Kill background php script (shared hosting) - php

I created a script that runs in the background using the ignore_user_abort() function. However, I was foolish enough not to insert any sort of code to make the script stop and now it is sending e-mails every 30 seconds...
Is there any way to stop the script? I am in a shared hosting, so I don't have access to the command prompt, and I don't know the PID.

Is there any way to stop the script? I am in a shared hosting, so I don't have access to the command prompt, and I don't know the PID.
Then no.
But are you sure you don't have any shell access? Even via PHP? If you do, you could try....
print `ps -ef | grep php`;
...and if you can identify the process from that then....
$pid=12345; // for example.
print `kill -9 $pid`;
And even if you don't have access to run shell commands, you may be able to find the pid in /proc (on a linux system) and terminate it using the POSIX extension....
foreach ($ps as $p) {
if (is_dir($p) && is_writeable($p)) {
print "proc= " . basename($p);
$cmd=file_get_contents($p . '/cmdline');
print " / " . file_get_contents($p . '/cmdline');
if (preg_match('/(php).*(myscript.php)/',$cmd)) {
posix_kill(basename($p), SIGKILL);
print " xxxxx....";
print "\n";

I came to this thread Yesterday! I by mistake had a infinite loop in a page which was not supposed to be visited and that increased my I/O to 100 and CPU usage to 100 I/O was because of some php errors and it was getting logged and log file size was increasing beyond anyone can think.
None of the above trick worked on my shared hosting.
In cPanel, go to PHP Version (except that of current)
Select any PHP Version for time being.
And then Apply Changes.
The script which had infinite loop with some php errors was a process so I just needed to kill it, changing php version reinforce restart of services like php and Apache, and as restart was involved earlier processes were killed, and I was relaxed as I/O and CPU usage stabilized. Also, I fixed that bug before hand changing the php version :)

how did you deploy the script? surely you can just remove it (if that's an acceptable option). otherwise modify it and insert some logic to only allow it to send a mail once every n mins/hours/days based on the server time?
re. stopping the script from executing (or rather the system trying to execute it) how did you schedule it for execution? is it some type of gui to a crontab or something? can you not just undo what you did there (seeing as you have no access to the command line/terminal)?
rob ganly

Simply .
Call the support, get it cancelled.
Next time, don't execute something you can't control.


Executing php file from another php file uses too much CPU

I have read the other questions on SO with a similar title, but that's not what this question is about. I know HOW to execute a PHP script from another PHP script. The problem is, when I do so, it uses far too much CPU. I would like to know how to reduce this.
I have a simple front-controller-like script called index.php. It processes GET requests from a client and depending on the "action" parameter passed, it sends the request to the appropriate file to handle it. For example, this is a client request:"GET", serverURL + "?action=doSomething" + "&userID=" + user.ID + "&time=" + lastServerTime, true);
index.php has an array that maps the "action" parameter to the appropriate file:
exec('php ' . $url_map[$action] . ' "' . $parameter1 . '"' . ' "' . $parameter2 . '" 2>&1', $output, $return_value);
For testing purposes, I have created a PHP script that does nothing except measure CPU utilisation and dump it to a log file:
function varDumpToFile($parameter1) {
$file = 'log.txt';
$dump = $parameter1;
$output = print_r($dump, true);
file_put_contents($file, $output, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX);
varDumpToFile(`ps -eo pcpu,pid,user,args --no-headers| sort -t. -nk1,2 -k4,4 -r |head -n 5`);
This produces a log file that looks like this:
9.0 3123052 user /opt/cpanel/ea-php56/root/usr/bin/php cputest.php 10 147424 1537625595
Clearly, a PHP script shouldn't take 9% of CPU to execute. For comparison, I've run the same script directly accessing it via a GET request:
0.1 3186198 user lsphp:ic_html/dev/php/cputest.php
0.1% is more like it. But why does calling this PHP script from another PHP script use so much CPU? Is it because I have to execute a "new instance" of PHP when I exec PHP, which has a lot of overhead? If so, is there a way to exec a PHP script using an "already running" instance of PHP? Or is there another way of doing this?
I always say "when in doubt, look at PHP source code". In here, for instance. While doing exec, you have to fork the process, create a new stream, read from the input buffer, etc.
And also, while PHP is a compiled language, for the newly forked process, you must run the opcode compiler to generate opcodes (instructions similar to Java bytecode) and then execute those. You can read all about it here. In the end you run the compiler twice, for each fork separately.
Is it worth 9% of your CPU? I have no idea. Maybe. Maybe not. Who knows.
"Better solution"? Upgrade to latest version of PHP. PHP 5.6 is not supported anymore and security updates will cease in 3 months. Even better solution - keep a normal object-oriented and maintainable code without using exec. IMO, it's okay to play around with exec like you are. But if it's your production code, I pray for the souls of those, who would maintain your code after you.
Whatever which way you run your application be mod_php or fpm, they rely on having worker processes ready to manage your request. Process management is built in: they will do their best to keep as many workers idle as you specify and reuse them to avoid exactly this problem, having to fork processes at the least desirable moment.
Not only there's overhead on executing new processes, but the execution environment will be completely different too. If you look into your php configuration there will be several php.ini files, one for each specific environment. This means that one environment could have different modules enabled or different configuration outright. It's not uncommon to have cli scripts max_execution_time or memory_limit set to unlimited. This can affect resource usage on your server, but it's also a pain to maintain.
Also, since your scripts will be running in a brand new process in a different execution environment, this won't have access to some variables (like $_SERVER or $_POST) or capabilities like sending headers.
And there's this thing called shared memory. As #Alex mentions, scripts have to be compiled. If you have opcode cache enabled (which you should) the bytecode gets cached when compiled and this compilation process can be skipped if the resulting bytecode it's there already. For this to work you need to have a persistent running process that can keep this memory around. If you are creating a new process it can't access this shared area and has to do the compilation all by itself.

