Is there difference between ternary operator and if condition in php ?
if yes, kindly provide.
The ternary operator is an operator, so it forms an expression. So it will have a value that you can assign to a variable or use however you want. It is used for simple situations where a variable can take two possible values depending on a condition.
For example: $status = $age > 18 ? 'adult' : 'child';
Although possible, you should not nest the ternary operator.
The control structure if is something absolutely different. The only thing they have in common that both evaluate a condition (true/false). if is used to execute code fragments based on the result of that condition. You will find yourself using if most of the time (in fact, you can live without the ternary). In certain situations, it is less code and more readable if you replace certain types of ifs with the ternary, like this one:
if ($age > 18) {
$status = 'adult';
} else {
$status = 'child';
Personally, I only use the ternary operator if it fits on one line. If it need to span, then it's time for the good old
$value = ($a < 0) ? 'minus' : 'plus';
also you can see one interesting question how multiple ternary works :
unusual ternary operation
If statements are faster than ternary, but in most cases it doesn't matter.
Here is a post on the performance of If statements vs ternary.
Summary: It's basically the same unless you are evaluating large objects because ternary copies the objects being evaluated. This was using PHP 5.3 I'm not sure if it has been changed in current versions.
The ternary operator can do anything that an if/else statement can. In some cases it can provide brevity and expressiveness, but beware: it is easily abused.
One thing I like it for is checking for null:
$foo = (is_null($bar)) ? 0 : $bar->someNumber();
If my PHP memory serves me correctly, then it can also be used on an lvalue:
((is_null($foo)) ? $bar : $foo) = $quux;
It can be easily overdone though, such as in this C++ example, where it is used in place of loops and if/else statements:
while( ( ! printingStars) ?
( ( ! reachedMax) ?
( ( ++numberOfStars == n - 1) && (reachedMax = 1) )
: --numberOfStars ), printingStars = 1, starsLeft = numberOfStars
: ( ( ! starsLeft ) ?
printingStars = 0, (std::cout<< std::endl), 1
: --starsLeft, (std::cout<< "*"), 1 ) );
Use with caution.
Maybe another point of view: Performance.
A while ago I noticed that the ternary operator is faster than an if(). I don't know if this still applies to the latest versions of PHP.
< wild guess >
The reason may be that an if() allows more flexibility like using code blocks ({ }). A ternary operator basically is just testing an expression and grabbing a value depending on the result of the test.
Going back into my Assembler-days I'd say that an if() has to jump in memory and, therefore, takes a bit more time to do things.
< /wild guess >
However, this may be become noticeable only if the code is executed a decent number (1k+) of times.
There is a big difference in maintenance, if you use none trivial logic.
If you have a difficult problem you need under circumstances much more time, to sove it, as if you have an 'if ... then' in your code. And be sure: it's happen!
The time is not a friend of ternary operator. Fast to write, but not fast to understand, if the years gone!
Is there a way to do the following, but in short if/then syntax:
if($method->isAbstract()) {
$details['abstract'] = true;
If I do:
$details['abstract'] = $method->isAbstract() ? true : null;
It is not quite the same, because the array key abstract is always set. I only way the array key set if isAbstract() is true. To clarify, if isAbstract() is false, don't set the key in the array.
I don't have a PHP interpreter at hand, but I guess this will work:
$method->isAbstract() && $details['abstract'] = true;
Update: yes, it works →
I wouldn't worry too much about trying to shorten three lines of code, which in all honesty could be written in one line anyway:
if ( $obj->method() ) $data['key'] = 'value' ;
However, as #Mischa's answer demonstrated, there are shorter ways. You could use the logical operator && to perform assignment as well:
$obj->method() && $data['key'] = 'value' ;
In this method, the expression on the right is evaluated if the expression on the left is "true".
Another method is the new shorter ternary operator which excludes the second expression. While you presented the long-form ternary as an alternative in your original question, you could also consider the new format provided since PHP 5.3
!$obj->method() ?: $data['key'] = 'value' ;
Since we're not using the second expression, we invert our test in the first expression. No longer checking for a positive, we are now looking for a negative. When the negative is found, our assignment takes place.
