PHP DOMDocument getting element data with particular attribute name - php

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<items version="1.5">
<item name="device">iphone</item>
<item name="affinity">testing</item>
I need to get the value 'iphone' and value 'testing' from device and affinity, how do I select them?
I've tried:
$xml = new DOMDocument();
$itemList = $xml->getElementsByTagName('item');
foreach($itemList as $install)
echo $install->getAttribute('device')->item(0)->nodeValue;
But that doesn't seem to work.
Thank you!

Something like this may do:
foreach($itemList as $install)
if($install->getAttribute('name') =='device'){
$Device = $install->nodeValue;
$Affinity = $install->nodeValue;


Merge selected nodes of the two XML files

Let's say I have two XML files which has the same structure. I need to create new XML file with same structure which contain the selected nodes from initial two XML files.
I will try to explain again with bellow example.
input1.xml :
<item id="100">
<item id="101">
<item id="102">
<item id="103">
input2.xml :
<item id="200">
<item id="201">
<item id="202">
<item id="203">
Now I need select the nodes which have id 100,103 from input1.xml and 202,203 from input2.xml. Also it should be in the order of 203,100,103,202 and final result would be look like bellow.
result.xml :
<item id="203">
<item id="100">
<item id="103">
<item id="202">
It is not necessary to create new file, if I can edit the input2.xml in the way it looks like result.xml, that would be the ideal solution.
What I have done so far :
My approach is first delete the nodes from the input2.xml and then add the nodes to that from input1.xml.
I have following function to delete nodes from input2.xml file.
eg: call delete_record(200,'input2.xml','result.xml') can delete the node 200 and I can repeat it in the similar manner.
function delete_record($id, $input, $output){
$xml = new DOMDocument();
$deals = $xml->getElementsByTagName('item');
foreach ($deals as $deal) {
$deal_id = $deal->getElementsByTagName('id')->item(0)->nodeValue;
if ($deal_id == $id) {
$id_matched = true;
if ($id_matched == true) {
if ($xml->save($output)) {
return true;
But still I am struggling to find a way how to add nodes to the same result.xml file and how to make the order.
Any kind of help would be highly appreciated.
There is no need to mess with deletion, just do what you need to. Pick nodes by id from both files, and put it in order:
// merge all nodes by Id
function getNodesById($id, ...$xpaths) {
$result = [];
foreach($xpaths as $xpath) {
foreach($xpath->query("//item[#id='$id']") as $node) {
$result[] = $node;
return $result;
// load source documents
$xml1 = new DOMDocument();
$xpath1 = new DomXpath($xml1);
$xml2 = new DOMDocument();
$xpath2 = new DomXpath($xml2);
// create result document
$result = new DOMDocument();
$parent = $result->createElement("parent");
// populate result document with nodes:
foreach([203, 100, 103, 202] as $id) {
$nodesToInsert = getNodesById($id, xpath1, xpath2);
if (count($nodesToInsert) !== 1) {
// resolve conflicts, if any
throw new Exception("Id $id is not found or not unique.");
$parent->appendChild($result->importNode($nodesToInsert[0], true));
// or save it to a file
echo $result->saveXml();