Running PHP file using command line as background process

I have centos VPS hosting and installed WHM/cPanel . I want to run a php script using command line for unlimited time.
My script is look like:
//code to send me email
I know that this script should be run for unlimited time.
I have used these commands:
php myfile.php &
nohup php myfile.php &
I found these commands on stackoverflow. And these are running fine. But after one hours, It stop automatically.
I think, i am doing right. But i do not know, which is killing that process.
If not,
i want to know that How to run this script for unlimited time.
What you are doing is correct. It should run. I have PHP scripts that run for much longer than an hour. They run for days on end. I also have programs that are not PHP that should run forever, but don't. It is because they die due to a bug in the program. For example, xscreensaver dies on me about once a week. To keep it running, I use this shell script (which you can use to keep your PHP running):
xscreensaver &
Now, running that shell script will start the program again if it ever dies for any reason.
If you have console access try using cronjob to run this file.
see :
also :
Make sure you use php-command in cron-job
Note : You'll require admin rights to edit/work with cron-jobs

Slow cronjobs on Cent OS 5

I have 1 cronjob that runs every 60 minutes but for some reason, recently, it is running slow.
Env: centos5 + apache2 + mysql5.5 + php 5.3.3 / raid 10/10k HDD / 16gig ram / 4 xeon processor
Here's what the cronjob do:
parse the last 60 minutes data
a) 1 process parse user agent and save the data to the database
b) 1 process parse impressions/clicks on the website and save them to the database
from the data in step 1
a) build a small report and send emails to the administrator/bussiness
b) save the report into a daily table (available in the admin section)
I see now 8 processes (the same file) when I run the command ps auxf | grep process_stats_hourly.php (found this command in stackoverflow)
Technically I should only have 1 not 8.
Is there any tool in Cent OS or something I can do to make sure my cronjob will run every hour and not overlapping the next one?
Your hardware seems to be good enough to process this.
1) Check if you already have hanging processes. Using the ps auxf (see tcurvelo answer), check if you have one or more processes that takes too much resources. Maybe you don't have enough resources to run your cronjob.
2) Check your network connections:
If your databases and your cronjob are on a different server you should check whats the response time between these two machines. Maybe you have network issues that makes the cronjob wait for the network to send the package back.
You can use: Netcat, Iperf, mtr or ttcp
3) Server configuration
Is your server is configured correctly? Your OS, MySQL are setup correctly? I would recommend to read these articles:
4) Check your database:
Make sure your database has the correct indexes and make sure your queries are optimized. Read this article about the explain command
If a query with few hundreds thousands of record takes times to execute that will affect the rest of your cronjob, if you have a query inside a loop, even worse.
Read these articles:
5) Trace and optimized PHP code?
Make sure your PHP code runs as fast as possible.
Read these articles:
A good technique to validate your cronjob is to trace your cronjob script:
Based on your cronjob process, put some debug trace including how much memory, how much time it took to execute the last process. eg:
echo "\n-------------- DEBUG --------------\n";
echo "memory (start): " . memory_get_usage(TRUE) . "\n";
$startTime = microtime(TRUE);
// some process
$end = microtime(TRUE);
echo "\n-------------- DEBUG --------------\n";
echo "memory after some process: " . memory_get_usage(TRUE) . "\n";
echo "executed time: " . ($end-$start) . "\n";
By doing that you can easily find which process takes how much memory and how long it takes to execute it.
6) External servers/web service calls
Is your cronjob calls external servers or web service? if so, make sure these are loaded as fast as possible. If you request data from a third-party server and this server takes few seconds to return an answer that will affect the speed of your cronjob specially if these calls are in loops.
Try that and let me know what you find.
The ps's output also shows when the process have started (see column STARTED).
$ ps auxf
root 2 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S 18:55 0:00 [ktrheadd]
Or you can customize the output:
$ ps axfo start,command
18:55 [ktrheadd]
Thus, you can be sure if they are overlapping.
