Currently, I program a module for Prestashop 1.6.10 which is in the administration panel, using an external API and my problem is that I don't understand how to add a product in the database in back-office.
This is the code I have wrote :
public function Product() {
if (empty($_GET['product'])) {
return false;
switch($_GET['product']) {
case 'add' :
$product = new ProductCore();
$product->id_shop_default = 1;
$product->id_manufacturer = 1;
$product->id_supplier = 1;
$product->reference = "adding_product";
$product->supplier_reference = "";
$product->location = "";
$product->width = "0.00000";
$product->height = "0.00000";
$product->depth = "0.00000";
$product->weight = "0.00000";
$product->quantity_discount = "0";
$product->ean13 = "0";
$product->upc = "";
$product->cache_is_pack = "0";
$product->cache_has_attachments = "0";
$product->is_virtual = "0";
/** Product suppression.
case 'del' :
if (Product::existsInDatabase()) {
return false;
I use the "product" object but it is not work and I don't why :(
Could someone help me please ?
You should use Product class instead of ProductCore.
save function is enough to save product in DB. It is not necessary to use add function after that.
If product values are incorrect it will display an error. But you should activate DEBUG MODE first: Activate Prestashop Debug Mode
Good luck.
Try using the following code.
$object = new Product();
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
if (array_key_exists($key, $object) && $key != 'id_product') {
$object->{$key} = $value;
$languages = Language::getLanguages(false);
$class_vars = get_class_vars(get_class($object));
$fields = array();
if (isset($class_vars['definition']['fields'])) {
$fields = $class_vars['definition']['fields'];
foreach ($fields as $field => $params) {
if (array_key_exists('lang', $params) && $params['lang']) {
foreach ($languages as $language) {
$value = '';
if (Tools::getIsset($field . '_' . (int)$language['id_lang'])) {
$value = Tools::getValue($field . '_' . (int)$language['id_lang']);
} elseif (isset($object->{$field}[(int)$language['id_lang']])) {
$value = $object->{$field}[(int)$language['id_lang']];
foreach ($languages as $lang) {
if (Tools::getIsset($field . '_' . (int)$lang['id_lang']) && Tools::getValue($field . '_' . (int)$lang['id_lang']) != '')
$value = Tools::getValue($field . '_' . (int)$lang['id_lang']);
if ($field == 'description_short') {
$short_description_limit = Configuration::get('PS_PRODUCT_SHORT_DESC_LIMIT')
? Configuration::get('PS_PRODUCT_SHORT_DESC_LIMIT') : 400;
$object->{$field}[(int)$language['id_lang']] = strip_tags(
} else {
$object->{$field}[(int)$language['id_lang']] = $value;
foreach ($languages as $language) {
$keywords = '';
if (Tools::getIsset('meta_keywords_' . $language['id_lang'])) {
$keywords = Tools::getValue('meta_keywords_' . $language['id_lang']);
} elseif (isset($object->meta_keywords[$language['id_lang']])) {
$keywords = $object->meta_keywords[$language['id_lang']];
$keywords = $this->cleanMetaKeywords(
$object->meta_keywords[$language['id_lang']] = $keywords;
$_POST['width'] = (!Tools::getIsset('width')) ? '0' : str_replace(',', '.', Tools::getValue('width'));
$_POST['height'] = (!Tools::getIsset('height')) ? '0' : str_replace(',', '.', Tools::getValue('height'));
$_POST['depth'] = (!Tools::getIsset('depth')) ? '0' : str_replace(',', '.', Tools::getValue('depth'));
$_POST['weight'] = (!Tools::getIsset('weight')) ? '0' : str_replace(',', '.', Tools::getValue('weight'));
if (Tools::getIsset('unit_price') != null) {
$object->unit_price = str_replace(',', '.', Tools::getValue('unit_price'));
$object->available_for_order = (int)Tools::getValue('available_for_order');
$object->show_price = $object->available_for_order ? 1 : (int)Tools::getValue('show_price');
$object->on_sale = (int)Tools::getValue('on_sale');
$object->online_only = (int)Tools::getValue('online_only');
$ecotaxTaxRate = Tax::getProductEcotaxRate();
if ($ecotax = Tools::getValue('ecotax')) {
$_POST['ecotax'] = Tools::ps_round($ecotax / (1 + $ecotaxTaxRate / 100), 6);
if (Tools::getIsset('ecotax') != null) {
$object->ecotax = str_replace(',', '.', Tools::getValue('ecotax'));
I found a problem in my code : the function Product is not executed by the controller adminController when I click on "Adding a product" from the catalog page.
