A password was changed and cPanel broke. Fixed the password and it's still broken! I have to iterate over parked domains. I've verified the user / password combination is correct via PuTTY.
$domain = 'example.com';
$pass = '';//etc
$user = '';//etc
$xmlapi = new xmlapi('');
$domains_parked = $xmlapi->listparkeddomains($user);
foreach ($domains_parked as $k1=>$v1)
if ($v1->domain == $domain) {$return = true; break;}
That code generates the following error:
Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
Apparently $domains_parked is not even set! I've spent time looking at the function being called so without dumping all 86KB here is the cleaned up version of $xmlapi->listparkeddomains:
public function listparkeddomains($username, $domain = null)
$args = array();
if (!isset($username))
error_log("listparkeddomains requires that a user is passed to it");
return false;
if (isset($domain))
$args['regex'] = $domain;
return $this->api2_query($username, 'Park', 'listparkeddomains', $args);
return $this->api2_query($username, 'Park', 'listparkeddomains');
I don't know what they're doing with setting a variable as the second parameter. I've called this function with and without and tested the reaction with a simple mail().
Next I tried calling the API in a more direct fashion:
$xmlapi->api2_query($username, 'Park', 'listparkeddomains')
That also does not work. Okay, let's try some really raw output testing:
echo "1:\n";
echo "2:\n";
print_r($xmlapi->api2_query($user, 'Park', 'listparkeddomains'));
echo "3:\n";
$domains_parked = $xmlapi->listparkeddomains($user);
That outputs the following:
1: xmlapi Object (
[debug:xmlapi:private] =>
[host:xmlapi:private] =>
[port:xmlapi:private] => 4099
[protocol:xmlapi:private] => https
[output:xmlapi:private] => simplexml
[auth_type:xmlapi:private] => pass
[auth:xmlapi:private] => <pass>
[user:xmlapi:private] => <user>
[http_client:xmlapi:private] => curl ) 2: 3:
I have never encountered such fragile code though I have no choice but to use it. Some help please?
So cPanel version 74 killed off the whole XML API and it doesn't frigin tell you with any error messages. I can not objectively say in the least that cPanel provides a stable platform to build anything reliable upon. You can either intentionally gimp your server from automatically updating (and potentially miss out on security updates) or every so X iterations of time completely rewrite the code again...and again...and again.
I am writing a server script using CodeIgniter to store html code into database. My client send a json package contain a html string:
<table style='width:50%'
but from my server side I can only get from $this->post():
<table >
Do you know what wrong?
My full error log:
My JSON from the client side (encode by $.param from AngularJS):
My PHP code to handle the JSON:
function updateFAQs_post(){
$auth = $this->_auth();
if ($auth){
$faqid = $this->Admin_model->updateFAQs($this->post('faqid'), $this->post('categoryid'), $this->post('question'), $this->post('answer'), $this->post('displayorder'));
$response = array('success' => 'update done', 'faqid' => $faqid, 'index' => $this->post('index'));
$this->response($response, 200);
What I get from server:
<table >{"success":"update done","faqid":null,"index":false}
The faqid and index = null is expected. It has nothing to do with the error.
I think the error is due to the difference between the way JavaScript encode and the way PHP decode JSON package ?
not $this->post()
$_POST works because thats raw php function
I solved the problem by replacing $this->post('answer') by $_POST['answer'].
Still don't know that happened but it works
Should be
I am creating a 3D Secure PHP Project. I am having a rather bizzare issue in that the "MD" code is going missing when re-submitting the Array of data
My code is as follows :
$paRes = $_REQUEST['PaRes'];
$md = $_REQUEST['MD'];
require "payment_method_3d.php";
* For Debugging Purposes
* Only.
echo "The Value Of PaRes is : ";
echo $paRes;
$soapClient = new SoapClient("https://www.secpay.com/java-bin/services/SECCardService?wsdl");
$params = array (
'mid' => '',
'vpn_pswd' => '',
'trans_id' => 'TRAN0095', // Transaction ID MUST match what was sent in payment_cc_new file
'md' => $md,
'paRes' => $paRes,
'options' => ''
It seems that the $_REQUEST['MD'] string seems to go missing AFTER the soap call. Although I am having difficulty print this out to the screen. The strange thing is the $paRes variable works without issue.
Any ideas why this would be the case?
Check your case. PHP array keys are case sensitive. From this little bit of code it looks as if the request variable may be 'md' instead of 'MD'.
