I have a comma separated string, which consists of a list of tags and want to convert it to array to get a link for every tag.
$string = 'html,css,php,mysql,javascript';
I want to make it like this:
html, css, php, mysql, javascript
So the result will be a string containing comma separated links with a space after each link and with no comma after the last link.
I have this function where $arg = 'html,css,php,mysql,javascript':
function info_get_tags( $arg ) {
global $u;
$tagss = '';
if ( $arg == '' ) {
return '';
} else {
$tags_arr = explode( ',' , $arg );
foreach ( $tags_arr as $tag ) {
$tags = '' . $tag . '';
$tagss .= $tags;
return $tagss;
This script works for me but without commas and spaces and if we add a comma and a space here:
$tags = '' . $tag . ', ';
we get commas and spaces but there will be a trailing comma after the last link.
Just like you exploded you can implode again:
$tags = explode(',', $arg);
foreach ($tags as &$tag) {
$tag = '' . $tag . '';
return implode(', ', $tags);
Here's an alternative that uses array_map instead of the foreach loop:
global $u;
function add_html($tag){
return('' . $tag . '');
function get_tags($taglist){
$tags_arr = array_map("add_html", explode( ',' , $taglist));
return implode(", " , $tags_arr);
Try this short code
$string = 'html,css,php,mysql,javascript';
$string = explode(',', $string);
foreach( $string as $link){
echo ''.$link.'';
Easiest way is to the html into an array (each tag link is an array element) and then implode on ,...
if ( $arg == '' ) {
return '';
} else {
$tags_arr = explode( ',' , $arg );
$tags = array();
$tagtpl = '%s';
foreach ( $tags_arr as $tag ) {
$url = $u . 'tag/' . $tag . '/';
$tags[] = sprintf($tagtpl, $url, $tag, $tag);
return implode(', ', $tags);
Try this
$tagss = trim($tagss);
return substr($tagss, 0 , strlen($tagss)-1);
Why not put all tags in an array when you are creating them, and later explode the array and add the commas and spaces between the tags.
foreach ( $tags_arr as $tag ) {
$tags = '' . $tag . '';
$tagss[] = $tags;
$tagss = explode(', ', $tagss);
The workaround(!) would be to remove the unwanted trailing characters afterwards:
$tagss = rtrim($tagss, ", ");
This rtrim removes any mix of spaces and commas from the right end of the string.
Btw, you could use str_getcsv instead of explode, which also handles input spaces better.
function info_get_tags($arg)
global $u;
if (empty($arg)) return '';
return ltrim(preg_replace('/([^\,]+)/', ' ${1}', $arg));
$string = 'html,css,php,mysql,javascript';
puts $string.split(/,/).map { |tag| "#{tag}"}.join(", ")
html, css, php, mysql, javascript
Another solution:
$html = trim(preg_replace('/([^,]+)/', ' \1', $string));
Or if you have to html encode the tags (always smart, since you're creating html from text):
$html = trim(preg_replace_callback('/([^,]+)/', function($match) {
$tag = $match[1];
return ' ' . htmlspecialchars($tag) . '';
}, $string));
So this $string would work too: "tag with space,html,css,php,mysql,javascript"
More regex is always good!
Here is my code:
$posttags = get_the_tags();
if ($posttags) {
$tagstrings = array();
foreach($posttags as $tag) {
$tagstrings[] = '' . $tag->name . '';
echo implode(', ', $tagstrings);
// For an extra touch, use this function instead of `implode` to a better formatted string
// It will return "A, B and C" instead of "A, B, C"
function array_to_string($array, $glue = ', ', $final_glue = ' and ') {
if (1 == count($array)) {
return $array[0];
$last_item = array_pop($array);
return implode($glue, $array) . $final_glue . $last_item;
The code puts a comma after tags in WP (except the last tag). I would like to change the color of commas. How can I do it?
You can use something like this:
$glue = '<span class="tagglue">,</span> ';
and use that in your implode() calls (either place in your snippet).
Then create a css declaration like:
.tagglue {color: blue;}
$posttags = get_the_tags();
if ($posttags) {
$tagstrings = array();
foreach($posttags as $tag) {
$tagstrings[] = '' . $tag->name . '';
echo array_to_string($tagstrings);
// For an extra touch, use this function instead of `implode` to a better formatted string
// It will return "A, B and C" instead of "A, B, C"
function array_to_string($array, $glue = '<span class="tagglue">, </span>', $final_glue = ' and ') {
if (1 == count($array)) {
return $array[0];
$last_item = array_pop($array);
return implode($glue, $array) . $final_glue . $last_item;
I'll take this change to link several related pages on StackOverflow (that don't offer coloration):
Implode array with ", " and add "and " before last item
Imploding with "and" in the end?
