The main function of the example class uses the reusableFunction twice with different data and attempts to send that data to a different instance variable ($this->result1container and $this->result2container) in each case, but the data doesn't get into the instance variables.
I could get it to work by making reusableFunction into two different functions, one with array_push($this->result1container, $resultdata) and the other with array_push($this->result2container, $resultdata), but I am trying to find a solution that doesn't require me to duplicate the code.
My solution was to try to pass the name of the result container into the function, but no go. Does somebody know a way I could get this to work?
Example Code:
Class Example {
private $result1container = array();
private $result2container = array();
function __construct() {
function main($data1, $data2) {
$this->reusableFunction($data1, $this->result1container);
$this->reusableFunction($data2, $this->result2container);
function reusableFunction($data, $resultcontainer) {
$resultdata = $data + 17;
// PROBLEM HERE - $resultcontainer is apparently not equal to
// $this->result1container or $this->result2container when I
// try to pass them in through the parameter.
array_push($resultcontainer, $resultdata);
function getResults() {
return array(
"Container 1" => $this->result1container,
"Container 2" => $this->result2container);
(If this is a duplicate of a question, I apologize and will happily learn the answer from that question if somebody would be kind enough to point me there. My research didn't turn up any answers, but this might just be because I didn't know the right question to be searching for)
It looks to me like you want to be passing by reference:
function reusableFunction($data, &$resultcontainer) {
If you don't pass by reference with the & then you are just making a local copy of the variable inside reuseableFunction .
You are changing the copy, not the original. Alias the original Array by referenceDocs:
function reusableFunction($data, &$resultcontainer) {
# ^
And that should do the job. Alternatively, return the changed Array and assign it to the object member it belongs to (as for re-useability and to keep things apart if the real functionality is doing merely the push only).
array_push($resultcontainer, $resultdata);
can be written as
$resultcontainer[] = $resultdata;
But that's just really FYI.
You may pass the attributes name as a String to the method like this:
function reusableFunction($data, $resultcontainer) {
$resultdata = $data + 17;
array_push($this->{$resultcontainer}, $resultdata);
//..somewhere else..
$this->reusableFunction($data, 'result2Container')
Some php experts wrote some texts about "why you shouldn't use byReference in php".
Another solution would be to define the containers as an array. Then you can pass an "key" to the method that is used to store the result in the array. Like this:
private $results = array();
function reusableFunction($data, $resIdx) {
$resultdata = $data + 17;
array_push($this->$results[$resIdx], $resultdata);
//..somewhere else..
$this->reusableFunction($data, 'result2Container');
//..or pass a number as index..
$this->reusableFunction($data, 1);
First, let me start by saying i'm a real beginner learning mostly PHP. Understanding the patterns and semantics of programming is more important to me than just learning the syntax. I did some research for what I'm going to ask, but I couldn't find any info about it. So, I was thinking... What if I need to do the following... Give a function multiple outputs to pass in other parts of the code. What is the name of this type of functionality (if it exists)? Or If it doesn't exist, why not? And what is the best practice to achieve the same semantic?
More details:
Let's say I want to call a function with one argument and return not only the value back to that same argument call location, but also in another location or into some other part of the program. Meaning a function with two outputs in two different locations, but the second location wouldn't be a call, just an output from the call made in the first location, returned at the same time with the same value output as the first. So, not calling it twice separately... But rather calling once and outputting twice in different locations. The second output would be used to pass the result into another part of the program and therefore wouldn't be appropriate as a "call/input", but more as an "output" only from the "input" value. How can I achieve multiple outputs in functions?
If this seems like a stupid question, I'm sorry. I couldn't find the info anywhere. Thanks in advance
What you want to do is basically this (i'll make it a 'practical' example):
function add($number1, $number2)
$result = $number1 + $number2;
return array('number1' => $number1,'number2' => $number2,'result' => $result);
$add = add(5,6); // Returns array('number1' => 5, 'number2' => 6, 'result' => 11);
You now have the two arguments and the result of that function at your disposal to use in other functions.
