I have a file that I'm using to log IP addresses for a client. They want to keep the last 500 lines of the file. It is on a Linux system with PHP4 (oh no!).
I was going to add to the file one line at a time with new IP addresses. We don't have access to cron so I would probably need to make this function do the line-limit cleanup as well.
I was thinking either using like exec('tail [some params]') or maybe reading the file in with PHP, exploding it on newlines into an array, getting the last 1000 elements, and writing it back. Seems kind of memory intensive though.
What's a better way to do this?
Per #meagar's comment below, if I wanted to use the zip functionality, how would I do that within my PHP script? (no access to cron)
if(rand(0,10) == 10){
shell_exec("find . logfile.txt [where size > 1mb] -exec zip {} \;")
Will zip enumerate the files automatically if there is an existing file or do I need to do that manually?
The fastest way is probably, as you suggested, to use tail:
passthru("tail -n 500 $filename");
(passthru does the same as exec only it outputs the entire program output to stdout. You can capture the output using an output buffer)
I agree with a previous comment that a log rotate would be infinitely better... but you did state that you don't have access to cron so I'm assuming you can't do logrotate either.
This would be the "proper" answer, and it's not difficult to set this up either.
You may get the number of lines using count(explode("\n", file_get_contents("log.txt"))) and if it is equal to 1000, get the substring starting from the first \n to the end, add the new IP address and write the whole file again.
It's almost the same as writing the new IP by opening the file in a+ mode.
I have a want to take a File.open('somefile', 'w+') and make it read a file, take one line of text at a time, and visually write it slowly in another file. The reason I ask this question is because I can find nothing that does this already in code, nor can I find anything that actually controls the speed of how fast a program writes on the computer. I know that this can be simulated in a program such as Adobe Aftereffects so long as you provide a cursor after a character and the visual effect doesn't take place too quickly, but I've got 4,000 lines of code that I want to iterate over and can't afford to do this manually. This effect can also be achieved with a Microsoft Macro, but this requires it to be manually entered into the macro with no option of copy and paste.
-solutions preferred in Python, Ruby, and PHP-
If I understood properly, what you are trying to achieve, here you go:
input = File.read('readfrom.txt', 'r')
File.open('writeto.txt', 'w+') do |f|
input.chars.each do |c|
f.print(c) # print 1 char
f.flush # flush the stream
sleep 1 # sleep
This is one quick and dirty way of doing it in Python.
from time import sleep
mystring= 'My short text with a newline here\nand then ensuing text'
dt = 0.2 #0.2 seconds
for ch in mystring:
with open('fn_out','w+') as f:
f.flush() will result in updating the file with the changes.
One could make this more elaborate by having a longer pause after each newline, or a variable timestep dt.
To watch the change one has to repeatedly reload the file, as pointed out by #Tom Lord so you could run something like this beforehand to watch it in the terminal:
watch -n 0.1 cat fn_out
After some serious testing, I have finally developed a piece of code that will do the very thing I want. Tom Lord gave me some new words to use in my search terms "simulate typing" and this led me to win32ole with its SendKeys function. Here is a code that will iterate over all the characters in a file and print them out exactly as they were saved while simulating typing. I will see about making this into a gem for future use.
require 'win32ole'
wsh = WIN32OLE.new("WScript.Shell")
while not wsh.AppActivate("Notepad")
sleep 1
def fileToArray(file)
x = []
File.foreach("#{file}") do |line|
x << line.split('')
return x.flatten!
tests = fileToArray("readfrom.txt")
x = 0
while x <= tests.length
send = tests[x]
x += 1
sleep 0.1
I want to delete a file by using PHP. I have used the unlink() function, but I was wondering about the security of unlink. Is the file completely deleted from the server? I want to make sure that there is no way to get the file back and the file is completely removed from the server.
open the file in binary mode for writing, write 1's over the entire file, close the file, and then unlink it. overwrites any data within the file so it cannot be recovered.
Personally i would say use 1's instead of 0's as 1's are actual data and will always write, where as 0's may not write, depending on several factors.
Edit: After some thought, and reading of comments, i would go with a hybrid approach, depending on "how deleted" you want the file to be, if you simply wish to make it so the data cannot be recovered, overwrite the entire files length with 1's as this is fast, and destroys the data, the problem with this, is it leaves a set length of uniform data on the disk which infers a file USED to be there and gives away the files length, giving vital pieces of forensic information. Simply writing random data will not avoid this also, as if all the drive sectors around this file are untouched, this will also leave a forensic trace.
