PHP spiking cpu usage - php

I was testing my site with Jmeter to see how hundred threads would affect site performance and tested it with apache and mod_php and nginx with fastcgi. I noticed that the bottlebeck was always cpu in both apache and nginx. when I was looking at spu usage in nginx setup I could see that php cgi processes were taking all cpu.
What can I do to decrease php cpu usage?

The reason PHP is taking up more resources than your web servers is that PHP is doing a lot more work, and does so in an intepreted language (Apache and Nginx is both compiled into CPU instructions).
The first step is to implement an opcode cache (I recommend APC since it's easily installed and maintained by the PHP people). This will cache a "compiled" version of your scripts which will remove a big bit of the script execution.
The only other way to decrease CPU usage is to make your code more effective. Try to identify bottlenecks (large arrays and other data structures may be the first to check out) and find ways to make those parts of the code perform better.


How can I prevent memory exhaustion using a CakePHP application?

I am on a VPS server (Quad core with 768MB of RAM. I am running Apache and using APC as my default caching engine) . I get around 2000 visitors per day with a maximum of 100 concurrent visitors.
According to CakePHP DebugKit, my most memory intensive pages use around 16MB and the other pages average at around 10MB.
Is this memory usage normal?
Is it normal for my memory to bottleneck at 2000 visitors per page?
Should I consider upgrading my plan to 2GB RAM?
I also noticed that the View rendering is taking up most of the memory, around 70% on most pages.
I am monitoring my resource usage, when I have around 50 or more concurrent users, I am getting 0 free MB left.
Thank you
You should also check your other processes. From my experience, MySQL takes up more memory than anything else on any stack that I run. You should also implement better page caching so that PHP doesn't need to be touched when it isn't absolutely necessary. But Apache is also a memory hog that needs to be fine tuned. If you want to stick with Apache, then run Varnish in front of it.
Also, keep APC, but also add Memcached. It's much faster.
If your site has a spike-load that brings it to zero memory, then, if you can, consider launching extra instances of the server and doing a sort of round-robin (if the VPS is cloud-hosted and this is possible). If the load is constant, then definitely upgrade.
#burzum is completely right, however, that you should just switch to nginx. It's far, far better than Apache at this point. But, just to put you on the right track, quite a few people run nginx as a reverse proxy in front of Apache, and while that does speed up the server, it's entirely unnecessary because nginx can do pretty much anything you need it to do without Apache. Don't bother using Varnish in front of nginx either because nginx can act as its own reverse proxy.
Your best bet is to implement nginx with apcu (upgrade php to 5.5 if possible for better performance) and use memcached, and implement nginx's native microcaching abilities. If your site is heavy on read and light on write, then you might notice that everything is taken care of by nginx just retrieving a cached copy from memcache. While this helps with memory, it also helps with processing. My servers' CPUs usually have a 3-5% usage during peaks.
Is this memory usage normal?
Yes, it doesn't seem to be high for a normal CakePHP application.
Is it normal for my memory to bottleneck at 2000 visitors per page?
I guess yes, I'm not a "server guy".
Should I consider upgrading my plan to 2GB RAM?
I would try switching to Nginx first. Apache is a memory eating monster compared to Nginx, just search for a few banchmarks, a random one I've picked by a quick search is from this page.
Overall Nginx should provide you a much better performance. At some stage I would consider updating the memory but try Nginx first.

100% cpu usage with wordpress theme customizer suPHP

i am running the single core 512MB DO(digital ocean) droplet and Cent OS 6 i have configured php to use mod_suphp for security reasons. i will be running multiple sites off this box at some point, i want to isolate them all from eachother. the suphp setup went perfectly, i was able to install wordpress and set up the databases, ftp etc. the issue i am having is that certain actions spike the php-cgi process up to 100% and eventually timeout. the wordpress customizer hangs on save while accessing the admin-ajax.php file. one of the themes i was using (the X theme) when trying to upload a json file ended up hanging and timing out on line 30 of wp-includes/compat.php on cpanel servers, i used suphp without any issue, and the same actions and themes work fine. the only difference i notice is that the php process on cpanel machines is "php" whereas mine is "php-cgi". i have no idea if this is part of the issue, but any help at identifying why and how only certain wordpress scripts are overloading the cpu would be helpful. an important note is that the site is not under any traffic when this happens, as it is only in development. also there is just over 50% of the RAM used while the CPU is spiking so i am not running out of memory
SuPHP processes the file every single time it is called, due to this, it causes a lot of CPU usage. SuPHP just in general uses a lot of CPU, adding WordPress to the mix just makes the CPU usage even more. I recommend using FastCGI as your PHP handler as it uses a low amount of CPU but a high amount of memory. In addition you will be able to use OPCode caching such as APC or memcached, causing WordPress to be significantly faster. In regards to your security concern, FastCGI has the same security as SuPHP and you can upload things no problem. One small thing to note though is your going to need to tweak the settings quite a bit before you get it right, there will be errors at first possibly, the answers to all of which you can get courtesy of Google. Also, I am not sure how DO operates but if you need to fix permissions and have Cpanel, here is a nice article:

How to configure MySQL/PHP to use less memory?