Try $md = $_REQUEST['md'];
PHP array statements are case sensitive, so this should work:....
$md = $_REQUEST['md'];
Thanks for your responses guys.
What was happening was the include page was sitting in front of the request methods and causing issues loading the REQUEST methods to the page.
I'm writing a soap consumer in PHP for a ws written in Java (Jax ws). The webservice exports a function listRooms() that returns an array of the complex data type Room which contains an id (64 bit long) and a description (string). Now whenever I consume the webservice using SoapClient, the id is converted to float (as there are no 64 bit integers in PHP) and I want to avoid it. As I will need the room id to consume other web services I would rather avoid this implicit conversion to float, keeping it in a string.
Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
This might help:
The long overflows because ext/soap maps it to an int, and you're on a 32bit arch. You can easily fix that problem by using a custom type mapper to override the internal handling of {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema }long:
function to_long_xml($longVal) {
return '<long>' . $longVal . '</long>';
function from_long_xml($xmlFragmentString) {
return (string)strip_tags($xmlFragmentString);
$client = new SoapClient('http://acme.com/products.wsdl', array(
'typemap' => array(
'type_ns' => 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema',
'type_name' => 'long',
'to_xml' => 'to_long_xml',
'from_xml' => 'from_long_xml',
Also check to see exactly what you get back from the SOAP call, as per the manual add 'trace' and use getLastRequest:
$client = SoapClient("some.wsdl", array('trace' => 1));
$result = $client->SomeFunction();
echo "REQUEST:\n" . $client->__getLastRequest() . "\n";
Other way to do it, is just using the float() function before the data to sent as a long type.
In the example below I'm use a stdclass object to sent as a parameter:
if ($index == "Your_longtype_Field"){
$a->$index = (float) $value;
} else {
$a->$index = $value;
This question already has answers here:
PHP json_decode() returns NULL with seemingly valid JSON?
(29 answers)
Closed 4 months ago.
There is a strange behaviour with json_encode and json_decode and I can't find a solution:
My php application calls a php web service. The webservice returns json that looks like this:
string(62) "{"action":"set","user":"123123123123","status":"OK"}"
now I like to decode the json in my application:
$data = json_decode($foo, true)
but it returns NULL:
I use php5.
The Content-Type of the response from the webservice: "text/html; charset=utf-8" (also tried to use "application/json; charset=utf-8")
What could be the reason?
Well, i had a similar issue and the problems was the PHP magic quotes in the server... here is my solution:
$param = stripslashes($_POST['param']);
$param = $_POST['param'];
$param = json_decode($param,true);
Just did some quick inspection of the string provided by the OP. The small "character" in front of the curly brace is a UTF-8 B(yte) O(rder) M(ark) 0xEF 0xBB 0xBF. I don't know why this byte sequence is displayed as here.
Essentially the system you aquire the data from sends it encoded in UTF-8 with a BOM preceding the data. You should remove the first three bytes from the string before you throw it into json_decode() (a substr($string, 3) will do).
string(62) "{"action":"set","user":"123123123123","status":"OK"}"
This is the UTF-8 BOM
As Kuroki Kaze discovered, this character surely is the reason why json_decode fails. The string in its given form is not correctly a JSON formated structure (see RFC 4627)
Print the last json error when debugging.
json_decode( $so, true, 9 );
$json_errors = array(
JSON_ERROR_NONE => 'No error has occurred',
JSON_ERROR_DEPTH => 'The maximum stack depth has been exceeded',
JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR => 'Control character error, possibly incorrectly encoded',
JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX => 'Syntax error',
echo 'Last error : ', $json_errors[json_last_error()], PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL;
Also use the json.stringify() function to double check your JSON syntax.
None of the solutions above worked for me, but html_entity_decode($json_string) did the trick
Try this
$foo = utf8_encode($foo);
$data = json_decode($foo, true);
make sure that if you sent the data by POST / GET, the server has not escape the quotes
$my_array = json_decode(str_replace ('\"','"', $json_string), true);
This little apostrophe in the beginning - what is it? First symbol after the doublequote.
I had the similar problem in a live site. In my local site it was working fine. For fixing the same I Just have added the below code
I just put this
$result = mb_convert_encoding($result,'UTF-8','UTF-8');
$result = json_decode($result);
and it's working
Yesterday I spent 2 hours on checking and fixing that error finally I found that in JSON string that I wanted to decode were '\' slashes. So the logical thing to do is to use stripslashes function or something similiar to different PL.
