i am trying to implement pagination. A set of 9 products are displayed at a time. then upon clicking on a "View More" button, the content of a div should refresh by AJAX and show the next set of 9 products..here's the php code
$query = "SELECT MAX(addedon) AS addedon FROM tags";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$dated = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
$recent = $dated['addedon'];
$_SESSION['current'] = $recent;
$query = "SELECT id, addedon
FROM tags
WHERE addedon <= '{$_SESSION['current']}'
$result = mysql_query($query);
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
$_SESSION['current'] = $row['addedon'];
$id = $row['id'];
$query = "SELECT name, image, cost
FROM tags, stock
WHERE tags.id={$id} AND stock.tagid = tags.id
$result1 = mysql_query($query);
$prodInfo = mysql_fetch_assoc($result1);
$pname = $prodInfo['name'];
$pimg = $prodInfo['image']; //the path to the actual image
$pcost = $prodInfo['cost'];
echo "<div class=\"oneproduct\">";
echo "<h3>{$pname}</h3><br />";
echo "<img src=\"{$pimg}\" height=\"{$ht}\" width=\"85px\" alt=\"prodImg\" /><br />";
echo "<span>Rs. {$pcost}</span>";
echo "<input type=\"image\" src=\"images/addcart.png\" class=\"addBtn\" />";
echo "</div>";
after all the products would be fetched and displayed, the last product on the page is stored as 'current' variable of SESSION.
problem is: the ajax thing always returns the initial set of 9 products and as soon as i refresh the page, the next set of products are coming..how do i make my link change the content?
The ajax code:
$("#viewMore").bind('click', function(){
error:function(xhr, status){
complete:function(xhr, status){
showNineProds.php simply calls a function that has been written above..
The correct way to do this is for the client-side code to specify with parameters to the AJAX call which "page" of records to be fetched. By using a session variable like this, the server has no concept of which records to get at which time. It's always going to return the "next" result. So any time you load that web page, it's going to serve the "next" set of records. There's no way to page backward in the result set.
Basically, you would store in local JavaScript values (or hidden form elements on the page, however you feel comfortable storing a value on the page) the information of the current result set and your AJAX call would send the necessary information to the server to return the requested result set.
For example, you could have a local JavaScript value that says which start record you're seeing and your page size:
startRecord = 1;
pageSize = 10;
Then if you click your "next" button the AJAX call would supply parameters to the server telling it what to fetch:
startRecord + pageSize, pageSize
You'd want to add a little bit of logic to determine if you're on the first or last page to disable "prev" and "next" functionality, of course. And there's a lot more you can do (variable page sizes, filtering and searching, sorting, etc.) but this is the basic gist of it.
You don't seem to be sending back the info from the ajax call. basically yoi might be fetching the values on the DB but don't seem to be sending the data back to the call..
do you echo the result set in some format? I can't see that in the code. in any case you can't access the $session variables from the js... these are accessible server side in php.
Ok so eventually I will have let's say 100 products in mysql database. The product page pulls all info from database (such as partnumber, material, color, etc...) and inputs it into the areas of the page that I designate it, all this using php. The previous page will show all 100 products and when user click's on one product it'll go to that product page. Just like all websites right...
I don't believe I need to make 100 individual html pages for each product right? Can I make just 1 main html page that is the templet for the 100 different products? Basically when user clicks the image tag of the product(1st example of code) it'll open the main html templet but somehow call to the database on open and load that specific info? Then other products will have the same process but for they're specific data from database. The 1st sample code is one product on the page that'll display all 100 products with the href containing the image that'll get clicked to show user actual product page retrieved dynamically without page reload, into a predestined section. I'm sure there is a name for what I'm looking to do but all the research I've done I haven't found what I'm looking for. Is there a better way then what I'm explaining? Also I hope this makes sense, Thank you for any input.
<td><img class="td-Image" src="image.jpg">
<td class="td-manufacturer">
<td class="td-addComponent">
<button class="add-button">ADD</button>
<td class="td-material">
<p>Aluminum 7075-t6 Forged</p>
<td class="td-platform">
<td class="td-america">
Actual product page where php gets info from database example
$sql = "SELECT * FROM Parts;";
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
$resultCheck = mysqli_num_rows($result);
if($resultCheck > 0) {
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
<div class="description">
echo $row['Description'];
Editor Note: I edited the question to reflect what he want based on thread on my answer below.
In this scenario you would need to pass in a unique identifier i.e product-id and create a query to fetch from the database product info by product-id
$product-id= $_GET['id'];
$strSQL = "SELECT * FROM AR15Parts WHERE id='$product-id'";
$rs = mysql_query($strSQL);
if (!$rs) {
echo 'Could not run query: ' . mysql_error();
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs);
//display your data
echo $row['field'];
Add an unique Id to your products in your mysql database, using the Auto Increment option (A_I checkbox in phpmyadmin). Then you can pass that id into a link to the product page ```href=“individualProduct.php?id=” while rendering all the products on the all products page.
