How to escape html code to insert in mysql - php

I am using tinymce editor to have html page and then insert it in mysql.
I tried this:
$esdata = mysql_real_escape_string($data);
it is working for all html except images. If I have hyperlink like:
then it makes it somewhat very obscure and the image doesn't appear.
<img src="../images/size-chart.jpg" alt="Beer" />
<img src="\""images/size-chart.jpg\\"\"" alt="\"Beer" />

Try to use urlencode and urldecode to escape the string.
As Christian said it is not used for the sake of DB but to keep the things as it is. So you can also use urlencode and urldecode.
For Ex:
//to encode
$output = urlencode($input);
//to decode
$input = urldecode($output);

You shouldn't over-escape code before you send it to DB.
When you escape it, it's done in a way that it is stored in the DB as it was originally. Escaping is not done for the sake of the DB, but for the sake of keeping the data as it was without allowing users to inject bad stuff in your sql statements (prior to sending the stuff in the DB).

You should use htmlspecialchars function to encode the string and htmlspecialchars_decode to display the string back to html


use htmlspecialchars if it is not used?

I have not followed rule which is
Best Practice: Always use htmlentities for displaying data in a browser. Do not use htmlentities for storing data.
And I have used htmlentities for storing data so I should not use htmlentities each time when I display it.But I saw that if someone can access my db and wrote script tag he can run script in all users data.I didn't followed rule because I thought that it can be slow to use htmlentities each time when display data.
So is there way to solve this issue?I think that solution can be use htmlspecialchars if it is not used.How can I do that?Should I delete all datas and wrote all script again that use htmlentities only when display in browser?
I found html_entity_decode() like below:
function escape($string){
$string = html_entity_decode($string,null,'UTF-8');
return htmlspecialchars($string);
is that best way to do this.If I do so will I 100% able to reverse all and escape if it is not escaped?

How to sanitize HTML POST values of NicEdit?

I recently started to use NicEdit on my "Article Entry" page. However, I have some questions about security and preventing abuse.
First question:
I currently sanitize every input with "mysql_real_escape_string()" in my database class. In addition, I sanitize HTML values with "htmlspecialchars(htmlentities(strip_tags($var))).
How would you sanitize your "HTML inputs" while adding them to database, or the way I'm doing it works perfect?
Second question:
While I was making this question, there was a question with "similar title" so I readed it once. It was someone speaking about "abused HTML inputs" to mess with his valid template. (e.g just input)
It may occur on my current system too. How should it be dealt with in PHP?
Ps. I want to keep using NicEdit, so using BBCode system should be the last advice.
Thank you.
mysql_real_escape_string is not sanitization, it escapes text values to keep the syntax of the SQL query valid/unambiguous/injection safe.
strip_tags is sanitizing your string.
Doing both htmlentities and htmlspecialchars in order is overkill and may just garble your data. Since you're also stripping tags right before that, it's double overkill.
The rule is to make sure your data doesn't break your SQL syntax, therefore you mysql_real_escape_string once before putting the data into the query. You also do the same thing, protecting your HTML syntax, by HTML escaping text before outputting it into HTML, using either htmlspecialchars (recommended) or htmlentities, not both.
For a much more in-depth excursion into all this read The Great Escapism (Or: What You Need To Know To Work With Text Within Text).
I don't know NicEdit, but I assume it allows your users to style text using HTML behind the scenes. Why are you stripping the HTML from the data then? There's no point in using a WYSIWYG editor then.
This is a function I am using in one of my NICEDIT applications and it seems to do well with the code that comes out of nicedit.
function cleanFromEditor($text) {
//try to decode html before we clean it then we submit to database
$text = stripslashes(html_entity_decode($text));
//clean out tags that we don't want in the text
$text = strip_tags($text,'<p><div><strong><em><ul><ol><li><u><blockquote><br><sub><img><a><h1><h2><h3><span><b>');
//conversion elements
$conversion = array(
'<br>'=>'<br />',
//clean up the old html with new
foreach($conversion as $old=>$new){
$text = str_replace($old, $new, $text);
return htmlentities(mysql_real_escape_string($text));

How do I properly encode a form in php

On my site users can add content to the database via a form. I want the users to be able to type anything in the form and for it all to be added to the database how they have entered it. At the moment I'm getting problems with a number of characters, namely slashes, &, ? etc.
What is the best way to allow all characters to be added to the database correctly?
Also, do you have to decode them when displaying them for it to work correctly? If so, how do I do that?
When saving, use mysql_real_escape_string (or PDO) to protect against SQL injection attacks. This will make it possible to write quotes and backslashes without destroying the SQL query.
$text = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['text']);
mysql_query('INSERT INTO table(text) VALUES("'.$text.'")');
When printing the data to a browser (with echo), first run it through htmlspecialchars to disable HTML and solve your current problem:
// ...fetch $text from db here...
echo htmlspecialchars($text);
htmlentities() may help you encode and decode html characters:
You can also use nl2br() to preserve line breaks from textarea elements:
Also you should use PDO for your database needs as it is much more secure than the old method of escaping data, mysql_real_escape_string()

