Unset a specific session using session id - php

I am the administrator of the site. I want unset a particular session, and I know its session id.
The users are just starting the session like this:
Let’s say user A has usernumber "123".
I want to destroy all the values of the user A. User A will not regenerate the sessio_id() after setting that as session_id("123");.
How can I unset destroy only for user A?

Answer by Jack Luo on php.net
$session_id_to_destroy = 'nill2if998vhplq9f3pj08vjb1';
// 1. commit session if it's started.
if (session_id()) {
// 2. store current session id
$current_session_id = session_id();
// 3. hijack then destroy session specified.
// 4. restore current session id. If don't restore it, your current session will refer to the session you just destroyed!

Without reverse enginering the session handler....
session_destroy() || die "failed to kill";

You could try to get session_save_path() (in this directory session files are stored).
When you are using default session names the filename looks like sess_jgimlf5edugvdtlaisumq0ham5 where jgimlf5edugvdtlaisumq0ham5 is user session id so you can just unlink this file unless you dont have permissions to edit those files.

As far as I know, the only supported way to do so with the default session handler is to impersonate the user with session_id("usernumber"); and then remove the values.
You could also store sessions in a database, which would make this all pretty straightforward, yet you need to write your own session handling code.
BTW, the session ID is supposed to be a long random string which you cannot guess. Using 123 means that any anonymous visitor can easily log in with any user credentials.


After payment success session destroying automatically

I am doing a small project in that i have user data in session. In the middle the user will do payment, after payment success, the session is destroying automatically.
Now am not able to get user data from session. (How can i achieve this with out using COOKIES).
Note: I have tried using:
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
But no use.
Hello this is an example from PHP manual i hope it might help. Firstly start your session by session_start(); and once all your transactions are completed destroy is by session_destroy();
// Initialize the session.
// If you are using session_name("something"), don't forget it now!
// Unset all of the session variables.
$_SESSION = array();
// If it's desired to kill the session, also delete the session cookie.
// Note: This will destroy the session, and not just the session data!
if (ini_get("session.use_cookies")) {
$params = session_get_cookie_params();
setcookie(session_name(), '', time() - 42000,
$params["path"], $params["domain"],
$params["secure"], $params["httponly"]
// Finally, destroy the session.
$_SESSION is a special array used to store information across the page requests a user makes during his visit to your website or web application.
While there may be many users accessing the site at the same time, each with his own session, it’s thanks to unique IDs assigned and managed by PHP for each session that allows each user’s session to be available only to himself. Session information is stored on the server rather than the user’s computer (as cookie data is stored), which makes sessions more secure than traditional cookies for passing information between page requests.
Using Sessions
Before you can to store information in a session, you have to start PHP’s session handling. This is done at the beginning of your PHP code, and must be done before any text, HTML, or JavaScript is sent to the browser. To start the session, you call the session_start() function in your first file:
// start the session
// store session data
$_SESSION["username"] = "Qateel";
session_start() starts the session between the user and the server, and allows values stored in $_SESSION to be accessible in other scripts later on.
In your second file, you call session_start() again which this time continues the session, and you can then retrieve values from $_SESSION.
// continue the session
// retrieve session data
echo "Username = " . $_SESSION["username"];
Ending a Session
As important as it is to begin a session, so it is to end one. Even though a session is only a temporary way to store data, it is very important to clean up after yourself to ensure maximum security when dealing with potentially sensitive information. It is also good practice and will avoid having a huge amount of stale session data sitting on the server.
To delete a single session value, you use the unset() function:
// delete the username value
To unset all of the session’s values, you can use the session_unset() function:
// delete all session values
Both examples only affect data stored in the session, not the session itself. You can still store other values to $_SESSION after calling them if you so choose. If you wish to completely stop using the session, for example a user logs out, you use the session_destroy() function.
// terminate the session
Few Tips
Despite there simplicity, there are still ways using sessions can go wrong.
Timing-out sessions is a very important action if you are dealing with users logged in to your website or application.
if (isset($_SESSION["timeout"])) {
// calculate the session's "time to live"
$sessionTTL = time() - $_SESSION["timeout"];
if ($sessionTTL > $inactive) {
header("Location: /logout.php");
Use a database to store data at the earliest moment you know the data will be persistent; don’t let it stay as part of the session for too long as this opens it up to possible attack.
Use session_destory() once you don’t need to use the session any more.
You may want to go through:
php sessions at #SO
php sessions security at #SO

