PHP Include: Losing UTF-8 characters on included code - php

I'm including a menubar through php include and for some reason the menubar doesn't display UTF-8 special characters.
The rest of the page works fine, just not the left navigation.
What could be the reason? I tried adding:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
on the included file too but I still can't get the caracters.
I'm testing it here:

Make sure that you actually save the files in UTF-8 encoding in your editor.

Check if the file you include is uft-8 encoded. In Eclipse you can do so by right-clicking in the file an check under "Properties"

Be aware that the standard PHP string functions won't work with UTF-8 - they all assume a fixed with character set. Check your code and make sure you're using the mb_* equivalents instead.


Special character PHP HTML

I have a problem of special character writing on my website coded in PHP (data from database and normal writing html)
Code :
code in Sublime text
Result :
result in web
I have in my header :
‹meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"›
It's important that your entire line code has the same charset to avoid issues where characters displays incorrectly.
There are quite a few settings that needs to be properly defined and I'd strongly recommend UTF-8, as this has most letters you would need (Scandinavian, Greek, Arabic).
Here's a little list of things that has to be set to a specific charset.
Setting the charset in both HTML and PHP headers to UTF-8
PHP: header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
(PHP headers has to be placed before any kind output (echo, whitespace, HTML))
HTML: <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
(HTML-headers are placed within the <head> / </head> tag)
It might also be needed for the file itself to be UTF-8 encoded. If you're using Notepad++ to write your code, this can be done in the "Format" drop-down on the taskbar. You should use UTF-8 w/o BOM (see this SO).
Some specific functions have the attribute of a specific charset, and if you are using such functions, it should be specified there as well. Read the documentation for each function.
Should you follow all of the pointers above, chances are your problem will be solved. If not, you can take a look at this StackOverflow post: UTF-8 all the way through.

Greek text writing problem

i am working on php. in my index.php page i have included right.php. right.php contains greek text. index.php has the html headers. the greek text are not showing correctly. when i open the right.php file in dreamweaver and save the page, it gives warning about the text. what can i do to solve this? because right.php has common contents which is used in many pages.
This is all to do with the content type of your pages. Most likely you are trying to save / display the text in latin1 format which doesn't support the characters you are trying to display.
The most sensible thing to do is convert everything to UTF-8. If you're manually editing the text then ensure your text editor (i.e. Dreamweaver) is set to save the files as UTF-8 and then ensure you have the following meta tag on your page
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
Make sure you are saving your files as UTF-8 encoding (check preferences in DreamWeaver to find file encoding). Also make sure your HTML <head> tags include charset similar to this: <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
You can use a different character set if you prefer, but UTF-8 supports the entire Unicode character space, so it's pretty safe.
You have to set file encoding to utf-8 and set it also in <meta> charset tag in <head> HTML.

Charcter encoding and PHP

I'm building a multilingual website that uses PHP to load language files. Paragraphs in the language file are set in define() constants.
After opening page in the browser I get a bunch of characters like "?". In the markup I have encoding set to utf-8. What can be done to make it work other than replacing all unknown characters with html character entities?
header('Content-Type:text/html; charset=UTF-8');
use this line on the top of your PHP code to send header; also helps with validation of dynamic pages to get rid of utf warning.
Make sure you language files are utf8,
make sure your HTML files and template are utf8,
make sure you add the following tag to your page
< meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" / >
as long as your data is utf8, the template and html files are utf8 and you explicitely specify the html page is utf8, it should work.
EDIT: the code embedding thing is a bit broken today... have to insert a space at the tag opening.weird

