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Closed 11 years ago.
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I am a .net developer. A friend of mine is planning to outsource a website. He is getting quotes which are very cheap but the sites will be in php/msql.
At this point he is not having any resource and that includes no development machine, no programmer or whatsoever (he only has some money to invest :)). Now he wants me to get involved in this project and manage the website once the outsourcing company hands us over the application (including source-code).
Till now I have worked with VS / ASP.NET / IIS and VSS. I haven't worked a bit with php/mysql but given google / SO and little time I will be able to manage.
So I need help on identifying:
1: What and all I need on my development machine. Because after the application is handed over to me, I will be responsible to fix minor bugs and minor modifications. For major addition of new features we might go back to outsourcing(same or different company).
2: Anything specific to web-hosting I need to be aware of because ultimately I will be responsible to find host provider and manage the website.
3: Anything that can help me get going fast on php.
Editor: PHPStorm or Eclipse are popular choices.
Test Server: XAMPP which you can install locally on windows.
Version Control: Subversion (choose whichever client and server you find free).
Hosting: I like site5 for cheap shared hosting. Depends on the site's needs however.
Learn phpMyAdmin. It's a simple to use MySQL database administration tool that's already included on most lamp stacks. Allows you to set up tables, run queries, backup, etc.
I like XDebug for remote debugging and profiling. Most major IDEs are integrated with it.
To learn the code, just use the PHP online documentation. It's pretty good.
Make sure you have a similar setup as to what the outsourcing company used. Mainly: OS, Webserver/version, PHP version, MySQL version. Differences are minimal but they do crop up every now and then.
Don't skimp on price. If your hosting plan is cheap you will get exactly that.
Read their code and try to understand it (PHP is very easy to read). If you can't understand it they probably did a very bad job ;)
Suggest hitting for your hosting needs for most small-medium solutions. While it's true that you can host a server in your basement, it's generally more trouble than it's worth; you can buy a domain name and a year of hosting for a hundred dollars and save yourself dozens of hours of headache and downtime. While there are places that will host your site for free, a lot of times you get what you pay for.
Once the site is developed it's a (relatively) simple matter to copy-paste the site files and database; your outsource company can probably deploy their product to your godaddy server in a matter of minutes.
For your dev machine, I recommend Eclipse with the PDT plugin as your editor (download the "php version" of eclipse). I strongly recommend svn or some other source control. It's very useful to have apache and mysql installed on your dev box along with your site and db so you can test changes locally. When developing, it's good practice to test on at least IE, firefox and chrome as they're the most popular browsers at the moment. is the equivalent of the and is searchable by function name. It also has a manual; start here but for small edits, if you're familiar with any c-syntax language and html you shouldn't have a problem. Just don't forget your dollar signs and semicolons.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have been running XAMPP on Windows 2008 R2 for many years now, I'm only using Apache, MySql and FileZilla. I have made many custom adjustments and upgraded it serveral times. I have addressed all the security issues I have been able to find. Running as services, the servers are never down as long as Windows Server is up. They are incredible stable. Why on earth do people tell me I should not do this? None of the Q or A's I have seen here deals with the specifics, most of them ends up in typically "it's not recommended", "it's says so on the XAMPP web site, therefore it's bad". I understand that you shouldn't use XAMPP out of the box for production because it is not secure. But having changed all root users, using https/certificate instead of plain http, using MySQL users with limited privileges in my scripts, using prepared statements (either PDO or mysqli) in php MySQL queries, catching exeptions, handling errors, protecting file folders and the nitty gritty of php programming I cannot see why I can't continue to use XAMPP for production. I have NEVER experienced ANY trouble. I have settled with the perception that security is not the main problem, there must be something else. Maybe scalability or manageability of large websites with millions of users (which is not my case)? Please tell me, but only if know what you are talking about!
EDIT: I got a noteworthy comment elsewhere:
It's just not meant to do anything more than development and boutique
use. And the opinion based comments tell you why the exchanges tend to
kick these kind of questions off as people who've worked with XAMPP
and WAMP kind of have been there and weren't impressed, but didn't
bother to gather empiric data to back up their opinion.
This is a fair comment, and it might also be THE best answer I will ever get, but it I can live with that. It is great cue for exploring new computer architectures for my software.
Like you say yourself, it's all about security and out-of-the-box, XAMPP is pretty insecure. Apart from that there are no real drawbacks that I can see. The software in XAMPP is regularly used in stable, secure, commercial systems. It takes a bit of knowledge and time to configure XAMPP to become secure enough for production use (and this is the reason why people keep telling you not to do it), but since it looks like you've got it covered there should be no problem.
