I'm struggling to find a way to convert my object to the correct format.
I want to replace a function that we currently use on generating detailed array, as you can see below everything is static.
private function departmentArray($content=[])
return [ static::$A_DEPT_ID => $content
, static::$O_DEPT_ID => $content
A sample result when that runs is this
I converted the method
private function departmentArray($content=[])
$depts = d::getAllMainDepartment();
$dept_array = [];
foreach ($depts as $dept) {
$dept_array[] = array($dept->id => $content);
return $dept_array;
The resulting format looks like this
How can I maintain the same format on the first version of code?
You don't push into an associative array, you use the new key as an index.
$dept_array[$dept->id] = $content;
I have a huge JSON-string with +/-300 items. A shortened example:
$array = json_decode($json,true); // i will convert this into a array.
But how can i get only the row where VehicleNumber the same is as VehicleNumber 2335?
You can simply use array_filter like as
$array = json_decode($json,true);
$resulted_array = array_filter($array,function($v){ return ($v['VehicleNumber'] == 2335);});
Pretty much the same as Uchiha's answer, but using an anonymous class as a FilterIterator.
In this scenario it only adds (unnecessary) complexity (esp since json_decode(,true) returns an array and therefore the whole data is in memory anyway). But if you have a large amount of data and you can receive it step by step, iterators and/or generators might come in handy ;-)
$data = json_decode(data(), true);
$it = new class(new ArrayIterator($data)) extends FilterIterator {
public function accept() { return '2335'==$this->current()['VehicleNumber']; }
foreach($it as $v) {
function data() {
return <<< eoj
I'm trying to process some decoded json data using the PHP implementation of JSONPath (http://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/).
I'm fine with using an expression to FIND data in the decoded JSON, but I'd like to be able to SET data using a JSONPath expression. Has anyone been able to do this in PHP using JSONPath, if so, how?
It seems that this implementation of JSONPath does not support set operations.
I've written a simple function that can be added to jsonPath.php to add this functionality. I've pasted it here in case it might be of use to anyone else:
* #param array $obj Decoded json file to alter
* #param string $expr JSONPath expression (http://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/)
* #param mixed $value Value to set all matching entries to
function jsonPathSet(&$obj, $expr, $value)
$paths = jsonPath($obj, $expr, array('resultType' => 'PATH'));
$jsonPath = new JsonPath();
foreach ($paths as $path) {
$p = $jsonPath->normalize($path);
$keys = explode(';', $p);
$current = &$obj;
foreach ($keys as $key) {
if($key=='$') {
} else if (is_array($current)) {
$current = &$current[$key];
} else {
$current = &$current->$key;
$current = $value;
Thanks to Mike Brant for the suggestions!
In briefly looking at the documentation, it would appear that JSONPath doesn't support set operations. If one were so inclined, I would imagine that you could modify JSONPath to optionally return an array of pointers (i.e. object references) as a resultType such that you could operate on the values directly.
Is there a way to convert a multidimensional array to a stdClass object in PHP?
Casting as (object) doesn't seem to work recursively. json_decode(json_encode($array)) produces the result I'm looking for, but there has to be a better way...
As far as I can tell, there is no prebuilt solution for this, so you can just roll your own:
function array_to_object($array) {
$obj = new stdClass();
foreach ($array as $k => $v) {
if (strlen($k)) {
if (is_array($v)) {
$obj->{$k} = array_to_object($v); //RECURSION
} else {
$obj->{$k} = $v;
return $obj;
I know this answer is coming late but I'll post it for anyone who's looking for a solution.
Instead of all this looping etc, you can use PHP's native json_* function. I've got a couple of handy functions that I use a lot
* Convert an array into a stdClass()
* #param array $array The array we want to convert
* #return object
function arrayToObject($array)
// First we convert the array to a json string
$json = json_encode($array);
// The we convert the json string to a stdClass()
$object = json_decode($json);
return $object;
* Convert a object to an array
* #param object $object The object we want to convert
* #return array
function objectToArray($object)
// First we convert the object into a json string
$json = json_encode($object);
// Then we convert the json string to an array
$array = json_decode($json, true);
return $array;
Hope this can be helpful
You and many others have pointed to the JSON built-in functions, json_decode() and json_encode(). The method which you have mentioned works, but not completely: it won't convert indexed arrays to objects, and they will remain as indexed arrays. However, there is a trick to overcome this problem. You can use JSON_FORCE_OBJECT constant:
// Converts an array to an object recursively
$object = json_decode(json_encode($array, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT));
Tip: Also, as mentioned here, you can convert an object to array recursively using JSON functions:
// Converts an object to an array recursively
$array = json_decode(json_encode($object), true));
Important Note: If you do care about performance, do not use this method. While it is short and clean, but it is the slowest among alternatives. See my other answer in this thread relating this.
