How do i remove a chunk of text from a variable? (PHP) - php

I need to be able to remove a URL from a variable, I'm wondering how i do this.
Example - Say my script returns i need to be able to remove the bit, just leaving the id number. If anyone can help, it would be great :)

Something like this?
$var = '';
$query = parse_url($var, PHP_URL_QUERY);
$query_components = parse_str($query);
$id = $query_components['id'];

You can use regular expressions:
preg_match("/id=(\\d+)/", $url, $matches);
$id = $matches[1];

Just use $id = $_GET['id'];.
See the docs.
And don't forget to validate and sanitize.

The "id" in this case is being sent to your script as a GET variable, therefore you would access it as follows:
$id = $_GET['id'];
If you mean to say that this URL is not yours to control, then you would do this instead:
print_r(parse_url($url)); // Then analyze the output.


PHP Parse URL From Current URL

I am trying to parse url and extract value from it .My url value is I want to get value admin from this url. For this, I have written following code. Its giving me value referredby=admin, but I want only admin as value. How Can I achieve this? Below is my code:
$url = $current_url="//".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
setcookie('ref_by', parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY));
echo $_COOKIE['ref_by'];
You can use parse_str() function.
$url = "";
$parts = parse_url($url);
parse_str($parts['query'], $query);
echo $query['email'];
Try this code,
$url = "";
$parse = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY);
parse_str($parse, $output);
echo $output['referredby'];
$referred = $_GET['referredby'];
$referred = "referredby=admin";
$pieces = explode("=", $referred);
echo $pieces[1]; // admin
I don't know if it's still relevant for you, but maybe it is for others: I've recently released a composer package for parsing urls ( Using that library you can do it like this:
$url = '';
$query = Crwlr\Url\Url::parse($url)->queryArray();
echo $query['referredby'];
The parse method parses the url and returns an object, the queryArray method returns the url query as array.
Is not a really clean solution, but you can try something like:
$url = "MYURL";
$parse = parse_url($url);
echo $referredby; // same name of the get param (see parse_str doc) Warning
Using this function without the result parameter is highly DISCOURAGED and DEPRECATED as of PHP 7.2.
Dynamically setting variables in function's scope suffers from exactly same problems as register_globals.
Read section on security of Using Register Globals explaining why it is dangerous.

How can I sanitise the explode() function to extract only the marker I require?

I have some php code that extracts a web address. The object I have extracted is of the form:
Now in PHP I have called this object $linkHREF
I want to extract the id element only and put it into an array (I'm bootstrapping this process to get multiple id's)
So the command is:
$detailPagePathArray = explode("id=",$linkHREF); #Array
Now the problem is the output of this includes what comes after the id tag, so the output looks like:
echo $detailPagePathArray[0] = WEBSITE?flage=2&fgast=48&frat=1&sort=D&fsrc=2&w
echo $detailPagePathArray[1] = bf&page=1&
echo $detailPagePathArray[2] = 16123012&source=searchresults
Now the problem is obvious, where it'd firstly picking up the "id" in the "wid" marker and cutting it there, however the secondary problem is it's also picking up all the material after the actual "id". I'm just interested in picking up "16123012".
Can you please explain how I can modify my explode command to point it to the particular marker I'm interested in?
Use the built-in functions provided for the purpose.
For example:
$url = '';
$qs = parse_url($url);
parse_str($qs['query'], $vars);
$id = $vars['id'];
echo $id; // 16123012
if you are sure that you are getting &id=123456 only once in your object, then below
$linkHREF = "WEBSITE?flage=2&fgast=48&frat=1&sort=D&fsrc=2&wid=bf&page=1&id=16123012&source=searchresults";
$str = current(explode('&',end(explode('&id', $linkHREF,2))));
echo "id" .$str; //output id = 16123012

Cut some word from php available?

