I have website, where users can post their articles and I would like to give full stats about each articles visits and referrers to it's author. Realization seems quite straight forward here, just store a database record for every visit and then use aggregate functions to draw graphs and so on.
The problem is, that articles receive about 300k views in 24 hours and just in a month, stats table will get about 9 million records which is a very big number, because my server isn't quite powerful.
Is there a solution to this kind of task? Is there an algorithm or caching mechanism that allows to store long term statistics without losing accuracy?
P.S. Here is my original stats table:
visitid INT
articleid INT
ip INT
datetime DATETIME
Assuming a home-brewed usage-tracking solution (as opposed to say GA as suggested in other response), a two databases setup may be what you are looking for:
a "realtime" database which captures the vist events as they come.
an "offline" database where the data from the "realtime" database is collected on a regular basis, for being [optionally] aggregated and indexed.
The purpose for this setup is mostly driven by operational concerns. The "realtime" database is not indexed (or minimally indexed), for fast insertion, and it is regularly emptied, typically each night, when the traffic is lighter, as the "offline" database picks up the events collected through the day.
Both databases can have the very same schema, or the "offline" database may introduce various forms of aggregation. The specific aggregation details applied to the offline database can vary greatly depending on the desire to keep the database's size in check and depending on the data which is deemed important (most statistics/aggregation functions introduce some information loss, and one needs to decide which losses are acceptable and which are not).
Because of the "half life" nature of the value of usage logs, whereby the relative value of details decays with time, a common strategy is to aggregate info in multiple tiers, whereby the data collected in the last, say, X days remains mostly untouched, the data collected between X and Y days is partially aggregated, and finally, data older than Y days only keep the most salient info (say, number of hits).
Unless you're particularly keen on storing your statistical data yourself, you might consider using Google Analytics or one of its modern counterparts, which are much better than the old remotely hosted hit counters of the 90s. You can find the API to the Google Analytics PHP interface at http://code.google.com/p/gapi-google-analytics-php-interface/
I'm developing a custom tracking tool for marketing campaigns. This tool is in the middle between the ads and the landing pages. It takes care of saving all data from the user, such as the info in the user-agent, the IP, the clicks on the landing page and the geocoding data of the IPs of the users (country, ISP, etc).
At the moment I have some design issues:
The traffic on these campaigns is very very high, so potentially I have millions of rows insert a day. This system can have more than one user, so I can't store all this data on a single table because would become a mess. Maybe I can split the data in more tables, one table per user, but I'm not sure about this solution.
The data saving process must be done as quickly as possible (some milliseconds), so I think that NodeJS is much better than PHP for doing this. Especially with regard to speed and server resources. I do not want the server to crash from lack of RAM.
I need to group these data for statistic purposes. For example, I have one row for every user that visit my landing page, but I need to group these data for showing the number of impressions on this specific landing page. So all these queries need to be executed as faster as possible with this large amount of rows.
I need to geocode the IP addresses, so i need accurate information like the Country, the ISP, the type of connection etc, but this can slow down the data saving process if I call an API service. And this must be done in real-time and can't be done later.
After the saving process, the system should do a redirect to the landing page. Time is important for not losing any possible lead.
Basically, I'm finding the best solutions for:
Efficiently manage a very large database
Saving data from the users in the shortest time possible (ms)
If possible, make geocode an ip in the shortest time possible, without blocking execution
Optimize the schema and the queries for generating statistics
Do you have any suggestion? Thanks in advance.
One table per user is a worse mess; don't do that.
Millions of rows a day -- dozens, maybe hundreds, per second? That probably requires some form of 'staging' -- collecting multiple rows, then batch-inserting them. Before discussing further, please elaborate on the data flow: Single vs. multiple clients. UI vs. batch processes. Tentative CREATE TABLE. Etc.
Statistical -- Plan on creating and incrementally maintaining "Summary tables".
Are you trying to map user IP addresses to Country? That is a separate question, and it has been answered.