function toObject($array) {
$obj = new stdClass();
foreach ($array as $key => $val) {
$obj->$key = is_array($val) ? toObject($val) : $val;
return $obj;
You can use the array_map recursively:
public static function _arrayToObject($array) {
return is_array($array) ? (object) array_map([__CLASS__, __METHOD__], $array) : $array;
Works perfect for me since it doesn't cast for example Carbon objects to a basic stdClass (which the json encode/decode does)
* Recursively converts associative arrays to stdClass while keeping integer keys subarrays as arrays
* (lists of scalar values or collection of objects).
function a2o( array $array ) {
$resultObj = new \stdClass;
$resultArr = array();
$hasIntKeys = false;
$hasStrKeys = false;
foreach ( $array as $k => $v ) {
if ( !$hasIntKeys ) {
$hasIntKeys = is_int( $k );
if ( !$hasStrKeys ) {
$hasStrKeys = is_string( $k );
if ( $hasIntKeys && $hasStrKeys ) {
$e = new \Exception( 'Current level has both integer and string keys, thus it is impossible to keep array or convert to object' );
$e->vars = array( 'level' => $array );
throw $e;
if ( $hasStrKeys ) {
$resultObj->{$k} = is_array( $v ) ? a2o( $v ) : $v;
} else {
$resultArr[$k] = is_array( $v ) ? a2o( $v ) : $v;
return ($hasStrKeys) ? $resultObj : $resultArr;
Some of the other solutions posted here fail to tell apart sequential arrays (what would be [] in JS) from maps ({} in JS.) For many use cases it's important to tell apart PHP arrays that have all sequential numeric keys, which should be left as such, from PHP arrays that have no numeric keys, which should be converted to objects. (My solutions below are undefined for arrays that don't fall in the above two categories.)
The json_decode(json_encode($x)) method does handle the two types correctly, but is not the fastest solution. It's still decent though, totaling 25µs per run on my sample data (averaged over 1M runs, minus the loop overhead.)
I benchmarked a couple of variations of the recursive converter and ended up with the following. It rebuilds all arrays and objects (performing a deep copy) but seems to be faster than alternative solutions that modify the arrays in place. It clocks at 11µs per execution on my sample data:
function array_to_object($x) {
if (!is_array($x)) {
return $x;
} elseif (is_numeric(key($x))) {
return array_map(__FUNCTION__, $x);
} else {
return (object) array_map(__FUNCTION__, $x);
Here is an in-place version. It may be faster on some large input data where only small parts need to be converted, but on my sample data it took 15µs per execution:
function array_to_object_inplace(&$x) {
if (!is_array($x)) {
array_walk($x, __FUNCTION__);
if (!is_numeric(key($x))) {
$x = (object) $x;
I did not try out solutions using array_walk_recursive()
public static function _arrayToObject($array) {
$json = json_encode($array);
$object = json_decode($json);
return $object
Because the performance is mentioned, and in fact it should be important in many places, I tried to benchmark functions answered here.
You can see the code and sample data here in this gist. The results are tested with the data exists there (a random JSON file, around 200 KB in size), and each function repeated one thousand times, for the results to be more accurate.