Moreover, the function works if I force Prestashop to execute the function but Prestashop don't like this because I create a bug and the module is not accessible.
[UPDATE 01-09-2017 at 17:35 GMT]
Currently, the code is working, but I have this problem now ... I think it's about the language parameters when I create the product, but I do not do what I need to do to solve this problem.
enter image description here
I have found a php inventory easy but was written in PHP4? and I run now on PHP5. I have found some errors that I have already managed to fix but they are keep coming up so I would like to see if I can managed to run at the end. (As it is really simple script only has 5-7 php files).
Could someone help me please how to fix this error?
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare fputcsv() in C:\xampp\htdocs\Inventory\lib\common.php on line 935
which is:
function fputcsv ($fp, $array, $deliminator=",") {
return fputs($fp, putcsv($array,$delimitator));
}#end fputcsv()
here is the full code:
* description returns an array with filename base name and the extension
* #param filemane format
* #return array
* #access public
function FileExt($filename) {
//checking if the file have an extension
if (!strstr($filename, "."))
return array("0"=>$filename,"1"=>"");
//peoceed to normal detection
$filename = strrev($filename);
$extpos = strpos($filename , ".");
$file = strrev(substr($filename , $extpos + 1));
$ext = strrev(substr($filename , 0 , $extpos));
return array("0"=>$file,"1"=>$ext);
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function UploadFile($source, $destination , $name ="") {
$name = $name ? $name : basename($source);
$name = FileExt($name);
$name[2]= $name[0];
$counter = 0 ;
while (file_exists( $destination . $name[0] . "." . $name[1] )) {
$name[0] = $name[2] . $counter;
$counter ++;
copy($source , $destination . $name[0] . "." . $name[1] );
#chmod($destination . $name[0] . "." . $name[1] , 0777);
function UploadFileFromWeb($source, $destination , $name) {
$name = FileExt($name);
$name[2]= $name[0];
$counter = 0 ;
while (file_exists( $destination . $name[0] . "." . $name[1] )) {
$name[0] = $name[2] . $counter;
$counter ++;
SaveFileContents($destination . $name[0] . "." . $name[1] , $source);
#chmod($destination . $name[0] . "." . $name[1] , 0777);
* returns the contents of a file in a string
* #param string $file_name name of file to be loaded
* #return string
* #acces public
function GetFileContents($file_name) {
// if (!file_exists($file_name)) {
// return null;
// }
//echo "<br>:" . $file_name;
$file = fopen($file_name,"r");
//checking if the file was succesfuly opened
if (!$file)
return null;
if (strstr($file_name,"://"))
while (!feof($file))
$result .= fread($file,1024);
$result = #fread($file,filesize($file_name));
return $result;
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function SaveFileContents($file_name,$content) {
// echo $file_name;
$file = fopen($file_name,"w");
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function Debug($what,$pre = 1,$die = 0) {
if (PB_DEBUG_EXT == 1) {
if ($pre == 1)
echo "<pre style=\"background-color:white;\">";
if ($pre == 1)
echo "</pre>";
if ($die == 1)
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function SendMail($to,$from,$subject,$message,$to_name,$from_name) {
if ($to_name)
$to = "$to_name <$to>";
$headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
$headers .= "Content-type: text; charset=iso-8859-1\n";
if ($from_name) {
$headers .= "From: $from_name <$from>\n";
$headers .= "Reply-To: $from_name <$from>\n";
else {
$headers .= "From: $from\n";
$headers .= "Reply-To: $from\n";
$headers .= "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion();
return mail($to, $subject, $message,$headers);
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function FillVars($var,$fields,$with) {
$fields = explode (",",$fields);
foreach ($fields as $field)
if (!$var[$field])
!$var[$field] = $with;
return $var;
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function CleanupString($string,$strip_tags = TRUE) {
$string = addslashes(trim($string));
if ($strip_tags)
$string = strip_tags($string);
return $string;
define("RX_CHARS","[a-z\ ]");
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function CheckString($string,$min,$max,$regexp = "",$rx_result = FALSE) {