If the question is about returning more than one variables, it is simply:
function wtf($foobar = true) {
$var1 = "first";
$var2 = "second";
if($foobar === true) {
return $var2;
return $var1;
You can either have the function return an array of values:
function foo($bar) {
$bat = 1;
return [$bar, $bat];
Or you can pass an argument that tells it which value to return:
function foo($bar, $return_bar=false) {
$bat = 1;
return $return_bar ? $bar : $bat;
This a little hard for me to explain, but I'll try my best. I'm trying to find the best way to create an instance of a closure. Below is an example of how I am creating and accessing the closure:
$myvar->parse('var1, var2', function () {
//my code
I then loop through the strings by exploding the comma and put it into an array like so.
$array = array();
$array['var1'] = closure();
$array['var2'] = closure();
Later on in my code I use call_user_func to execute the function.
Now, the issue I'm having is that when I access $array['var1'] it calls the closure without any problem.
But when I access $array['var2'] it does nothing. I've been looking at diverse websites for a while without much luck. Do I need to use pointers (tried without success) or create a new instance of it somehow?
I currently only have access to php 5.3 on my server, so I can't use any of the awesome stuff in 5.4 :(
I'd really appreciate any feedback and advice you may have.
$yourcall = function () {
$array['var1'] = $yourcall;
$array['var2'] = $yourcall;
Would assign the closure to those values. However:
$array['var1'] = $yourcall();
$array['var2'] = $yourcall();
As you seem to have would assign the result of calling that closure to the array items.
In your parse function (why does it take a string and not an array), I assume you want this:
function parse($string,$closure){
$array = array();
foreach(explode(',',$string) as $key) $array[$key] = $closure;
return $array;
Yes your question isn't clear. You knew it so I wonder why you didn't explained better.
Anyway if you need to run a closure stored inside $array['var2'] you have to specifically put in your code something like this:
$array['var2'] = function(){
//> Code
That's the only way
By guessing at your code, your function parse should like:
function parse($keys,$func) {
$array = array();
foreach(explode(',',$keys) as $v) {
$array[trim($v)] = $func; //> trim important here!
Most likely you have forgot to trim($v)
Within a class I have three arrays (as instance variables) that must all point to the same objects. The first is a numerically indexed array that I get back from some external function. The second array must index the same objects by their name. The third by some other property. This is for fast access via those properties. So the point is: it shouldn't matter which array I use to access an object and modify it.
Yet it can't make it happen. I know about PHP references. I know about java references. I know about C pointers, but I can't make it happen - wherever I try to place the ampersand (=&).
class xxx {
private $objs;
private $objsByName;
public function __construct() {
$this->objs = getObjs();
$this->objsByName = array();
foreach($this->objs as $obj) {
$this->objsByName[$obj->getName()] = $obj;
There is no place here where I have not tried replacing = with =&
I am missing something?
Replace your foreach loop with this one.
for($i = 0 , $n = count($this->objs); $i < $n ; $i ++){
$this->objsByName[$this->objs[$i]->getName()] = &$this->objs[$i];
This will solve your problem :)
In PHP, objects are always passed by reference (you cannot copy an object unless you use clone keyword). This code illustrates this:
class AnObject{
private $name;
public $count=0;
public function __construct($name){
$this->name = $name;
public function getName(){
return $this->name;
function getObjs(){
return array(
new AnObject('One'),
new AnObject('Two'),
new AnObject('Three'),
class xxx {
private $objs;
private $objsByName;
public function __construct() {
$this->objs = getObjs();
$this->objsByName = array();
foreach($this->objs as $obj) {
$this->objsByName[$obj->getName()] = $obj;
public function alterAnObjectByName($name){
$x = new xxx;
The issue is probably somewhere else.
Mark this part from the php manual:
Unless the array is referenced, foreach operates on a copy of the specified array and not the array itself. foreach has some side effects on the array pointer. Don't rely on the array pointer during or after the foreach without resetting it.
So your $obj is a copy.
I have not tested Hussain's code, but that looks like a good option :)
PHP always use copy on write functions, chances are that your objects will be same until one is changed.
To avoid errors you should say that one of your array contains the data and that thee others are just indexes.
Use the index to find the id, and use tha data array, indexed by id, to read and alter data.
In PHP5 you can add & to the as variable to make the foreach loop not clone the object:
foreach($this->objs as &$obj) {
$this->objsByName[$obj->getName()] = &$obj;
p/s: I'm not sure if the & inside the foreach body is needed or not but just add it to be safe. Or you can try removing it to see if it's needed or not.