The best solution factoring in forensic deletion, obfuscation and plausible deniability (again, this is overkill, but im adding it for the sake of adding it), overwrite the entire length of the file with 1's and then, for HALF the length of the file in bytes, write from mt_rand in random length sizes, from random starting points, leaving the impression that many files of varying lengths used to be in this area, thus creating a false trail. (again, this is completely overkill and is generally only needed by serial killers and the CIA, but im adding it for the sake of doing so).
the US government used to recommend a seven step wipe, for disks.
1) all '1's
2) all '0's
3) the pattern '01'
4) the pattern '10'
5) a random pattern
6) all '1'
7) a random pattern,
re the code sample, using a language like PHP is wrong for this type of wipe as your relaying on the OS really wipeing the file and not doing something cleaver like only wipeing it the last time or just unlinking it, however...
$filename = "/usr/local/something.txt";
$size = filesize($filename);
$pat1 = chr(0);
$pat2 = chr(255);
$pat3 = chr(170);
$pat4 = chr(85);
$mask = str_repeat($pat1, $size);
file_put_contents($filename, $mask);
$mask = str_repeat($pat2, $size);
file_put_contents($filename, $mask);
$mask = str_repeat($pat3, $size);
file_put_contents($filename, $mask);
$mask = str_repeat($pat4, $size);
file_put_contents($filename, $mask);
This might not answer HOW to perfectly delete a file "with PHP", but it answers your question: "Is the file completely deleted from the server ?"
In some cases, No! (on UNIX/POSIX OS).
According to the highest voted comment on the offical PHP unlink() manual page, the unlink function does not really delete the file, it's deleting the system link to the file's content ! As files can have several files names (!) [symlinks?] the file will only be deleted when ALL file names are unlinked. So, if your file has 2 names, then unlink() will not really delete the file unless you unlink() both file names. Dear linux guys, please correct me here if necessary.
This might be why the function is called unLINK() and not delete() !!!
Here a full quote of the excellent comment:
Deleted a large file but seeing no increase in free space or decrease of disk usage? Using UNIX or other POSIX OS? The unlink() is not about removing file, it's about removing a file name. The manpage says: `unlink - delete a name and possibly the file it refers to''. Most of the time a file has just one name -- removing it will also remove (free, deallocate) thebody' of file (with one caveat, see below). That's the simple, usual case.
However, it's perfectly fine for a file to have several names (see the link() function), in the same or different directories. All the names will refer to the file body and keep it alive', so to say. Only when all the names are removed, the body of file actually is freed. The caveat: A file's body may *also* bekept alive' (still using diskspace) by a process holding the file open. The body will not be deallocated (will not free disk space) as long as the process holds it open. In fact, there's a fancy way of resurrecting a file removed by a mistake but still held open by a process...
Have a look on unlink()'s sister function link() here.
The (imo) best way to delete a file via PHP:
The way to go to really delete a file with PHP (in linux) is to use the exec() function, which executes real bash commands (doing things with linux bash feel correct btw). In this case, the file test.jpg would be deleted by doing:
exec("rm test.jpg);
More info on how to use rm (remove) correctly can be found for example here. Please note: PHP needs the right to delete the file!
UPDATE: Unfortunatly, the linux rm command ALSO does not really delete the file if it has two names/links. Look here for more info.
I'll have a deeper research on that and give feedback...
It is possible that because of some fragmentation on the disk some parts of file will stay, even if the file is totally overwritten.
The other way is to run (by shell_exec()) external program, that is system specific. Here is an example (for Windows), however I have not tested it.
You should do multiple passes of overwriting to deminish traces. For instance using the US DoD 5220-22.M : "Overwrite all addressable locations with a character, its complement, then a random character and verify" (from killdisk site)
Here's what the EFF recommends to permanently remove a file http://ssd.eff.org/tech/deletion.
In my embedded Ubuntu device, I use: echo exec('rm /usr/share/subdirectory/subdirectory/filename'); This works for me.
if you use rm -f (--force) then linux will
ignore nonexistent files and arguments, never prompt
rm -d will
remove empty directories
If you enter rm --help at the prompt you get the help screen. The last lines read:
Note that if you use rm to remove a file, it might be possible to recover some of its contents, given sufficient expertise and/or time. For greater assurance that the contents are truly unrecoverable, consider using shred.
