Working with PHP objects - php

I was previously mostly scripting in PHP and now considering getting "more serious" about it :)
I am working on a hiking website, and I needed to put some values into an object that I then try to pass back to the calling code.
I tried doing this:
$trailhead = new Object ();
But the system sort of barfed at me.
Then I didn't declare the object at all, and started using it like this:
$trailhead->trailhead_name = $row['trailhead_name'];
$trailhead->park_id = $row['park_id'];
That seemed to work reasonably ok. But there are at least 3 problems with this:
Since that code gets executed when getting things from the database, what do I do in case there is more than one row?
When I passed the $trailhead back to the calling code, the variables were empty
I actually am maybe better off making a real object for Trailhead like this:
class Trailhead
private $trailhead_name;
private $park_id;
private $trailhead_id;
public function __construct()
$this->trailhead_name = NULL;
$this->park_id = NULL;
$this->trailhead_id = NULL;
What do people generally do in these situations and where am I going wrong in my approach? I know its more than one place :)

$trailheads[] = $trailhead;
I'd do a print_r() of $trailhead to check that it's what you expect it to be. The default object type in PHP is going to be stdClass.
Yes, that's going to be better, as it'll allow your Trailhead objects to have functions. The way you're currently doing it is basically taking advantage of none of PHP's object functionality - it's essentially an array with slightly different syntax.

I think you should get in "contact" with some of the basics first. Objects in PHP have sort of a history. They are a relative to the array and there are two sorts of objects:
class objects
data objects are called stdClass and that's actually what you were initially looking for:
$trailhead = new Object();
in PHP is written as:
$trailhead = new stdClass;
(with or without brackets at the end, both works)
You then can dynamically add members to it, like you did in the second part without declaring the variable (that works, too in PHP):
$trailhead->trailhead_name = $row['trailhead_name'];
$trailhead->park_id = $row['park_id'];
If you want to more quickly turn $row into an object, just cast it:
$trailhead = (object) $row;
That works the other way, too:
$array = (array) $trailhead;
As you can see, those basic data based objects in PHP do not hide their relationship to the array data type. In fact you can even iterator over them:
foreach($trailhead as $key=>$value) {
echo $key, ' is ', $value, "<br>\n";
You can find lots of information about this in the PHP manual, it's a bit spread around, but worth to know the little basics before repeating a lot of names only to pass along the data that belongs together.
Next to these more or less stupid data objects, you can code complete classes that - next to what every stdClass can do - can have code, visibility, inheritance and all the things you can build nice stuff from - but this can be pretty complex as the topic is larger.
So it always depends on what you need. However, both type of objects are "real objects" and both should work.
class myClass {
function importArray(array $array) {
foreach($array as $key=>$value) {
if(!is_numeric($key)) $this->$key=$value;
function listMembers() {
foreach($this as $key=>$value) {
echo $key, ' is ', $value, "<br>\n";
$trailhead = new myClass();
echo $trailhead->park_id;
Keep in mind that instead of creating a set of objects that merely does the same in each object (store data), you should just take one flexible class that is handling the job flexible (e.g. stdClass) because that will keep your code more clean.
Instead of coding a getter/setter orgy you can then spend the time thinking about how you can make the database layer more modular etc. .

Just pass back an array:
$trailhead = array(
'trailhead_name' => $row['trailhead_name'],
'park_id' => $row['park_id'],
'trailhead_id' => $row['trailhead_id'],
Then either access it like:
or use the nifty list() to read it into variables:
list($trailhead_name, $park_id, $trailhead_id) = $trailhead;


refactoring array looped around another arrary for assignment

I know this is more of PHP problem because of it's loose Typing of arrays but I see this problem all over the place in a project I took over and not sure of the best way to refactor it. Suppose you have two sets of data, both multi dimensional arrays, $results_by_entity and $target_limits and we want to check what the target is foreach result_by_entity so we can set some state
foreach ($results_by_entity AS $result_by_entity) {
foreach ($target_limits AS $target_limit) {
if ($target_limit['activity_id'] == $result_by_entity['activity_id']) {
$result_by_entity->target = $target_limit->quantity;
$result_by_entity->progress = $target_limit->score;
There are a couple of main problems here
1-The data is really strongly tied together, so it is really hard to refactor $results_by_entity into it's own class and $target_limits into it's own class
2-The time taken to process this grows exponentially as the data size grows
I read the Refactoring book by Martin Fowler and it was really helpful but this style of problem doesn't really show up I think mostly because his examples are in JAVA which is strongly typed. The class is super run on so really hard to debug and extend but all the data is so tied together primarily because of these types of loops so not to sure how to solve. Any recommendations would be really appreciated
What you want is to index your data pre-emptively if possible:
$results_index = array();
foreach ($results_by_entity AS $result_by_entity) {
//Index this value
$results_index[$result_by_entity['activity_id']] = $result_by_entity; //Add a & in front if it's a scalar value, but it looks like it's an object in your example
foreach ($target_limits AS $target_limit) {
//Find the corresponding activity id in results
if (isset($results_index[$target_limit['activity_id']])) {
$result_by_entity = $results_index[$target_limit['activity_id']];
$result_by_entity->target = $target_limit->quantity;
$result_by_entity->progress = $target_limit->score;