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() == 0)
$string = CleanupString($string);
if (strlen($string) < $min)
return 1;
elseif (($max != 0) && (strlen($string) > $max))
return 2;
elseif ($regexp != "")
if ($rx_result == eregi($regexp,$string))
return 3;
return 0;
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function ValidateVars($source,$vars) {
$vars = explode(",",$vars);
foreach ($vars as $var) {
list($name,$type,$min,$max) = explode(":",$var);
switch ($type) {
case "S":
$type = RX_CHARS;
$rx_result = FALSE;
case "I":
$type = RX_DIGITS;
$rx_result = TRUE;
case "E":
$type = RX_EMAIL;
$rx_result = FALSE;
case "P":
$type = RX_PHONE;
$rx_result = TRUE;
case "Z":
$type = RX_ZIP;
$rx_result = FALSE;
case "A":
$type = "";
case "F":
//experimental crap
$type = RX_ALPHA;
$rx_result = TRUE;
//$source[strtolower($name)] = str_replace(" ", "" , $source[strtolower($name)] );
if (($result = CheckString($source[strtolower($name)],$min,$max,$type,$rx_result)) != 0)
$errors[] = $name;
return is_array($errors) ? $errors : 0;
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function ResizeImage($source,$destination,$size) {
system( PB_IMAGE_MAGICK_PATH . "convert $source -resize {$size}x{$size} $destination");
* uses microtime() to return the current unix time w/ microseconds
* #return float the current unix time in the form of seconds.microseconds
* #access public
function GetMicroTime() {
list($usec,$sec) = explode(" ",microtime());
return (float) $usec + (float) $sec;
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function GetArrayPart($input,$from,$count) {
$return = array();
$max = count($input);
for ($i = $from; $i < $from + $count; $i++ )
if ($i<$max)
$return[] = $input[$i];
return $return;
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function ReplaceAllImagesPath($htmldata,$image_path) {
$htmldata = stripslashes($htmldata);
// replacing IE formating style
$htmldata = str_replace("<IMG","<img",$htmldata);
// esmth, i dont know why i'm doing
//<?//ing edit plus
foreach ($images[0] as $image)
$htmldata = str_replace($image,ReplaceImagePath($image,$image_path),$htmldata);
return $htmldata;//implode("\n",$html_out);
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function ReplaceImagePath($image,$replace) {
// removing tags
$image = stripslashes($image);
$image = str_replace("<","",$image);
$image = str_replace(">","",$image);
// exploging image in proprietes
$image_arr = explode(" ",$image);
for ($i = 0;$i < count($image_arr) ;$i++ ) {
if (stristr($image_arr[$i],"src")) {
// lets it :]
$image_arr[$i] = explode("=",$image_arr[$i]);
// modifing the image path
// i doing this
// replacing ',"
$image_arr[$i][1] = str_replace("'","",$image_arr[$i][1]);
$image_arr[$i][1] = str_replace("\"","",$image_arr[$i][1]);
//getting only image name
$image_arr[$i][1] = strrev(substr(strrev($image_arr[$i][1]),0,strpos(strrev($image_arr[$i][1]),"/")));
// building the image back
$image_arr[$i][1] = "\"" . $replace . $image_arr[$i][1] . "\"";
$image_arr[$i] = implode ("=",$image_arr[$i]);
// adding tags
return "<" . implode(" ",$image_arr) . ">";
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function DowloadAllImages($images,$path) {
foreach ($images as $image)
#SaveFileContents($path ."/".ExtractFileNameFromPath($image),#implode("",#file($image)));
function GetAllImagesPath($htmldata) {
$htmldata = stripslashes($htmldata);
// replacing IE formating style
$htmldata = str_replace("<IMG","<img",$htmldata);
// esmth, i dont know why i'm doing
//<?//ing edit plus
foreach ($images[0] as $image)
$images_path[] = GetImageName($image);
return $images_path;
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function GetImagePath($image) {
// removing tags
$image = stripslashes($image);
$image = str_replace("<","",$image);
$image = str_replace(">","",$image);
// exploging image in proprietes
$image_arr = explode(" ",$image);
for ($i = 0;$i < count($image_arr) ;$i++ ) {
if (stristr($image_arr[$i],"src")) {
// lets it :]
$image_arr[$i] = explode("=",$image_arr[$i]);
// modifing the image path
// i doing this
// replacing ',"
$image_arr[$i][1] = str_replace("'","",$image_arr[$i][1]);
$image_arr[$i][1] = str_replace("\"","",$image_arr[$i][1]);
