How to Display Cookies? - php

I have setted some cookies in When I iterate over $_COOKIE... it displays all cookies for my domain. Even those that are setted in Is it possible to display cookies that are setted only in*?

You'll want to set the path in which the cookie is available when you're sending it to the client. For example, on, set the cookie like this:
setcookie($name, $value, 0, '/place1/');
That way, the cookie will only be available inside*.


the cookie disappear when I change page

(PHP) I set the cookie in my login.php page in this way:
I print the cookie and I see the correct value but when I change page with:
I lose the all cookie and I don't know why. Anybody can help me?
You have to specify / as path in setcookie() function, so cookie will be available on every path of your site. To do this:
setcookie('cookie_id', $id, 0, '/');
Note that third argument is expire time which is set to 0 as default. According to documentation it means that:
If set to 0, or omitted, the cookie will expire at the end of the session (when the browser closes).
If you have human urls or subfolders (like, then you must set cookie path to / to work for all paths, not just current one.
setcookie('cookie_id', $cookie_id, time() + 60*60*24*30, '/');
From PHP manual:
The path on the server in which the cookie will be available on. If set to '/', the cookie will be available within the entire domain . If set to '/foo/', the cookie will only be available within the /foo/ directory and all sub-directories such as /foo/bar/ of domain . The default value is the current directory that the cookie is being set in.

Not able to retrieve php cookie value

I'm trying to create a php cookie using
setcookie('usrid', $user_id, time()+3600);
When I checked this with the browser, the cookie is set with the correct value passed with the variable. But I couldn't retreive the value using $_COOKIE['usrid']
I tried to delete the cookie using setcookie("usrid", "", time()-3600);,
but its not getting deleted.
Now when I try to get the value of cookie, it shows the value.
Can anyone tell why is this happening?
Set Cookie
Reload page
Read Cookie
Finally I found the solution.
The path parameter was missing in setcookie function. When I set the path to "/", it worked.
Why it didn't work before is that I didn't provide the path parameter, so the cookie was only accessible from the path it was created. By setting the path parameter as "/", the cookie is accessible from any path of the domain.
Below is the code.
setcookie('usrid', $user_id, time()+3600, "/");
Check your php version, do something like this to get the value in your cookie:
$getCookie = ((int)phpversion() >= 5) ? $_COOKIE['usrid'] : $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["usrid"];

PHP isset for cookie not working

I am facing some trouble with a conditional statement that uses cookies in PHP.
I would like to change the state of an image based on whether a cookie is set or not. Here is my code (in file MAIN.PHP):
$cookie = "d_content_vote_".$databaseArray['id'];
if(!isset($_COOKIE[$cookie])) {
// display image 1 if cookie is not set
else {
// display image 2 if cookie is set
The cookie value (of the timestamp) is set in ../INCLUDES/RATING.PHP, and I make an ajax call to that file. In order to debug, I did a print_r($_COOKIE) in RATING.PHP which gave me this:
[d_content_vote_1] => 1402726678
[d_content_vote_4] => 1402727148
[PHPSESSID] => effa8778efbe1b3dfb5bb301e359997d
However, when I do a print_r($_COOKIE) in MAIN.PHP I do not get the d_content_vote_* cookies, only the session info.
How do I transfer the cookie that is set in rating.php so that I can use it in main.php. I have never faced this problem before.
[Additional info: I'm building the site on a MAMP server now]
I realised that my cookie was being set and the print_r was done in a file in a subdirectory (/includes) and therefore cannot be used in the root directory. In order to make it work in the root directory, I needed to add another attribute to the function:
setcookie($name, $value, $time, "/");
The last parameter "/" ensures that the cookie can be used in the root directory.
What about the cookie remove when a user make the log-out process? In case we use 4 parameters when setting the cookie, do we need to adopt the 4 parameters both in the log-out process?
setcookie($NomeCookieLogOut, "", time()-3600);
setcookie($NomeCookieLogOut, "", time()-3600, "/");

setcookie from subdomain to domain

I have: (which is the portal of the game, global setting and stuff) (which is the the actual game)
The problem is that I want to set a cookie that is available globally, on, (and whatever subdomain i'm going to create in the future).
I've been trying to set the cookie from another subdomain as I've read that subdomains can set cookies to parent domains but not vice versa (which is wierd and I guess I've read it wrong). Whatever, so I've done another (from which I'm making an ajax call form so the user can authenticate) and I'm using
setcookie('session', $value, time() + 2592000 (one month), '/', '');
Then, return the success message and refresh the main page on so it can read the new cookie value.. problem is, there's no cookie set. I've also been trying to set the cookie from (as so it can be avaialable on all subdomains but it's available only on the main domain. What's wrong?
I need to connect all subdomains and the domain to the same cookie, TO BE NOTICED, I am setting the cookie in a backend file named process.php (placed in as result of an ajax request.
Try this setcookie('session', $value, time() + 2592000 , '', '');
In php.ini:
session.cookie_path = /
session.cookie_domain = ""
Set Cookie:
setcookie('session', $value, time() + 2592000, '/', '');
I used Klaus Hartl's jquery cookie plugin in order to use my problem since I haven't been able to set up a global cookie from the ajax backend.

Where the php cookies are stored?

php manual has setcookies syntax like this
setcookie ($name, $value, $expire, $path, $domain, $secure, $httponly)
It is said that cookies are stored on the remotely in client side. The syntax has path var that if applied cookies will be stored on the server side.
Now suppose if I mention that path var "/". And on user named denish log in and I create a cookie for username for remember me functionality
setcookie('site_username','denish',time + 3600,'/','')
Now each time the different user logs in. Would it over write the previous cookie or new cookie will be created?
What if I want to create a cookie client side and also want to apply $domain var. Is it possible?
Cookies are always stored in the client. The path only sets restrictions to what remote pages can access said cookies. For example, if you set a cookie with the path "/foo/" then only pages in the directory "/foo/" and subdirectories of "/foo/" can read the cookie.
The domain does the same restriction, only with subdomains.
Cookies with the same name will overwrite each other, yes.
I believe you cannot set a cookie to another domain other than the page you're on due to security issues.
You're incorrect as to the use of the path argument from the manual:
The path on the server in which the cookie will be available on.
Cookies are always stored on the client's machine.
If you use different $paths you can have two cookies with the same name.
setcookie("foobar", "root", time()+3600, "/");
setcookie("foobar", "test", time()+3600, "/test");
The first cookie (root) can be accessed using any $path in this domain, except for /test/*. In /test/* only the second cookie can be accessed. Both cookies are stored by the user's browser and the browser decides which cookie to provide based on which cookie's $path matches the current URL.