You should use a lockfile mechanism within your process_stats_hourly.php script. Doesn't have to be anything overly complex, you could have php write the PID which started the process to a file like /var/mydir/process_stats_hourly.txt. So if it takes longer than an hour to process the stats and cron kicks off another instance of the process_stats_hourly.php script, it can check to see if the lockfile already exists, if it does it will not run.
However you are left with the problem of how to "re-queue" the hourly script if it did find the lock file and couldn't start.
You might use strace -p 1234 where 1234 is a relevant process id, on one of the processes which is running too long. Perhaps you'll understand why is it so slow, or even blocked.
Is there any tool in Cent OS or something I can do to make sure my cronjob will run every hour and not overlapping the next one?
Yes. CentOS' standard util-linux package provides a command-line convenience for filesystem locking. As Digital Precision suggested, a lockfile is an easy way to synchronize processes.
Try invoking your cronjob as follows:
flock -n /var/tmp/stats.lock process_stats_hourly.php || logger -p cron.err 'Unable to lock stats.lock'
You'll need to edit paths and adjust for $PATH as appropriate. That invocation will attempt to lock stats.lock, spawning your stats script if successful, otherwise giving up and logging the failure.
Alternatively your script could call PHP's flock() itself to achieve the same effect, but the flock(1) utility is already there for you.
How often is that logfile rotated?
A log-parsing job suddenly taking longer than usual sounds like the log isn't being rotated and is now too big for the parser to handle efficiently.
Try resetting the logfile and see if the job runs faster. If that solves the problem, I recommend logrotate as a means of preventing the problem in the future.
You could add a step to the cronjob to check the output of your above command:
ps auxf | grep process_stats_hourly.php
Keep looping until the command returns nothing, indicating that the process isn't running, then allow the remaining code to execute.

PHP and shell_exec

I have a PHP website and I would like to execute a very long Python script in background (300 MB memory and 100 seconds). The process communication is done via database: when the Python script finishes its job, it updates a field in database and then the website renders some graphics, based on the results of the Python script.
I can execute "manually" the Python script from bash (any current directory) and it works. I would like to integrate it in PHP and I tried the function shell_exec:
shell_exec("python /full/path/to/my/script") but it's not working (I don't see any output)
Do you have any ideas or suggestions? It worths to mention that the python script is a wrapper over other polyglot tools (Java mixed with C++).
shell_exec returns a string, if you run it alone it won't produce any output, so you can write:
$output = shell_exec(...);
print $output;
First off set_time_limit(0); will make your script run for ever so timeout shouldn't be an issue. Second any *exec call in PHP does NOT use the PATH by default (might depend on configuration), so your script will exit without giving any info on the problem, and it quite often ends up being that it can't find the program, in this case python. So change it to:
shell_exec("/full/path/to/python /full/path/to/my/script");
If your python script is running on it's own without problems, then it's very likely this is the problem. As for the memory, I'm pretty sure PHP won't use the same memory python is using. So if it's using 300MB PHP should stay at default (say 1MB) and just wait for the end of shell_exec.
A proplem could be that your script takes longer than the server waiting time definied for a request (can be set in the php.ini or httpd.conf).
Another issue could be that the servers account does not have the right to execute or access code or files needed for your script to run.
Found this before and helped me solve my background execution problem:
function background_exec($command)
if(substr(php_uname(), 0, 7) == 'Windows')
pclose(popen('start "background_exec" ' . $command, 'r'));
exec($command . ' > /dev/null &');
Thanks for your answers, but none of them worked :(. I decided to implement in a dirty way, using busy waiting, instead of triggering an event when a record is inserted.
I wrote a backup process that runs forever and at each iteration checks if there is something new in database. When it finds a record, it executes the script and everything is fine. The idea is that I launch the backup process from the shell.
I found that the issue when I tried this was the simple fact that I did not compile the source on the server I was running it on. By compiling on your local machine and then uploading to your server, it will be corrupted in some way. shell_exec() should work by compiling the source you are trying to run on the same server your are running the script.

