I'm a beginner in cake php. i have needed to convert my HTML template into Cake PHP template. any idea?
It is very easy.
Replace your template main file extension to .ctp
index.html to index.ctp
Look at the layout of you file (html code) and determine what section of that template you want to appear on all pages;
Usually most templates are setup as follows:
<title>My Site</title>
// You will include your javascript and css files here
echo $this->Html->css(array('cake.generic','default'));
echo $this->Html->script(array('myscript','jquery'));
<div id="container">
<div id="header"></div>
<div id="body">
<div id="main_content" style="width:600px;float:left">
//Code for this should be in your home.ctp
// in your pages folder. Usually I cut this content from
// my template and place the whole thing in that file
// everything else happens magically
echo $content_for_layout;
<div id="side_content" style="width:300px;float:left">
<!-- You can have content here manually or create elements and include them here like the following -->
<?php $this->element("sidebar_content"); ?>
<div id="footer">...</div>
You should then upload all images to the /img folder in your /app/webroot folder
Change your images path to reference /img folder.
You must do the same with all your CSS and JS files. Place them in their corresponding folders in the /app/webroot location.
Good luck!
Save your template in to APP/views/layouts/template.ctp.
Make sure it has at least two variables:
<title><?php echo $title_for_layout; ?></title>
<?php echo $content_for_layout; ?>
Fire up your view, or controller and add
$this->layout = 'template'; // view/method
or $layout = 'template'; // controller;
Look at the Cake default.ctp for ideas.
I am currently building up a static website with PHP.
What I want to have is the following:
There is one main.php file that includes all the common parts of the page (header, footer, navigation and so on) and a couple of pages like index.php, team.php, contact.php and so on.
I do want to be able to edit the main.php in that way, that is effects all the pages in my project. I do however want to be able to output some specific content for each single page by writing code directly in the specific file (not main.php but e.g. index.php). So I want to assign each page of the project to use main.php as the core template.
My main.php file which looks so far like this is here:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>PHP Static Site Genarator</title>
<div id="navigation">
<?php echo navigation()?>
<div id="pageWrap">
<main id="content">
<?php echo $templateContent; ?>
and a couple of pages like index.php, contact.php and so on.
All of them look like this:
<?php include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/essentials/settings.php'; ?>
This is the h1 for the index page
<?php require($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/essentials/exit.php'); ?>
I deliver some settings in my settings.php file and in my exit.php file I have the following code:
$templateContent = ob_get_contents();
echo $templateContent;
I need to somehow bind all the pages to be the part of main.php at the point where I output the $templateContent variable at
What is the right way for me to achieve this?
I personally would consider using a micro PHP framework like lumen, slim, fat-free-framework for making even the smallest PHP web application.
That said, below is the solution of the approach you took to solve the problem. I will keep the file structure and file naming similar to yours, even though there is a place for improvement here.
Lets consider the following application structure:
As you can see, I have moved all common files into the essentials folder and left all pages in the root folder
// start output buffering
<li>about us</li>
<?php $templateContent = ob_get_clean(); ?>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>PHP Static Site Generator</title>
<div id="navigation">
<?php include("navigation.php"); ?>
<div id="pageWrap">
<main id="content">
<?= $templateContent; ?>
<?php require_once("exit.php"); ?>
The actual pages structure index.php, about.php and contact.php look similar:
<?php require_once("./essentials/settings.php"); ?>
This is the h1 for the index page
<?php require_once("./essentials/main.php"); ?>
I hope this helps to move your idea forward, but highly encourage you to investigate time and learn a modern approach for PHP application development. Laravel is a great stating point.
Maybe you want something like this?
core\function.php - all function in here
core\setting.php - all setting in here
templates* - html page
* code php for this file in here
$message = 'index data';
echo <<<HTML
<div>show content {$message}</div>
It looks like you are looking for template engine.
There are many out there like Twig, Blade, Smarty
Or you can write one alone like it is explained in this excellent post by David Adams
my problem is that i have a navbar and need to put i on each page.
So Home, Profile, Search, Add have the same navbar fixed in bottom.
Now i want to save the links to the page in a diffrent file.
So something like:
<div class="botnav">
<a class="active" href="links.php?$homelink">Home</a>
is this even possbile with GET or POST?
Thank you
I think you need to create a page with your code:
<div class="botnav">
<a class="active" href="links.php?$homelink">Home</a>
In each page you can call that with
<?php include ('header.php'); ?>
The way I include a nav menu to be used on different pages is with PHP's include statement include().
<?php include("path_to_header"); ?>
What I recommend is to create a few extra files: path.php and header.php to hold your nav menu.
The path.php file should be located in the root of your project so that __FILE__ provides the actual root project path.
define("ROOT_PATH", realpath(dirname(__FILE__)));
Next, handle the header being in a separate file header.php for reference.
<div class="botnav">
<a class="active" href="links.php?$homelink">Home</a>
Then in each of your pages include() the path.php file and also the header.php with another include statement where ever you choose.
<?php include("path.php"); ?>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>El test</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<!-- Include header file where you need -->
<?php include(ROOT_PATH . "/header.php"; ?>
I want to add a css file to my template. I created the template.php into the folder : kohana-v3.3.5\application\views. Into this folder, I created an other folder called "css" and inside it, there is my styles.css with some code.