PHP - Reference a StdClass Object from a variable?

Maybe I am searching wrong, but I'm unable to find how to specify an Object Class in a string. Example:
I keep a list of json sites in a database, perform a foreach loop to retrieve a specific item from each site. However, each site has a different structure.
SITE 1: $result->Food->Price->Today;
SITE 2: $result->Pizza->Slice->discount;
I am trying to keep "$result->Pizza->Slice->discount" in a variable (specified in database) and return it from the class.
Sounds easy, but I'm new to class objects and all I find is how to create an object from an array.
Store this value into your database:
serialize(['Pizza', 'Slice', 'discount']);
When reading the value, unserialize it:
To retrieve the value from the JSON object use this simple function:
function retrieve_value($object, $trail) {
foreach ($trail as $name)
if (isset($object->$name))
$object = $object->$name;
throw new Exception("Object does not have the property $name");
return $object;
So you have something like this:
$value = retrieve_value(json_decode($json), unserialize($db_value));
Do not use eval(), because it is evil.
A dirty way to do this would be to json encode and decode.
$array = array([Your array]);
$obj = json_decode(json_encode($array));
Haven't tested the code though.
I guess you could store the pathing inside the database then use "eval()" with the path on the object. Just make sure you know no one can alter the pathing because eval is dangerous with un-sanitized code!
eval("\$value = \$result->{$pathvar};");
I didn't test that, but something of the sort. Of course $pathvar would be the value of the path coming from the database, whatever variable that's stored in.

json_encode($myObject) dont want reveal my whole object

Our PHP application makes use of json_encode($myObject) a lot, in conjunction with the mustache template library. It's awesome.
Trouble is, when returning json data from an ajax request it reveals the whole stucture of our objects, even if we don't have data assigned to them. A simple example:
Fetch a user via ajax and let the server return the object with json_encode($user)
The json:
"_userID":"1","_password":null,"_avatar":"0000723_8949d1d7eb0214fdf6c1af3cb6b66ed3_a.jpg","_blocked":null,"_confirmed":null,"_registerDate":null,"_lastVisitDate":null,"_template":null,"_referrerUserID":null,"_referrerURL":null,"_referrerDomain":null,"_referrerSearchTerms":null,"_confirmationHash":null,"_type":"Administrator" and so on...
It reveals a lot about our objects when all I wanted to return was just a few fields.
Obviously I could rewrite our server side code to send back an array or different objects which are more limited but really that makes life harder and sort of prevents our clean template design which handles the same objects as our server does.
How do I clear all null properties from a json_encode. Does anybody else have this issue and a nice and clean solution?
You should probably adapt your server side code to ignore the null values and return only the fields that are set (thus avoiding unnecessary bandwidth usage).
In your clientside code I suggest you have a set of defaults for your template and extend them received JSON with the defaults.
I'd you're using jquery, the code would look like this :
var defaults ={someDay:"somePlace"};
var object = $.extend({},defaults,theJson);
and in order to "clean up" the object in php, you can do something like :
foreach($obj as $k => $v)
if($v == null)
From my experience when dealing with objects and JSON I do not think there is a way without iterating over each value. I always find it better to have a _toJson method implemented within the class, and in that do all the necessary preparations before encoding it to JSON (utf8-encoding issues, use getters instead of calling variables directly etc).
Thanks to #gion_13, i've adapted his code and come up with a full solution:
$output = array('data'=>$data,'template'=>$template);
$output = object_unset_nulls($output);
echo json_encode($output);
function object_unset_nulls($obj)
$arrObj = is_object($obj) ? get_object_vars($obj) : $obj;
foreach($arrObj as $key => $val)
$val = (is_array($val) || is_object($val)) ? object_unset_nulls($val) : $val;
if (is_array($obj))
$obj[$key] = $val;
$obj->$key = $val;
if($val == null)
return $obj;

