
public static function getConnection(IPDOSettings $settings, $connection_name = 'default')
$dictionary_key = array('name' => $connection_name, 'settings' => $settings);
$DBH = new PDO($settings->getDNS(),$settings->getUser(),$settings->getPass());
self::$connections[$dictionary_key] = $DBH;
return self::$connections[$dictionary_key];
However after testing this I get this error Illegal offset type. After looking it up I find out that you cannot use objects or arrays as keys.
So is there anyway to do what I am trying to achieve?
Not really an answer to your question but do you expect PDOManager::getConnection() being called multiple times with the same $connection_name but different settings? Do you need to store the settings along with the db handle in your cache?
This problem wouldn´t even occur if you´d just store the connections by name:
// my suggestion/idea: use $connection_name as key
$dictionary_key = $connection_name;
$DBH = new PDO($settings->getDNS(),$settings->getUser(),$settings->getPass());
self::$connections[$dictionary_key] = $DBH;
return self::$connections[$dictionary_key];
Well, if you cant just use $connection_name as a key, you could combine $connection_name and use spl_object_hash() in order to get your key:
$dictionary_key = $connection_name . spl_object_hash($settings);
This is much nicer then e. g. using serialize() to get a string representation of the $settings object.
Have a look at SplObjectStorage, it allows you to use an object as key.
I would do something like this:
$dictionary_key = $connection_name . $settings->toString();