I don't provide this answer to encourage you to avoid 3-line solutions, but only to encourage you to feel free to explore shorter solutions from time to time as they often times lead to parts of the language you may not have otherwise discovered.
I want to set a variable to a value, but only if a condition is true.
Instead of doing the following:
This can end up being quite long if the variable names are long, or perhaps it involves arrays, when it's quite simple what I want to do — set a value if a condition is true.
I would like to use the conditional operator, something like this:
$variablename=($myarray["foo"]=="bar")? $myarray["foo"]......
But this fails because I don't want the variable to be set at all if the statement is false.
Basically, what I'm trying to do is make the first example shorter. Perhaps the conditional operator is not the way though...
Does anyone have any suggestions?
It doesn't get much shorter than:
if($condition) $var = $value;
IMO, the best way to make your code sample shorter is:
if($myarray["foo"] == $bar)
$variablename = $myarray["foo"];
FYI, the name of the operator you're asking about isn't "the ternary operator", it's the conditional operator.
Since you ask, a way you could actually use the conditional operator to do what you're asking is:
$myarray['foo'] == $bar ? $variablename = $myarray['foo'] : null;
but that's somewhat horrifically ugly and very unmaintainable.
You could do this, but I wouldn't as it is pretty unreadable and stupid:
$myarray["foo"] == $bar ? $variablename = $myarray["foo"] : 0;
$myarray["foo"] == $bar && $variablename = $myarray["foo"];
Your right, ternary is not the way to go. It's there to handle the if and else part of the statement.
Just stick with the regular if statement.
if($myarray["foo"]==$bar) $variablename=$myarray["foo"];
The "problem" you have isn't really a problem. Your example code is very clear and maintainable. I would really say leave it like it is.
You -could- remove the braces, but that will have an impact on maintainability.
Your other alternative is to create a set_if_true(mixed array, string key, boolean conditional) wrapper function. It hides what is really happening but depending on your specific implementation it is a good option. (For instance a configuration type object, or caching backend)
Put != instead of == and ?: instead of just ?..
$variablename = ($myarray["foo"] != "bar") ?: $myarray["foo"];
is the same as
if($myarray["foo"] != "bar"){} else { $variablename = $myarray["foo"]; }
It might not be the smartest solution but it works. I like this one more
if($myarray["foo"] != "bar") {$variablename = $myarray["foo"]};
Set the variable to itself in the false case:
$variablename=($myarray["foo"]=="bar")? $myarray["foo"] : $variablename
You can put the original expression in the else part of the ternary operation, but if you want to guarantee single evaluation of the expression then you'll have to use a temporary variable and an if statement.
Ternary isn't the way, even though it can be written so that ternary works.
The reason is this: you're trying to use it in a way it's not intended, which will make your code awkward for other developers to read.
What are the ? and : operators in PHP?
For example:
(($request_type == 'SSL') ? HTTPS_SERVER : HTTP_SERVER)
This is the conditional operator.
$x ? $y : $z
means "if $x is true, then use $y; otherwise use $z".
It also has a short form.
$x ?: $z
means "if $x is true, then use $x; otherwise use $z".
People will tell you that ?: is "the ternary operator". This is wrong. ?: is a ternary operator, which means that it has three operands. People wind up thinking its name is "the ternary operator" because it's often the only ternary operator a given language has.
I'm going to write a little bit on ternaries, what they are, how to use them, when and why to use them and when not to use them.
What is a ternary operator?
A ternary ? : is shorthand for if and else. That's basically it. See "Ternary Operators" half way down this page for more of an official explanation.
As of PHP 5.3:
Since PHP 5.3, it is possible to leave out the middle part of the ternary operator. Expression expr1 ?: expr3 returns expr1 if expr1 evaluates to TRUE, and expr3 otherwise.
As of PHP 7.0
PHP 7 has new Null Coalesce Operator. This is the same as a ternary but is also called an "isset ternary". This also allows a set of chained ternaries that remove the need for isset() checks.
