I'm trying to make my webservice in symfony with NuSOAP. I also made a client for test purpose.
I managed to make it work in my /web/ directory, but i can't access my symfony methods from there.
So i created a new module in my frontend app, and i copied the content of my nuSOAP server file into indexSuccess.php.
When i try to consume it, i get no error but also no results, and what's really strange is $proxy->response returning my homepage.
Here's my indexSuccess.php
require_once ("../lib/soap/nusoap.php");
$server = new soap_server();
$namespace = "Webservices";
$server->wsdl = new wsdl();
$server->wsdl->schemaTargetNamespace = $namespace;
$server->configureWSDL("Webservices", "Webservices");
function getDemandes($partnerCode)
$demandesArray = array();
$demandeArray[] = array( 'id' => 5, 'poid_id' => 25, 'demande_type' => "Male" );
$demandeArray[] = array( 'id' => 8,'poid_id' => 21, 'demande_type' => "Female");
return $demandeArray;
array('partnerCode' => 'xsd:string'),
'Return requests'
After further research I get the error Response not of type text/xml: text/html; charset=utf-8 whitch is not surprising because i have my default layout in the $request -> response, even if i disable it with $this->layout(false);
Maybe you should choose an option that is better integrated in Symfony. There is the ckWebservicePlugin for example. This plugin is tightly integrated in Symfony and would be a far better choice than using NuSOAP.
I am trying to connect my script to the SOAP client. But when I try to do it throws the mentioned error. When I tried to get the function with
$client->__getFunctions(). It shows all the function. when I try to call them it ends in fatal error.
$client = new SoapClient("http://bsestarmfdemo.bseindia.com/MFOrderEntry/MFOrder.svc?singleWsdl",array(
'soap_version' => SOAP_1_2, // !!!!!!!
$login_params = array(
'UserId' => 123456,
'Password' => 123456,
'PassKey' => 1234569870,
//$response = $client->getPassword($login_params);
$response = $client->__soapCall('getPassword', array($login_params));
if i change the SOAP version to 1.1 i get another error Cannot process the message because the content type 'text/xml; charset=utf-8' was not the expected type 'application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8'. Would be great if i come to know what i am missing here.
To address the reply made by #Naveen Kumar: this was my solution.
// Apply WSA headers
$action = new \SoapHeader('http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing', 'Action', self::ACTION_PREFIX.$this->action);
$to = new \SoapHeader('http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing', 'To', $this->endpoint);
$this->client()->__setSoapHeaders([$action, $to]);
In the end, $this->client simply returns an instance of \SoapClient and the action contains the full URL to the method. Naturally, the To portion is optional, but in my case it obviously points towards the endpoint specified in the .wsdl file.
I am working on oxwall plugin. I am stuck at one problem .
I need to know how to send http request to url.
For example :
1) In joomla CMS we send request like this,
$http = new JHttp($options, $transport);
$response = $http->post($url, $data);
2)In drupal ,
$options = array(
'method' => 'POST',
'data' => $data,
'timeout' => 15,
'headers' => array('Content-Type' => 'application/json'),
$result = drupal_http_request($url, $option);
I want to know , what is the oxwall way of doing this task, Please help me or hint me which library to look out. If i am unable to find the solution will it be okay to use custom php code send request . Will it affect the performance of plugin ?
I don't think there exists exactly what you are looking for.
You would just use custom PHP code for this.
I have taken over an application from a previous developer, and there was some code which was half finished using Nusoap, I am getting the error:
Call to register_donation() web service failed due to an exception:
Function ("register_donation") is not a valid method for this service
The application is built on: CakePHP 1.2.10 & using nuSoap 0.9.5.
I have already ini_set('soap.wsdl_cache_enabled', 0); (This doesnt help.)
My code is below (I shortened it for readability), Am I processing this response correctly?
(The code was taken over by myself from a previous developer).
The Pastebin (of the full code) is here: PasteBin Link
A shortened version is below for a glance over, the full version is in the pastebin link above.
ini_set('soap.wsdl_cache_enabled', 0);
class ServicesController extends AppController
var $uses = array("Donation");
var $components = array( "Email", "MatchingEvents" );
function registerDonation($donation = null){
$this->log('hit registerDonation', 'donation');
$this->autoRender = false;
Configure::write('Session.start', false);
//init soap server
$server = new soap_server();
$endpoint = 'http://new.mysite.com/services/registerDonation';
//initialize WSDL support
$server->configureWSDL('donations', 'urn:donations', $endpoint);
//setup service type
'success' => array('name' => 'success', 'type' => 'xsd:boolean'),
'msg' => array('name' => 'msg', 'type' => 'xsd:string'),
'error_number' => array('name' => 'error_number', 'type' => 'xsd:string')
//register the method to expose
array('ct_number' => 'xsd:string', 'project_id' => 'xsd:int', 'donation_amount' => 'xsd:decimal',
// Stripped all other params
'result' => 'tns:DonationResult'
'Accepts the results of a donation to a charity or project on the site'
//This inner function is registered and then called (keep within outer function!)
function register_donation(
// Pass in all the params (Stripped for readability)
$ct_number = null, $project_id = null, $donation_amount = null
// This function is never hit!.. its not registered, why?
