I have an input string $foo which contains both alphanumeric and non-alphanumeric characters.
I use ereg_replace to $foo to replace all non-wanted chars with empty chars. Now I want to know what were these "erased" chars. How can I do this?
If you're using regex to replace, why don't you just use the same regex and do a "preg_match", then a "preg_replace"
You could use
$foo = "something";
$bar = ereg_replace(...);
array_diff(chunk_split($foo, 1), chunk_split($bar, 1));
In PHP 5.3:
$text = 'Hello, World!';
$stripped = '';
$text = preg_replace_callback('/([^A-Za-z0-9]+)/',
function($m) use (&$stripped) { $stripped .= $m[0]; return ''; }, $text);
echo "$text\n$stripped\n";
, !
I have this code to find and replace some string if it's between some {{ and }}.
$string = 'This is my {{important keyword}}.';
$string = preg_replace('/{{(.*?)}}/', '$1', $string);
return $string;
How I can change the $1 part to have something like this:
important keyword
So the href needs to have the match item converted like a slug (words separated with a dash, no accent or special char).
You have to use preg_replace_callback() to allow change on matches in a function.
See also use($url) to allow the function to access to the external variable.
$url = 'https://example.com';
$string = 'This is my {{important keyword}}.';
$string = preg_replace_callback('/{{(.*?)}}/', function($matches) use ($url) {
$newURL = $url . '/' . str_replace(' ', '-', $matches[1]);
return '' . htmlentities($matches[1]) . '';
}, $string);
echo $string;
This is my important keyword.
I'd like to pad each multibyte character with spaces on either side. I can strip them out just fine, but I'd like to leave them in and just pad them.
For example: πππ to π π π.
Using underscores to represent spaces: πππ to _π__π__π_
Use this monsterous-already-cooked regex:
$regex = "[\\x{fe00}-\\x{fe0f}\\x{2712}\\x{2714}\\x{2716}\\x{271d}\\x{2721}\\x{2728}\\x{2733}\\x{2734}\\x{2744}\\x{2747}\\x{274c}\\x{274e}\\x{2753}-\\x{2755}\\x{2757}\\x{2763}\\x{2764}\\x{2795}-\\x{2797}\\x{27a1}\\x{27b0}\\x{27bf}\\x{2934}\\x{2935}\\x{2b05}-\\x{2b07}\\x{2b1b}\\x{2b1c}\\x{2b50}\\x{2b55}\\x{3030}\\x{303d}\\x{1f004}\\x{1f0cf}\\x{1f170}\\x{1f171}\\x{1f17e}\\x{1f17f}\\x{1f18e}\\x{1f191}-\\x{1f19a}\\x{1f201}\\x{1f202}\\x{1f21a}\\x{1f22f}\\x{1f232}-\\x{1f23a}\\x{1f250}\\x{1f251}\\x{1f300}-\\x{1f321}\\x{1f324}-\\x{1f393}\\x{1f396}\\x{1f397}\\x{1f399}-\\x{1f39b}\\x{1f39e}-\\x{1f3f