In PHP 5, if you wanted to use a ternary with a potentially non-existent variable then you would have to perform an isset() at the beginning of the ternary statement:
$result = isset($nonExistentVariable) ? $nonExistentVariable : ‘default’;
In PHP 7, you can now do this instead:
$result = $nonExistentVariable ?? ‘default’;
The Null Coalesce Operator does not work with an empty string, however, so bear that in mind. The great thing about this is you can also chain the operators for multiple checks for multiple variables, providing a sort of backup depending on whether or not each variable in the chain exists:
$user = $userImpersonatingAnotherUser ?? $loggedInUser ?? “Guest”;
In PHP, with systems where a user can login, it is not uncommon for an administrator to be able to impersonate another user for testing purposes. With the above example, if the user is not impersonating another user, and also a logged in user does not exist, then the user will be a guest user instead. Read on more if you don't understand this yet to see what ternaries are and how they are used, and then come back to this bit to see how the new PHP
How are ternaries used?
Here's how a normal if statement looks:
if (isset($_POST['hello']))
$var = 'exists';
$var = 'error';
Let's shorten that down into a ternary.
$var = isset($_POST['hello']) ? 'exists' : 'error';
^ ^ ^ ^ |
| then | else |
| | |
if post isset $var=this $var=this
Much shorter, but maybe harder to read. Not only are they used for setting variables like $var in the previous example, but you can also do this with echo, and to check if a variable is false or not:
$isWinner = false;
// Outputs 'you lose'
echo ($isWinner) ? 'You win!' : 'You lose';
// Same goes for return
return ($isWinner) ? 'You win!' : 'You lose';
Why do people use them?
I think ternaries are sexy. Some developers like to show off, but sometimes ternaries just look nice in your code, especially when combined with other features like PHP 5.4's latest short echos.
$array = array(0 => 'orange', 1 => 'multicoloured');
<?php foreach ($array as $key => $value) { ?>
<?php } ?>
<!-- Outputs:
Going off-topic slightly, when you're in a 'view/template' (if you're seperating your concerns through the MVC paradigm), you want as little server-side logic in there as possible. So, using ternaries and other short-hand code is sometimes the best way forward. By "other short-hand code", I mean:
if ($isWinner) :
// Show something cool
Note, I personally do not like this kind of shorthand if / endif nonsense
How fast is the ternary operator?
People LIKE micro-optimisations. They just do. So for some, it's important to know how much faster things like ternaries are when compared with normal if / else statements.
Reading this post, the differences are about 0.5ms. That's a lot!
Oh wait, no it's not. It's only a lot if you're doing thousands upon thousands of them in a row, repeatedly. Which you won't be. So don't worry about speed optimisation at all, it's absolutely pointless here.
When not to use ternaries
Your code should be:
Easy to read
Easy to understand
Easy to modify
Obviously this is subject to the persons intelligence and coding knowledge / general level of understanding on such concepts when coming to look at your code. A single simple ternary like the previous examples are okay, something like the following, however, is not what you should be doing:
echo ($colour === 'red') ? "Omg we're going to die" :
($colour === 'blue' ? "Ah sunshine and daisies" :
($colour === 'green' ? "Trees are green"
: "The bloody colour is orange, isn't it? That was pointless."));
That was pointless for three reasons:
Ridiculously long ternary embedding
Could've just used a switch statement
It was orange in the first place
Ternaries really are simple and nothing to get too worked up about. Don't consider any speed improvements, it really won't make a difference. Use them when they are simple and look nice, and always make sure your code will be readable by others in the future. If that means no ternaries, then don't use ternaries.
It's called a ternary operator. If the first expression evaluates to true, HTTPS_SERVER is used, else HTTP_SERVER is chosen.
It's basically a shorthand if statement, and the above code could also be rewritten as follows:
if ($request_type == 'SSL') {
else {
This is sometimes known as the ternary conditional operator. Ternary means that it has three arguments, as x ? y : z. Basically, it checks if x is true; if it is, then put y instead of this operation, otherwise z.
$hello = $something ? "Yes, it's true" : "No, it's false";
Conditional operator ? : is an operator which is used to check a condition and select a value depending on the value of the condition. It is expressed in the following form:
variable = condition ? expression1 : expression2;
It works as follows...
Firstly, condition is evaluated.
If the condition is true, then expression1 is evalauated. And the value of expression1 is assigned to the variable.
