Install and use PHP for IIS7: WINDOWS 7 - php

I installed Apache, PHP and Apache to be used with PHP. The Apache server was never pointing to localhost, and the localhost always pointed to IIS instead of Apache.
Interestingly, I had a seperate website (explicitly named with, running locally with default port 80 and upon firing the Apache server the site was being used (instead of localhost) for displaying the Apache-based folders.
However, both are not able to process PHP and I've been trying to get this to work for almost a day now (I thought it wouldn't be too rough on me initially)
So since no matter what change I've made:
Apache configuration to use specific IP, rather than port 80.
Restricted IIS on specific ports, rather than port 80 and all local ports.
Disabled IIS via 'Services' in Administrative Tools.
Forced restart of 'Apache Service' via 'Services' in Administrative Tools (this threw an error). But restarting it via the Apache Http server menu options seemed to work fine.
Installed XAMPP so it will run directly (not sure if I'm using this wrong though, it did seem to start up but again localhost was never pointing to the Apache's 'htdocs' like it's supposed to.
PHP was added to Apache as well as downloaded (both .MSI, .ZIP installed for BOTH Apache and IIS).
No option seems to make the PHP process, it just displays the source code (like in HTML you have the html, head, body tags displayed on the web site instead of actual HTML ). It's pretty frustrating that:
After different attempts to disable IIS, I've not been able to.
Apache has everything configured to run PHP (I have actually done this on a Macbook once a long time back, don't remember if I missed anything though) but it doesn't work.
No errors are thrown, except that localhost is not displayed (I stopped the sites that were on IIS, and localhost points to IIS, any attempts at accessing either the IIS specific folders, or the Apache sites are not working).
Also, several attempts of getting PHP to work on WINDOWS 7 (yes in capital letters) has failed as well. Please help!!! Let me know if any specific details may help in troubleshooting, and I will be glad to provide them.

Well, firstly, apache is obviously now running as you can see the php source.
If you only see php source, assuming the PHP file is of a .php extension, you can boil it down to almost certainly the mime type hasnt been set.
in your apache config there will be lines such as:
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
if not, add it.
If that doesnt work it would really seem it hasnt heard of PHP at all.
having not got apache on win7 to hand, theres probably a loadmodule line missing, while this is aimed at vista, this may have some ideas.

Just use some prebuilt solution....
I use WAMP, But there are loads out there.


How to setup a PHP server?

I'm trying to set up a PHP server. We have an old server that runs a bunch of in house forms over an intranet that is coded in ASP, and I'm trying to rebuild that into a better system using PHP.
I'm starting fresh, as have been given a Win 2012 r2 server.
I first tried installing IIS 8. I installed downloaded the files for php (version 7). I was successful in being able to access index.html and any other files placed in the c/inetpub/wwwroot folder from a different PC via a browser (http://servername/file.php). However, I installed MariaDB and phpmyadmin. phpmyadmin gave the the message the mysqli extension is missing.
I ultimately uninstalled IIS, and PHP, and the MariaDB. I wanted to start from scratch, and tried with Apache
I was able to get Apache and PHP to work together, but I could not access files in the htdocs folder from a different PC (going to http://<servername>/file.php). I could only access it via localhost.
I had the same problems with phpmyadmin and mysqli.
I also noticed there was no php.ini file... rather I saw a php-ini-production and php-ini-development files.
How to I fix the phpmyadmin problem? Any advice for configuring apache so that I can access files place in the htdocs folder from a device other than the server itself (non-localhost)?
I recommend using XAMPP, then you'll have MySQL, and may be you could configure to use MariaDB as well.
If you use XAMPP, phpmyadmin is not available other than localhost, but that is configurable. If you want i can help you find a good video for that.
take the php-ini-production file and rename it to php.ini and find the line
and just remove the leading semicolon (;), save and restart apache.
Also you need to open the firewall on your machine to allow port 80 to accept all connections.

Wamp Server not starting in Windows 10 64-bit

I was writing some PHP code for my web application recently. I was trying to test sending an e-mail from a contact form on a local server (by using a variety of methods, including SendMail). None of them worked (though it may be code-related but I don't know yet). I basically restarted Apache/MySQL several times throughout testing. At one point when I was changing the configurations for SendMail, I was unable to re-start Apache & MySQL after stopping them. The icon remained red. Every time I try to start Apache, nothing would happen and the icon still remains red. I tried doing it manually from Services but it's giving me an error. It has always worked in the past, so I am not sure what's happening now or whether or not changing some of the SMTP configurations on php.ini or sendmail.ini and installing these mail server tools messed something up?
Anyone have any suggestions on how to fix/troubleshoot this? I am pretty new to server-side development. I appreciate the help!
It could be a hundred different things, do what welshGaz said and check your logs. If you're still stuck after that, you have the following options:
Uninstall/Reinstall WAMP
Try an alternative to WAMP such as XAMPP
Spin up a virtual environment using virtual box and ubuntu
Spin up a server on Amazon Web Services, Heroku, etc.
These are options are of the last-resort variety, but if you're in a pinch and don't have time to troubleshoot, one of these options might be a faster way to get back up and running.
I think the first place to go would be the WAMP logs. On Windows these can be found under the root_application_install_directory/logs. For example on my Windows 10 machine I can find them under C:\wamp64\logs.
You should find all logs from Apache, PHP etc. placed here. Having a look at those may help you get closer to the cause of your issue and why the server is not starting.