Cut some word from php available ?
First access to page for example,_oU_876.00/8999&message=success
From my php code, i will get $curreny_link_redirect = test.php?ABD_07,_oU_876.00/8999&message=success
And i want to get $curreny_link_redirect_new = test.php?ABD_07,_oU_876.00/8999
( Cut &message=success )
How can i do ?
$current_link = "$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]";
$curreny_link_redirect = substr($current_link,1);
$curreny_link_redirect_new = str_replace('', '&message=success', $curreny_link_redirect);
echo $curreny_link_redirect_new;
Your str_replace call is inverse of what it should be. What you want to replace should be the first parameter, not the second.
$curreny_link_redirect_new = str_replace('', '&message=success', $curreny_link_redirect);
$curreny_link_redirect_new = str_replace('&message=success','', $curreny_link_redirect);
While simple way to do this is to use regex (or even static with str_replace()), I recommend to use built-in functions for url handling. This may be useful when working with complex parameters or multiple parameters:
$data = ',_oU_876.00/8999&message=success';
$url = parse_url($data);
parse_str($url['query'], $url['query']);
//now, do something with parameters:
$url['query'] = http_build_query($url['query']);
$url = http_build_url($url);
-please, note, that http_build_url() is a PECL function (pecl_http to be precise). The way above may look more complex, but it has benefits - first, as I've already mentioned, this will be easy to modify for working with complex parameters or multiple parameters. Second, it will produce valid url - i.e. encode such things as slashes, spaces, e t.c. - in result. Thus, result will always be correct url.
Do like this
echo $str = array_shift(explode('&',$str));
Try this:
$current_link_path = substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 1);
$params = $_GET;
if ($params['message'] == 'success') {
$current_link_redirect = $current_link_path . '?' . http_build_query($params);
Maybe not an answer, but a disclaimer for future visitors:
1) I would strongly recommend the function:
And in that case:
$current_link = "$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]";
$arguments = explode('&', parse_url($current_link, PHP_URL_QUERY));
2) To build new url, use This is the best, future modifications ready solution I think.
In that case this solution is a little overkill, but these functions are really great, and worth to introduce here.
Best regards

Url Explode for value

Currently I have a url thats like this,
I am using
$url = trim($url, '/');
$array = explode('/',$url);
this to get the value currently but my page has Facebook like's on it and when it is clicked it adds all these extra variables. and that breaks that value that I am trying to get. Is there another way to get the specific value?
Assuming you know that this will always be a valid URL, you can use parse_url.
list(, $value) = explode('/', parse_url($url)['path']);
I'd use a preg_replace
explode('/', preg_replace('/?.*$/', '', $url));
You could also use:
$array = explode('/',$_SERVER['PATH_INFO']);
Or, this:
$array = explode('/',$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
With this, you do not need the trim() call or the temp var $url - unless you use it from something else.
The reason for two options is I don't know if /type/value is being passed to an index.php or if value is in fact a php file. Either way, one of the two options will give you what you need.

PHP Dynamic Regexp replacement

I would like to know if there is a way to bind PHP function inside a regexp.
$path_str = '/basket.php?nocache={rand(0,10000)}';
$pattern = ? // something i have no idea
$replacement = ? // something i have no idea
$path = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $path_str);
Then :
echo "'$path'";
would produce something like
A expression not limited to the 'rand' function would be even more appreciated.
You could do the following. Strip out the stuff in between the {} and then run an eval on it and set it to a variable. Then use the new variable. Ex:
$str = "/basket.php?nocache={rand(0,10000)}";
$thing = "rand(0,10000)";
eval("\$test = $thing;");
echo $test;
$thing would be what's in the {} which a simple substr can give you. $test the becomes the value of executing $thing. When you echo test, you get a random number.
Don't, whatever you do, store PHP logic in a string. You'll end up having to use eval(), and if your server doesn't shoot you for it, your colleagues will.
Anywhoo, down to business.
Your case is rather simple, where you need to append a value to the end of a string. Something like this would be sufficient
$stored = '/basket.php?nocache=';
$path = $stored . rand(0,10000);
If, however, you need to place a value somewhere in the middle of a string, or possibly in a variable location, you could have a look at sprintf()
$stored = '/basket.php?nocache=%d&foo=bar';
$path = sprintf($stored, rand(0,10000));
I would not try to store functions in a database. Rather store some kind of field that represents the type of function to use for each particular case.
Then inside your crontab you can do something like:
switch ($function)
case 'rand':
$path_str = '/basket.php?nocache='. rand(0,10000);