Here are the results for different PHP configurations:
PHP 7.4.16 (no JIT)
$ php -dopcache.enable_cli=1 benchmark.php
pureRecursive(): Completed in 0.000560s
pureRecursivePreservingIntKeys(): Completed in 0.000580s
jsonEncode(): Completed in 0.002045s
jsonEncodeOptimized(): Completed in 0.002060s
jsonEncodeForceObject(): Completed in 0.002174s
arrayMap(): Completed in 0.000561s
arrayMapPreservingIntKeys(): Completed in 0.000592s
arrayWalkInplaceWrapper(): Completed in 0.001016s
PHP 8.0.2 (no JIT)
$ php -dopcache.enable_cli=1 benchmark.php
pureRecursive(): Completed in 0.000535s
pureRecursivePreservingIntKeys(): Completed in 0.000578s
jsonEncode(): Completed in 0.001991s
jsonEncodeOptimized(): Completed in 0.001990s
jsonEncodeForceObject(): Completed in 0.002164s
arrayMap(): Completed in 0.000579s
arrayMapPreservingIntKeys(): Completed in 0.000615s
arrayWalkInplaceWrapper(): Completed in 0.001040s
PHP 8.0.2 (tracing JIT)
$ php -dopcache.enable_cli=1 -dopcache.jit_buffer_size=250M -dopcache.jit=tracing benchmark.php
pureRecursive(): Completed in 0.000422s
pureRecursivePreservingIntKeys(): Completed in 0.000410s
jsonEncode(): Completed in 0.002004s
jsonEncodeOptimized(): Completed in 0.001997s
jsonEncodeForceObject(): Completed in 0.002094s
arrayMap(): Completed in 0.000577s
arrayMapPreservingIntKeys(): Completed in 0.000593s
arrayWalkInplaceWrapper(): Completed in 0.001012s
As you see, the fastest method with this benchmark is pure recursive PHP functions (posted by #JacobRelkin and #DmitriySintsov), especially when it comes to the JIT compiler. When it comes to json_* functions, they are the slowest ones. They are about 3x-4x (in the case of JIT, 5x) slower than the pure method, which may seem unbelievable.
One thing to note: If you remove iterations (i.e. run each function only one time), or even strictly lower its count, the results would differ. In such cases, arrayMap*() variants win over pureRecursive*() ones (still json_* functions method should be the slowest). But, you should simply ignore these cases. In the terms of performance, scalability is much more important.
As a result, in the case of converting arrays to object (and vice versa?), you should always use pure PHP functions, resulting in the best performance, perhaps independent from your configurations.
The simpliest way to convert an associative array to object is:
First encode it in json, then decode it.
like $objectArray = json_decode(json_encode($associtiveArray));
Here's a function to do an in-place deep array-to-object conversion that uses PHP internal (shallow) array-to-object type casting mechanism.
It creates new objects only when necessary, minimizing data duplication.
function toObject($array) {
foreach ($array as $key=>$value)
if (is_array($value))
$array[$key] = toObject($value);
return (object)$array;
Warning - do not use this code if there is a risk of having circular references.
Here is a smooth way to do it that can handle an associative array with great depth and doesn't overwrite object properties that are not in the array.
function setPropsViaArray( $a, $o )
foreach ( $a as $k => $v )
if ( is_array( $v ) )
$o->{$k} = setPropsViaArray( $v, ! empty ( $o->{$k} ) ? $o->{$k} : new stdClass() );
$o->{$k} = $v;
return $o;
setPropsViaArray( $newArrayData, $existingObject );
Late, but just wanted to mention that you can use the JSON encoding/decoding to convert fully from/to array:
//convert object $object into array
$array = json_decode(json_encode($object), true);
//convert array $array into object
$object = json_decode(json_encode($array));
json_encode and json_decode functions are available starting from php 5.2
EDIT: This function is conversion from object to array.
From https://forrst.com/posts/PHP_Recursive_Object_to_Array_good_for_handling-0ka
protected function object_to_array($obj)
$arrObj = is_object($obj) ? get_object_vars($obj) : $obj;
foreach ($arrObj as $key => $val) {
$val = (is_array($val) || is_object($val)) ? $this->object_to_array($val) : $val;
$arr[$key] = $val;
return $arr;
I was looking for a way that acts like json_decode(json_encode($array))
The problem with most other recursive functions here is that they also convert sequential arrays into objects. However, the JSON variant does not do this by default. It only converts associative arrays into objects.