Then in individualProduct.php you can get that id and retrieve the data
$sql = SELECT * FROM Parts WHERE id =?”;
$stmt = mysqli_prepare($sql);
$result = $stmt->get_result();
// Do stuff with $result as it is the individual product corresponding to that id
Optimally, you'll need 2 files:
index/list of products
detail information of the selected product
index files (maybe call it index.php)
Here, you need to select products and make it a list:
$stmt = $pdo->query("SELECT * FROM Parts");
while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
echo '' . $row['name']."<br />\n";
Since you want the detail to be shown to the index/list page, let's add a container area:
<div id="container-detail">
Add a little javascript code to handle AJAX request:
<script type="text/javascript">
function loadDetail(itemId){
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("GET", "http://website.address/path/to/detail.php?id=" + itemId, true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function ()
if (xhr.readyState==4 && xhr.status==200)
detail page (let's call it detail.php)
In this screen, we fetch details for only one part, specified by HTTP GET id parameter. The one that's being supplied from index.php (the ?id= part).
$stmt = $pdo->query("SELECT * FROM Parts WHERE id = '" . $_GET['id'] . "'");
$part = $stmt->fetch();
echo "Name: " . $part['name'] . "<br />\n";
echo "Manufacturer: " . $part['manufacturer'] . "<br />\n";
echo "Price: " . $part['price'] . "<br />\n";
That's it, you should get it working with a few adjustments based on the table and template you have.
A little note is that I used PDO mechanism to do the query. This is because mysql_* function has been deprecated for so long that it is now removed from PHP 7.0. Also, the current PHP version has been PHP 8. So, be prepared, a lot of web hosting might gonna remove older PHP versions, moving forward.
I wanna build a presence check for our choir in the style of tinder but not as complex.
The database contains names and file paths of pictures of the members. When you click on the "present" or "not present" button, the next picture and name should be shown. In the background, the database table should be updated with true/false for presence. (this will be done later)
My problem is that it almost works, but instead of showing one member, it shows all members with their pictures in one single page.
I understand that I could fire with Javascript to continue and paused php-function but I don't get the clue how.
I tried "break" in the php and call the function again but that didn't work.
$conn = new mysqli(myServer, myUser, myPass, myDbName);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM mitglieder";
$result = $conn->query($sql);
if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
echo "<img class='pic' src='" .$row["folder"]. "/" .$row["img"]. "'><br>" ;
echo "<div id='name'>" .$row["vorname"]. " " .$row["name"]. "</div> <br>";
echo "<img src=''img.png' id='present' onclick='isPresent()'>";
} else {
echo "0 results";
$( document ).ready(function() {
You can use php function
assign it on the variable outside the while loop and loop or access the indexes in your code.
For Example:
$data = mysqli_fetch_all();
echo $data[0]['name'];
foreach($data as $item)
echo $item['name'];
You need a way to establish a "state" between your web page and the PHP backend so that you can step through the data. I suggest something like this:
Use an auto-increment integer primary key for the database. That way you can access the data in index order. Let's name the column id
Have your JS code send a form variable - named something like LAST_ID to the PHP in your get. i.e http://someurl.com/script.php?LAST_ID=0
On your first call to the server, send LAST_ID = 0
In your PHP code, fetch the value like this: $id = $_GET('LAST_ID');
Change your SQL query to use the value to fetch the next member like this:
$sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM mitglieder where id > %d limit 1", $id); That will get the next member from the DB and return only 1 row (or nothing at the end of data).
Make sure to return the id as part of the form data back to the page and then set LAST_ID to that value on the next call.
You can use a HTTP POST with a form variable to the server call that sets that member id to present (maybe a different script or added to your same PHP script with a test for POST vs GET). I suggest a child table for that indexed on id and date.
I hope that puts you in a good direction. Good luck
I am building online exam system, test page is built using php and jquery. Questions are coming from different page using jquery ajax method and for every test there is a temporary test table which is deleted after every test, this table stores current test's question id and response marked by the student. What I am doing or want to do is when the user clicks on submit button this question is marked as done on the left side bar which contains all the questions.
I am doing this by checking the temporary table and fetching the question id from that table and marking it colored using jquery, it is working fine for some questions and skipping some(some gets colored but some are not)randomly.
Can someone help me with this?