"Must" "real-time" "milliseconds". Face it, you will have to make some trade-offs.
More info: Go to http://mysql.rjweb.org/ ; from there, see the three blogs on Data Warehouse Techniques.
How to store by day
InnoDB stores data in PRIMARY KEY order. So, to get all the rows for one day adjacent to each other, one must start the PK with the datetime. For huge databases, may improve certain queries significantly by allowing the query to scan the data sequentially, thereby minimizing disk I/O.
If you already have id AUTO_INCREMENT (and if you continue to need it), then do this:
PRIMARY KEY(datetime, id), -- to get clustering, and be UNIQUE
INDEX(id) -- to keep AUTO_INCREMENT happy
If you have a year's worth of data, and the data won't fit in RAM, then this technique is very effective for small time ranges. But if your time range is bigger than the cache, you will be at the mercy of I/O speed.
Maintaining summary tables with changing data
This may be possible; I need to better understand the data and the changes.
You cannot scan a million rows in sub-second time, regardless of caching, tuning, and other optimizations. You can do the desired data with a Summary table much faster.
Shrink the data
Don't use BIGINT (8 bytes) if INT (4 bytes) will suffice; don't use INT if MEDIUMINT (3 bytes) will do. Etc.
Use UNSIGNED where appropriate.
Normalize repeated strings.
Smaller data will make it more cacheable, hence run faster when you do have to hit the disk.
I'm sitting in a situation where i have to build a statistics module which can store user related statistical informations.
Basically, all thats stored is a event identifier, a datetime object and the amount of times this event has been fired and the id of the object which is being interacted with.
Ive made similar systems before, but never anything that has to store the amount of informations as this one.
My suggestion would be a simple tabel in the database.
etc. "statistics" containing the following rows
id (Primary, auto-increment)
amount (integer)
event (enum -(list,click,view,contact)
datetime (datetime)
object_id (integer)
Usually, this method works fine, enabling me to store statistics about the object in a given timeframe ( inserting a new datetime every hour or 15 minutes, so the statistics will update every 15 minute )
Now, my questions are:
is theres better methods or more optimized methods of achieving
and building a custom statistics module.
since this new site will receive massive traffic, how do i go about the paradox that index on object id will cause slower update response time
How do you even achieve live statistics like etc. analytics? Is this solely about the server size and processing power? Or is there a best practice.
I hope my questions are understandable, and i'm looking forward to get wiser on this topic.
best regards.
I believe one of the issues you are going to run into is you wanting two worlds of transactional and analytical. Which is fine in small cases, but when you start to scale, especially into realm of 500M+ records.
I would suggest separating the two, you generate events and keep track of just the event itself. You would then run analytical queries to get things such as count of events per object interaction. You could have these counts or other metric calculations aggregated into a report table periodically.
As for tracking events, you could either do that with keeping them in a table of occurrences of events, or have something before the database that is doing this tracking and it is then providing the periodic aggregations to the database. Think of the world of monitoring systems which use collect agents to generate events which go to an aggregation layer which then writes a periodic metric snapshot to an analytical area (e.g. CollectD to StatsD / Graphite to Whisper)
Disclaimer, I am an architect for InfiniDB
Not sure what kind of datasource you are using, but as you grow and determine amount of history etc... you will probably face sizing problems as most people typically do when they are collecting event data or monitoring data. If you are in MySQL / MariaDB / PostegreSQL , I would suggest you check out InfiniDB (open source columnar MPP database for analytics); It is fully open source (GPLv2) and will provide the performance you need to do queries upon billions and TBs of data for answering those analytical questions.
The system I'm working is structured as below. Given that I'm planning to use Joomla as the base.
a(www.a.com),b(www.b.com),c(www.c.com) are search portals which allows user to to search for reservation.
x(www.x.com),y(www.y.com),z(www.z.com) are hotels where booking are made by users.
www.a.com's user can only search for the booking which are in
www.b.com's user can only search for the booking which are in
www.c.com's user can search for all the booking which are in
www.x.com, www.y.com, www.z.com
All a,b,c,x,y,z runs the same system. But they should have separate domains. So according to my finding and research architecture should be as above where an API integrate all database calls.
