Sessions and PHP classes - php

I'm used to java, objective c and a little c++.
Now i want to use PHP to create a website. I created several classes but to keep it simple: 3 classes.
Account - DataMapper - DataManager
This means that i can get an account from the database. In DataManager i keep track of all things. Like the userId of the user.
The thing is, normally all setted variables stay 'set', but now i'm using php i apperently need to store them by using a session.
<? php
class DataManager
// Hold an instance of the class
private static $dm;
private $dataMapper;
private $dictationView;
private $userId;
private function __construct()
$this->dataMapper = new DataMapper();
$this->dictationView = new DictationView();
// The singleton method
public static function singleton()
if (!isset(self::$dm)) {
$c = __CLASS__;
self::$dm = new $c;
return self::$dm;
// Prevent users to clone the instance
public function __clone()
trigger_error('Clone is not allowed.', E_USER_ERROR);
function __get($prop) {
return $this->$prop;
function __set($prop, $val) {
$this->$prop = $val;
If i set the userId in the singleton DataManager class, the next time i
call an instance of the DataManager class it will not rememeber the userId. Somewhere i have to deal with session i guess. How to use sessions in a good OOP way in the DataManager? Thanks!

If you want you can create a wrapper for sessions in PHP. It actually could be beneficial, especially if your application later had to migrate to a cluster of servers and sessions would be moved to a distributed cache. Then, to facilitate this migration you would only have to provide different implementation if same Session class interface.
That said.
This code there itself is not a good OOP. You should stop using singletons. And, if you class require instances of DataMapper and DictationView, then they should be created outside the class and provided in the constructor. Instead of creating a tight coupling because you constructor is making other objects.

Now, what you refer to is not PHP but rather how a client-server architecture is being handled.
Here is a change, which assumes you manage the session correctly (with regard to session_start - should be in the bootstrap of your file)
I have also added some of topic corrections to your code, which will help u in the future:
private function __construct()
$this->dataMapper = new DataMapper();
$this->dictationView = new DictationView();
// The singleton method
public static function singleton()
get_class($_SESSION[self::MY_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER] == 'DataManager'){
self::$dm = $_SESSION[self::MY_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER];
if (!self::$dm) {//LOOK HERE LOOK HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
$_SESSION[self::MY_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER] = self::$dm = new self;
return self::$dm;
// Prevent users to clone the instance
public function __clone()
trigger_error('Clone is not allowed.', E_USER_ERROR);
function __get($prop) {
return $this->$prop;
function __set($prop, $val) {
$this->$prop = $val;
//LOOK HERE LOOK HERE no closing ?>
Some traps I did not address here as they are not the subject of this question:
The right way to manage sessions
Adjustment to the class to allow inheritance without trashing the session