The following implementation works for me like the JSON variant:
function is_array_assoc ($arr) {
if (!is_array($arr)) return false;
foreach (array_keys($arr) as $k => $v) if ($k !== $v) return true;
return false;
// json_decode(json_encode($array))
function array_to_object ($arr) {
if (!is_array($arr) && !is_object($arr)) return $arr;
$arr = array_map(__FUNCTION__, (array)$arr);
return is_array_assoc($arr) ? (object)$arr : $arr;
// json_decode(json_encode($array, true))
// json_decode(json_encode($array, JSON_OBJECT_AS_ARRAY))
function object_to_array ($obj) {
if (!is_object($obj) && !is_array($obj)) return $obj;
return array_map(__FUNCTION__, (array)$obj);
If you want to have the functions as a class:
class ArrayUtils {
public static function isArrAssoc ($arr) {
if (!is_array($arr)) return false;
foreach (array_keys($arr) as $k => $v) if ($k !== $v) return true;
return false;
// json_decode(json_encode($array))
public static function arrToObj ($arr) {
if (!is_array($arr) && !is_object($arr)) return $arr;
$arr = array_map([__CLASS__, __METHOD__], (array)$arr);
return self::isArrAssoc($arr) ? (object)$arr : $arr;
// json_decode(json_encode($array, true))
// json_decode(json_encode($array, JSON_OBJECT_AS_ARRAY))
public static function objToArr ($obj) {
if (!is_object($obj) && !is_array($obj)) return $obj;
return array_map([__CLASS__, __METHOD__], (array)$obj);
If anyone finds any mistakes please let me know.
* Convert a multidimensional array to an object recursively.
* For any arrays inside another array, the result will be an array of objects.
* #author Marcos Freitas
* #param array|any $props
* #return array|any
function array_to_object($props, $preserve_array_indexes = false) {
$obj = new \stdClass();
if (!is_array($props)) {
return $props;
foreach($props as $key => $value) {
if (is_numeric($key) && !$preserve_array_indexes) {
if(!is_array($obj)) {
$obj = [];
$obj[] = $this->array_to_object($value);
$obj->{$key} = is_array($value) ? $this->array_to_object($value) : $value;
return $obj;
The shortest I could come up with:
array_walk_recursive($obj, function (&$val) { if (is_object($val)) $val = get_object_vars($val); });
From this question here, I was writing an enum wrapper to have some methods that can be used with lambdas to somewhat emulate ruby's usage of blocks in enums.
class enum {
public $arr;
function __construct($array) {
$this->arr = $array;
function each($lambda) {
array_walk($this->arr, $lambda);
function find_all($lambda) {
return array_filter($this->arr, $lambda);
function inject($lambda, $initial=null) {
if ($initial == null) {
$first = array_shift($this->arr);
$result = array_reduce($this->arr, $lambda, $first);
array_unshift($this->arr, $first);
return $result;
} else {
return array_reduce($this->arr, $lambda, $initial);
$list = new enum(array(-1, 3, 4, 5, -7));
$list->each(function($a) { print $a . "\n";});
// in PHP you can also assign a closure to a variable
$pos = function($a) { return ($a < 0) ? false : true;};
$positives = $list->find_all($pos);
Now, how could I implement inject() as elegantly as possible?
EDIT: method implemented as seen above. Usage examples:
// inject() examples
$list = new enum(range(5, 10));
$sum = $list->inject(function($sum, $n) { return $sum+$n; });
$product = $list->inject(function($acc, $n) { return $acc*$n; }, 1);
$list = new enum(array('cat', 'sheep', 'bear'));
$longest = $list->inject(function($memo, $word) {
return (strlen($memo) > strlen($word)) ? $memo : $word; }
I'm not familiar with Ruby, but from the description, it seems similar to array_reduce.
mixed array_reduce ( array $input , callback $function [, mixed $initial = NULL ] )
array_reduce() applies iteratively the function function to the elements of the array input, so as to reduce the array to a single value.
In addition to "reduce", this operation is also sometimes called "fold"; in Mathematica:
Fold[f, init, {a, b, c, d}] == f[f[f[f[init, a], b], c], d]
The second form uses the first element of the collection as a the initial value (and skips that element while iterating).
This second form can be implemented this way:
//$arr is the initial array
$first = array_shift($arr);
$result = array_reduce($arr, $callback, $first);
Response to Mladen
The array functions in PHP cannot be used that way because they can only work with arrays, not arbitrary objects.
There are a few options here:
You could convert the object into an array prior to passing it to array_reduce. In practice, this doesn't have much value because the conversion consists of creating an array with the object properties as elements. This behavior can only be changed internally (writing a native extension).
You could have all your objects implement an interface with a method toArray that would have to be called priorly to passing it to array_reduce. Not a great idea, either.
You could implement a version of array_reduce that works with any Traversable object. This would be easy to do, but you couldn't put a Traversable type hint in the function declaration since arrays are not objects. With such a hint, every array would have to be encapsulated in an ArrayIterator object prior to the function call.