0}\\x{1f3f3}-\\x{1f3f5}\\x{1f3f7}-\\x{1f4fd}\\x{1f4ff}-\\x{1f53d}\\x{1f549}-\\x{1f54e}\\x{1f550}-\\x{1f567}\\x{1f56f}\\x{1f570}\\x{1f573}-\\x{1f579}\\x{1f587}\\x{1f58a}-\\x{1f58d}\\x{1f590}\\x{1f595}\\x{1f596}\\x{1f5a5}\\x{1f5a8}\\x{1f5b1}\\x{1f5b2}\\x{1f5bc}\\x{1f5c2}-\\x{1f5c4}\\x{1f5d1}-\\x{1f5d3}\\x{1f5dc}-\\x{1f5de}\\x{1f5e1}\\x{1f5e3}\\x{1f5ef}\\x{1f5f3}\\x{1f5fa}-\\x{1f64f}\\x{1f680}-\\x{1f6c5}\\x{1f6cb}-\\x{1f6d0}\\x{1f6e0}-\\x{1f6e5}\\x{1f6e9}\\x{1f6eb}\\x{1f6ec}\\x{1f6f0}\\x{1f6f3}\\x{1f910}-\\x{1f918}\\x{1f980}-\\x{1f984}\\x{1f9c0}\\x{3297}\\x{3299}\\x{a9}\\x{ae}\\x{203c}\\x{2049}\\x{2122}\\x{2139}\\x{2194}-\\x{2199}\\x{21a9}\\x{21aa}\\x{231a}\\x{231b}\\x{2328}\\x{2388}\\x{23cf}\\x{23e9}-\\x{23f3}\\x{23f8}-\\x{23fa}\\x{24c2}\\x{25aa}\\x{25ab}\\x{25b6}\\x{25c0}\\x{25fb}-\\x{25fe}\\x{2600}-\\x{2604}\\x{260e}\\x{2611}\\x{2614}\\x{2615}\\x{2618}\\x{261d}\\x{2620}\\x{2622}\\x{2623}\\x{2626}\\x{262a}\\x{262e}\\x{262f}\\x{2638}-\\x{263a}\\x{2648}-\\x{2653}\\x{2660}\\x{2663}\\x{2665}\\x{2666}\\x{2668}\\x{267b}\\x{267f}\\x{2692}-\\x{2694}\\x{2696}\\x{2697}\\x{2699}\\x{269b}\\x{269c}\\x{26a0}\\x{26a1}\\x{26aa}\\x{26ab}\\x{26b0}\\x{26b1}\\x{26bd}\\x{26be}\\x{26c4}\\x{26c5}\\x{26c8}\\x{26ce}\\x{26cf}\\x{26d1}\\x{26d3}\\x{26d4}\\x{26e9}\\x{26ea}\\x{26f0}-\\x{26f5}\\x{26f7}-\\x{26fa}\\x{26fd}\\x{2702}\\x{2705}\\x{2708}-\\x{270d}\\x{270f}]|\\x{23}\\x{20e3}|\\x{2a}\\x{20e3}|\\x{30}\\x{20e3}|\\x{31}\\x{20e3}|\\x{32}\\x{20e3}|\\x{33}\\x{20e3}|\\x{34}\\x{20e3}|\\x{35}\\x{20e3}|\\x{36}\\x{20e3}|\\x{37}\\x{20e3}|\\x{38}\\x{20e3}|\\x{39}\\x{20e3}|\\x{1f1e6}[\\x{1f1e8}-\\x{1f1ec}\\x{1f1ee}\\x{1f1f1}\\x{1f1f2}\\x{1f1f4}\\x{1f1f6}-\\x{1f1fa}\\x{1f1fc}\\x{1f1fd}\\x{1f1ff}]|\\x{1f1e7}[\\x{1f1e6}\\x{1f1e7}\\x{1f1e9}-\\x{1f1ef}\\x{1f1f1}-\\x{1f1f4}\\x{1f1f6}-\\x{1f1f9}\\x{1f1fb}\\x{1f1fc}\\x{1f1fe}\\x{1f1ff}]|\\x{1f1e8}[\\x{1f1e6}\\x{1f1e8}\\x{1f1e9}\\x{1f1eb}-\\x{1f1ee}\\x{1f1f0}-\\x{1f1f5}\\x{1f1f7}\\x{1f1fa}-\\x{1f1ff}]|\\x{1f1e9}[\\x{1f1ea}\\x{1f1ec}\\x{1f1ef}\\x{1f1f0}\\x{1f1f2}\\x{1f1f4}\\x{1f1ff}]|\\x{1f1ea}[\\x{1f1e6}\\x{1f1e8}\\x{1f1ea}\\x{1f1ec}\\x{1f1ed}\\x{1f1f7}-\\x{1f1fa}]|\\x{1f1eb}[\\x{1f1ee}-\\x{1f1f0}\\x{1f1f2}\\x{1f1f4}\\x{1f1f7}]|\\x{1f1ec}[\\x{1f1e6}\\x{1f1e7}\\x{1f1e9}-\\x{1f1ee}\\x{1f1f1}-\\x{1f1f3}\\x{1f1f5}-\\x{1f1fa}\\x{1f1fc}\\x{1f1fe}]|\\x{1f1ed}[\\x{1f1f0}\\x{1f1f2}\\x{1f1f3}\\x{1f1f7}\\x{1f1f9}\\x{1f1fa}]|\\x{1f1ee}[\\x{1f1e8}-\\x{1f1ea}\\x{1f1f1}-\\x{1f1f4}\\x{1f1f6}-\