return strrev(substr(strrev($image_arr[$i][1]),0,strpos(strrev($image_arr[$i][1]),"/")));;
// adding tags
return "";
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function GetImageName($image) {
// removing tags
$image = stripslashes($image);
$image = str_replace("<","",$image);
$image = str_replace(">","",$image);
// exploging image in proprietes
$image_arr = explode(" ",$image);
for ($i = 0;$i < count($image_arr) ;$i++ ) {
if (stristr($image_arr[$i],"src")) {
// lets it :]
$image_arr[$i] = explode("=",$image_arr[$i]);
// modifing the image path
// i doing this
// replacing ',"
$image_arr[$i][1] = str_replace("'","",$image_arr[$i][1]);
$image_arr[$i][1] = str_replace("\"","",$image_arr[$i][1]);
return $image_arr[$i][1];
// adding tags
return "";
* reinventing the wheel [badly]
* #param somthin
* #return erroneous
* #access denied
function ExtractFileNameFromPath($file) {
//return strrev(substr(strrev($file),0,strpos(strrev($file),"/")));
// sau ai putea face asha. umpic mai smart ca mai sus dar tot stupid
// daca le dai path fara slashes i.e. un filename prima returneaza "" asta taie primu char
//return substr($file,strrpos($file,"/") + 1,strlen($file) - strrpos($file,"/"));
// corect ar fi cred asha [observa smart usage`u de strRpos]
//return substr($file,strrpos($file,"/") + (strstr($file,"/") ? 1 : 0),strlen($file) - strrpos($file,"/"));
// sau putem folosi tactica `nute mai caca pe tine and rtm' shi facem asha
return basename($file);
// har har :]]
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function RemoveArraySlashes($array) {
if ($array)
foreach ($array as $key => $item)
if (is_array($item))
$array[$key] = RemoveArraySlashes($item);
$array[$key] = stripslashes($item);
return $array;
function AddArraySlashes($array) {
if ($array)
foreach ($array as $key => $item)
if (is_array($item))
$array[$key] = AddArraySlashes($item);
$array[$key] = addslashes($item);
return $array;
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function Ahtmlentities($array) {
if (is_array($array))
foreach ($array as $key => $item)
if (is_array($item))
$array[$key] = ahtmlentities($item);
$array[$key] = htmlentities(stripslashes($item),ENT_COMPAT);
return htmlentities(stripslashes($array),ENT_COMPAT);
return $array;
function AStripSlasshes($array) {
if (is_array($array))
foreach ($array as $key => $item)
if (is_array($item))
$array[$key] = AStripSlasshes($item);
$array[$key] = stripslashes($item);
return stripslashes($array);
return $array;
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function Ahtml_entity_decode($array) {
if ($array)
foreach ($array as $key => $item)
if (is_array($item))
$array[$key] = ahtml_entity_decode($item);
$array[$key] = html_entity_decode($item,ENT_COMPAT);
return $array;
function array2xml ($name, $value, $indent = 1)
$indentstring = "\t";
for ($i = 0; $i < $indent; $i++)
$indentstring .= $indentstring;
if (!is_array($value))
$xml = $indentstring.'<'.$name.'>'.$value.'</'.$name.'>'."\n";
if($indent === 1)
$isindex = False;
$isindex = True;
while (list ($idxkey, $idxval) = each ($value))
if ($idxkey !== (int)$idxkey)
$isindex = False;
while (list ($key, $val) = each ($value))
if($indent === 1)
$keyname = $name;
$nextkey = $key;
$keyname = $name;
$nextkey = $name;
$keyname = $key;
$nextkey = $key;
if (is_array($val))
$xml .= $indentstring.'<'.$keyname.'>'."\n";
$xml .= array2xml ($nextkey, $val, $indent+1);
$xml .= $indentstring.'</'.$keyname.'>'."\n";
$xml .= array2xml ($nextkey, $val, $indent);
return $xml;
function GetPhpContent($file) {
if (file_exists($file) ) {
$data = GetFileContents($file);
//replacing special chars in content
$data = str_replace("<?php","",$data);
$data = str_replace("?>","",$data);
return $data;
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function KeyArray($array,$recurse = 0 , $count = 1) {
if (is_array($array)) {
foreach ($array as $key => $val) {
$array[$key]["key"] = $count ++;
if ($recurse) {
foreach ($array[$key] as $k => $val)
if (is_array($val)) {
KeyArray($array[$key][$k] , $recurse , $count);
return $count + 1;
function RandomWord( $passwordLength ) {
$password = "";
for ($index = 1; $index <= $passwordLength; $index++) {
// Pick random number between 1 and 62
$randomNumber = rand(1, 62);
// Select random character based on mapping.