If the condition is false, then expression2 is evaluated. And the value of expression2 is assigned to the variable.
For example:
x = (a>b) ? 5 : 9
In this, for x, firstly the condition (a>b) is evaluated. If this condition becomes true, then x will become the value 5 (ie, x=5). But if the condition (a>b) becomes false, then x will attain the value 9 (ie, x=9).
Ternary Operator
Sometimes conditional operator ? : is also called a ternary operator. This is so because it involves three operands. For example:
x ? y : z
Here, x,y and z are the three operands. If condition x is true, then value y is assigned otherwise value z is assigned.
This is a short way of writing if sentences. It is also used in other languages like Java, JavaScript and others.
Your code,
$protocol = $request_type == 'SSL' ? HTTPS_SERVER : HTTP_SERVER;
can be written like this:
if ($request_type == 'SSL')
$protocol = HTTPS_SERVER;
$protocol = HTTP_SERVER;
That is a one line if statement:
condition ? true : false
Translated to an ordinary if statement in your case, that would be:
if($request_type == 'SSL') HTTPS_SERVER;
That's basically a fancy way of writing an if-else statement. Some say it's easier to read, some say not.
Ternary operator at Wikipedia
This works like an if statement it's very simple and easy once you get used to it.
(conditions_expressions) ? what_to_do_if_true : what_to_do_if_false.
As John T says, it is called a ternary operator and is essentially a shorthand version of an if /else statement. Your example, as a full if / else statement, would read;
if($request_type == 'SSL')
Summarized, I made a loop with a few iterations to check the efficiency of each test:
$iterations = 99999999;
$var = null;
isset comparasion
if ( isset( $var ) )
'===' comparasion
if ( $var === null )
And i have this log, in microseconds:
'isset()': 1.4792940616608
'===': 1.9428749084473
For me, this is a little curious. Why isset() function is faster than one comparison operator as ===?
The === comparison is a strict check, meaning that the two objects you're comparing have to be of the same type. When you break it down in plain English, it's actually not that weird that === needs some more time. Consider the parser to do this:
if (isset($var)) {
// Do I have something called $var stored in memory?
// Why yes, I do.. good, return true!
if ($var === null) {
// Do I have something called $var stored in memory?
// Why yes, I do.. good! But is it a NULL type?
// Yes, it is! Good, return true!
As you can see, the === operator needs to do an additional check before it can determine if the variable matches the condition, so it's not that strange that it is a little bit slower.
Isset is not a function: it is a language built-in. Using isset is faster than using a function.
The other thing is that isset is used all over the place, so it makes sense that it's been profiled to death, whereas === maybe hasn't received as much love.
Other than that, you'd have to dig in the PHP source with a profiler to see exactly what's going on.
I'm not sure I would call 100 million "a few iterations". You appear to have accumulated about a half-second difference, divide that by 100 million and you get a whopping 5 nanosecond difference per iteration if my math is correct. With the difference being so small it may simply come down to the fact that isset only has one operand in this context and === has two.
It's impossible to even discuss the Zend engine's implementation details of the two examples without specifying a specific PHP version; source code is a moving target. Even minute changes to the implementations are going to effect the results over that many passes. I would not be surprised if you found the opposite to be the case on some versions of PHP and/or in a different context.
isset itself is covered by three different op-codes in the VM depending upon the context:
"Simple" Compiled Variables like your example: ZEND_ISSET_ISEMPTY_VAR
Arrays: ZEND_ISSET_ISEMPTY_DIM_OBJ (requires 2 operands, the var and the index)
Object properties: ZEND_ISSET_ISEMPTY_PROP_OBJ (also 2 operands, var and prop name)
It's an interesting question for curiosity's sake but we're in hair splitting territory and it's probably not a real-world optimization strategy.
I have an if statement with two conditions (separated by an OR operator), one of the conditions covers +70% of situations and takes far less time to process/execute than the second condition, so in the interests of speed I only want the second condition to be processed if the first condition evaluates to false.
if I order the conditions so that the first condition (the quicker one) appears in the if statement first - on the occasions where this condition is met and evaluates true is the second condition even processed?
if ( (condition1) | (condition2) ){
// do this
or would I need to nest two if statements to only check the second condition if the first evaluates to false?
if (condition1){
// do this
}else if (condition2){
// do this
I am working in PHP, however, I assume that this may be language-agnostic.