Given that only 6 instance are shown here(a,b,c,x,y,z). There can be up to 100 with different search combinations.
My problems,
Should I maintain a single database for the whole system ? If so how can I unplug one instance if required(EG : removing www.a.com from the system or removing www.z.com from the system) ? Since I'm using mysql will it not be cumbersome for the system due to the number of records?
If I maintain separate database for each instance how can I do the search? How can I integrate required records into one and do the search?
Is there a different database approach to be used rather than mentioned above ?
The problem you describe is "multitenancy" - it's a fairly tricky problem to solve, but luckily, others have written up some useful approaches. (Though the link is to Microsoft, it applies to most SQL environments except in the details).
The trade-offs in your case are:
Does the data from your hotels fit into a single schema? Do their "vacancy" records have the same fields?
How many hotels will there be? 3 separate databases is kinda manageable; 30 is probably not; 300 is definitely not.
How large will the database grow? How many vacancy records?
How likely is it that the data structures will change over time? How likely is it that one hotel will need a change that the others don't?
By far the simplest to manage and develop against is the "single database" model, but only if the data is moderately homogenous in schema, and as long as you can query the data with reasonable performance. I'd not worry about putting a lot of records in MySQL - it scales very well.
In such a design, you'd map "portal" to "hotel" in a lookup table:
PortalID HotelID
I can suggest 2 approaches. Which one to choose depends from some additional information about whole system. In fact, the main question is whether your system can impersonate (substitune by itself, in legal meaning) any of data providers (x, y, z, etc) from consumers point of view (a, b, c, etc) or not.
Centralized DB
First one is actually based on your original scheme with centralized API. It implies a single search engine, collecting required data from data sources, aggregating it in its own DB, and providing to data cosumers.
This is most likely a preferrable solution if data sources are different in their data representation, so you need to preprocess it for uniformity. Also this variant protects your clients from possible problems in connectivity, that is if one of source site goes offline for a short period (I think this may be even up to several hours without a great impact on the booking service actuality), you can still handle requests to the offline site, and store all new documents in the central DB until the problems solved. On the other hand, this means that you should provide some sort of two-way synchronization between your DB and every data source site. Also the centralized DB should be created with reliability in mind in the first place, so it seems that it should be distributed (preferrably over different data centers).
As a result - this approach will probably give best user experience, but will require sufficient efforts for robust implementation.
Multiple Local DBs
If every data provider runs its own DB, but all of them (including backend APIs) are based on a single standard, you can eliminate the need to copy their data into central DB. Of course, the central point should remain, but it will host a middle-layer logic only without DB. The layer is actually an API which binds (x, y, z) with appropriate (a, b, c) - that is a configuration, nothing more. Every consumer site will host a widget (can be just a javascript or fully-fledged web-application) loaded from your central point with appropriate settings embedded into it.
The widget will request all specified backends directly, and aggregate their results in a single list.
This variant is much like most of todays web-applications work, it's simplier to implement, but it is more error-prone.
I'm really interested to find out how people approach collaborative filtering and recommendation engines etc. I mean this more in terms of performance of the script than anything. I have stated reading Programming Collective Intelligence, which is really interesting but tends to focus more on the algorithmic side of things.
I currently only have 2k users, but my current system is proving to be totally not future proof and very taxing on the server already. The entire system is based on making recommendations of posts to users. My application is PHP/MySQL but I use some MongoDB for my collaborative filtering stuff - I'm on a large Amazon EC2 instance. My setup is really a 2 step process. First I calculate similarities between items, then I use this information to make recommendations. Here's how it works:
First my system calculates similarities between users posts. The script runs an algorithm which returns a similarity score for each pair. The algorithm examines information such as - common tags, common commenters and common likers and is able to return a similarity score. The process goes like:
Each time a post is added, has a tag added, commented on or liked I add it to a queue.
