I have a instance of Apache and IIS running on my server which i need to post data from the PHP application to the ASP.NET application .. is this action possible ? ,
if its possible what considerations
are required ?
if its not possible what are the
alternatives ? (Except - Webservices and socket programming)
because using web services or socket programming will not provide the overall requirement which i have on head !
I would look at this answer on super user
Shows you how to do a post using cURL from PHP. You can just direct your post to your ASPX page.
I did something like this using Memcache, but I'm not shure thats what you want/need:
I put some data into the cache in PHP and read the same value out in .net, but its a little complicated when it comes to objects, but for basic value types it worked fine...
Ive built an AngularJS application over the last several months that utilizes a MySQL database for its data. This data is fetched by Angular making calls to PHP and PHP returns JSON strings etc.
The issue is once this application is running inside node-webkit, none of the php works, so all of the content areas are empty. I assume (though the documentation on this issue is null and so i have no confirmation) this happens because Node-webkit is a client-side application framework and therefor wont run server-side languages like php. Is there a way to expand node webkit to run php and other server side languages?
I have done my best to find an answer to this question before posting, but documentation for this is nonexistent, and all of the information I have found about node-webkit talks about installing node on your server and installing npms for MySQL and having angular make calls to node. This defeats the purpose of the application entirely as it is designed so that the exe/deb/rpm/dmg can run and you can set up a database with any cloud database provider and be ready to go. Not ideal if you have to buy a vps just to run this one thing.
I have to assume this is possible in some way. i refuse to believe that everyone with an nw application hard codes all their data.
Thanks in advance
I know of four methods to accomplish this. Some of which you have preferred not to do but I am going to offer them in the hopes it helps you or someone else.
Look for an NPM that can do this for you. You should be able to do this functionality within node.js. - https://www.npmjs.com/search?q=mysql
You can host your PHP remotely. Using node-remote you can give this server the appropriate access to your NW.js project.
You can code a RESTful PHP application that your JavaScript can pass off information to.
You can use my boilerplate code to run PHP within a NW.js project. It however fires up an express.js web server internally to accomplish this. But the server is restricted to the machine and does not accept outside connections - https://github.com/baconface/php-webkit
1 and 4 both carry a risk in your case. Your project can be reversed engineered to reveal the source code and the connection information can be retrieved rather easy. So this should only be in an application on trusted machines and 2 and 3 are the ideal solutions.
I've developed an application that I would like to use meteor.js for real time updates (I want to enhance but not change my program, for example when a user adds a comments make it update in real-time ) . Problem is meteor.js uses node.js (so javascript as server-side code). I use LAMP stack, Is it possible to get PHP to feed data into meteor.js from mysql.
Meteor is more than just an 'interactive webapplication'-builder or javascript framework. The idea is to have only one programming language (besides HTML/CSS for markup) to do all the work. Basically it creates a 'remote server' (in the clients browser) it can push data to and at the same time it publishes various API's to the users system. The data passed through these API's / connections has a specific structure which has to be adhered at all time.
Meteor is built around NodeJS, which makes it hard (if not impossible) to run it without this backend. Sure you can try to mimic the backend using PHP, but it would be a waste of time. Reading your question you'll be better of using a javascript framework like jQuery or Prototype. Unlike Meteor you will need to do the AJAX calls (POST & CallBack) yourself, but you can actually decide which backend you want to use yourself (including PHP / MySQL).
If you want to do this anyway you need to check the Meteor & NodeJS source code to see what the minimum requirements are to make Meteor run under PHP. The PHP stack has to interpret the commands Meteor sends and receivers, but this won't be an easy task.
You can use comet (or reverse ajax) for realtime updates.
Trying to marry node.js with PHP doesn't sound like a worthwhile path to go down. If someone insisted on using a system like Meteor.js, yet with a PHP back-end, it would make more sense to look at AngularJS which is mainly the client side.
Of course, that is different technology stack. If someone really insisted on the blending, one could consider using server side sockets to interact with PHP Web services; and/or use mongodb and/or mysql-node to interact with the same databases.
I released a meteorite package that interacts with a Wordpress site that has the Wordpress JSON API. A quick fix. For now.
Comes with a backend call that will return the raw data, or a publication that stores the posts using their id's instead of a randomly generated mongoid. And some basic templates to get you started including a Session variable that keeps track of the currently selected post.
I'm working on it a lot more and will eventually have a version that directly makes mysql calls from node so you won't need php or Wordpress; just the ability to access the mysql database (which can be remote, with the appropriate configuration, or on the same machine).
I have created a html page which sends custom data to a php file which then processes and evaluates it.