Though I haven't ever tried to configure windows in that way, I can think of a few problems (other than security):
managing windows and software updates - I find it hard to manage whole windows system through console and I can't imagine managing it in production
performance - (comparing localhosts) linux in my case was always faster
scalability of web apps - majority of apps is set up to work in linux server envirionment, so running or integrating 3-rd party libraries or other apps can be sometimes difficult eg. other paths, calls to console could not work etc.
These problems could be irrelevant in your case, but when developing a bigger project should be taken into account.
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Closed 10 years ago.
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So I've always relied on more traditional hosting when it comes to hosting my websites - either with shared or dedicated hosting. The time has come (or maybe it came long ago) for me to consider the cloud. But with the cloud come a few concerns (all arising out of my own ignorance) and I'm hoping StackOverflow can put my fears to rest.
While I've heard some answers to my questions in the past, I'm hoping to get enough feedback, and also hopefully provide a valuable resource to any others out there like me.
1) First off - how does it all work? I mean, I get the network of clouds, spinning them up and down as I need it. But until now, I've always opened up an FTP client, connected to my server and uploaded my website. My guess is this all works the same way with the cloud, but how is it all managed? How do I update files and how would I delete them? Would an FTP client suffice for the simple file-management of a website?
2) A lot of shared hosts use PHP4, and allow PHP5 with the right extension - how does this, and all the PHP extensions work? How would I turn on the mod_rewrite extension, for example? How would I select my version of PHP? Can I curl?
3) What about things like cron jobs, or administrating a mysql database? Can I access my database via a phpmyadmin interface, or via the MySQL Query Browser?
4) Lastly, how does the cost really compare to shared hosting? I know it all depends on traffic, so to phrase my question differently, where do the cost lines intersect (if at all?) For example, if I pay $100/month for a dedicated server, and can support 300,000 page visits, or 2-3 page visits per second, what would the cost be for similar usage?
As always, I appreciate the help, and hope it's enough to encourage me to use the cloud. It's so fancy!
I'd vote for Cloud Sites
I'd imagine the methods used to manage your site (in the case of Cloud Sites) would be very similar to that of your traditional shared hosted with something like Plesk or CPanel installed.
The term "Cloud" is used in many ways... What you describe is more likely a virtual root server - which you can freeze or unfreeze at will (EC2, JiffyBox (Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with any of these :)).
If you have good LAMP/Linux knowledge you do not have to worry about things like mod_rewrite etc. because you have the power to change it to your liking.
If your knowledge about root servers is limited - you can install free/open-source tools like webmin.
If your are not to enthusiastic about running your own server - a managed hosting ist probably better.
Sorry - I cannot comment on the costs.
You should be afraid...very afraid.
For offloading multiple long running tasks, clouds are fine.
However, when every web request to build a page has to go through a boat load of algorithms to find the resource, performance will suffer. (In my limited experience).
Do testing before committing to anything.
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Closed 11 years ago.
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My friend and I accepted simple PHP job, he has some experience working with a small team of developers and I'm new to this (and PHP to be honest :).
When I asked him about his environment I found out they (he and his previous team) never used source control, just a shared FTP server with a lot of mess. Now beginning this project I want to do it properly and use source control, I did some research and it looks like SVN is the simplest to use and fits our simple requirements.
My problem is that I don't really have an extra box to create a server... I have two options, one is to use my main windows machine as a server (it's always on so that's not a problem) BUT I can't always guarantee that it will be on when I'm far from home and I don't like how it will waste CPU cycles (It's also my gaming rig), the other option is to use an old laptop I have lying around (a Pentium 3 with about 128-256MB of RAM) and install the slimmest version of linux on it and the SVN server. it has the advantage of being simple, cheap and easy to maintain, but it has the disadvantage of being alow performing old laptop and having some uncertainty about it's reliability (I guess I'll set up some backup to my main machine).
Which option is better? I would prefer using the laptop but I'm unsure if its specs will slow us down, if I do use it, what version of linux would you recommend, and how simple is it to add some regular backup to it (I have almost no linux experience but I'm glad to learn).
PS. forgot to mention, both of us developing on windows machines.
EDIT: Most of you recommend Git and Mercurial, I think I'll go with mercurial because I read that git is more complicated, I really want the simplest solution that I can find. Unless git has some major advantage over mercurial? or maybe mercurial is the better one for the job?
Look at distributed version control systems like git and Mercurial (hg). Both have free/cheap hosting services (e.g., and and are well suited for multiple developers working independently.
Also both have good tooling on Windows.
Why not use bitbucket/mercurial (hg)? You can set up (apparently) free private depots. Mercurial is crazy easy to use and is a lot newer (and rapidly gaining popularity) than svn.
Use git. It was designed and written by the guy who started Linux and he knows what he's doing.
You don't need a server for git, each user has a copy of the whole repository and you sync to each other. There is a bit of a learning curve, but if you're smart it will make you better developers.