Separate an array with comma and string PHP
implode() an array with multiple database columns, except on last entry PHP
Comma separated list from array with "and" before last element
PHP Add commas to items with AND
Replace the last comma with an & sign
How to replace last comma in string with "and" using php?
Using the following code:
$text = "أطلقت غوغل النسخة المخصصة للأجهزة الذكية العاملة بنظام أندرويد من الإصدار “25″ لمتصفحها الشهير كروم.ولم تحدث غوغل تطبيق كروم للأجهزة العاملة بأندرويد منذ شهر تشرين الثاني العام الماضي، وهو المتصفح الذي يستخدمه نسبة 2.02% من أصحاب الأجهزة الذكية حسب دراسة سابقة. ";
$tags = "غوغل, غوغل النسخة, كروم";
$tags = explode(",", $tags);
foreach($tags as $k=>$v) {
$text = preg_replace("/\b{$v}\b/u","$0",$text, 1);
echo $text;
Will give the following result:
I love PHP">love PHP</a>, but I am facing a problem
Note that my text is in Arabic.
The way is to do all in one pass. The idea is to build a pattern with an alternation of tags. To make this way work, you must before sort the tags because the regex engine will stop at the first alternative that succeeds (otherwise 'love' will always match even if it is followed by 'php' and 'love php' will never be matched).
To limit the replacement to the first occurence of each word you can remove tag from the array once it has been found and you test if it is always present in the array inside the replacement callback function:
$text = 'I love PHP, I love love but I am facing a problem';
$tagsCSV = 'love, love php, facing';
$tags = explode(', ', $tagsCSV);
$tags = array_map('preg_quote', $tags);
$pattern = '/\b(?:' . implode('|', $tags) . ')\b/iu';
$text = preg_replace_callback($pattern, function ($m) use (&$tags) {
$mLC = mb_strtolower($m[0], 'UTF-8');
if (false === $key = array_search($mLC, $tags))
return $m[0];
return '<a href="index.php?s=news&tag=' . rawurlencode($mLC)
. '">' . $m[0] . '</a>';
}, $text);
Note: when you build an url you must encode special characters, this is the reason why I use preg_replace_callback instead of preg_replace to be able to use rawurlencode.
If you have to deal with an utf8 encoded string, you need to add the u modifier to the pattern and you need to replace strtolower with mb_strtolower)
the preg_split way
$tags = explode(', ', $tagsCSV);
$tags = array_map('preg_quote', $tags);
$pattern = '/\b(' . implode('|', $tags) . ')\b/iu';
$items = preg_split($pattern, $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
$itemsLength = count($items);
$i = 1;
while ($i<$itemsLength && count($tags)) {
if (false !== $key = array_search(mb_strtolower($items[$i], 'UTF-8'), $tags)) {
$items[$i] = '<a href="index.php?s=news&tag=' . rawurlencode($tags[$key])
. '">' . $items[$i] . '</a>';
$result = implode('', $items);
Instead of calling preg_replace multiple times, call it a single time with a regexp that matches any of the tags:
$tags = explode(",", tags);
$tags_re = '/\b(' . implode('|', $tags) . ')\b/u';
$text = preg_replace($tags_re, '$0', $text, 1);
This turns the list of tags into the regexp /\b(love|love php|facing)\b/u. x|y in a regexp means to match either x or y.
I'm a newbie in PHP ,andnow I'm struck on this problem . I have a string like this :
$string = "qwe,asd,zxc,rty,fgh,vbn";
Now I want when user click to "qwe" it will remove "qwe," in $string
Ex:$string = "asd,zxc,rty,fgh,vbn";
Or remove "fhg,"
Ex:$string = "asd,zxc,rty,vbn";
I try to user str_replace but it just remove the string and still have a comma before the string like this:
$string = ",asd,zxc,rty,fgh,vbn";
Anyone can help? Thanks for reading
Try this out:
foreach($break as $newData)
echo $newWord;
In order to achieve your objective, array is your best friend.