I need to use the minimal amount possible of RAM on a VM Server running Ubuntu, using LAMP. Is there known tips for using minimal mem? I already set the MySQL cache/childs but that isn't helping much.
What you should do, is retain Linux, Mysql and PHP, but do away with Apache. Or at least, stop running PHP in-process with Apache.
The chances are you're using the Apache prefork model with an in-process PHP module. This is very bad for memory efficiency on most workloads, because it keeps a heavy PHP process open even for HTTP connections which aren't requesting any dynamic content just now.
What you want to do instead is use another web server (for example Nginx, but Apache would work too) and run PHP as a FastCGI daemon. This is easy to set up and googling for "PHP fastcgi" returns numerous examples.
You can then have a small, fixed number of "heavy" processes running PHP (No more than a couple per core, I reckon), but still have good capacity for running real applications, because "idle" HTTP connections, such as those serving keep-alives or waiting for requests don't use up the "heavy" processes, only the lighter web server processes.
A web server which uses limited forking / few processes is probably better - such as Nginx, or Apache with a different thread model. This is incompatible with mod_php, which is why you need to run it as FastCGI instead.
Make sure you turn off InnoDB in mysql, that will use about 100MB less memory
You can set the memory_limit in php.ini to something smaller. However if your program requests more memory than the limit then the script will crash with a fatal error.
That will only change memory usage in PHP. There may be a similar setting for MySQL in my.cnf but I don't know what it would be off-hand.
Really though the best way to reduce memory usage is to write programs that don't use a lot of memory.
About MySQL, Apache and others:
For PHP: in php.ini you can set memory_limit.
For Linux: use 32-bit versions (until you have more than 4Gb of RAM).
Don't reduce all these settings until you really need it, or it will be reason of performance degradation. Try to give enough memory to your system first.

Apache utilizing more memory continuously

I have a quite large website running in centos server. It carries out a lot of shell commands and runs a lot of MySQL queries. Everything seems fine. Running quite well. But at the same moment Apache is utilizing a lot of memory continuously. As far as I know the memory utilized by Apache should be freed once the script execution is completed but it's not like that in my case.
Is this some kind of problem in my code that makes Apache utilize more memory or should I be checking other stuff also?
Unfortunately Apache processes won't return memory used by mod_php. You have to restart/recycle the Apache processes once in a while. Check out the configuration value MaxRequestsPerChild which will do this for you automatically (it's off by default on CentOS if I recall correctly).
Set it to something low, but not too low since recycling is expensive. A few hundreds will probably do.

mod_fcgid with php opcode caching

I have been using apache web server with mpm-worker and mod_fcgid.
I have read about mod_fcgid that it can not make use of opcode caching.
apc cache module seems to be enabled in my php configuration.
I am not sure if my spawned php codes are never shared.
Should I remove APC? Does it have any overhead?
I am not sure if my spawned php codes are never shared.
You might find this question helpful.
Should I remove APC? Does it have any overhead?
As for the overhead, if you have n processes, then you'll have n caches.
It's not space efficient but it might still help reducing CPU cycles tho.
It does use opcode caching, but the caches are not shared between the PHP processes, so they will be cached once for each process. It's definitely still worth using APC.
Having read the article, I'll throw my own $0.2c in here w/regards to fgcid vs fastcgi. We initially deployed a solution much like that described in the article, using fastcgi and having the PHP process spawn multiple children. This was an attempt to work around the problems of sharing the cache.
However, we experienced periodic complete lockups with this solution; the PHP process would hang and fastcgi would fail to detect it, resulting in our entire app hanging for all users.
We've switched to fcgid again and the lockups ceased entirely. There is some overhead with a cache per process, but fcgid will only spawn new PHP processes when it needs to, so in practice the overhead is minimal.
We also use the user cache with APC, not just the opcode cache, so for us the tradeoff is definitely worth it (cached data means less work on the server, cached opcodes mean less work on the server) so CPU usage is definitely reduced for a slight memory usage penalty.