Of course the best way is sill to print this var out and see what it becomes after json_decode, if it is null you can also use json_last_error() function to determine the error it will return integer but here are those int described:
In my case I got output of json_last_error() as number 4 so it is JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX. Then I went and take a look into the string it self which I wanted to convert and it had in last line:
'\'title\' error ...'
After that is really just an easy fix.
$json = json_decode(stripslashes($response));
if (json_last_error() == 0) { // you've got an object in $json}
I had such problem with storage json-string in MySQL.
Don't really know why, but using htmlspecialchars_decode berofe json_decode resolved problem.
Non of these solutions worked for me.
What DID eventually work was checking the string encoding by saving it to a local file and opening with Notepad++.
I found out it was 'UTF-16', so I was able to convert it this way:
$str = mb_convert_encoding($str,'UTF-8','UTF-16');
Maybe you use thing as $ ${: these chars should be quoted.
I was having this problem, when I was calling a soap method to obtain my data, and then return a json string, when I tried to do json_decode I just keep getting null.
Since I was using nusoap to do the soap call I tried to just return json string and now I could do a json_decode, since I really neaded to get my data with a SOAP call, what I did was add ob_start() before include nusoap, id did my call genereate json string, and then before returning my json string I did ob_end_clean(), and GOT MY PROBLEM FIXED :)
//verifica se um num assoc deco é valido
$aResponse['SimpleIsMemberResult']['IsMember'] = FALSE;
$client = new soapclientNusoap(PartnerService.svc?wsdl',
'trace' => 0,
'exceptions' => false,
'cache_wsdl' => WSDL_CACHE_NONE
$sMensagem1 = '
$aResponse = $client->call('SimpleIsMember',$sMensagem1);
$aData = array('dados'=>$aResponse->xpto, 'success'=>$aResponse->example);
return json_encode($aData);
I don't know Why?
But this work:
$out = curl_exec($curl);
$out = utf8_encode($out);
$out = str_replace("?", "", $out);
if (substr($out,1,1)!='{'){
$out = substr($out,3);
$arResult["questions"] = json_decode($out,true);
without utf8_encode() - Don't work
Check the encoding of your file. I was using netbeans and had to use iso windows 1252 encoding for an old project and netbeans was using this encoding since then for every new file. json_decode will then return NULL. Saving the file again with UTF-8 encoding solved the problem for me.
In Notepad++, select Encoding (from the top menu) and then ensure that "Encode in UTF-8" is selected.
This will display any characters that shouldn't be in your json that would cause json_decode to fail.
Try using json_encode on the string prior to using json_decode... idk if will work for you but it did for me... I'm using laravel 4 ajaxing through a route param.
$username = "{username: john}";
public function getAjaxSearchName($username)
$username = json_encode($username);
die(var_dump(json_decode($username, true)));
You should try out json_last_error_msg(). It will give you the error message and tell you what is wrong. It was introduced in PHP 5.5.
$foo = "{"action":"set","user":"123123123123","status":"OK"}";
$data = json_decode($foo, true);
if($data == null) {
throw new Exception('Decoding JSON failed with the following message: '
. json_last_error_msg());
// ... JSON decode was good => Let's use the data
Before applying PHP related solutions, validate your JSON format. That may be the problem. Try below online JSON format validator. If your JSON format is invalid, correct it first, because PHP doesn't decode invalid JSON strings.
Laravel specific answer:
I got the same issue in Laravel. And this did the trick for me
$result = json_decode($result->getContent(), true);
In my case, when I was printing to the screen, json was fine and I copied and decode with json_deocode() function. It was working fine. But, when I was trying to put jsonString directly in the function, it was returning null because quotes were coming like these ". So I used htmlspecialchars_decode() function and now it is working fine.
I am new here, so if I am making any mistakes in writing answer then sorry for that. I hope it'll help somebody.
Sometimes the problem is generated when the content is compressed, so adding the Accept-Encoding: identity header can solve the problem without having to wrangle with the response.
$opts = array(
'http' =>
'header' =>
'Accept-Encoding: identity',
$context = stream_context_create($opts);
$contents = file_get_contents('URL', false, $context);
i had a similar problem, got it to work after adding '' (single quotes) around the json_encode string. Following from my js file:
var myJsVar = <?php echo json_encode($var); ?> ; -------> NOT WORKING
var myJsVar = '<?php echo json_encode($var); ?>' ; -------> WORKING
just thought of posting it in case someone stumbles upon this post like me :)