Parsing xml response from ebay getsellerlist with php

I am trying to parse XML with PHP. The XML is a response from ebay getsellerlist api, and is structured like so:
<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
<getsellerlistresponse xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
My php is as follows:
$xml = '<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?--><getsellerlistresponse xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents"><timestamp>2016-08-11T14:17:39.869Z</timestamp><ack>Success</ack><version>967</version><build>E967_CORE_APISELLING_17965876_R1</build><itemarray><item><itemid>itemid1</itemid><listingdetails><viewitemurl>itemurl1</viewitemurl></listingdetails><primarycategory><categoryid>categoryid1</categoryid><categoryname>categoryname1</categoryname></primarycategory><title>title1</title><picturedetails><galleryurl>url1</galleryurl><photodisplay>thumbnail1</pictureurl><pictureurl>picture1</pictureurl></picturedetails></item><item><itemid>itemid2</itemid><listingdetails><viewitemurl>itemurl2</viewitemurl></listingdetails><primarycategory><categoryid>categoryid2</categoryid><categoryname>categoryname2</categoryname></primarycategory><title>title1</title><picturedetails><galleryurl>url2</galleryurl><photodisplay>thumbnail2</pictureurl><pictureurl>picture2</pictureurl></picturedetails></item></itemarray></getsellerlistresponse>';
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$title_nodes = $dom->getElementsByTagName('title');
$titles = array();
foreach ($title_nodes as $node) {
$titles[] = $node->nodeValue;
echo $node->nodeValue;
echo $titles[0];
echo count($titles);
When I run it, I get a blank page, no errors, nothing.
If I check $titles length using count(), it comes back as zero.
For some reason it is not getting the title node (or any other nodes) and I can't figure out how to parse the xml string with php and get the node values.
Any help most appreciated, if the question is vague or lacking detail, please let me know and I will correct it.
The XML isn't valid:
Unable to parse any XML input. org.jdom2.input.JDOMParseException: Error on line 2: The element type "photodisplay" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "".
And that's only after you remove the comments in your XML declaration:
<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
shoud be
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Working demo:
$xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<getsellerlistresponse xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$title_nodes = $dom->getElementsByTagName('title');
$titles = array();
foreach ($title_nodes as $node) {
$titles[] = $node->nodeValue;
echo $node->nodeValue;
echo $titles[0];
echo count($titles);

update node values of a XML with multiple child nodes from php

Following is my XML file i want to update the doller and cent values which are inside latestBid. I first tried the doller values but it's not working. i even tried to update the description ('//item[id="4"]/description') even that didn't work. Please tell me what i'm doing wrong here.
XML file
<?xml version="1.0"?>
PHP file
$url = '../../data/auction2.xml';
$itemNumber ="4";
$bidDoller = 45;
$doc = new DomDocument();
//echo "came 1";working
foreach ($xml->xpath('//item[#itemNumber="4"]/latestBid/bidPrice/doller') as $desc) {
echo "came 2";//nt working
$dom->nodeValue = $bidDoller;
file_put_contents($url, $xml->asXML());
edited. Still not working
thank you every one for the support by editing and answering I finally did it. since it wasn't easy for me to do this i'm posting the answer to help someone like me :).
i didn't change the xml.
php file
$url = '../../data/auction2.xml';
$itemNumber ="4";
$bidDoller = 85;
$resultDoller= $xml->xpath('//item[itemNumber="'.$itemNumber.'"]/latestBid/bidPrice/doller');
$resultCent= $xml->xpath('//item[itemNumber="'.$itemNumber.'"]/latestBid/bidPrice/cent');
print $xml->asXML();
file_put_contents($url, $xml->asXML());
Following worked for me,
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<item id="4">
$url = '../../data/auction2.xml';
$itemNumber ="4";
$bidDoller = 45;
$doc = new DomDocument();
$result = $xml->xpath('//item[#id="4"]/latestBid/bidPrice/doller');
echo "<pre>";
//echo "came 1";working
foreach ($xml->xpath('//item[#id="4"]/latestBid') as $desc) {
echo "came 2";//nt working
$dom->nodeValue = $bidDoller;
//file_put_contents($url, $xml->asXML());

Check whether the searching attribute exists in a XML file using PHP

I have come across couple of similar answers for my question in this form, but could not solve my exact problem. Therefore I am posting this here:
I have an xml file as shown below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
I ask the user to input his user_id and post this user_id and perform a check on the entire xml file to check whether the entered user_id exists in the xml file or not. If exists then I go further if not echo a error message.
Can anybody pull me out of this?
EDIT answer
Forget my previous answer :P
$user_id = '1239';
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xml);
$found = false;
foreach($xml->user AS $user) {
if ($user->user_id == $user_id) {
$found = true;
if (!found) echo 'error';
You could use DOMDocument with DOMXpath query, an example :-
$doc = new DOMDocument;
$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
$query = '//user/user_id[.="0121"]';
$entries = $xpath->query($query);
if ( $entries->length )
// found

How do I remove a specific node using its attribute value in PHP XML Dom?