Nested Objects in PHP

Likely this has already been asked, but nevertheless, here goes. This may fall under best practice or security... I'm not really sure.
In my application, I am using a nested object, that is called in the __construct() function. Sort of like this:
class user {
public $userID = NULL;
public $someObject = NULL;
public function __construct() {
$this->userID = getThisUser();
$this->someObject = new objectBuilder($this->userID);
public function getThisUser() {
// ...
class objectBuilder {
public $buriedVar = NULL;
public function __construct($uid = NULL) {
if( !isset($uid) ) {
$this->buriedVar = setTheObject($uid);
} else {
$this->buriedVar = setTheObject(0);
public function setTheObject($id) {
// ...
return "random string";
$tom = new user();
Obviously terrible outline here, but the point is, I can then call $tom->someObject->buriedVar and it'll return "random string".
While looking for a way to nest classes, I noticed no one recommends this as a method for storing objects inside of another object. I'm curious of a few things:
1) Is this insecure?
2) Are the vars inside the nested object exclusive to the call made inside $tom->__construct(), or if I create another object using new objectBuilder() is it overwriting the one inside $tom->someObject? I haven't noticed this, but am not sure how to test for that entirely.
3) Is there something else I'm missing? A best practice reason not to instantiate an object inside a class? I've been using it for years and it works great for what I've done. Is it a speed thing?
1) Is this insecure?
Not inherently, no.
2) Are the vars inside the nested object exclusive to the call made
inside $tom->__construct(), or if I create another object using new
objectBuilder() is it overwriting the one inside $tom->someObject? I
haven't noticed this, but am not sure how to test for that entirely.
This is a fundamental question between class and object. Objects are instances of a class and there can be multiple. The only things that would be overwritten are static properties and methods. You could test it like this:
$obj1 = new objectBuilder();
$obj2 = new objectBuilder();
if ($obj1 !== $obj2) {
echo "objects are not the same\n";
if ($obj1->buriedVar !== $obj2->buriedVar) {
echo "nested objects are not the same either\n";
$obj3 = new objectBuilder(1);
if ($obj1->buriedVar != $obj3->buriedVar) {
echo "even the values of two different buried vars with different values are different.\n";
if ($obj1->buriedVar == $obj2->buriedVar) {
echo "counter-example: nested variables with the same values set are similar.\n";
It helps to know the difference between equality and identity (see this SO post).
3) Is there something else I'm missing? A best practice reason not to
instantiate an object inside a class? I've been using it for years and
it works great for what I've done. Is it a speed thing?
You touched on it briefly. What you should know is that this is not scalable and is difficult to test.
Imagine you're creating a website for dogs.
class Bio
public function __construct()
$this->dog = new Dog('Terrier');
class Dog
private $animal = 'dog';
private $noise = 'woof!';
private $breed;
public function __construct($breed=null)
public function setBreed($breed)
$this->breed = $breed;
What if you want to add a new breed? Well... That's easy enough:
class Bio
// ...
public function __construct($breed)
$this->dog = new Dog($breed);
// ...
Cool! You've solved everything.
One day you want to create a section for cats, because one of your best writers also loves cats, and you sense an untapped market.
Uh oh...
You can refactor the code, of course. But you wrote it a long time ago. Now you have to go in and figure out where everything went. No big deal.. A bit annoying but you fixed it!
But now you have another problem. Turns out that the same author wants to add different traits to the breed. You're surprised this hasn't come up sooner but, hey, it's probably a good thing to have.
Now you need to go in to the Dog object, and the Cat object, and add traits.
Every single time.
On. Every. Bio.
After some reconfiguring, you've created something monstrous like this:
$article1 = new Bio('Terrier', 'dog', ['independent']);
$article2 = new Bio('Persian', 'cat', ['flat-faced']);
//... and so on, and so on
The next time the author asks for something, you fire her and then tear your hair out in a mad rage.
Or, from the beginning, you use Dependency Injection.
class Bio
private $animal;
public function __construct(AnimalInterface $animal)
$this->animal = $animal;
interface Animal
public function getType();
public function setBreed($breed);
public function getBreed();
public function setTraits(array $traits);
public function getTraits();
abstract class AbstractAnimal implements AnimalInterface
private $breed;
private $traits = [];
abstract public function getType();
public function setBreed($breed)
$this->breed = $breed;
public function getBreed()
return $this->breed;
public function setTraits(array $traits)
$this->traits = $traits;
public function getTraits()
return (array)$this->traits;
class Cat extends AbstractAnimal
public function getType()
return 'cat';
class Dog extends AbstractAnimal
public function getType()
return 'dog';
This pattern requires little to no editing after it has been created.
Why? Because you are injecting the object to nest into the class, rather than instantiating it in the object.
$bio1 = new Bio($dog); $bio2 = new Bio($cat); can always stay like this. Now you just edit the $dog and $cat objects. The added benefit is that these objects can be used anywhere.
But what about utility classes?
(This is where testability comes in. If you haven't worked with unit testing, I recommend reading up on it in the link to PHPUnit below. I'm not going to dwell on how that works as it's off topic).
Dependency Injection is well and good if you have classes that require customization. But what about utility classes that just house various functions?
class Utils
public function add($a, $b)
return $a + $b;
You might think that you can call this function safely from the constructor. And you can. However, one day you might create a log method in your Utils class:
public function log($msg)
exec("cat '$msg' > /tmp/log.txt");
This works just fine. However, when you run tests, your /tmp/log.txt file complains. "Invalid permissions!". When this method is run via your website, log.txt needs to be writeable by www-data.
You could just chmod 777 /tmp/log.txt, but that would mean everyone who has access to your server can write to that log. Additionally, you may not want to always write to the same log when you're testing as when you're navigating through the web interface (Personally, I would find it confusing and cluttering).
PHPUnit and other unit testing services allow you to mock various objects. The problem is that you have classes calling Utils directly.
You have to find a way to manually override the constructor. Look at PHPUnit's manual to find out why this maybe isn't ideal.
So if you're not using Dependency Injection, what do you do?
PHPUnit suggests, amongst other fixes, moving this Utils object instantiation to another method and then stubbing/mocking that method in your unit test (I want to emphasize that this is after recommending Dependency Injection).
So the next best?
public function __construct()
private function init()
$this->utils = new Utils;
Now when you unit test, you can create a fake init method and it will be called as soon as the class is created.
In conclusion, the way you are currently instantiating classes is not scalable or easily testable in many real world situations. While it may be all right in limited situations, it is better to get used to the DI (Dependency Injection) pattern, because it will save you lots of headaches in the future.