if ($randomNumber < 11)
$password .= Chr($randomNumber + 48 - 1); // [ 1,10] => [0,9]
else if ($randomNumber < 37)
$password .= Chr($randomNumber + 65 - 10); // [11,36] => [A,Z]
$password .= Chr($randomNumber + 97 - 36); // [37,62] => [a,z]
return $password;
function DeleteFolder($file) {
if (file_exists($file)) {
if (is_dir($file)) {
$handle = opendir($file);
while($filename = readdir($handle)) {
if ($filename != "." && $filename != "..") {
} else {
function GenerateRecordID($array) {
$max = 0;
if (is_array($array)) {
foreach ($array as $key => $val)
$max = ($key > $max ? $key : $max);
return $max + 1;
else return 1;
Links cripting for admin
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function CryptLink($link) {
if (defined("PB_CRYPT_LINKS") && (PB_CRYPT_LINKS == 1)) {
if (stristr($link,"javascript:")) {
/* if (stristr($link,"window.location=")) {
$pos = strpos($link , "window.location=");
$js = substr($link , 0 , $pos + 17 );
$final = substr($link , $pos + 17 );
$final = substr($final, 0, strlen($final) - 1 );
//well done ... crypt the link now
$url = #explode("?" , $final);
if (!is_array($url))
$url[0] = $final;
$tmp = str_replace( $url[0] . "?" , "" , $final);
$uri = urlencode(urlencode(base64_encode(str_rot13($tmp))));
$link = $js . $url[0] . "?" . $uri . md5($uri) . "'";
} else {
$url = #explode("?" , $link);
if (!is_array($url))
$url[0] = $link;
$tmp = str_replace( $url[0] . "?" , "" , $link);
$uri = urlencode(urlencode(base64_encode(str_rot13($tmp))));
$link = $url[0] . "?" . $uri . md5($uri);
return $link;
if (defined("PB_CRYPT_LINKS") && (PB_CRYPT_LINKS == 1) ) {
$key = key($_GET);
if (is_array($_GET) && (count($_GET) == 1) && ($_GET[$key] == "")) {
//do the md5 check
$md5 = substr($tmp , -32);
$tmp = substr($tmp , 0 , strlen($tmp) - 32);
if ($md5 != md5($tmp)) {
die("Please dont change the links!");
$tmp = str_rot13(base64_decode(urldecode(urldecode($tmp))));
$tmp_array = #explode("&" , $tmp);
$tmp_array = is_array($tmp_array) ? $tmp_array : array($tmp);
if (is_array($tmp_array)) {
foreach ($tmp_array as $key => $val) {
$tmp2 = explode("=" , $val);
$out[$tmp2[0]] = $tmp2[1];
} else {
$tmp2 = explode("=" , $tmp);
$out[$tmp2[0]] = $tmp2[1];
$_GET = $out;
function ArrayReplace($what , $with , $array ) {
if ($array)
foreach ($array as $key => $item)
if (is_array($item))
$array[$key] = ArrayReplace($what , $with , $item);
$array[$key] = str_replace($what , $with , $item);
return $array;
function stri_replace( $find, $replace, $string )
$parts = explode( strtolower($find), strtolower($string) );
$pos = 0;
foreach( $parts as $key=>$part ){
$parts[ $key ] = substr($string, $pos, strlen($part));
$pos += strlen($part) + strlen($find);
return( join( $replace, $parts ) );
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function GMTDate($format , $date) {
global $_GMT;
return date($format , $date - $_GMT);
function putcsv ($array, $deliminator=",") {
$line = "";
foreach($array as $val) {
# remove any windows new lines,
# as they interfere with the parsing at the other end
$val = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $val);
# if a deliminator char, a double quote char or a newline
# are in the field, add quotes
if(ereg("[$deliminator\"\n\r]", $val)) {
$val = '"'.str_replace('"', '""', $val).'"';
}#end if
$line .= $val.$deliminator;
}#end foreach
# strip the last deliminator
$line = substr($line, 0, (strlen($deliminator) * -1));
# add the newline
$line .= "\n";
# we don't care if the file pointer is invalid,
# let fputs take care of it
return $line;
}#end fputcsv()
function fputcsv ($fp, $array, $deliminator=",") {
return fputs($fp, putcsv($array,$delimitator));
}#end fputcsv()
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function is_subaction($sub,$action) {
return (bool)($_GET["sub"] == $sub) && ($_GET["action"] == $action);
many thanks in advance
fputcsv() is a built in PHP function. This means you cannot name your own function the same thing.