obscurity about session_destroy

i have searched and searched and read and read a lot about what exactly session_destroy does ! but no result at least for me ! first read the details below :
When a session is created (session_start) a file is created with a
unique identifier that is given to the user as a cookie, when
variables in the $_SESSION array are modified or added the temporary
file is updated with that information so that it can be used somewhere
else on the website.*
session_destroy* will delete this file, this is commonly done for when
a user logs out of your website so that the (now useless and
unnecessary) file isn't taking up space.
we know that session id is stored in session cookie and as the tutorials say , session destroy removes the session cookie file (that includes session_id ) so why when i started a new session it didn't generate a new id ! it makes me confused ! look at the example :
echo session_id();
echo "---".session_id();
result : l4k80dkrl5kd6cdlobhbu5s3i1---l4k80dkrl5kd6cdlobhbu5s3i1
so it gives me the session id same as the previous one .
so what does session_destroy really do !! ?
thanks in advance
From PHP documentation:
It does not unset any of the global variables associated with the
session, or unset the session cookie.
So after session_destroy() the cookie that holds the session id is still alive, and just the session file will be deleted. So start_session() tries to find the file for the session id in the cookie, and it fails of course, and it just creates a new empty file for that. So your id does not change.
If you really want to change that, try to delete the cookie.
You are almost correct about what you have said, BUT if you destroy the session and the script ends in PHP, thats the time file is deleted. If you just try to destroy and create it again, it uses the same file/session ID.
Its not only the file that is created, but also the file contains all the data you are storing in the session. Have a look at your session data in your server, its very interesting.
More interesting things you can do. Write a PHP file
sleep(29000);//delete the session after 29 seconds
Now have a look at the session file, it should be deleted after 20 seconds.
<?php session_start(); ?>
and go to google chrome, and remove the cookie manually from there. The session won't be available anymore.
<?php session_destroy(); ?> will not destroy the cookies on the
client side. Next time you create a session, it will just use the same
old information. This is the prime reason of your question.
<?php session_start(); $_SESSION['test'] = "A"; ?>
<?php session_start(); $_SESSION['test'] = "B"; ?>
<?php session_start(); echo $_SESSION['test']; ?>
Now from two computers, access your website with file1 on one computer and file2 on another. From google chrome, switch their cookie information and see how session A is assigned to B and B is assigned to A.

Do I have to destroy SESSION when user logs out?

I only store logged users id in SESSION.
When a user logs out, SESSION becomes useless for me. Do I have to destroy it?
These are the methods of Utils class which I am using to start and destroy SESSION.
static function sessionSecureStart()
if (session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE) {
static function sessionSecureDestroy()
//Utils::sessionSecureStart(); This part is for testing only
if (session_status() == PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE) {
$_SESSION = [];
Sometimes randomly I get errors/warnings like SESSION could not be destroyed.... Am I doing something wrong?
(I am using PHP/5.5.25)
You don't have to destroy the whole session, just unset the parts you don't need. Let's say that when a user logs in that you set $_SESSION['user_id'] and everything that says I am logged in is looking for that variable. A simple unset($_SESSION['user_id']); and suddenly the user is logged out. Remember, your user doesn't have control over what's in the session.
Another option is to set the session cookies to very low lifetimes. It's cruder but just as effective.
I highly advice you to destroy the session. For both security and performance.
Normally session data is saved in temporary files on the server and in a cookie on the browser, this one only contains the session id but no data.
When you call session destroy you delete this file but you also might tel the browser to delete the session cookie (sending a cookie with the same name which expires in the past). You can know the name calling the session_name() function (normally it's PHPSESSID).
When a user logs out, SESSION becomes useless for me. Do I have to destroy it?
Yes. Besides destroying it, it's also helpful to generate a new session-id
Sometimes randomly I get errors/warnings like SESSION could not be destroyed.... Am I doing something wrong?
You cannot destroy a session that haven't been started. Make sure you have successfully initiated your sessions with session_start(); before trying to destroy it

how to end a session in php with logging out

I started a session $_SESSION['ProdID'] = $ProdID; earlier in my code and I started another ProdID session in another page of my script.
I want to end the first one while this new one will be active without logging out.
Create a page with any name you want.
For example you create a page named as logout.php and paste this code in it.
if you want to destroy all sessions , it's better to use session_destroy()
if you want to destroy specific session , you can use unset($_SESSION['']);
First destroy the current session by regenerating a new session ID to create new cookies. You can then set your values in the new session, the old session is destroyed. Optionally delete all old session variables if you don't need them any longer:
/* generate new session id and delete old session in store */
/* optional: unset old session variables */
$_SESSION = array();
/* set new value(s) */
$_SESSION['name'] = 'value';
If you still want to keep the old session ("without logging out") you can remove the true parameter so the old session is kept in store:
/* generate new session id and keep old session in store */
The rest would remain the same.
Try using session_destroy(); to end your current session.
Only type unset session end of code,
Like this

php session unset

Is it possible to unset a specific user session (one who is banned from the site)?
Each session contains the user's username.
Or is the only way to writing sessions in the database and checks whether the user is deleted from that record?
Thanks for any suggestion.
PHP doesn't keep track of what session IDs have been issued - when a session cookie comes in on a request and session_start() is called, it'll look in the session save directory for a file named with that session's ID (sess_XXXX) and load it up.
Unless your login system records the user's current session ID, you'll have to scan that save directory for the file that contains the user's session, and delete the file. Fortunately, it could be done with something as simple as:
$session_dir = session_save_path();
$out = exec("rm -f `grep -l $username $session_dir/*`");
You'd probably want something a bit more secure/safe, but that's the basics of it.
Just remove the user from your database.
I assume that you are checking login credentials.
You can add a timeout to your sessions like so:
define('SESSION_EXPIRE', 3600 * 5); //5 hours
if (!isset($_SESSION['CREATED'])) {
$_SESSION['CREATED'] = time();
} else if (time() - $_SESSION['CREATED'] > SESSION_EXPIRE) {
session_regenerate_id(true); // change session ID for the current session an invalidate old session ID
$_SESSION['CREATED'] = time(); // update creation time
I think the best method would be before allowing the user to comment, have PHP read your database and check if the individual has publish permissions. If not return an error.
Another thing you could do, which Facebook does, is have an AJAX call checking a PHP file every few minutes. The PHP file simply returns whether the user is logged on or off and if they are logged off, Javascript redirects them off the page.