I process this queue via cron (once a day), finding out the relevant information for each post, e.g. user_id's of the commenters and likers and tag_id's. I save this information to MongoDB in this kind of structure: {"post_id":1,"tag_ids":[12,44,67],"commenter_user_ids":[6,18,22],"liker_user_ids":[87,6]}. This allows me to eventually build up a MongoDB collection which gives me easy and quick access to all of the relevant information for when I try to calculate similarities
I then run another cron script (once a day also, but after the previous) which goes through the queue again. This time, for each post in the queue, I grab their entry from the MongoDB collection and compare it to all of the other entries. When 2 entries have some matching information, I give them +1 in terms of similarity. In the end I have an overall score for each pair of posts. I save the scores to a different MongoDB collection with the following structure: {"post_id":1,"similar":{"23":2,"2":5,"7":2}} ('similar' is a key=>value array with the post_id as key and the similarity score as the value. I don't save a score if it is 0.
I have 5k posts. So all of the above is quite hard on the server. There's a huge amount of reads and writes to be performed. Now, this is only half the issue. I then use this information to work out what posts would be interesting to a particular user. So, once an hour I run a cron script which runs a script that calculates 1 recommended post for each user on the site. The process goes like so:
The script first decides, which type of recommendation the user will get. It's a 50-50 change of - 1. A post similar to one of your posts or 2. A post similar to a post you have interacted with.
If 1, then the script grabs the users post_ids from MySQL, then uses them to grab their similar posts from MongoDB. The script takes the post that is most similar and has not yet been recommended to the user.
If 2, the script grabs all of the posts the user has commented on or liked from MySQL and uses their ids to do the same in 1 above.
Unfortunately the hourly recommendation script is getting very resource intensive and is slowly taking longer and longer to complete... currently 10-15 minutes. I'm worried that at some point I won't be able to provide hourly recommendations anymore.
I'm just wondering if anyone feels I could be approaching this any better?
With 5000 posts, that's 25,000,000 relationships, increasing O(n^2).
Your first problem is how you can avoid examining so many relationships every time the batch runs. Using tags or keywords will help with content matching - and you could use date ranges to limit common 'likes'. Beyond that....we'd to know a lot more about the methodology for establishing relationships.
Another consideration is when you establish relationships. Why are you waiting until the batch runs to compare a new post with existing data? Certainly it makes sense to handle this asynchronously to ensure that the request is processed quickly - but (other than the restrictions imposed by your platform) why wait until the batch kicks in before establishing the relationships? Use an asynchronous message queue.
Indeed depending on how long it takes to process a message, there may even be a case for re-generating cached relationship data when an item is retrieved rather than when it is created.
And if I were writing a platform to measure relationships with data then (the clue is in the name) I'd definitely be leaning towards a relational database where joins are easy and much of the logic can be implemented on the database tier.
It's certainly possible to reduce the length of time the system takes to cross-reference the data. This is exactly the kind of problem map-reduce is intended to address - but the benefits of this mainly come from being to run the algorithm in prallel across lots of machines - at the end of the day it takes just as many clock ticks.
I'm starting to plan how to do this.
First thing is to possibly get rid of your database technology or supplement it with either triplestore or graph technologies. That should provide some better performance for analyzing similar likes or topics.
Next yes get a subset. Take a few interests that the user has and get a small pool of users that have similar interests.
Then build indexes of likes in some sort of meaningful order and count the inversions (divide and conquer - this is pretty similar to merge sort and you'll want to sort on your way out to count split inversions anyways).
I hope that helps - you don't want to compare everything to everything else or it's definately n2. You should be able to replace that with something somwhere between constant and linear if you take sets of people who have similar likes and use that.
For example, from a graph perspective, take something that they recently liked, and look at the in edges and then go trace them out and just analyze those users. Maybe do this on a few recently liked articles and then find a common set of users from that and use that for the collaborative filtering to find articles the user would likely enjoy. then you're at a workable problem size - especially in graph where there is no index growth (although maybe more in edges to traverse on the article - that just gives you more change of finding usable data though)
Even better would be to key the articles themselves so that if an article was liked by someone you can see articles that they may like based on other users (ie Amazon's 'users that bought this also bought').