nginx and REMOTE_HOST

I have a VPS with Plesk that has a nginx+apache setup.
The problem: REMOTE_HOST php $_SERVER environment value contains the domain name of the website, instead of the client's host name.
I've enabled "HostnameLookups On" in apache2.conf (= httpd.conf).
However, because nginx is in between the client and Apache, it seems it's not properly setting REMOTE_HOST. If I connect directly to the php page through the Apache port, the REMOTE_HOST variable is set correctly!
Does anyone have a clue? Been trying to figure it out for hours and nothing seems to work.
I need it to work, because eventually I want to deny from host names in .htaccess.
you should rather consider to use Fail2Ban, when you have Plesk installed on your server, because you seem to miss the fact, that your ".htaccess" - file will be completely ignored by nginx.
Pls. consider as well to include MORE informations about your current Plesk version and the operating system on your server, if you desire more help and keep in mind, that the Plesk Community forum offers quite a lot of suggestions and work - arounds for Plesk and it's components and as well for the possible extensions: =>

XAMPP (LAMPP) server not serving php files properly, browser tries to download the script & weird behavior

I'm starting a new project using Linux and PHP, but for the early dev state i'm now, I'm trying to use XAMPP for now.
I'm Running Ubuntu 10.04 x64 on a laptop, And got everything I need. The site I should build is based upon CodeIgniter and some implementation of smarty, but I think this is not that important because the same site runs pretty well on windows (with XAMPP )
The Problem I have is, if I put some php file on the root (like foo.php) with phpinfo() on it, the server parsed it as it should be, but when I try to get the url for one CodeIgniter app (as http://localhost/site/site.php ), Firefox tries to download the file & Chrome alerts some server error.
Again, the site as it works perfectly on windows (I share code using mercurial, if that's important)
I have around 3 codeigniter apps sharing the same System folder, and those get pickup by the loader (as site.php, admin.php...), but anyone I pick I still getting the same msg.
Also, the server list all the files perfectly, and tried to rename the file and then asked for the same (to see if the problem is cache or something) but I get a 404.
I'm also a newbie on apache and linux in general, I don't know what to do...
Check your apache.conf and httpd.conf. There are configuration entries called AddHandler which assign a module to each file extension which should handle this. If no module is provided the apache will send the file as plain text to the client.

PHP5 on IIS6 - The specified CGI application misbehaved

PHP v5.2.8
Windows Server 2003 SP2 (IIS 6, I believe, though I can't find a version # anywhere in IIS manager)
The full error is:
"CGI Error
The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers."
I installed the WAMP stack from, and the PHP pages work completely fine when visiting via Apache, which I have running on port 8888. However, due to network configuration and firewall reasons, I have to get this working on the IIS server on port 80. There are other websites running on port 80, including a default website that can't be changed. Unfortunately, I also have to have this running as a virtual directory, such as, instead of as it's own website such as The reason for this is that the firewall, beyond my control, requires new passthrough rules to allow access on a new subdomain.
This same WAMP stack from Bitnami is working fine on another server when the php app runs as it's own "website" in IIS, since I can add a new PHP ISAPI filter - but that tab/option is not available on virtual directories.
I've installed the php "Web Service Extension" in IIS Manager. I have tried both php-cgi and the php5isapi.dll in the web-service-extensions. Furthermore, I have tried both of those as the "application extension" under the websites "configuration" mappings.
I've also tried mix/match combinations of the php5isapi.dll and php-cgi.exe for the "web service extensions" and the websites "configuration" extension mappings.
I've tried tweaking a few things in php.ini, (including making sure the doc_root is blank). However, as I mentioned before, this website works fine when visited via the Apache port. IIS points to the exact same directory.
What on earth is causing this error? I've spent quite a bit of time searching online, and it seems this error pops up for a few different reasons. If one had a PHP app that did a raw write to the response without writing the headers first would cause this error. Some PHP apps can cause this error when there is a PHP error resulting in some malformed redirect.
My php error logs are missing in action. In my php.ini I have
error_reporting = E_ALL
display_errors = On
log_errors = On
display_startup_errors = On
error_log = "c:\temp\php.error.log"
But there is never a log file in c:\temp. I also tried escaping the slashes, and tried forward slashes in the path, and the log file never shows up.
Again, I feel compelled to mention that this all works fine via apache, so it doesn't seem like PHP itself is bailing due to some strange configuration (even though I can't find the log file) Not to mention this is the same php.ini that I use on the other computer where this is working fine via IIS (where the php app is it's own "website" instead of a virtual directory).
I don't know what other info to provide - but I'm at my wits end after battling this off and on for several days. If I drop an HTML page in, I can visit that just fine via IIS under this virtual directory. What can be causing this?
The app I'm trying to run is vBulletin. Not sure that it matters a whole lot other than to give credence to the correctness of the PHP in the app.
This should have solve all it, takes care of these issues.
IIS Aid PHP Installer