Singleton v Single Instance DB Connection in PHP

I'm moving onto teaching myself OOP in PHP.
I'm creating a couple of little web apps and have followed a lot of tutorials that either create the database (using PDO) via a Singleton, or via passing the global around. I've read that these are pretty much the same thing and are both to be avoided like the plague.
So I've watched the Google Tech Talks on clean code, and read almost every SO article on dependency injection and the like. I have a couple of questions.
The clean code videos suggest you shouldn't do 'work' in your constructors. Is this 'work' in reference to business logic. Ie. If my class's job is to create another object, is that an OK kind of 'work'?
For example, in trying to conform to single repsonibility classes I created three.
Class DB - which actually connects to the database.
Class DBFactory - which creates the DB object which connects to the database.
Class DBInstance - which returns a single instance of the DBFactory created PDO object.
Please note that I'm trying to create a single instance, without creating a Singleton pattern.
So I try and pass my dependencies for each class up the chain. I find myself in a position where I have to create all of the objects (from DB down) so I can inject the dependencies. For some reason I thought it would work the other way, I'd create the first object, which would create the second for me etc. I'm clearly missing something?
Hopefully this helps others as well - there seems to be a myriad of questions relating to this stuff and databases but very little good examples.
(I should mention this does work, I do get a list of hotel names out of the database!)
include './classes/DB.php';
include './classes/DBFactory.php';
include './classes/DBInstance.php';
include './classes/Location.php';
$db = new DB;
$dbfactory = new DBFactory($db);
$dbinstance = new DBInstance($dbfactory);
$dbh = $dbinstance->getDbInstance();
//Example business logic
$location_names = Location::getLocationNames($dbh);
Class DB.php:
class DB {
private $_dbhost = 'myhost';
private $_dbname = 'myname';
private $_dbuser = 'myuser';
private $_dbpass = 'mypass';
private $_error;
public function connect() {
try {
return new PDO("mysql:host=$this->_dbhost;dbname=$this->_dbname",
$this->_dbuser, $this->_dbpass);
catch (PDOException $e) {
$this->_error = 'Error! ' . $e->getMessage() . '<br />';
public function getError() {
if (isset($this->_error)) {
return $this->_error;
Class DBFactory.php
class DBFactory {
private $_dbh;
public function __construct(DB $db) {
$this->_dbh = $db;
public function Create() {
return $this->_dbh->Connect();
Class DBInstance.php
class DBInstance {
private static $_dbinstance;
public function __construct(DBFactory $dbfactory) {
if (!isset(self::$_dbinstance)) {
self::$_dbinstance = $dbfactory->Create();
public function getDbInstance() {
return self::$_dbinstance;
Your code seems to do what you want it to.. but maybe we can use less object instantiation using inheritance and maybe we can avoid static properties in instanciated classes.
Also in regard to using a pattern of dependency injection that is able to handle multiple connections, but support using a single instance of it. exemple first, classes after
$params = array
'charset'=>'utf8'); // passing the charset explicitely is great
$handle = new handle($params);
$db = $handle->getInstance();
we can either pass the $db to our functions
$location_names = Location::getLocationNames($db);
or the whole $handle. as long as $handle is not reconstructed, it will always return the same database connection.
$location_names = Location::getLocationNames($handle);
if I want to reconstruct I need the whole $handle
$handle->__construct(/* params but with another database infos */);
$db2 = $handle->getInstance();
As for the classes, I think we want the params to arrive from the instanciated class, so we can change them later.
class db {
function __construct($params) {
foreach ($params as $param => $value) {
$this->{$param} = $value; // assigns the connections infos
protected function connect() {