For now, my template file is :
<link href="/css/bootstrap-3.3.6-dist/css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="css/styles.css" rel="stylesheet">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12 banner">
<?php echo $content; ?>
I don't understand why the links for my css files aren't working.
I saw something with HTML:style() but it doesn't work either.
Thanks for your help !
Using HTML::style() is a good idea. The reason why it fails is because you put the assets folder inside the template folder. The latter is outside of web access (or should be) and is only used internally.
Kohana routes everything through the index.php file, so this is the level your stylesheets, scripts and images belong.
print HTML::style('vendor/bootstrap-3.3.6-dist/css/bootstrap.css') ."\n"
. HTML::style('assets/css/styles.css');
With a directory structure like
My header.php file contains the .css for my project. I've made a new page that is a few directories in. (root/mods/people/employees/addemployee.php)
If i put the file in the root, the css works fine. If I put it where I want it, the css doesn't appear.
Is there a way around this? Im trying to keep things organized.
Add Employee Code:
<?php include("../../../includes/layouts/header.php"); ?>
<div id="main">
<div id="subnavigation">
<div id="page">
<p>Add Employee!</p>
<?php include("../../../includes/layouts/footer.php"); ?>
Header.php Code:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<html lang="en">
<title>Company H&S Site </title>
<link href="stylesheets/public.css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<div id="header">
<h1>H&S Site </h1>
The problem is these headache inducing ../../../ relative path calls. Instead I recommend you set a default base path and never worry about stuff like this again:
$BASE_PATH = '/the/path/to/the/codebase/';
include_once($BASE_PATH . "includes/layouts/header.php");
<div id="main">
<div id="subnavigation">
include_once($BASE_PATH . "mods/main_menu/index.html");
<div id="page">
<p>Add Employee!</p>
<?php include_once($BASE_PATH . "includes/layouts/footer.php"); ?>
If you don’t know the base path to your files, then place this line at the top of your PHP code:
echo "Your path is: " . realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . "<br />";
And load that page. Somewhere near the top should be a line that reads:
Your path is: /the/path/to/the/codebase/
Of course /the/path/to/the/codebase/ will be your actual file path, but that will be your base path. Then just set $BASE_PATH to that value.
By setting a hard-coded base path with $BASE_PATH you always know where your code is located & can place your pages anywhere in a directory structure with ease.
I would also recommend using include_once instead of include to avoid scenarios where your script might inadvertently attempt to load the same file more than once.
include_once($BASE_PATH . "includes/layouts/header.php");
I intent to create a template PHP file, this template will only serve the design, not the content. The purpose is to decrease the development time in a sense that when creating a new PHP file or new module, I can only need to concentrate on the main function of that PHP file not the design. Once I created the new file using the template, it should be able to display the consistent design and serve its specific function.
The issue is that I am not sure on how to make the design of the template works and applied to all of the new files created regardless of the location (as long as it is within the root directory).
As an example:
root directory (www.example.com): /
homepage (www.example.com/index.php): /index.php
css file: /style/style.css
template file: /template.php
newly created file (www.example.com/subone/find/css/file.php): /subone/find/css/file.php
another newly created file (www.example.com/subtwo/locate/css.php): /subtwo/locate/css.php
Content of the homepage (which is created base on the template.php, but the CSS file location is hard coded):
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style/style.css" />
<div id="header">logo and login form goes here
<div class="nav"> navigation goes here;</div>
<div id="main">main content goes here;</div>
<div id="footer">footer goes here; </div>
but, when I created a new file, /subone/find/css/file.php
the location of the css must be changed and specified manually, like this:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../../style/style.css" />
<div id="header">logo and login form goes here
<div class="nav"> navigation goes here</div>
<div id="main">main content goes here;</div>
<div id="footer">footer goes here;</div>
So, what I want to achieve is that, when creating a new file (/subone/find/css/file.php), I don't need to do anything, I can straight away concentrate on the main section:
...style.css is handled automatically
<div id="header">logo and login form goes here
<div class="nav"> navigation goes here</div>
<div id="main">main content goes here;
//I can continue to edit the file from this line onward
echo "I am concentrating on the main function of file.php right now!!";
<div id="footer">footer goes here;</div>
example page can be seen at (only the desired design): neoborn.kodingen.com
I accept any answers as long as it can achieve my intention (template).
Thank you :)
Why don't you use absolute paths when referring to CSS files and other resources in your template file?
For example:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/style/style.css" />
There are 2 options,
Use absolute paths for your css files <link rel=stylesheet href="/style/style.css">
Use HTML's <base> element to cause all relative paths on the page relate to it.
I would use a easy to install template engine. That will help speed up development and still give you the freedom to do whatever PHP you like.
Try http://www.raintpl.com/ that should be quick and easy for you to install and get back to coding the pages. If you include it in your PHP inc folder, it will be available for every PHP file you create. So you won't need to add an include line at the top of each PHP file.
<?php define('BASE_URL', 'http://localhost'); ?>
<link rel="stylsheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo BASE_URL; ?>/style/style.css ?>" />