For C, C++, C#, Java and other .NET languages boolean expressions are optimised so that as soon as enough is known nothing else is evaluated.
An old trick for doing obfuscated code was to use this to create if statements, such as:
a || b();
if "a" is true, "b()" would never be evaluated, so we can rewrite it into:
and similarly:
a && b();
would become
Please note that this is only valid for the || and && operator. The two operators | and & is bitwise or, and and, respectively, and are therefore not "optimised".
As mentioned by others, trying to optimise code using short circuit logic is very rarely well spent time.
First go for clarity, both because it is easier to read and understand. Also, if you try to be too clever a simple reordering of the terms could lead to wildly different behaviour without any apparent reason.
Second, go for optimisation, but only after timing and profiling. Way too many developer do premature optimisation without profiling. Most of the time it's completely useless.
Pretty much every language does a short circuit evaluation. Meaning the second condition is only evaluated if it's aboslutely necessary to. For this to work, most languages use the double pipe, ||, not the single one, |.
In C, C++ and Java, the statement:
if (condition1 | condition2) {
will evaluate both conditions every time and only be true if the entire expression is true.
The statement:
if (condition1 || condition2) {
will evaluate condition2 only if condition1 is false. The difference is significant if condition2 is a function or another expression with a side-effect.
There is, however, no difference between the || case and the if/else case.
I've seen a lot of these types of questions lately--optimization to the nth degree.
I think it makes sense in certain circumstances:
Computing condition 2 is not a constant time operation
You are asking strictly for educational purposes--you want to know how the language works, not to save 3us.
In other cases, worrying about the "fastest" way to iterate or check a conditional is silly. Instead of writing tests which require millions of trials to see any recordable (but insignificant) difference, focus on clarity.
When someone else (could be you!) picks up this code in a month or a year, what's going to be most important is clarity.
In this case, your first example is shorter, clearer and doesn't require you to repeat yourself.
According to this article PHP does short circuit evaluation, which means that if the first condition is met the second is not even evaluated.
It's quite easy to test also (from the article):
/* ch06ex07 – shows no output because of short circuit evaluation */
if (true || $intVal = 5) // short circuits after true
echo $intVal; // will be empty because the assignment never took place
The short-circuiting is not for optimization. It's main purpose is to avoid calling code that will not work, yet result in a readable test. Example:
if (i < array.size() && array[i]==foo) ...
Note that array[i] may very well get an access violation if i is out of range and crash the program. Thus this program is certainly depending on short-circuiting the evaluation!
I believe this is the reason for writing expressions this way far more often than optimization concerns.
While using short-circuiting for the purposes of optimization is often overkill, there are certainly other compelling reasons to use it. One such example (in C++) is the following:
if( pObj != NULL && *pObj == "username" ) {
// Do something...
Here, short-circuiting is being relied upon to ensure that pObj has been allocated prior to dereferencing it. This is far more concise than having nested if statements.
Since this is tagged language agnostic I'll chime in. For Perl at least, the first option is sufficient, I'm not familiar with PHP. It evaluates left to right and drops out as soon as the condition is met.
In most languages with decent optimization the former will work just fine.
The | is a bitwise operator in PHP. It does not mean $a OR $b, exactly. You'll want to use the double-pipe. And yes, as mentioned, PHP does short-circuit evaluation. In similar fashion, if the first condition of an && clause evaluates to false, PHP does not evaluate the rest of the clause, either. has two wonderful expression called "OrElse" and "AndAlso"
OrElse will short circuit itself the first time it reaches a True evaluation and execute the code you desire.
If FirstName = "Luke" OrElse FirstName = "Darth" Then
Console.Writeline "Greetings Exalted One!"
End If
AndAlso will short circuit itself the first time it a False evaluation and not evaluate the code within the block.
If FirstName = "Luke" AndAlso LastName = "Skywalker" Then
Console.Writeline "You are the one and only."
End If
I find both of these helpful.