\x{1f1f9}]|\\x{1f1ef}[\\x{1f1ea}\\x{1f1f2}\\x{1f1f4}\\x{1f1f5}]|\\x{1f1f0}[\\x{1f1ea}\\x{1f1ec}-\\x{1f1ee}\\x{1f1f2}\\x{1f1f3}\\x{1f1f5}\\x{1f1f7}\\x{1f1fc}\\x{1f1fe}\\x{1f1ff}]|\\x{1f1f1}[\\x{1f1e6}-\\x{1f1e8}\\x{1f1ee}\\x{1f1f0}\\x{1f1f7}-\\x{1f1fb}\\x{1f1fe}]|\\x{1f1f2}[\\x{1f1e6}\\x{1f1e8}-\\x{1f1ed}\\x{1f1f0}-\\x{1f1ff}]|\\x{1f1f3}[\\x{1f1e6}\\x{1f1e8}\\x{1f1ea}-\\x{1f1ec}\\x{1f1ee}\\x{1f1f1}\\x{1f1f4}\\x{1f1f5}\\x{1f1f7}\\x{1f1fa}\\x{1f1ff}]|\\x{1f1f4}\\x{1f1f2}|\\x{1f1f5}[\\x{1f1e6}\\x{1f1ea}-\\x{1f1ed}\\x{1f1f0}-\\x{1f1f3}\\x{1f1f7}-\\x{1f1f9}\\x{1f1fc}\\x{1f1fe}]|\\x{1f1f6}\\x{1f1e6}|\\x{1f1f7}[\\x{1f1ea}\\x{1f1f4}\\x{1f1f8}\\x{1f1fa}\\x{1f1fc}]|\\x{1f1f8}[\\x{1f1e6}-\\x{1f1ea}\\x{1f1ec}-\\x{1f1f4}\\x{1f1f7}-\\x{1f1f9}\\x{1f1fb}\\x{1f1fd}-\\x{1f1ff}]|\\x{1f1f9}[\\x{1f1e6}\\x{1f1e8}\\x{1f1e9}\\x{1f1eb}-\\x{1f1ed}\\x{1f1ef}-\\x{1f1f4}\\x{1f1f7}\\x{1f1f9}\\x{1f1fb}\\x{1f1fc}\\x{1f1ff}]|\\x{1f1fa}[\\x{1f1e6}\\x{1f1ec}\\x{1f1f2}\\x{1f1f8}\\x{1f1fe}\\x{1f1ff}]|\\x{1f1fb}[\\x{1f1e6}\\x{1f1e8}\\x{1f1ea}\\x{1f1ec}\\x{1f1ee}\\x{1f1f3}\\x{1f1fa}]|\\x{1f1fc}[\\x{1f1eb}\\x{1f1f8}]|\\x{1f1fd}\\x{1f1f0}|\\x{1f1fe}[\\x{1f1ea}\\x{1f1f9}]|\\x{1f1ff}[\\x{1f1e6}\\x{1f1f2}\\x{1f1fc}]";
Inside a preg_replace_callback():
var_dump(preg_replace_callback("#$regex#u", function($match) {
return $match[0]." ";
}, 'πππ'));
string(18) "π π π "
Live demo
I found this function that someone had added in the PHP docs that splits a multibyte string into an array of characters (like str_split) and modified it.
function addSpaces($string) {
$strlen = mb_strlen($string);
$new_string = '';
while ($strlen) {
$char = mb_substr($string,0,1,"UTF-8");
if (strlen($char) > 1) {
$new_string .= " $char ";
} else {
$new_string .= $char;
$string = mb_substr($string,1,$strlen,"UTF-8");
$strlen = mb_strlen($string);
return $new_string;
This question has other ways to do that split that could be similarly modified. The modification is, if strlen of one of the split characters is greater than 1, then it's multibyte, so add the spaces.
Simple regex replace could work as well...
echo mb_ereg_replace(
' \\1 ',
'text πππ other text πππ'
outputs: text π π π other text π π π
function pad_emojis($string) {
$default_encoding = mb_regex_encoding();
$string = mb_ereg_replace('([^\p{L}\s])', ' \\1 ', $string);
return $string;
In PHP, how can you replace the second and third character of a string with an X so string would become sXXing?