Browser displays � instead of ´

I have a PHP file which has the following text:
<div class="small_italic">This is what you´ll use</div>
On one server, it appears as:
This is what you´ll use
And on another, as:
This is what you�ll use
Why would there be a difference and what can I do to make it appear properly (as an apostrophe)?
Note to all (for future reference)
I implemented Gordon's / Gumbo's suggestion, except I implemented it on a server level rather than the application level. Note that (a) I had to restart the Apache server and more importantly, (b) I had to replace the existing "bad data" with the corrected data in the right encoding.
default_charset = "iso-8859-1"
You have to make sure the content is served with the proper character set:
Either send the content with a header that includes
<?php header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=[your charset]"); ?>
or - if the HTTP charset headers don't exist - insert a <META> element into the <head>:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=[your charset]" />
Like the attribute name suggests, http-equiv is the equivalent of an HTTP response header and user agents should use them in case the corresponding HTTP headers are not set.
Like Hannes already suggested in the comments to the question, you can look at the headers returned by your webserver to see which encoding it serves. There is likely a discrepancy between the two servers. So change the [your charset] part above to that of the "working" server.
For a more elaborate explanation about the why, see Gumbo's answer.
The display of the REPLACEMENT CHARACTER � (U+FFFD) most likely means that you’re specifying your output to be Unicode but your data isn’t.
In this case, if the ACUTE ACCENT ´ is for example encoded using ISO 8859-1, it’s encoded with the byte sequence 0xB4 as that’s the code point of that character in ISO 8859-1. But that byte sequence is illegal in a Unicode encoding like UTF-8. In that case the replacement character U+FFFD is shown.
So to fix this, make sure that you’re specifying the character encoding properly according to your actual one (or vice versa).
To sum it maybe up a little bit:
Make sure the FILE saved on the web server has the right encoding
Make sure the web server also delivers it with the right encoding
Make sure the HTML meta tags is set to the right encoding
Make sure to use "standard" special chars, i.e. use the ' instead of ´of you want to write something like "Luke Skywalker's code"
For encoding, UTF-8 might be good for you.
If this answer helps, please mark as correct or vote for it. THX
The simple solution is to use ASCII code for special characters.
The value of the apostrophe character in ASCII is ’. Try putting this value in your HTML, and it should work properly for you.
Set your browser's character set to a defined value:
For example,
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
This is probably being caused by the data you're inserting into the page with PHP being in a different character encoding from the page itself (the most common iteration is one being Latin 1 and the other UTF-8).
Check the encoding being used for the page, and for your database. Chances are there will be a mismatch.
Create an .htaccess file in the root directory:
AddDefaultCharset utf-8
AddCharset utf-8 *
<IfModule mod_charset.c>
CharsetSourceEnc utf-8
CharsetDefault utf-8
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

PHP Japanese Strings getting set to?

I have a PHP file with one simple echo function:
echo 'アクセスは撥ねりません。';
but when I access that page i get this:
Can someone help me?
I also have my page encoding set to UTF-8, and I know it, because all of the browsers i used said so.
I also do this before the echo function:
What does this do?
Does it help me?
All I need is to be able to echo a static Japanese string.
There are a few places where this could go wrong.
Firstly, if you aren't setting the output encoding in php with header()
header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
or in your html with a meta tag:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
you will need to check the php.ini setting default_charset. Chances are this is defaulted to iso-8859-1
Secondly, you may also need to check the content encoding you are saving the php script as. If you are saving it as ASCII or some other latin charset, it will munge the characters.
I got it.
I just had to set the mbstring extension settings to handle internal strings in UTF-8. Thas extension is standard with my build of PHP 5.3.0.
Maybe you are printing Japanese characters contained in UTF-16 (extended set of chars)?
I just did a quick test and your example works for me, so it's most likely one of these:
Your file is not saved in UTF-8, but some other encoding, such as Shift-JIS. A decent editor should be able to let you see what encoding it used
Your server is sending bad http headers. Can you use some tool to check the headers and paste the results? Or the results you got from the browser?
The browser is using an incompatible font
I saved a file in UTF-8, pasted your code into it, and my server is serving the file with Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 and it shows up just fine. Did not need to use the mb_ function or anything else.