Since my system is a "closed" system then I'm not concerned about violating security issues. My logic being that one must have the system password to SSH into the OS and the only user interface is via web pages.
#Sliq's comments are still true to date. You need to decide for your case.
Currently I need to merge that 50+ PDF files into 1 PDF. I am using PDFTK. Using the guide from: http://www.johnboy.com/blog/merge-multiple-pdf-files-with-php
But it is not working. I have verified the following:
I have tried the command to merge 2 pdfs from my PHP and it is working.
I have echo the final command and copied that command and paste into command prompt and run manually and all the 50 PDFs are successfully merged.
Thus exec in my PHP and the command to merge 50 PDFs are both correct but it is not working when done together in PHP. I have also stated set_time_limit(0) to prevent any timeout but still not working.
Any idea what's wrong?
You can try to find out yourself:
print exec(str_repeat(' ', 5000) . 'whoami');
I think it's 8192, at least on my system, because it fails with strings larger than 10K, but it still works with strings shorter than 7K
I am not sure if there is a length restriction on how long a single command can be but I am pretty sure you can split it accross multiple lines with "\" just to check if thats the problem. Again I dont think it is... Is there any error output when you try to run the full command with PHP and exec, also try system() instead of exec().
PDFTK versions prior to 1.45 are limited to merge 26 files cuz use "handles"
/* Collate scanned pages sample */
pdftk A=even.pdf B=odd.pdf shuffle A B output collated.pdf
as you can see "A" and "B" are "handles", but should be a single upper-case letter, so only A-Z can be used, if u reach that limit, maybe you script outputs an error like
Error: Handle can only be a single, upper-case letter
but in 1.45 this limitation was removed, changelog extract
You can now use multi-character input handles. Prior versions were
limited to a single character, imposing an arbitrary limitation on
the number of input PDFs when using handles. Handles still must be all
upper-case ASCII.
maybe you only need update your lib ;)
I have the following code:
while (!feof($file)) {
$arrayOfIdToBodyPart = fgetcsv($file,0, "\t");
if (count($arrayOfIdToBodyPart)==2){
the problem is, the contents of the file look like this:
39 ankle
40 tibia
41 Vastus Intermedius
and so on
sometimes, the test in the if will show three entries, with the first being the number, the second being the name, and the third being just... emtpy.
This causes the if block to fail, and me to be sad. I know i can just make the if block test for >=2, but is there any way i can get it to just recognise the fact that there are two items? I don't like that the fgetcsv is finding "mystery" characters at the end of the line.
Is this possibly a unix server running a windows-based file error? If so, and i'm running an ubuntu server without dos2unix, where do i get it?
You probably have tabs at the end of a line:
If that's the case, dos2unix won't help you. You might have to do something like read each line into a variable, trim() the variable, and then use str_getcsv() to split it.
Is it possible that you have a tab at the end of those lines? They are invisible and often hard to spot... you might want to double check.
Also if you are working with csv files, while you are running windows locally and the server is unix, I found this line:
ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', true);
saves a lot of headaches.
i have about 50 file in some folder
i want get all files contain 'Name : EMAD' inside!
the php imap library!
they search in thousands messages text files for some word!
i have wrote an stupid function to open file and search inside
$s = scandir('dir');
foreach($s as $file){
$content = file_get_contents($file);
if(strpos($content,'Name : ENAD') !== false)
$matched_files[] = $file;
but what if there is thousands of files!
should i open all files???? !!!!
is that possible to search for something inside file without open it?
if NO
what is the best and fast way to do that ?php
is that possible to search for something inside file without open it?
of course - no. Where is your common sense? Can you search a refrigerator without opening it?
i have about 50 file in some folder
no problem, it will be fast enough. opening a file is not THAT heavy operation as you imagine.
but what if there is thousands of files!
first have a thousand then come to ask.
what is the best and fast way to do that ?
Store your data in database, not files
Is there a reason you need to use PHP functions? This is exactly what grep was designed to do...
You could always just use PHP's exec() to run an appropriate grep command, such as:
grep -lr 'Name : ENAD' dir
But you might also want to consider (if you're the person creating thousands of files in the first place) whether that is the best way of storing your data - if you usually need the ability to search quickly, you might want to either use a database instead of plain files (e.g. MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, et cetera), or keep a search index (using e.g. Sphinx, Solr, or Lucene).