strip_tags and htmlentities

Should I use htmlentities with strip_tags?
I am currently using strip_tags when adding to database and thinking about removing htmlentities on output; I want to avoid unnecessary processing while generating HTML on the server.
Is it safe to use only strip_tags without allowed tags?
First: Use the escaping method only as soon as you need it. I.e. if you insert something into a database, only escape it for the database, i.e. apply mysql_real_escape_string (or PDO->quote or whatever database layer you are using). But don't yet apply any escaping for the output. No strip_tags or similar yet. This is because you may want to use the data stored in the database someplace else, where HTML escaping isn't necessary, but only makes the text ugly.
Second: You should not use strip_tags. It removes the tags altogether. I.e. the user doesn't get the same output as he typed in. Instead use htmlspecialchars. It will give the user the same output, but will make it harmless.
strip_tags will remove all HTML tags:
"<b>foo</b><i>bar</i>" --> "foobar"
htmlentities will encode characters which are special characters in HTML
"a & b" --> "a & b"
"<b>foo</b>" --> "<b>foo</b>"
If you use htmlentities, then when you output the string to the browser, the user should see the text as they entered it, not as HTML
echo htmlentities("<b>foo</b>");
Visually results in: <b>foo</b>
echo strip_tags("<b>foo</b>");
Results in: foo
I wouldn't use htmlentities as this will allow you to insert the string, as is, into the database. Yhis is no good for account details or forums.
Use mysql_real_escape_string for inserting data into the database, and strip_tags for receiving data from the database and echoing out to the screen.
try this one and see the differences:
$d= isset($argv[1]) ? $argv[1] : "empty argv[1]".PHP_EOL;
echo strip_tags(htmlentities($d)) . PHP_EOL;
echo htmlentities(strip_tags($d)) . PHP_EOL;
open up cmd or your terminal and type something like following;
php your_script.php "<br>foo</br>"
this should get what you want and safe !

Is it OK to have HTML tags inside an array (is there risk of hacking)?

I have the following array:
'tagline_p' => "I'm a <a href='#showcase'>multilingual web</a> developer, designer and translator. I'm here to <a href='#contact'>help you</a> reach a worldwide audience.",
Should I escape the HTML tags inside the array to avoid hackings to my site? (How to escape them?)
or is OK to have HTML tags inside an array?
The only time it becomes a problem is when it contains user input. You know what you put in your array, and trust it. But you don't know what users are passing in, and don't trust that.
So in this particular case, escaping is not needed. But as soon as user input is involved, you should escape the input.
It's not the HTML itself that is dangerous, but the type of HTML users can pass in, like script tags which allow them to execute Javascript.
Note that it's best practice to only escape on output not on input. The output is where the data can do damage, so you want to consistently escape that. That way, you don't have to make sure that all input is escaped.
That way, you don't have problems when outputting data to different formats where maybe different rules apply. You don't have to use things like stripslashes() or htmlspecialchars_decode() if you don't need things to be output as html.
It's fine to store the data in the array.
You only need to escape the tags when you are outputting it into an HTML context, and you don't trust it, or you don't want the HTML to be interpreted.
You have to escape data in an appropriate manner to where you are sending it; for HTML if you don't want it to be read as HTML you can use htmlspecialchars(), likewise if you are putting it into an SQL statement and you don't want it to be read as SQL, you can use mysql_real_escape_string() etc.
You should escape HTML when it has been entered by a user (and thus is unsafe) AND you're going to display that HTML in you site. If it's you who wrote it, it doesn't need any kind of escaping.
If you do need to escape html you should do so right before displaying it on your site. There is no need to escape data when you're just lugging it around (like you're presummably doing with that array). You can escape HTML with the htmlspecialchars() function.
(Use htmlspecialchars or htmlentities to escape the HTML.)
Having HTML tags is fine as long as you restrict the set of tags and attributes coming from user, if that array is dynamically generated. For example, <script> should not be allowed, nor event handlers like onmouseover.
It depends on how the HTML is getting into the array. If it's hardcoded by you, it's probably all right. If it's coming from a user, well, all user input is suspect- HTML is just more difficult to clean.
The real question might be "Why do you want to put HTML in an array?". If it's static text, put it in a template file somewhere.
make an array of allowable tags and use strip_tags($input_array[$key],$allowable_tags)
or make a function like this
function sanitize_input($allowable_tags='<br><b><strong><p>')
$input_array = $input;
foreach ($input as $key=>$value){
if(!empty($value)) {
$input_array[$key] = strip_tags($input_array[$key],$allowable_tags);
return $input_array;