DVCS like git is cool because you do not even need server. You basically just "synchronise" your code between each other here and there and due to fact that each repository has data from all repositories once is "synchronised" you do not need extra backup or server in most cases.
I found nice feature whit git (probably whit other VCS-s too) is that since they are just file based you can use any (free) cloud storage / ftp / git_server to backup your files in case of cataclysmic catastrophe.
I would highly recommend Mercurial (hg) as mentioned above, simple, easy to use and distributed. Personally, I prefer it slightly to Git and secondly its Windows support is better.
Bitbucket also lets you have free private repositories whereas Github is only free for public repos. Which I am guessing will be a factor if you are producing commercial code.
Why not go another route and get (pretty cheap, but costs a little) or (this one is free for up to 5 users and unlimited repositories). You'll avoid a lot of headaches from maintaining your own servers.
If you want to host it yourself, check out subversion edge. Its a packaged svn that comes with apache and some management tools.
If you dont want to deal with admin stuff, check out beanstalk. They do hosted SVN.
Or, you could use something like git and github; but if you're really set on svn, check out beanstalk
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Closed 9 years ago.
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i'm in a small team right now. We have two developers. We are developing PHP web applications. Now we have two servers. One is production server, the other is developing server. Usually my work-mate and I worked for different part of the project, but sometimes, we changed the same file. There was a source code version problem. As we are very small team, is there any light-weight version control strategy for us? We use different developing tools. I use VIM and my work-mate use Dreamweaver. Is there any source code control system support those editors?
Another question is how to control the synchronization between develop server and production server? Now what we do is just use ftp upload the files that we just tested on the
you have github(maybe by private account, because github is just amazing!) in your tag so I should suggest to just learn git(Command-line). It is the best in my opinion. One of the nice features of git is that it is distributed. I also bet if you search hard you could find plugins for both editors(like I did quickly):
git for vim.
git for dreamweaver.
But I would just use cli instead because it's power is just amazing.
As far as version control goes, Subversion is a popular choice, and easy to set up in my opinion. Looks like it can be integrated with Dreamweaver beginning with CS4, as well as VIM (although I don't have any direct experience with either of those plugins). Even without direct integration it's easy to use from the command line. I'm a big fan of RTFMing before digging into anything new, so the fact that the O'Reilly Subversion book is available as a free PDF on their website was a big plus for me.
For coordinating the move from development to production, my personal advice would be to automate as much as you possibly can - I've seen cases in which the migration is handled by a human with a checklist, and human error always seems to creep in eventually. If you're most comfortable with PHP, and you primarily access your servers via FTP, you could use PHP's FTP functions to automate moving the tested code from the development server to production.
Scenario : you can install subversion on production and developer server
Use svn and i suggest you add messages like +) for added stuff, -) for removed if that happen, o) for fixed bugs. This will help you latter.
Do commits as offen as you can
If you are not familiar with Tags and branches in SVN, just do the list of files that you are going to update on live server.
go to Live update.
Scenaria : you can't install subversion on production server
create a separate "live enviroment" on developer server
update it, when you see all works use any kind of FTP, SFTP to copy it to live server
Good luck
For version control almost any modern open source version control software will do,
For starters there is Subversion, mercurial, bazar, git. If you've never used one before I would recommend giving them all at least a quick look over to see what you like. My preference is git but the rest are all easy to use (ish). Most have companies that provide version control as a service (so you don't have to gaff with managing software yourself)such as github, launchpad, etc.
All have their benefits and downsides depending on your working style and project.
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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am relatively new to the Web Development business. Me and 2 friends started up our own little company. 1 person is a designer, 1 person is sales / consultant, and I am the developer. Right now, its an after work project, but we hope to expand and let it become our full time jobs.
Anyway, my question to you, is what is the best way to go about a full web development project cycle.
List of things to discuss:
Proposals - do you guys find these important
Project Planning - how much planning and mapping out should there be?
Project Management Software - I did a
little research before and I like the
online portals. Parallels stood out
for me.
Editor tools - I have been using the
most basic editor Notepad++. I feel
like I should be using something more
PHP Framework - I just got hooked on
Ways to deploy site - right now I am
doing most of my editing via FTP to
the live site. Should I be working
on a local copy and then uploading to
a test site for the client? Then
eventually go to the live server.
Are there ways to automate this?
(best practice ?)
I cant wait to hear all your input, especially from folks who are veterans at it!
This really depends on what sort of clientele you are looking at. It probably will not be necessary at the beginning of your company since you will be dealing with small to medium clients, but its not bad to get into the habit. When I did a bit of freelance web development, I did not work on a proposal-based system. Instead, I did more of a site mockup->changes->implementation system. I suppose a mockup is a form of a proposal...