$this->log('hit #3-register_donation called!', 'donation');
$return = $this->Donation->add(array(
'unique_id' => $unique_id,
'ct_number' => $ct_number,
'project_id' => $project_id,
'donation_amount' => $donation_amount,
// Pass in all other params, (Stripped for readability)
// Process that request
$log = $this->Donation->log . 'Result: ' . $return['msg'] . "\n";
$this->log( $log, 'donation' );
if ( isset($this->Donation->matching['events']) )
//Reserved donations should already have had their events handled
$this->MatchingEvents->handle($this->Donation->matching, !$this->Donation->matching['reserved']);
if ( !empty($this->Donation->cacheSaved) )
return $return;
function _sendDonationEmails($donation)
// Send the emails
If there is any more information I can provide, please let me know.
To Summarise: How do I process a nusoap response coming from a external source.
Any debugging ideas, hints & tips or solution will be rewarded (+1!).
In the code posted there's a function named registerDonation inside a controller named ServicesController. Inside that function there is another function called register_donation (This obviously doesn't make sense [Old Code]).
Remove the function named register_donation out of the registerDonation method and place it as a method inside the ServicesContoller.
Then change the following line (where you register the function to expose).
From: $server->register('register_donation',
To: $server->register('ServicesController.register_donation',
So you're calling class.method as opposed to method only (This would work in PHP4 procedural programming, but in OOP, you need to specify the controller.method when exposing the function).
Having other problems?
Q: CakePHP & nuSOAP is not hitting my controller/method, but redirects to app/webroot
A: Using CakePHP 1.2, I found when it did not have a services model (because it wasn't
technically required), The request does not hit the controller. So if you're having this issue, create a model for your controller, even if you're not using it. For your reference, here a modal example:
<?php // You may not need this modal, but cakephp requires it to be there.
class Services extends AppModel {
public $name = 'Services';
public $useTable = false;
Q:What URL should I be receiving responses to?
A: The URL you set your response to hit must include ?wsdl.
So.. for eg: you have a controller named SOAPController and method named process.
In CakePHP, your URL would look like this: mydomain.com/SOAP/process.
So your WSDL is located at mydomain.com/SOAP/process?wsdl. Make sure your callback URL is set to this (including the wsdl).
Q: How do I debug SOAP requests/responses using CakePHP?
A: CakePHP has a logging feature which proved invaluable in debugging SOAP. In your controller (or modal) you can use:
$this->log('your message or variable', 'name_of_file_to_save_to);
You can use this through your SOAP request or response to see what parts are being hit/called and debugging variables (eg: $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA).
Q: My WSDL location is shown as `domain.com/app/webroot` when I visit the SOAP page.
A: I thought this was the issue causing all the problems, Looking at the source code Nusoap uses PHP_SELF to get the current script (which in cakePHP is app/webroot/index.php), Don't worry about this, you can access the wsdl by appending the URL with ?wsdl, This will show you your generated WSDL file, You don't need to worry about fixing this. Its not interfering with your SOAP request whatsoever, It's merely there for your convenience.
Q: My SOAP address location is showing 'domain.com/app/webroot/index.php`
A: This was a issue I fixed by including the $endpoint in the configureWSDL().
//Set our endpoint, Replace with your URL
$endpoint = 'http://yourdomain.com/controller/method';
//initialize WSDL support - Include the $endpoint.
$server->configureWSDL('donations', 'urn:donations', $endpoint);
// Now your Soap Address Location should be what you set as the $endpoint
The Zend_Service_Twitter component is still for Twitters API v1.0 which will be deprecated at 5th March 2013. So I wanted to make my new website with Twitter API interaction v1.1 ready.
Everything works fine with v1.0 but if I change the URL from /1/ to /1.1/ it fails with the HTTP header code 400 and the JSON error message: Bad Authentication data (Code: 215)
To get the request and access token stayed the same and works already without any changes,
but if I want to verify the credentials like this I get the error I described above:
// Take a look for the code here: http://framework.zend.com/manual/1.12/en/zend.oauth.introduction.html
$accessToken = $twitterAuth->getAccessToken($_GET, unserialize($_SESSION['TWITTER_REQUEST_TOKEN']));
// I have a valid access token and now the problematic part
$twitter = new Zend_Service_Twitter(array(
'username' => $accessToken->getParam('screen_name'),
'accessToken' => $accessToken
I changed the code of verifyCredentials in Zend/Service/Twitter.php from that to that:
public function accountVerifyCredentials()
$response = $this->_get('/1/account/verify_credentials.xml');
return new Zend_Rest_Client_Result($response->getBody());
// to
public function accountVerifyCredentials()
$response = $this->_get('/1.1/account/verify_credentials.json');
return Zend_Json::decode($response->getBody());
Now I added before the return Zend_Json[...] this line:
// And I get this output of it:
GET /1.1/account/verify_credentials.json HTTP/1.1
Host: api.twitter.com
Connection: close
Accept-encoding: gzip, deflate
User-Agent: Zend_Http_Client
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8
Authorization: OAuth realm="",oauth_consumer_key="",oauth_nonce="91b6160db351060cdf4c774c78e2d0f2",oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1",oauth_timestamp="1349107209",oauth_version="1.0",oauth_token="hereismytoken",oauth_signature="hereisavalidsignature"
As you could see the oauth_consumer_key (and realm too) is empty. Could that be the error? How could I solve this error (because of the stricter new API version?)? Would it be fine to set somehow the oauth_consumer_key? If yes, how could I manage that?
