How can I have php return just some bytes of a file? Like, it I wanted to load byte 7 through 15 into a string, without reading any other part of the file? Its important that I don't need to load all of the file into memory, as the file could be quite large.
Could use file_get_contents() using the offset and maxlen parameters.
$data = file_get_contents('somefile.txt', false, NULL, 6, 8);
Use fseek() and fread()
$fp = fopen('somefile.txt', 'r');
// move to the 7th byte
fseek($fp, 7);
$data = fread($fp, 8); // read 8 bytes from byte 7
Using Pear:
require_once 'File.php';
//read and output first 15 bytes of file myFile
echo File::read("/path/to/myFile", 15);
// get contents of a file into a string
$filename = "/path/to/myFile";
$handle = fopen($filename, "r");
$contents = fread($handle, 15);
Either method you can use byte 7-15 to do what you want. I don't think you can go after certain bytes without starting from the beginning of the file.
How can I have php return just some bytes of a file? Like, it I wanted to load byte 7 through 15 into a string, without reading any other part of the file? Its important that I don't need to load all of the file into memory, as the file could be quite large.
Could use file_get_contents() using the offset and maxlen parameters.
$data = file_get_contents('somefile.txt', false, NULL, 6, 8);
Use fseek() and fread()
$fp = fopen('somefile.txt', 'r');
// move to the 7th byte
fseek($fp, 7);
$data = fread($fp, 8); // read 8 bytes from byte 7
Using Pear:
require_once 'File.php';
//read and output first 15 bytes of file myFile
echo File::read("/path/to/myFile", 15);
// get contents of a file into a string
$filename = "/path/to/myFile";
$handle = fopen($filename, "r");
$contents = fread($handle, 15);
Either method you can use byte 7-15 to do what you want. I don't think you can go after certain bytes without starting from the beginning of the file.
I have got a large file in PHP of which I would like to replace the first 512 bytes with some other 512 bytes. Is there any PHP function that helps me with that?
If you want to optionally create a file and read and write to it (without truncating it), you need to open the file with the fopen() function in 'c+' mode:
$handle = fopen($filename, 'c+');
PHP then has the stream_get_contents() function which allows to read a chunk of bytes with a specific length (and from a specific offset in the file) into a string variable:
$buffer = stream_get_contents($handle, $length = 512, $offset = 0);
However, there is no stream_put_contents() function to write the string buffer back to the stream at a specific position/offset. A related function is file_put_contents() but it does not allow to write to a file-handle resource at a specific offset. But there is fseek() and fwrite() to do that:
$bytes_written = false;
if (0 === fseek($handle, $offset)) {
$bytes_written = fwrite($handle, $buffer, $length);
Here is the full picture:
$handle = fopen($filename, 'c+');
$buffer = stream_get_contents($handle, $length = 512, $offset = 0);
// ... change $buffer ...
$bytes_written = false;
if (0 === fseek($handle, $offset)) {
$bytes_written = fwrite($handle, $buffer, $length);
If the length of $buffer is not fixed this will not properly work. In that case it's better to work with two files and to use stream_copy_to_stream() as outlined in How to update csv column names with database table header or if the file is not large it is also possible to do that in memory:
$buffer = file_get_contents($filename);
// ... change $buffer ...
file_put_contents($filename, $buffer);
I want to read file without last x bytes in php, exactly like this:
$size = filesize($filename) - $x;
$handle = fopen($filename, "rb");
$contents = fread($handle, $size);
In my application, I will use this code a lot.
This works, but is it possible to do this more briefly and flexible, instead of using (filesize, fopen, fclose) each time?
Can file_get_contents() help? If so how do I use it?
For example (the very simple solution)
$contents = substr(file_get_contents($filename), 0, -$x);
Just remove the last bytes/characters.
It works with file_get_contents():
$contents = file_get_contents($filename, false, null, 0, filesize($filename) - $x);
I am trying to uncompress a binary file and then uncompress it to test whether the compresssion is working.
However the 'uncompressed' file has the same data as the 'compressed' file. As though the uncompression never happened. I have listed code below.
thanks in advance:
//read file
$filename = 'tocompress/tocompress'.$number_input.'.bin';
//compress file
$compressing = gzcompress($contents , '0');
//write to file
$fp = fopen('compressed/compressed'.$number_input.'.bin', 'wb');
fwrite($fp, $compressing);
//read file
//uncompress file
$uncompressing = gzuncompress($uncompresscontents);
//write to file
$fp = fopen('uncompressed/uncompressed'.$number_input.'.bin', 'wb');
fwrite($fp, $uncompresscontents);
gzcompress takes an optional second argument which sets compression level, from 0-9. You're setting it to 0 (no compression) and you should be using an int, not a string:
You have gzcompress($contents, '0');
You want gzcompress($contents, 9);
The level of compression. Can be given as 0 for no compression up to 9
for maximum compression.
I need to scan through a 30MB text file - it's a list of world cities - How can I access this file, I feel like a File_Get_Contents will give my server a stroke
Just fopen it and then use fgets.
Filesystem functions come handy in this situation.
$filename = "your_file_path";
// to open file
$fp = fopen($filename, 'r'); // use 'rw' to open file in read/write mode
// to output entire file
echo fread($fp, filesize($filename));
// to close file
(some handy functions)
All Filesystem Functions
fopen() - open file
fread() - read file content
fgets() - to get line
fwrite() - write content to file
fseek() - change file pointer's position
rewind() - rewind file pointer to pos 0
fclose() - close file
$fh = #fopen("inputfile.txt", "r");
if ($fh) {
while (($line = fgets($fh)) !== false) {
echo $line;
// do something with $line..
More information/examples on