$string = "qwe,asd,zxc,rty,fgh,vbn";
$ExplodedString = explode( "," , $string ); //Explode them separated by comma
$itemToRemove = "asd";
foreach($ExplodedString as $key => $value){ //loop along the array
if( $itemToRemove == $value ){ //check if item to be removed exists in the array
unset($ExplodedString[$key]); //unset or remove is found
$NewLook = array_values($ExplodedString); //Re-index the array key
print_r($NewLook); //print the array content
$NewLookCombined = implode( "," , $NewLook);
print_r($NewLookCombined); //print the array content after combined back
here the solution
$string = "qwe,asd,zxc,rty,fgh,vbn";
$clickword = "vbn";
$exp = explode(",", $string);
$imp = implode(" ", $exp);
if(stripos($imp, $clickword) !== false) {
$var = str_replace($clickword," ", $imp);
$str = preg_replace('/\s\s+/',' ', $var);
$newexp = explode(" ", trim($str));
$newimp = implode(",", $newexp);
echo $newimp;
You could try preg_replace http://uk3.php.net/manual/en/function.preg-replace.php if you have the module set up. It will allow you to optionally replace trailing or leading commas easily:
preg_replace("/,*$providedString,*/i", '', "qwe,asd,zxc,rty,fgh,vbn");
this function
function genTags($tags,$sep=',')
$tags = preg_replace(array('/ ,/','/, /'),',',$tags);
$tags = preg_replace( "`[,]+`" , ",", $tags);
$tag_array = explode($sep,$tags);
foreach($tag_array as $tag)
$newTags[] = $tag;
$tagString = implode(',',$newTags);
$tagString = 'no-tag';
return $tagString;
generate tags separated by ',' what to change to have spaces between tags instead thanks
Change the comma in the implode call to a space:
$tagString = implode(' ', $newTags);
$tagString = implode(',',$newTags);
$tagString = implode(' ',$newTags);
I am trying to take a string like...
and turn it into .. #php #mysql #css
What I have so far...
$hashTagStr = "php,mysql,css";
$hashTags = explode(",", $hashTagStr);
foreach($hashTags as $k => $v){
$hashTagsStr = '';
$hashTagsStr .= '#'.$v.' ';
echo $hashTagsStr;
Problem is it only prints #css
How about this:
$hashTagStr = "php,mysql,css";
$hashTags = explode(",", $hashTagStr);
$hashTagStr = '#' . implode( ' #', $hashTags );
$hashTagStr = "php,mysql,css";
$hashTagStr = '#' . str_replace( ',', ' #', $hashTagStr );
That's because every time the loop runs you're clearing out $hashTagsStr by doing:
$hashTagsStr = '';
Change it to:
$hashTagStr = "php,mysql,css";
$hashTags = explode(",", $hashTagStr);
$hashTagsStr = '';
foreach($hashTags as $k => $v){
$hashTagsStr .= '#'.$v.' ';
echo $hashTagsStr;
Pass your values by reference:
$hashTags = array("php","mysql","css");
foreach ( $hashTags as &$v ) $v = "#" . $v;
Then hammer out the results:
// #php #mysql #css
echo implode( " ", $hashTags );
Demo: http://codepad.org/zbtLF5Pk
Let's examine what you're doing:
// You start with a string, all good.
$hashTagStr = "php,mysql,css";
// Blow it apart into an array - awesome!
$hashTags = explode( "," , $hashTagStr );
// Yeah, let's cycle this badboy!
foreach($hashTags as $k => $v) {
// Iteration 1: Yeah, empty strings!
// Iteration 2: Yeah, empty...wait, OMG!
$hashTagsStr = '';
// Concat onto an empty var
$hashTagsStr .= '#'.$v.' ';
// Show our final output
echo $hashTagsStr;
looks like a Job for array_walk
$hashTagStr = "php,mysql,css";
$hashTags = explode(",", $hashTagStr);
array_walk($hashTags, function(&$value){ $value = "#" . $value ;} );
var_dump(implode(" ", $hashTags));
string '#php #mysql #css' (length=16)
You should move the $hashTagsStr = '' line outsite the foreach loop, otherwise you reset it each time
You are defining the variable $hashTagsStrinside the loop.
$hashTagStr = "php,mysql,css";
$hashTags = explode(",", $hashTagStr);
$hashTagsStr = '';
foreach($hashTags as $k => $v){
$hashTagsStr .= '#'.$v.' ';
echo $hashTagsStr;
Anyway, I think this would be simpler:
$hashTagStr = "php,mysql,css";
$hashTagStr = '#' . str_replace(',', ' #', $hashTagStr);
echo $hashTagStr;
During each iteration of the loop, you are doing $hashTagsStr = '';. This is setting the variable to '', and then appending the current tag. So, when it's done, $hashTagsStr will only contain the last tag.
Also, a loop seems like too much work here, you can much easier just replace the , with #. No need to break it into an aray, no need to loop. Try this:
$hashTagStr = "php,mysql,css";
$hashTagStr = '#'.str_replace(',', ' #', $hashTagStr);
function prepend( $pre, $array )
return array_map(
function($t) use ($pre) { return $pre.$t; }, $array
What you semantically have in your string is an array. ➪ So better explode as soon as possible, and keep working with your array, as long as possible.
Closures & anonymous functions as shown work in PHP 5.4+.