Project Planning
Again, this depends on the size of the project. If you're working on a static 20-odd page website, you probably do not want to get too much into the planning aspect. However, if you are working with a site that pulls into a large number of technologies (forums, CMS, AJAX, web-services, etc.) you probably want to invest a little more beforehand.
Project Management Software
Cannot say I have ever used a project management tool during my days as a freelance web developer. I'd say don't invest in anything right now. Once your company grows, you'll have a better idea of what your requirements are.
Editor tools
Notepad++ may cut it now, but I wouldn't recommend it in the long-run. If you are looking at technologies other than PHP, I'd definitely not recommend it. In fact, if you are looking at a clientele that's more "business-user" esque you need to think about getting into ASP.NET or J2EE. I would suggest getting a PHP IDE that at least has code completion, as this can help eradicate a ton of PHP bugs. I'm not sure if Notepad++ has this. You also probably want to get a debugger that integrates into your IDE. I know Eclipse had a PHP IDE a few years back, but I'm not sure how good that is these days.
PHP Framework
Never really used any PHP frameworks but that's because I graduated and got a job before I had time to teach myself any of them. :) Go with whatever fits. You probably want to get used to more than one since some projects will fit better with some frameworks.
Ways to deploy site
Defintely, definitely get a local server set-up. You can get a WAMP/LAMP installation set up really easily on your dev machine. As others have said, you probably want to use source control because of Murphy's Law. Personally, I've been using wampServer the last few years as I haven't really been developing that much PHP and that allows me to get a working environment up really quickly. But you may wish to customize your devenv further. But you should definitely test your applications on a dummy server with a dummy database before deploying it to a live server with a real database!
Hope this helps!
Impossible to answer this fully in a single post here, but I'll give you some punchlines:
Proposals - do you guys find these important
Not sure what you mean by that? Sales proposals?
Project Planning - how much planning and mapping out should there be?
Don't spend too much time planning up front - it'll lose its value once you get further down the line. Do plan enough though. Usecases and some interface sketches/wireframes are good value.
Project Management Software - I did a little research before and I like the online portals. Parallels stood out for me.
You'll never find a golden bullet here. Use as little/simple as possible and always go for something with a clear exit route. Less is more. Also, keep in mind that this kind of tool needs to work for very different types of people, at the same time. The tool supports a process though, so keep that in mind - don't let the process be defined by the tool.
Editor tools - I have been using the most basic editor Notepad++. I feel like I should be using something more advanced.
Use what works for you. A good tool is nothing, unless you know how to use it. Likewise, if you know a simple tool well, you can get very far.
PHP Framework - I just got hooked on CodeIgniter.
The exact same applies as with editors.
Ways to deploy site - right now I am doing most of my editing via FTP to the live site. Should I be working on a local copy and then uploading to a test site for the client? Then eventually go to the live server. Are there ways to automate this? (best practice ?)
This should be high priority to change. At the very least, get your source code in a SCM - Subversion is the most mainstream, so I would suggest to use that. Second, get a separate development environment and production site. You develop at your dev setup, and when it's done, you deploy to the live site.
Next step is to look in to testing and automated deployment (google for that). But first things first - Get used to SCM and a separate dev/prod setup.
Finally, if you haven't read it already, Getting Real might be worth your time.
Proposals - Why not. Just don't overdo it. Don't let it become like this big corporate wall between you and your clients. You're small, be personal. That's your strength.
Project Planning - There's three of you? Skip project planning software.
Editor tools - If there's a specific function that Notepad++ doesn't have that you need, then switch editor. But don't switch just to feel more advanced.
PHP Framework - Keep an open mind and use what ever you get hooked on.
Ways to deploy site - Always work against a dev box. Some have test boxes with real-world data to test updates before deploying to the production box. Always version control your code. Whatever tool or method you use to deploy (really a matter of taste) keep a simple checklist with steps to go trough when deploying, and keep it up to date. Do automatic regular backups of your production box and actually do a reset and restore on a test box every now and then, and write down the steps needed to restore from backup.
As an editor, I strongly recommend jEdit. It's cross-platform, speaks many programming languages, has lots of plugins for extended functionality, macro record/save/playback, is actively maintained, and is very configurable.
For deployment, Subversion makes a lot of problems go away. For web development, I typically have two branches; devel and live. All changes are done in devel. When you're ready to publish the changes, a single svn merge operation applies the same changes to the live branch.
Subversion has hooks in its infrastructure to call scripts when certain events happen, like checking in software. A post-commit hook can automatically transfer (scp, ftp, unison, etc) the files onto either the devel server or the live server, depending on which branch the changes were. Now you have nearly immediate and automatic website updates whenever changes are checked it.
Another nice thing about Subversion is that it can hook into Apache to provide a WebDAV interface, so you can change files from anywhere without opening up Subversion itself through your firewall. If you need to make a quickie change from your day job, you can.