If you need this code to work with PHP4, just check to see if the function exists first, then if not, create your own.
if (!function_exists('fputcsv')) {
// Your definition here
money_format doesn't work on windows, at least from what I read in the manual..but I was given this app, wherein it uses money_format(), i guess it doesn't have a problem on a production server because probably it's using linux. but I can't develop it in my local coz it throws a fatal error..any alternative built-in function for this? or any code snippets you might wanna share to me?
<?php echo money_format('%n', $_SESSION["shoppingbag"]->getSubTotal()); ?>
Try this: (source)
That it is an implementation of the function money_format for the
platforms that do not it bear.
The function accepts to same string of format accepts for the
original function of the PHP.
(Sorry. my writing in English is very bad)
The function is tested using PHP 5.1.4 in Windows XP
and Apache WebServer.
function money_format($format, $number)
$regex = '/%((?:[\^!\-]|\+|\(|\=.)*)([0-9]+)?'.
if (setlocale(LC_MONETARY, 0) == 'C') {
setlocale(LC_MONETARY, '');
$locale = localeconv();
preg_match_all($regex, $format, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
foreach ($matches as $fmatch) {
$value = floatval($number);
$flags = array(
'fillchar' => preg_match('/\=(.)/', $fmatch[1], $match) ?
$match[1] : ' ',
'nogroup' => preg_match('/\^/', $fmatch[1]) > 0,
'usesignal' => preg_match('/\+|\(/', $fmatch[1], $match) ?
$match[0] : '+',
'nosimbol' => preg_match('/\!/', $fmatch[1]) > 0,
'isleft' => preg_match('/\-/', $fmatch[1]) > 0
$width = trim($fmatch[2]) ? (int)$fmatch[2] : 0;
$left = trim($fmatch[3]) ? (int)$fmatch[3] : 0;
$right = trim($fmatch[4]) ? (int)$fmatch[4] : $locale['int_frac_digits'];
$conversion = $fmatch[5];
$positive = true;
if ($value < 0) {
$positive = false;
$value *= -1;
$letter = $positive ? 'p' : 'n';
$prefix = $suffix = $cprefix = $csuffix = $signal = '';
$signal = $positive ? $locale['positive_sign'] : $locale['negative_sign'];
switch (true) {
case $locale["{$letter}_sign_posn"] == 1 && $flags['usesignal'] == '+':
$prefix = $signal;
case $locale["{$letter}_sign_posn"] == 2 && $flags['usesignal'] == '+':
$suffix = $signal;
case $locale["{$letter}_sign_posn"] == 3 && $flags['usesignal'] == '+':
$cprefix = $signal;
case $locale["{$letter}_sign_posn"] == 4 && $flags['usesignal'] == '+':
$csuffix = $signal;
case $flags['usesignal'] == '(':
case $locale["{$letter}_sign_posn"] == 0:
$prefix = '(';
$suffix = ')';
if (!$flags['nosimbol']) {
$currency = $cprefix .
($conversion == 'i' ? $locale['int_curr_symbol'] : $locale['currency_symbol']) .
} else {
$currency = '';
$space = $locale["{$letter}_sep_by_space"] ? ' ' : '';
$value = number_format($value, $right, $locale['mon_decimal_point'],
$flags['nogroup'] ? '' : $locale['mon_thousands_sep']);
$value = #explode($locale['mon_decimal_point'], $value);
$n = strlen($prefix) + strlen($currency) + strlen($value[0]);
if ($left > 0 && $left > $n) {
$value[0] = str_repeat($flags['fillchar'], $left - $n) . $value[0];
$value = implode($locale['mon_decimal_point'], $value);
if ($locale["{$letter}_cs_precedes"]) {
$value = $prefix . $currency . $space . $value . $suffix;
} else {
$value = $prefix . $value . $space . $currency . $suffix;
if ($width > 0) {
$value = str_pad($value, $width, $flags['fillchar'], $flags['isleft'] ?
$format = str_replace($fmatch[0], $value, $format);
return $format;
Closest you can get is number_format
If you need it just to be able to develop on windows you can simply do:
if(!function_exists('money_format') {
include('Dani\'s answer.php');
echo money_format('%n', $_SESSION["shoppingbag"]->getSubTotal()); ?>