PHP Serialization Alternative

I'm looking for a good cache key for APC that represents some complied information about an object, using the "object" as the key. I have a compilation method that does something like this:
function compile(Obj $obj)
if ($this->cache)
$cachekey = serialize($obj);
if ($data = $this->cache->get($obj))
return $data
// compute result here
if ($this->cache)
$this->cache->set($cachekey, $result);
return $result;
If it's not obvious, $this->cache is an implementation of an interface with the methods get and set.
Is there a quicker alternative to creating a key that's unique to some of the properties of this object? I can extract the relevant bits out, but then they are still arrays, which would have the same problem with serialization that I had with the objects in the first place.
Serialize works, from a "correctness" position, but it seems wasteful (both in size of outputted key, and in computational complexity).
EDIT: I would also like to add, if it's not obvious, that I will not be needing to unserialize this object. My verbatim code for the current cache key is actually:
$cachekey = 'compile.' . sha1(serialize($obj));.
EDIT 2: The object I'm working with has the following definition:
class Route
protected $pattern;
protected $defaults = array();
protected $requirements = array();
Pattern and requirements are the values of the object that will change the output of this method, therefore a hash of these values must be present in the cache key.
Also, someone suggested uniqid(), which would defeat the purpose of a general cache lookup key, as you could not reliably regenerate the same ID from the same information.
EDIT 3: I guess I'm not giving enough context. Here's a link to the code so far:
I guess I'm really only trying to avoid expensive calls to serialize (and I guess sha1, which is also a bit expensive). It's possible that the best I can do is try to reduce the size of what I'm serializing...
One way to do it might be to generate a key based simply from the values you use to compute the result..
Here is a rough example.
function compile(Obj $obj)
if ($this->cache)
$cachekey = 'Obj-result-' . sha1($obj->pattern . '-' . serialize($obj->requirements));
// You could even try print_r($obj->requirements, true)
// or even json_encode($obj->requirements)
// or implode('-', $obj->requirements)
// Can't say for sure which is slowest, or fastest.
if ($data = $this->cache->get($cachekey))
return $data
// compute result here
$result = $obj->x + $obj->y; // irrelevant, and from original answer.
if ($this->cache)
$this->cache->set($cachekey, $result);
return $result;
Since you use an array of data, you'd still need to turn it into something that makes sense as a key.. However this way you're now only serializing a part of the object, rather then the whole thing. See how it goes. :)
I would suggest the spl_object_hash function that seems to fit perfectly for your needs.
Actually it is very hard to suggest any viable solution without knowing how the whole system works.
But, Why don't you just simply add a cache_key property with a uniqid() value in your object?

Preventing unnecessary db hits (Kohana ORM)

Kohana's ORM, by default, is not as smart as I wanted when it comes to recognizing which objects it has already loaded. It saves objects loaded through a relationship, for example:
$obj = $foo->bar; // hits the DB for bar
/* ... Later ... */
$obj = $foo->bar; // had bar preloaded, so uses that instead
But if there's more than one way to find bar, it doesn't see that. Let's say both foo and thing (we need more meta-syntactic variables) have a relationship with the same bar:
$obj = $foo->bar; // hits DB
$obj = $thing->bar // hits DB again, even though it's the same object
I've attempted to fix this by having a preloaded array of objects keyed by model and id. It works, but the problem is that it only works if I know the ID ahead of time. My overloaded ORM functions look like this:
public function find($id = NULL)
$model = strtolower(get_class($this));
if ($id != NULL) // notice I don't have to hit the db if it's preloaded.
$key = $model . '_' . $id;
if (array_key_exists($key, self::$preloaded)) return self::$preloaded[$key];
$obj = parent::find($id);
$key = $model . '_' . $obj->pk();
// here, I have to hit the DB even if it was preloaded, just to find the ID!
if (array_key_exists($key, self::$preloaded)) return self::$preloaded[$key];
self::$preloaded[$key] = $obj;
return $obj;
The purpose of this is so that if I access the same object in two different places, and there's a chance they're the same object, it won't incorrectly half-update two different instances, but correctly update the one preloaded instance.
The above find method hits the DB needlessly in cases where I find an object by something other than primary key. Is there anything I can do to prevent that, short of keying the preloaded objects by every imaginable criterion? The core issue here seems so basic that I'm surprised it's not part of the original ORM library. Is there a reason for that, or something I overlooked? What do most people do to solve this or get around it? Whatever the solution is, I'll be applying it further when I integrate memcache into my code, so it might help to keep that in mind.
Turn on per-request DB caching in config/database.php ('caching' param, its FALSE by default). This will allow you to use cached results for the same queries.