Forking in PHP on Windows

We are running PHP on a Windows server (a source of many problems indeed, but migrating is not an option currently). There are a few points where a user-initiated action will need to kick off a few things that take a while and about which the user doesn't need to know if they succeed or fail, such as sending off an email or making sure some third-party accounts are updated. If I could just fork with pcntl_fork(), this would be very simple, but the PCNTL functions are not available in Windows.
It seems the closest I can get is to do something of this nature:
exec( 'php-cgi.exe somescript.php' );
However, this would be far more complicated. The actions I need to kick off rely on a lot of context that already will exist in the running process; to use the above example, I'd need to figure out the essential data and supply it to the new script in some way. If I could fork, it'd just be a matter of letting the parent process return early, leaving the child to work on a few more things.
I've found a few people talking about their own work in getting various PCNTL functions compiled on Windows, but none seemed to have anything available (broken links, etc).
Despite this question having practically the same name as mine, it seems the problem was more execution timeout than needing to fork. So, is my best option to just refactor a bit to deal with calling php-cgi, or are there other options?
Edit: It seems exec() won't work for this, at least not without me figuring some other aspect of it, as it waits until the call returns. I figured I could use START, sort of like exec( 'start php-cgi.exe somescript.php' );, but it still waits until the other script finishes.
how about installing psexec and use the -d (don't wait) option
exec('psexec -d php-cgi.exe somescript.php');
Get PSExec and run the command:
exec("psexec -d php-cgi.exe myfile.php");
PSTools are a good patch in, but I'll leave this here:
If your server runs windows 10 and it has the latest updates, you can install a Linux subsystem, which has its own Kernel that supports native forking.
This is supported by Microsoft officially.
Here's a good guide on how to do it.
Once you've installed the subsystem itself, you need to install php on the subsystem.
Your windows "c:\" drive can be found under "/mnt/c", so you can run your php from the subsystem, which supports forking (and by extension the subsystem's php can use pcntl_fork).
Example: php /mnt/c/xampp/htdocs/test.php
If you want to run the subsystem's php directly from a windows command line you can simply use the "wsl" command.
Assuming you're running this from under "C:\xampp\htdocs\"
Example: wsl php main.php
The "wsl" command will resolve the path for you, so you don't need to do any dark magic, if you call the command under c:\xampp\htdocs, the subsystem will resolve it as "/mnt/c/xampp/htdocs/".
If you're running your server as an apache server, you don't really need to do anything extra, just stop the windows apache server and start the linux one and you're done.
Obviously you'll need to install all the missing php modules that you need on the subsystem.
You can create a daemon/background process to run the code (e.g. sending emails) and the request would just have to add items to the queue, let the deamon do the heavy lifting.
For example, a file send_emails.bat:
C:\PHP533\php.exe D:\web\server.php
open windows task scheduler, and have the above send_emails.bat run every 30 minutes. Make sure only one instance runs at a time or you might run each task in multiples, or send each email twice. I say 30 minutes in case something breaks temporarily (memory issues, database unavailable, etc), it will re-start every 30 minutes rather than having a never ending process that just stops. The following is a skeleton daemon... not complete or tested I am just typing out an example:
set_time_limit(60*30); // don't run
$keepgoing = true;
$timeout = time()+ 60*29; // 29 minutes
while(time() < $timeout)
// grab emails from database
$result = $db->query('select subject, body, to_email FROM email_queue');
if($result->num_rows == 0)
sleep(10); // so we are not taxing the database
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc())
// send email
Finally you just need the request to add the item to the queue in a database, and let the daemon handle the heavy lifting.
$db->query('insert into email_queue(to,subject,body) values ('','important email','<b>html body!</b>');