Anyone has an idea if this is at all possible with PHP?
function foo($var) {
// the code here should output the value of the variable
// and the name the variable has when calling this function
$hello = "World";
Would give me this output
varName = $hello
varValue = World
Since most people here 'accuse' me of bad practices and global variables stuff i'm going to elaborate a little further on why we are looking for this behaviour.
the reason we are looking at this kind of behaviour is that we want to make assigning variables to our Views easier.
Most of the time we are doing this to assign variables to our view
$this->view->assign('products', $products);
$this->view->assign('members', $members);
While it would be easier and more readable to just be able to do the following and let the view be responsible to determining the variable name the assigned data gets in our views.
Short answer: impossible.
Long answer: you could dig through apd, bytekit, runkit, the Reflection API and debug_backtrace to see if any obscure combination would allow you to achieve this behavior.
However, the easiest way is to simply pass the variable name along with the actual variable, like you already do. It's short, it's easy to grasp, it's flexible when you need the variable to have a different name and it is way faster than any possible code that might be able to achieve the other desired behavior.
Keep it simple
removed irrelevant parts after OP edited the question
Regardless of my doubt that this is even possible, I think that forcing a programmer on how to name his variables is generally a bad idea. You will have to answer questions like
Why can't I name my variable $arrProducts instead of $products ?
You would also get into serious trouble if you want to put the return value of a function into the view. Imagine the following code in which (for whatever reason) the category needs to be lowercase:
This would not work with what you're planning.
My answer therefore: Stick to the 'verbose' way you're working, it is a lot easier to read and maintain.
If you can't live with that, you could still add a magic function to the view:
public function __set($name, $value) {
$this->assign($name, $value);
Then you can write
$this->view->product = $product;
I don't think there is any language where this is possible. That's simply not how variables work. There is a difference between a variable and the value it holds. Inside the function foo, you have the value, but the variable that held the value is not available. Instead, you have a new variable $var to hold that value.
Look at it like this: a variable is like a bucket with a name on it. The content (value) of the variable is what's inside the bucket. When you call a function, it comes with its own buckets (parameter names), and you pour the content of your bucket into those (well, the metaphor breaks down here because the value is copied and still available outside). Inside the function, there is no way to know about the bucket that used to hold the content.
What you're asking isn't possible. Even if it was, it would likely be considered bad practice as its the sort of thing that could easily get exploited.
If you're determined to achieve something like this, the closest you can get would be to pass the variable name as a string and reference it in the function from the $GLOBALS array.
function this_aint_a_good_idea_really($var) {
print "Variable name: {$var}\n";
print "Variable contents: {$GLOBALS[$var]}\n";
But as I say, that isn't really a good idea, nor is it very useful. (Frankly, almost any time you resort to using global variables, you're probably doing something wrong)
Its not impossible, you can find where a function was invoked from debug_backtrace() then tokenize a copy of the running script to extract the parameter expressions (what if the calling line is foo("hello $user, " . $indirect($user,5))?),
however whatever reason you have for trying to achieve this - its the wrong reason.
Okay, time for some ugly hacks, but this is what I've got so far, I'll try to work on it a little later
class foo
//Public so we can test it later
public $bar;
function foo()
//Init the array
$this->bar = array();
function assign($__baz)
//Try to figure out the context
$context = debug_backtrace();
//assign the local array with the name and the value
//Alternately you can initialize the variable localy
//using $$__baz = $context[1]['object']->$__baz;
$this->bar[$__baz] = $context[1]['object']->$__baz;
//We need to have a calling context of a class in order for this to work
class a
function a()
function foobar()
$s = "testing";
$w = new foo();
//Reassign local variables to the class
foreach(get_defined_vars() as $name => $val)
$this->$name = $val;
//Assign the variable
//test it
echo $w->bar['s'];
$a = new a();
impossible - the max. ammount of information you can get is what you see when dumping
Maybe what you want to do is the other way around, a hackish solution like this works fine:
function assign($val)
global $$val;
echo $$val;
$hello = "Some value";
Ouputs: Some value
What you wish to do, PHP does not intend for. There is no conventional way to accomplish this. In fact, only quite extravagant solutions are available. One that remains as close to PHP as I can think of is creating a new class.
You could call it NamedVariable, or something, and as its constructor it takes the variable name and the value. You'd initiate it as $products = new NamedVariable('products', $productData); then use it as $this->view->assign($products);. Of course, your declaration line is now quite long, you're involving yet another - and quite obscure - class into your code base, and now the assign method has to know about NamedVariable to extract both the variable name and value.