I also found already a bug report on the issue tracker of the Zend Framework:
http://framework.zend.com/issues/browse/ZF-12409 (maybe do an upvote?)
with ZF 1.12.3 the workaround is to pass consumerKey and consumerSecret in oauthOptions option, not directrly in the options.
$options = array(
'username' => /*...*/,
'accessToken' => /*...*/,
'oauthOptions' => array(
'consumerKey' => /*...*/,
'consumerSecret' => /*...*/,
While you wait to fix this issue in Zend_Twitter_Service component, you can do this workaround:
You need to send customerKey and customerSecret to Zend_Service_Twitter
$twitter = new Zend_Service_Twitter(array(
'consumerKey' => $this->consumer_key,
'consumerSecret' => $this->consumer_secret,
'username' => $user->screenName,
'accessToken' => unserialize($user->token)
Today I have the same problem - Zend Framework works with API 1.
I created new class like
class Zend_Service_Twitter11 extends Zend_Service_Twitter
And override functions, which I need.
$this->_session = new Zend_Session_Namespace('auth_twitter');
$config = Zend_Registry::get('config')->twitter->toArray();
$access_tokenSession = unserialize($this->_session->access_token);
$accessToken = new Zend_Oauth_Token_Access();
$temp = array();
$temp['oauthOptions']['consumerKey'] = $config['consumerKey'];
$temp['oauthOptions']['consumerSecret'] = $config['consumerSecret'];
$temp['accessToken'] = $accessToken;
$temp['username'] = $access_tokenSession->screen_name;
$this->_twitter = new Zend_Service_Twitter($temp, null);
I need to connect to a web service that requires authentication credentials in the form of a plain text user name and password.
I have a basic understanding of SOAP and have managed to connect to other open web services that do not require a username or password using NuSOAP.
The following was sent to me:
// Set up security options
$security_options = array("useUsernameToken" => TRUE);
$policy = new WSPolicy(array("security" => $security_options));
$security_token = new WSSecurityToken(array(
"user" => "xxx",
"password" => "xxx",
"passwordType" => "basic"));
// Create client with options
$client = new WSClient(array("wsdl" => "https://xxx.asmx?wsdl",
"action" => "http://xxx",
"to" => "https://xxx",
"useWSA" => 'submission',
"CACert" => "cert.pem",
"useSOAP" => 1.1,
"policy" => $policy,
"securityToken" => $security_token));
// Send request and capture response
$proxy = $client->getProxy();
$input_array = array("From" => "2010-01-01 00:00:00",
"To" => "2010-01-31 00:00:00");
$resMessage = $proxy->xxx($input_array);
After some research I understand that the above implementation uses wso2. I need to be able to do this without using wso2.
I have tried my best to look for resources (Google, forums, etc) about the above but haven't been able to find anything. I have read some tutorials on SOAP and have been able to set up a SOAP client using PHP but cannot get my head around all the authentication and "policies".
An explanation of how to achieve this and maybe some links to further reading about this would be very much appreciated as I am tearing my hair out! Ideally I would like some links to resources for an absolute beginner to the SOAP authentication.
Thanks. P.S some of the links/credentials in the above could have been xxx'd for privacy.
If you have the SOAP extension enabled in php (php version >= 5.0.1), you can use the SoapClient class to process your request. To authenticate, you can pass the username and password to the class with the target URL:
$soapURL = "https://www.example.com/soapapi.asmx?wsdl" ;
$soapParameters = Array('login' => "myusername", 'password' => "mypassword") ;
$soapFunction = "someFunction" ;
$soapFunctionParameters = Array('param1' => 42, 'param2' => "Search") ;
$soapClient = new SoapClient($soapURL, $soapParameters);
$soapResult = $soapClient->__soapCall($soapFunction, $soapFunctionParameters) ;
if(is_array($soapResult) && isset($soapResult['someFunctionResult'])) {
// Process result.
} else {
// Unexpected result
if(function_exists("debug_message")) {
debug_message("Unexpected soapResult for {$soapFunction}: ".print_r($soapResult, TRUE)) ;
If you're not sure about the functions you can call, you can view the target URL (e.g. ending in ".asmx?wsdl") in your browser. You should get an XML response that tells you the available SOAP functions you can call, and the expected parameters of those functions.
Check out the soap_wsse library