The string's length would be fixed at six characters.
It depends on what you are doing.
In most cases, you will use :
$string = "string";
$string[1] = "X";
$string[2] = "X";
This will sets $string to "sXXing", as well as
substr_replace('string', 'XX', 1, 2);
But if you want a prefect way to do such a cut, you should be aware of encodings.
If your $string is ζεΎεζ¬’ιεΊ, your output will be "οΏ½XXεΎεζ¬’" instead of "ζXXζ¬’ιεΊ".
A "perfect" way to avoid encoding problems is to use the PHP MultiByte String extension.
And a custom mb_substr_replace because it has not been already implemented :
function mb_substr_replace($output, $replace, $posOpen, $posClose) {
return mb_substr($output, 0, $posOpen) . $replace . mb_substr($output, $posClose + 1);
Then, code :
echo mb_substr_replace('ζεΎεζ¬’ιεΊ', 'XX', 1, 2);
will show you ζXXζ¬’ιεΊ.
$str = "string";
$str[1] = $str[2] = "X";
echo $str;
For replacing, use function
$str = 'bar';
$str[1] = 'A';
echo $str; // prints bAr
or you could use the library function substr_replace as:
$str = substr_replace($str,$char,$pos,1);
similarly for 3rd position
function mb_substr_replace($string, $replacement, $start, $length=0)
return mb_substr($string, 0, $start) . $replacement . mb_substr($string, $start+$length);
same as above, but standardized to be more like substr_replace (-substr- functions usually take length, not end position)
How do i create a function replaceMe() in php that would turn:
$str = 'This is a very long string';
'This is a very long STRING?'
can someone help me?
You apparently want to do a regular expression substitution, anchored at the end of the line. Use preg_replace:
$str = 'This is a very long string';
# This is a very long LINE
echo preg_replace("/string$/", "LINE", $str);
For a general case, you can provide a callback instead of a replacement string, and simply uppercase the matched substring with preg_replace_callback:
$str = 'This is a very long blah';
function word_to_upper($match) {
return strtoupper($match[1]);
# This is a very long BLAH
echo preg_replace_callback("/(\w+)$/", "word_to_upper", $str);
If you're using PHP 5.4 or greater, you can supply the callback as an anonymous function:
echo preg_replace_callback("/(\w+)$/", function ($match) {
return strtoupper($match[1])
}, $str);
This works:
$str = 'This is a very long string';
echo $str."<br/>";
function replaceMe($str = "")
$words = explode(" ",$str);
$totalwords = count($words)-1;
$lastword = $words[$totalwords];
$words[$totalwords] = strtoupper($lastword);
$str = implode(" ",$words);
return $str;
echo replaceMe($str);
This is a very long string
This is a very long STRING
$str = 'This is a very long string.';
function lastWordUpper($str){
$temp = strrev($str);
$last = explode(" ", $temp, 2);
return strrev(strtoupper($last[0]). ' ' .$last[1]) ;
echo lastWordUpper($str);
// Below are a number of strings which need ammending
$string = "www.development_test.php?action=show_development_crs&test1&test2";
$string = "www.development_test.php?action=show_rfw&test1";
$string = "www.development_test.php?action=show_development_crs";
I need to write a preg_replace() function which replace the value between "=" + "&" or in the case of the bottom string everything after "=" when & doesnt exist with "newAction"..
Does anyone have any ideas?
This is what I have tried so far, but failed:
public function test1()
$action = "newAction";
$string = "www.development_crs.php?action=show_development_crs&test1&test2";
$pattern = '/(action=)(.*)(&)/';
$replacement = "action=$action&";
$string = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $string);
echo $string;
$action = 'newAction';
$string = 'www.development_crs.php?action=show_development_crs&test1&test2';
$pattern = '/action=[^&]+(.*)/';
$replacement = "action=$action$1";
$string = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $string);
echo $string;
try the pattern below
$pattern = '/action=.*?(&|$)/';
$replacement = "action=$action$1";
I can see a few problems with your pattern. Not that I'm a regex expert however,
Try something like this:
This will match 'action=' and then the rest of the string until it encounters a &. The + means that it must have at least one character between the = and the & to accept the string.
Hope this helps :)