As most other members have answered, you are better off suffering through this slight lack of syntactic sugar. Mind you, another approach would be to create a script that recognizes instances of assign()'s and rewrites the source code. This would now involve some extra step before you ran your code, though, and for PHP that's silly. You might even configure your IDE to automatically populate the assign()'s. Whatever you choose, PHP natively intends no solution.
This solution uses the GLOBALS variable. To solve scope issues, the variable is passed by reference, and the value modified to be unique.
function get_var_name(&$var, $scope=FALSE) {
if($scope) $vals = $scope;
else $vals = $GLOBALS;
$old = $var;
$var = $new = 'unique'.rand().'value';
$vname = FALSE;
foreach ($vals as $key => $val) {
if($val === $new) $vname = $key;
$var = $old;
return $vname;
$testvar = "name";
echo get_var_name($testvar); // "testvar"
function testfunction() {
$var_in_function = "variable value";
return get_var_name($var_in_function, get_defined_vars());
echo testfunction(); // "var_in_function"
class testclass {
public $testproperty;
public function __constructor() {
$this->testproperty = "property value";
$testobj = new testclass();
echo get_var_name($testobj->testproperty, $testobj); // "testproperty"
I want to trigger a function based on a variable.
function sound_dog() { return 'woof'; }
function sound_cow() { return 'moo'; }
$animal = 'cow';
print sound_{$animal}(); *
The * line is the line that's not correct.
I've done this before, but I can't find it. I'm aware of the potential security problems, etc.
Anyone? Many thanks.
You can do that, but not without interpolating the string first:
$animfunc = 'sound_' . $animal;
print $animfunc();
Or, skip the temporary variable with call_user_func():
call_user_func('sound_' . $animal);
You can do it like this:
$animal = 'cow';
$sounder = "sound_$animal";
print ${sounder}();
However, a much better way would be to use an array:
$sounds = array('dog' => sound_dog, 'cow' => sound_cow);
$animal = 'cow';
print $sounds[$animal]();
One of the advantages of the array method is that when you come back to your code six months later and wonder "gee, where is this sound_cow function used?" you can answer that question with a simple text search instead of having to follow all the logic that creates variable function names on the fly.
To do your example, you'd do
$animal_function = "sound_$animal";
You can use curly brackets to build your function name. Not sure of backwards compatibility, but at least PHP 7+ can do it.
Here is my code when using Carbon to add or subtract time based on user chosen type (of 'add' or 'sub'):
$type = $this->date->calculation_type; // 'add' or 'sub'
$result = $this->contactFields[$this->date->{'base_date_field'}]
->{$type.'Years'}( $this->date->{'calculation_years'} )
->{$type.'Months'}( $this->date->{'calculation_months'} )
->{$type.'Weeks'}( $this->date->{'calculation_weeks'} )
->{$type.'Days'}( $this->date->{'calculation_days'} );
The important part here is the {$type.'someString'} sections. This will generate the function name before executing it. So in the first case if the user has chosen 'add', {$type.'Years'} becomes addYears.
For PHP >= 7 you can use this way:
function sound_dog() { return 'woof'; }
function sound_cow() { return 'moo'; }
$animal = 'cow';
print ("sound_$animal")();
You should ask yourself why you need to be doing this, perhaps you need to refactor your code to something like the following:
function animal_sound($type){
$animals['dog'] = "woof";
$animals['cow'] = "moo";
return $animals[$type];
$animal = "cow";
print animal_sound($animal);
You can use $this-> and self:: for class-functions. Example provided below with a function input-parameter.
$var = 'some_class_function';
call_user_func(array($this, $var), $inputValue);
// equivalent to: $this->some_class_function($inputValue);
And yet another solution to what I like to call the dog-cow problem. This will spare a lot of superfluous function names and definitions and is perfect PHP syntax and probably future proof:
$animal = 'cow';
$sounds = [
'dog' => function() { return 'woof'; },
'cow' => function() { return 'moo'; }
print ($sounds[$animal])();
and looks a little bit less like trickery as the "string to function names" versions.
JavaScript devs might prefer this one for obvious reasons.
(tested on Windows, PHP 7.4.0 Apache 2.4)