Hope that gives a few ideas. For graph analysis there are some frameworks that may help like faunus for stats and derivitions.
I have a site where the users can view quite a large number of posts. Every time this is done I run a query similar to UPDATE table SET views=views+1 WHERE id = ?. However, there are a number of disadvantages to this approach:
There is no way of tracking when the pageviews occur - they are simply incremented.
Updating the table that often will, as far as I understand it, clear the MySQL cache of the row, thus making the next SELECT of that row slower.
Therefore I consider employing an approach where I create a table, say:
object_views { object_id, year, month, day, views }, so that each object has one row pr. day in this table. I would then periodically update the views column in the objects table so that I wouldn't have to do expensive joins all the time.
This is the simplest solution I can think of, and it seems that it is also the one with the least performance impact. Do you agree?
(The site is build on PHP 5.2, Symfony 1.4 and Doctrine 1.2 in case you wonder)
The purpose is not web analytics - I know how to do that, and that is already in place. There are two purposes:
Allow the user to see how many times a given object has been shown, for example today or yesterday.
Allow the moderators of the site to see simple view statistics without going into Google Analytics, Omniture or whatever solution. Furthermore, the results in the backend must be realtime, a feature which GA cannot offer at this time. I do not wish to use the Analytics API to retrieve the usage data (not realtime, GA requires JavaScript).
Quote : Updating the table that often will, as far as I understand it, clear the MySQL cache of the row, thus making the next SELECT of that row slower.
There is much more than this. This is database killer.
I suggest u make table like this :
object_views { object_id, timestamp}
This way you can aggregate on object_id (count() function).
So every time someone view the page you will INSERT record in the table.
Once in a while you must clean the old records in the table. UPDATE statement is EVIL :)
On most platforms it will basically mark the row as deleted and insert a new one thus making the table fragmented. Not to mention locking issues .
Hope that helps
Along the same lines as Rage, you simply are not going to get the same results doing it yourself when there are a million third party log tools out there. If you are tracking on a daily basis, then a basic program such as webtrends is perfectly capable of tracking the hits especially if your URL contains the ID's of the items you want to track... I can't stress this enough, it's all about the URL when it comes to these tools (Wordpress for example allows lots of different URL constructs)
Now, if you are looking into "impression" tracking then it's another ball game because you are probably tracking each object, the page, the user, and possibly a weighted value based upon location on the page. If this is the case you can keep your performance up by hosting the tracking on another server where you can fire and forget. In the past I worked this using SQL updating against the ID and a string version of the date... that way when the date changes from 20091125 to 20091126 it's a simple query without the overhead of let's say a datediff function.
First just a quick remark why not aggregate the year,month,day in DATETIME, it would make more sense in my mind.
Also I am not really sure what is the exact reason you are doing that, if it's for a marketing/web stats purpose you have better to use tool made for that purpose.
Now there is two big family of tool capable to give you an idea of your website access statistics, log based one (awstats is probably the most popular), ajax/1pixel image based one (google analytics would be the most popular).
If you prefer to build your own stats database you can probably manage to build a log parser easily using PHP. If you find parsing apache logs (or IIS logs) too much a burden, you would probably make your application ouput some custom logs formated in a simpler way.
Also one other possible solution is to use memcached, the daemon provide some kind of counter that you can increment. You can log view there and have a script collecting the result everyday.
If you're going to do that, why not just log each access? MySQL can cache inserts in continuous tables quite well, so there shouldn't be a notable slowdown due to the insert. You can always run Show Profiles to see what the performance penalty actually is.
On the datetime issue, you can always use GROUP BY MONTH( accessed_at ) , YEAR( accessed_at) or WHERE MONTH(accessed_at) = 11 AND YEAR(accessed_at) = 2009.