My next task is to make this into a GUI with the requirements:
1. A box for a custom search with button (it then posts this into the
2. A box where xml/json request can be seen
3. A box where the xml/json response can be seen
4. A box where the parsed version is translated and made to look pretty.
Any suggestions on programs or languages etc which can help me communicate with PHP in GUI form. It needs to be able to access the internet!
I was thinking perhaps Visual Basic as that's the only one I've ever used that really uses GUI's but I'm wondering what you all think!
Basically, what you're asking for is a web browser, with a very simple little HTML/Javascript front-end web page to make the PHP calls and display the results. I'm not entirely sure what it is about a browser environment that makes you think it's unsuitable, but it's basically exactly what you're asking for.
If a full-blown web browser really isn't suitable, you could try using a web browser control inside a simple GUI app. This would still work exactly the same, but would be without the browser controls, such as the URL bar.
Just use a browser.
If you don't want to do that -- build a browser.
If you are just looking for basically a web-based REST testing tool, try the Firefox RESTClient plug-in.
Why don't you use a framework ?
You may take a look here:
AppJS for Linux, Windows and Mac using HTML, CSS and Javascript
Adobe AIR : cross-platform using ActionScript/FLEX or HTML/Javascript
Titanium : HTML/CSS (no support anymore)
PhoneGap : mainly used for cross-phone-platform, but here's an Windows implementation of it (you should read the README.md ...)
You may also check this from Mozilla
I'm setting up a realtime app that will be using socket.io. There's currently some core functionally in php, that utilizes memcache and mysql backend.
Would it make sense in the socket.io server to do an ajax request (if that's even possible) to the php page that handles this? There's a lot of MySQL querying, I know it can be done in node.js, but I'd rather keep this part abstracted in php if possible.
So, my question is, is that a proper thing to do? Call a php page from within the socket.io server to then return to the client?
I don't see any problems with having your node.js app communicate with your PHP app by exposing a RESTful API or some PHP script that you can POST to or GET from your socket.io node.js server. There are plenty of npm modules (like request) that can make HTTP requests like that a breeze for you. After retrieving the data from PHP in your node app, you can use socket.io to emit() the data to the socket.io client on the frontend.
There is nothing wrong with that. You are simply using a RESTful API to access the MySQL data, thus isolating the database details.
If one day you are tired of PHP, you can easily switch to Ruby, Python or Whatever for that part without even touching the node.js. If your logic is already written in PHP (you are upgrading an old app), it make even more sense as you can reuse what has already been tested and debugged. A lot of folks are advocating for that kind of separation between systems. Just look at all the SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) buzz.
Where I work we are using this very architecture in a project (though in this case its an ASP.NET MVC Website calling a Java EE app) and it served us very well. With the event model of node.js, its even better since you won't block waiting for the PHP.
But of course, there are some drawback
Performance overhead
Architecture is more complicated
You now work with two language instead of only one (though javascript and PHP are so often used together that I don't think it's really is a problem in this case)
So you need to ask yourself if your problem really need that solution. But in a lot of case the answer may be yes. Just don't forget the virtue of Keeping It Simple and Stupid (the KISS principle)
If possible, how can I get (and post) data from a mysql database using javascript? I know I can use php and other languages, but I just need to know if this is possible with javascript?
Thanks in advance.
That's not possible with Javascript. I could not find this with server-side javascript too.
Not sure about your exact requirement, but you can use Ajax to interact with database though some server side language.
If by Javascript you mean NodeJS on the server, this project might interest you http://github.com/sidorares/nodejs-mysql-native - however the answers above are correct if you are talking about Javascript running inside a browser or other container.
If you want to run a vanilla javascript (for the concurrency speed) inside your own engine, I recommend looking at NodeJS and then using the NodeJS MySQL Native Driver that I linked above.
• http://github.com/sidorares/nodejs-mysql-native
Judging from the "iPhone" and "Android" tags, I guess, you are trying to access the local storage databases on these platforms.
They don't use MySQL, but SQLite.
How you access them from the mobile browsers is described in the W3C draft documents for the local storage: http://dev.w3.org/html5/webstorage/ for the local storage API or http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/section-sql.html#sql for the SQL API. It should be roughly the same API on iOS and Android since both of them use the Webkit browser engine.
it is not possible, javascript is executed on the client.
you could make the javascript call something on the server (e.g. php script) that access the database though.
The Web SQL database API isn’t actually part of the HTML5 specification, but it is part of the suite of specifications that allows us developers to build fully fledged web applications, so it’s about time we dig in and check it out.
Some examples are here
Do remove the tags iphone and android from this question. the tags are not relevant.
And only with javascript you cant accompolish this task , GET and POST request can be handled only by server side scripting languages like php.
Refer : http://www.javascriptkit.com/dhtmltutors/ajaxgetpost.shtml
javascript can get database from server
if use AJAX , only a way is AJAX