My question is best phrase as:
Remove a child with a specific attribute, in SimpleXML for PHP
except I'm not using simpleXML.
I'm new to XML for PHP so I may not be doing the best way
I have a xml created using the $dom->save($xml) for each individual user. (not placing all in one xml due to undisclosed reasons)
It gives me that xml declaration <?xml version="1.0"?> (no idea how to make it to others, but that's not the point, hopefully)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<data1>some data</data1>
<data2>some data</data2>
<data3>some data</data3>
<category id="0">
<categoryName>Cat 1</categoryName>
<categorydata1>some data</categorydata1>
<category id="1">
<categoryName>Cat 2</categoryName>
<categorydata1>some data</categorydata1>
<categorydata2>some data</categorydata2>
<categorydata3>some data</categorydata3>
<categorydata4>some data</categorydata4>
And I want to remove a category that has a specific attribute named id with the DOM class in php when i run a function activated from using a remove button.
the following is the debug of the function im trying to get to work. Can i know what I'm doing wrong?
function CatRemove($myXML){
$xmlDoc = new DOMDocument();
$xmlDoc->load( $myXML );
$categoryArray = array();
$main = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName( "details" )->item(0);
$mainElement = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName( "details" );
foreach($mainElement as $details){
$currentCategory = $details->getElementsByTagName( "category" );
foreach($currentCategory as $category){
$categoryID = $category->getAttribute('id');
array_push($categoryArray, $categoryID);
if($categoryID == $_POST['categorytoremoveValue']) {
return $categoryArray;
$xmlDoc->save( $myXML );
Well the above prints me an array of [0]->0 all the time when i slot the return outside the if.
is there a better way? I've tried using getElementbyId as well but I've no idea how to work that.
I would prefer not to use an attribute though if that would make things easier.
Ok, let’s try this complete example of use:
function CatRemove($myXML, $id) {
$xmlDoc = new DOMDocument();
$xpath = new DOMXpath($xmlDoc);
$nodeList = $xpath->query('//category[#id="'.(int)$id.'"]');
if ($nodeList->length) {
$node = $nodeList->item(0);
// test data
$xml = <<<XML
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<data1>some data</data1>
<data2>some data</data2>
<data3>some data</data3>
<category id="0">
<categoryName>Cat 1</categoryName>
<categorydata1>some data</categorydata1>
<category id="1">
<categoryName>Cat 2</categoryName>
<categorydata1>some data</categorydata1>
<categorydata2>some data</categorydata2>
<categorydata3>some data</categorydata3>
<categorydata4>some data</categorydata4>
// write test data into file
file_put_contents('untitled.xml', $xml);
// remove category node with the id=1
CatRemove('untitled.xml', 1);
// dump file content
echo '<pre>', htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents('untitled.xml')), '</pre>';
So you want to remove the category node with a specific id?
$node = $xmlDoc->getElementById("12345");
if ($node) {
You could also use XPath to get the node, for example:
$xpath = new DOMXpath($xmlDoc);
$nodeList = $xpath->query('//category[#id="12345"]');
if ($nodeList->length) {
$node = $nodeList->item(0);
I haven’t tested it but it should work.
Can you try with this modified version:
function CatRemove($myXML, $id){
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$xpath = new DOMXpath($doc);
$nodeList = $xpath->query("//category[#id='$id']");
foreach ($nodeList as $element) {
echo htmlentities($doc->saveXML());
It's working for me. Just adapt it to your needs. It's not intended to use as-is, but just a proof of concept.
You also have to remove the xml declaration from the string.
the above funciton modified to remove an email from a mailing list
function CatRemove($myXML, $id) {
$xmlDoc = new DOMDocument();
$xpath = new DOMXpath($xmlDoc);
$nodeList = $xpath->query('//subscriber[#email="'.$id.'"]');
if ($nodeList->length) {
$node = $nodeList->item(0);
$xml = 'list.xml';
$to = $_POST['email'];//user already submitted they email using a form