$dsn = 'mysql:host='.$this->host.';dbname='.$this->db.';charset='.$this->charset;
return new PDO($dsn,$this->user,$this->pass);
the factory creates a connection from params and passes it to something else, good factory
class factory extends db {
protected function create() {
return $this->connect();
now we want to have our object to keep it's connection as long as we do not rebuild it. so we give it to instance
class instance extends factory {
function instantiate() {
$this->instance = $this->create();
and last but not least, our handle which returns the instance. it could be in instance class.....................
but I feel like having four and find no real reason not to.
class handle extends instance {
function __construct($params) {
$this->instantiate(); // when we construct a handle, we assign an instance to the instance property
function getInstance() {
return $this->instance;
Don't make things more complex than they are, of course this is just my opinion, but as I see it you are building a complex solution for a problem that someone else says might exist is some cases.
Php is not multi threaded so there goes one of the biggest arguments overboard. (in very rare-occasions it might be)
I'm using singletons for my database connections for about 15 years now and never ever had a problem with them, I do play around with different connections having one singleton handle several connection instances, but whatever... it works great and everyone that looks at the code.. understands it directly.
I'm not using globals because they can be overwritten and are kind of hard to predict (when it holds the correct object, and when/why they don't)
Use OOP to make your code cleaner, easier to work with and more flexible.
Don't use it to fix problems that aren't there and make your code more complex because others tell you to.
An very simple example of a db-connection singleton class handling several different connections.
class singleton{
private static $_instances=array();
public static function getInstance($connectionName){
return self::$_instance[$connectionName];
just my 2 cents
Why do you have a factory if you have a singleton? This is needless.
This is a never-ending debate, but I'm advocate of do not use singletons for database connections.
As far as in most applications, you have only one data channel, you can consider your database connection unique, but this might not be always true.
In deed, the effort made to create a singleton database connection is even bigger than just create a regular one.
Also, your class DB is not configurable, therefore, you need to change it when your connection parameters change. And I think DB is a very bad name for this.
I'd rather call this Storage and do something like:
inteface Storage {
public function insert($container, array $data);
public function update($container, array $data, $where);
public function delete($container, $where);
public function getAll($container);
public function getOne($identifier);
final class PdoStorage implements Storage {
private $dbh;
private $dsn;
private $user;
private $pswd;
public function __construct($dsn, $user, $pswd) {
$this->dsn = $dsn;
$this->user = $user;
$this->pswd = $pswd;
// Lazy Initialization
private function connect() {
if ($this->dbh === null)
$this->dbh = new PDO($this->dsn, $this->user, $this->pswd);
public function insert($container, array $data) {
// ... omitted for brevity
Now, when you need a database storage, you do:
$someObj = new SomeClass(new PdoStorage(...));
Now you might be wondering if you will need to create an PdoStorage for each single object that depends on it.
The answer is: no!
Now you can use a factory to simplify your life.
class SomeFactory {
private $defaultStorage;
public function __construct(Storage $storage) {
$this->defaultStorage = $storage;
public function create($type) {
// Somehow fetches the correct class to instantiate and put it into $class variable , for example... and then
return new $class($this->defaultStorage); // Or you'd better do this with reflection
$factory = new SomeFactory(new PdoStorage(...));
This way, you can have just one database connector or more if you need.

