In Symfony, in which directory do I put my custom class? - php

In my symfony application I would like to create custom php class. And access that class via back end and front end. Can someone show me which folder should I put that class and how to access it?
Thanks in advance!

You can put it in the /lib folder. There it'll be autoloaded by Symfony .
It's recommended to create subfolders in /lib to group classes/files by their function.
(for example a directory /lib/routing for classes that concern the routing).


Codeigniter how to access views/web pages from third party folders

I am in the process of installing SimpleSAML and in the php library, there is a folder called www that has index.php. According to the docs, there is an admin console within it. However, at the moment I am unable to access it via the url
I am supposed to use the admin console to generate some metadata so I'm just wondering if it is possible to route to a view from there?
I'm thinking that I create a controller and just hard link $this->load->view('url to www') but I'm not sure if that works.
In controller’s constructor add
include APPPATH . 'third_party/simplesaml/www/index.php';
to include the file in your project.
you can set base path in route file and instead of $this->load->view() you can use renderView() function to access view in codeigniter.

According to this tutorial where have I to create this class in my Laravel project (a class implementing the UserProviderInterface interface)

I am abslolutly new in PHP and moreover in Laravel framework (I came from Java).
I am following this tutorial to create a custom authentication driver:
I have a very newbye doubt: at the beginning of this tutorial it show that I have to create a class that implements UserProviderInterface.
It only show the code but not where this class have to be put into my Laravel project. The only clue about its positioning is the namespace:
namespace MyApp\Extensions;
But exactly where have I to put it?
I have the following structure:
It say to put it into MyApp\Extensions but I have not MyApp and Extension folder in my project? (or maybe the nampespaces name doesn't reflect a directory structure into the project tree?)
So where have I to create this class?
if you want it to go inside MyApp\Extensions, consider MyApp as the app folder.
Then only thing to do is create a folder named Extensions inside app folder and create your UserProviderInterface.php there.
But If I were you, I'd create it under app\Auth\Providers\UserProviderInterface.php
I believe what the page author meant was to create a folder named Extensions and create the provider file under app/Extensions folder. MyApp is just a custom namespace that the author chose, that in default laravel app, it should be App.
Which means, if you create a folder Extensions under app folder, the DummyAuthProvider should then be in the namespace of namespace App\Extensions;

CodeIgniter - extend native library in multiple-site setup

I want to use a central CI setup for multiple sites. The way I handle this is I created a package called MPACK and added it to autoload in the config file of each site.
Folder Structure:
/system (CI 2 System folder)
Inside this MPACK I have share libraries, models, helpers, etc.
However, I would like to have an extended MY_Form_Validation that would be common to ALL sites. Adding the class file to /MPACK/libraries fails. Adding it to /site1/application works fine, as expected.
Is there any way to do this extending inside MPACK?
Thank you for your time.
Please try this:
// Placed your MY_Form_validation.php under MPACK/libraries
You can get more information from CodeIgniter User Guide - Loader Class. :)
You can also autoload your package in /application/config/autoload.php : $autoload['packages'] = array('/path/to/MPACK');
EDIT: turn out that the above solution doesn't work, because Loader always look for APPPATH & BASEPATH first, and I not sure modifying this core class won't break something. Here is another solution in theory:
You should have your MPACK form validation lib, and sites' form validation lib should be symlinks to the MPACK one:
/site1/application/MY_Form_validation.php -> /MPACK/libraries/MY_Form_validation.php
If you just use everything from MPACK, nothing specifically for /site1 or /site2, just make a folder link:
/site1/application/libraries/ -> /MPACK/application/libraries/
Hope this help =)
You can read more here:

In which folder to place the classes that I extend in the Kohana 3.1 framework?

I am new to the kohana php framework. In the modules folder in kohana 3.1, there are many empty files extending the existing classes. Should I write my code in those empty files?
If yes, do I have to make any changes in bootstrap?
If not, where should I place these files? Should they be in a subfolder inside the Application directory or inside the modules directory?
Which all files will I have to copy from the modules to application?
Those empty files you see are aliases created for the class. An example would be the Cookie class, declared as so:
class Cookie extends Kohana_Cookie {}
It's just another way for you to refer to the real class, in this case Kohana_Cookie, without having to type all that out.
So when you use something like Cookie::salt($name, $value) you're really just using Kohana_Cookie::salt($name, $value).
If you want to extend a class, you can drop the files into your application/classes folder and go from there.
check out the docs at
you can extend classes in the folder: application/classes/.. or modules//classes/..

PHP: Storing objects in a Symfony plug-in module's lib/ directory

I am building a Symfony project, and have created a new plug-in named sfUtilsPlugin. I currently have a directory structure that looks like this:
Now, in the sfUtilsPlugin/modules/sfSearchLucene/lib directory, I have an object called sfLucene. The idea was that this object is accessible from the Symfony auto loading mechanism, so that it can be instantiated from anywhere within the application.
However, simply adding the sfLucene.class.php file to the sfUtilsPlugin/modules/sfSearchLucene/lib directory does not appear to add it to the autoloader.
Does anyone out there know why this might be happening? Perhaps it is just not possible to automatically use objects stored in this location inside Symfony.
Any advice is appreciated.
Because you are adding this class in lib subdirectory of module sfLucene, it will be autoloaded only if current module is sfLucene.
You have two options:
put this class somewhere into sfUtilsPlugin/lib directory;
require them every time you need it