Here's my jquery code to fetch question id
$.post( "getquesupdate.php", function( data ) {
and this my getquesupdate page code
$table_name = $_SESSION['table_name'];
$sql = "SELECT qid FROM `$table_name` ";
$result = mysqli_query($db,$sql);
if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) {
while( $row = mysqli_fetch_array($result,MYSQLI_ASSOC) )
$id = $row['qid'];
echo $id;
Screenshot of the test page
I am trying to show the results of the status of a bidding item using jQuery every second on every row in MySQL table, however only the result of the last row of the table is returned.
$query = "SELECT item, description, price, imageData, status, username, item_id FROM items";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
//echo other columns here//
echo "<td><div id=status$z></div></td>";
<script type=text/javascript>
function updatestatus(itemnum)
var url="updatestatus.php?auc=<?php echo $row['item_id']; ?>";
jQuery('#status' + itemnum).load(url);
setInterval("updatestatus(<? echo $z?>)", 1000);
When I view source in the browser, the values for #status and auc for every row are correct. What am I missing here?
Here's the code for updatestatus.php
$id = $_GET['auc'];
$getstatus = mysql_query("SELECT status FROM items WHERE item_id = '$id' ");
$row = mysql_fetch_array($getstatus);
Everything looks good, save for the fact that it looks like you're creating multiple references to your updatestatus() function.
In Javascript, if you create multiple functions with the same name, calling them will only result in one of them running, usually the first or last one (depending on the implementation), so all the code you need to run in those functions needs to sit together in one function body.
If you're determined to use the code you've created, you'd need to throw all those update calls into one function body. There would be better ways to achieve what you need, but doing it with the code you've created, this would probably work better:
$query = "SELECT item, description, price, imageData, status, username, item_id FROM items";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
$javascript = "";
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
//echo other columns here//
echo "<td><div id=status$z></div></td>";
// build the javascript to be put in the function later over here...
$javascript .= "jQuery('#status". $z ."').load('updatestatus.php?auc=". $row['item_id'] ."');";
...and then further down the page, create the javascript (modified slightly):
<script type=text/javascript>
function updatestatus()
<?php echo $javascript; ?>
setInterval(updatestatus, 1000);
So you're basically building up the Javascript that you'll need in your function, echoing it out inside the function body, and then setting the interval will call all that code, in this case, every second.
Like I said, there are definitely more efficient ways to achieve what you're trying to do, but this should work fine for now. I hope this makes sense, but please let me know if you need any clarity on anything! :)
I don't see that you're populating data using a incrementor. Is this supposed to be adding content to a page or replacing the content? from what it looks like it will just display one item, and then replace that one item with the next until it's done, which is why you see only the last row.
OR ...
the jquery update isn't being fed the $i variable .. change the function to
function updatestatus(itemnum) {
and then jquery echo to jQuery('#status' + itemnum).load(url);
then you can add the on-click/ or whatever to include the number
on the other hand you might be needing to pass the total number of items to the function and then creating an if there to cycle through them (not tested, but you get the idea i hope)
function updatestatus(numitems) {
var url = "";
var itemID = "";
for (i = 1; i <= numitems; i++) {
itemid = getElementById('#status'+numitems).getAttribute("itemID")
setInterval("updatestatus()", 1000);
and the html element for "#status1" as created by the PHP should look like this:
<div id="status1" itemid="23455">
Hello i have gone through Long polling, websockets and APE, Ajax push, Ajax Pull. As the technology of websockets isnt yet much introduced in our World Wide Web now. i thought i would use the normal setInterval functions to check the database. this is for a chat application, my code :-
on Home.php :
var id = $id; // this is the id of the last message inserted in the database
var data = 'id='+id;
type : "POST",
url : "check.php",
data : data,
success : function(data){
and check.php
php code :
$id = $_POST['id'];
$get = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM messages WHERE id>'$id' ORDER BY id DESC");
$num2 = mysql_num_rows($get);
$get2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($get);
$id = $get2['id'];
$username = $get2['username'];
$a = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM people WHERE username='$username'");
$n = mysql_num_rows($a);
$b = mysql_fetch_assoc($a);
$file = $b['filename'];
$pic = "<img src=\"images/" .$file. "\" width=\"40\" height=\"40\">";
$name = $get2['fullname'];
$message = $get2['message'];
echo $pic.$message."<br/>";
if there is a new record inserted in the database it echo's out properly but then it doesnt update the $id in the home.php page so it sends the old id again and again and the comment gets appended again and again.
what i want is. for every interval . the $id of the home.php should be updated so that it sends only the present message id to the check.php page.
I gues that the first code you've post is in your template of home.php and the $id then goes replaced with the real number of the last ID.
this works for the first time when the page is processed with PHP, but once downloaded on users machine, you only have to rely on JavaScript...
I'm not sure in which form you receive the data from check.php, but you need to do something like
id = data.id
data = 'id='+id;