Trigger an event when a function is called in a class

Is is possible in PHP to trigger an event whenever a function in a class is called, without adding it to every function in the class?
class A {
function xxx() {
//this function will be called everytime I call another function in this class
public static function b() {
return 'Hello Stackoverflow!';
public static function c() {
//I also want this function to trigger the event!
echo A::b();
AFAIK there are no native language constructs for this. If you need it for debugging purposes I would advice you to have deeper look into the xdebug extension especially function traces (awesome! :)
Another idea would be to implement __call() in your class and wrap all public methods. But this requires to change the code and has other side effects:
(simplified example)
class Test {
protected $listeners;
public function __construct() {
$this->listeners = array();
private function a() {
echo 'something';
private function b() {
echo 'something else';
public function __call($fname, $args) {
call_user_func_array(array($this, $fname), $args);
foreach($this->listeners as $listener) {
$listener->notify('fname was called');
public function addListener(Listener $listener) {
$this->listeners[]= $listener;
class Listener {
public function notify($message) {
echo $message;
$t = new Test();
$l = new Listener();
This is a classic task for aspect oriented programming (AOP). PHP has no native support for AOP, however, there are some frameworks that make AOP in PHP possible. One of these is the GO! AOP PHP framework. You can also implement AOP using runkit.
You need for PHP SplObserver: From PHP Doc
This is a classic task for dependency injection and lazy initialization! The dependency is the MySQL connection. As it first needs to be available when the first query is executed, it need not be initialized at "startup", but only then. This is called lazy initialization, and its implementation is extremly simple:
class DbStuff {
private $__conn = NULL;
protected function _getConn() {
if ( is_null( $this->__conn ) {
$this->__conn = ... ; // init (MySQL) DB connection here
// throw on errors!
return $this->__conn;
public function someQuery($arg1, $arg2) {
$conn = $this->_getConn();
// MySQL query here:
All "refactoring" required is calling $this->_getConn() in every query method.
Aspect oriented programming is not the instrument to solve this, because the DB connection is an innate dependency of the query, and not an aspect of it. Automatic logging of all queries executed were an aspect.
A trigger built around PHP's __call() isn't a good choice either; aside from knocking out modern IDE's inspections - which are great to see quickly whether a module is fine - it would unnecessarily complicate tests: a protected $this->_getWhatever() can easily be overwritten in a test facade object - derived from the class to test - to return a mock object or whatever. With __call(), more code is needed for the same purpose, which induces the risk of errors in code which is only there for testing (and should be absolutely free of errors)

Instantiate object defined as property in a PHP class as needed (lazy loading)

For the sake of simplicity, assume I have 2 classes, User and UserStatus, used in a Web application.
// library code:
class UserStatus {
protected $_status = NULL;
private function fetchDataFromDB() {
// regular DB stuff
$this->_status = ...
// result will be something like 'online', 'away', etc.
public function getIcon() {
global $icon_array;
if (is_null($this->_status)) {
return $icon_array[$this->_status];
class User {
protected $user_id;
public $user_name;
protected $status;
public function __construct() {}
public static function getAll() {
// some DB stuff
return $users;
// and now, in index.php:
$users = User::getAll();
// echoes the icon to use to reflect the current user status
foreach ($users as $user) {
echo <img src="$user->status->getIcon()"/>;
In most of the HTTP request the status object will not be used so I'm looking for a way to only instantiate it as needed (call it lazy loading). How should I intercept the status->method() call and create that object on-the-fly?
An important note is that I need $user_id available in the UserStatus class, otherwise the fetchDataFromDB() method won't know to which user it should fetch the data. How should this be done?
I've looked at some interesting stuff on this matter like Fabien Potencier's What is Dependency Injection? and Pimple - a PHP 5.3 dependency injection container and also some articles about the Proxy Pattern but to implement them it looks like I have to mess a lot with the current code. Is there a simpler way?
Maybe im missing something but it seems the easiest solution in this instance would be to have your getter for Status simply create the object if it doesnt exist...
public function getStatus()
// or however you creat this object..
$this->status = new UserStatus($this->user_id);
return $this->status;
public function __get($property)
$method = 'get'.ucfirst($property); // getStatus
if(method_exists($this, $method))
return $this->$method();
By using the __get magic method anytime you do $user->status it will call $user->getStatus(). Ofcourse you could also always just access it like: $user->getStatus()->getIcon() as well.
However you decide to set up accessing your properties i would recommend doing it in a consistent way across your entire model.
You could put the status class in a different file and then leverage php's autoloading mechnism:
to not load that file until you access it.
There are rumors that auto loading (or actually just any kind of conditional loading) is troublesome for byte code caches and optimizers though unfortunately I don't know too much about the impact.
P.S.: The manual does not say rhis explicity at this point: You can also use spl_autoload_register() instead of just defining the magic __autoload function. This is slightly more powerful.

Advice on framework design

i'm currently constructing some kind of mini-framework for a project, and come up with this solution. I have tried many of them, but this seems to me very convinient (code is shortened for simplicity):
# Basically it's just a Registry pattern
class Repository {
private static $objects = array();
public function loadObject($alias, $object) {
self :: $objects[$alias] = $object;
return true;
public function __get($name) {
if ($this->objectExists($name)) {
return self::$objects[$name];
} else {
return false;
class Database extends Repository {
/* database class */
class Session extends Repository {
public function some_func($key, $value) {
/* i can access database object using $this in any class that extends Repository */
$this -> database -> exec (/* sql */);
/* =================== */
# Load core objects
$R = new Repository :: getInstance();
$R -> loadObject ('config', new Config());
$R -> loadObject ('database', new Database());
$R -> loadObject ('session', new Session());
/* =================== */
Can you see any problems or drawbacks with this approach? For me i see maybe i little more memory consumption, because each next class holds more and more objects from Repository.
Before i had a design where each class was independent, but anyway all of them require database, session, config etc, no i had to declare them in any class.
Just wanted to note that i'm planning this design only for core objects, not for specific classes.
Don't extend Repository:
A database is not a repository, a repository has a database
Your database/session/config aren't related and shouldn't be. Liskov substitution principle:
[...] if S is a subtype of T, then objects of type T in a program may be replaced with objects of type S without altering any of the desirable properties of that program (e.g., correctness).
Edit: trying to answer follow-up questions in this reply.
This technique is called dependency injection. A session example:
class Session {
// notice the clean API since no methods are carried along from a possibly huge base class
public function __construct(ISessionStorage $storage) {
$this->_storage = $storage;
public function set($key, $value) {
$this->_storage->set($key, $value);
interface ISessionStorage {
public function set($key, $value);
class DatabaseSessionStorage implements ISessionStorage {
public function __construct(Db $db) {
$this->_db = $db
public function set($key, $value) {
class CookieSessionStorage implements ISessionStorage {
public function set($key, $value) {
$_SESSION[$key] = $value;
// example where it's easy to track down which object went where (no strings used to identify objects)
$session = new Session(new DatabaseSessionStorage(new Db()));
$session->set('user', 12512);
// or, if you'd prefer the factory pattern. Note that this would require some modification to Session
$session = Session::factory('database');
$session->set('user', 12512);
Sure you could store connection settings hardcoded in a config-file. This only means the other files need to get hold of that config class without going through their parents. For example:
class Database {
// The same pattern could be used as with the sessions to provide multiple database backends (mysql, mssql etc) through this "public" Database class
public function __construct(Config $config) {
$this->_config = $config;
private function _connect() {
// do something, for example mysql_connect() and mysql_select_db()
If you'd prefer to keep config information out of php-files (for easier editing/reading), see the Zend_Config-classes for examples of accessing different storage devices including the more common ones: ini, php array, xml. (I'm only mentioning Zend_Config since I've used it and am satisfied, parse_ini_file would do as well.)
A good & hopefully easy read: Fabience Potencier - What is dependency injection?
Edit #2:
Also see the slide: Matthew Weier O'Phinney - Architecting your models
"because each next class holds more and more objects from Repository" - I don't exactly understand what you meant by that, I think as the objects are static there's only one copy.
I think you can use a little bit different approach to avoid drawback, by combining singleton pattern.
class Repository
private static $instance;
private $objects = array();
private static getInstance()
if (!Repository::$instance)
!Repository::$instance = new Repository();
return !Repository::$instance();
public static function loadObject($alias, $object)
Repository::getInstance()->objects[$alias] = $object;
return true;
public static function get($name)
$repository = Repository::getInstance();
if (isset($repository->objects[$name]
return $repository->objects[$name];
return false;
You will then use this in your child classes:
and in bootstrap
Repository::loadObject('config', new Config());
Repository::loadObject('database', new Database());
I think it's a bad example. Keeping object such as config, database and session in internal array is unsuitable.
These objects should be explicit (probably static) properties in Your base class and should be accessed by exact name.
Purist probably would say that accessing array this is also slower than directly accessing properties :-))
I would implement these objects as singletons and maybe hide them in something like Application class.
I think overriding __get() is good for objects that have dynamic properties, or when You want to prevent accessing non-existent properties (just throw exception).
This also helps (side effect) against rising notices by PHP (I hate them :-)) when any property is undefined, but notices should be killed explicitly because they are (small but...) just BUGS!
Keep in internal array properties that belong to specific objects (with tens of properties).
I use this solution intensively in classes mapped to db table records.
